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US president could have a rival assassinated and not be criminally prosecuted, Trump’s lawyer argues

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11 hours ago, robosmith said:

Sorry, you don't get to make any judgements about that. 

But keep on posting your stupid rants; cause it only discredits the MAGA CULT.

There's only one cult in this country and it's all Left all of the time. ;)


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17 hours ago, Rebound said:

An emolument is not a gift. 

OK, I think we can agree on this then:

1. You're hung up on the exact letter of the law, you think that morality and common sense don't factor into this at all, and it's all binary to you: i.e. all violations of the emoluments clause are the exact same no matter what the circumstances are.

I find that weird because leftists are all about activist judges ignoring laws that are on the books and just ruling by how 'Muh feels'. You say things like: "Sure, Clinesmith altered an email to change its meaning to the exact opposite of what it was, then gave it to a FISA court judge in order to get a warrant to spy on the president, but the main thing is that he felt like it was the right thing to do, so it's not really a crime. It's ok that he didn't go to jail and he wasn't even disbarred."

2. I feel like there's always a lot of grey area in criminal cases, and I think that's why there's not just one exact sentence for every crime, so Judges have to sentence each individual crime based on their own merits. For example, two people could commit manslaughter, and one might get 25 years in jail while the other got 1 year, and I think that could be fair. Maybe one guy is a huge bouncer with a long rap sheet for violent crime who shoves a little drunk guy, the guy shoves him back, and the bouncer jumps on him and pummels him 'til he's unconscious, then smashes his head on the ground 5 times until there are brains everywhere. 25 years. The other 'murderer' is a normal guy who tells someone to stop hitting in wife for the 3rd time and then pushes him back into a wall (common assault), the other guy swings at him, buddy dodges it and punches the other guy once and the guy falls awkwardly, hitting his head. Dead. But this perp only gets 1 year in jail. That's two 'manslaughter cases', both guilty, yet with entirely different sentences. They both violated the exact same laws, but they're not deemed 'equally wrong' in the eyes of the law. Get it?


By your interesting set of values and morals, you think that Hunter's absolute gift of $1M plus from Burisma - in exchange for Joe's help - is the exact same as Trump renting his hotel out to people in the exact same way in 2017 as he did in 2015. Trump should have given up his business and/or started banning foreigners from visiting his hotels when he was elected. If that means that he couldn't pay his own bills and he'd have to give up most of his personal assets, so be it. 

in my eyes, earning money for your family when you're in the WH, in the exact same way that you earned money before being in the WH, is normal, and using the power of the WH to help individuals escape prosecution, in exchange for a small fortune being gifted to your family, is not normal.  


So, do we agree to disagree now? This looks like it's settled.

Edited by WestCanMan
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31 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

OK, I think we can agree on this then:

1. You're hung up on the exact letter of the law, you think that morality and common sense don't factor into this at all, and it's all binary to you: i.e. all violations of the emoluments clause are the exact same no matter what the circumstances are.

I find that weird because leftists are all about activist judges ignoring laws that are on the books and just ruling by how 'Muh feels'. You say things like: "Sure, Clinesmith altered an email to change its meaning to the exact opposite of what it was, then gave it to a FISA court judge in order to get a warrant to spy on the president, but the main thing is that he felt like it was the right thing to do, so it's not really a crime. It's ok that he didn't go to jail and he wasn't even disbarred."

2. I feel like there's always a lot of grey area in criminal cases, and I think that's why there's not just one exact sentence for every crime, so Judges have to sentence each individual crime based on their own merits. For example, two people could commit manslaughter, and one might get 25 years in jail while the other got 1 year, and I think that could be fair. Maybe one guy is a huge bouncer with a long rap sheet for violent crime who shoves a little drunk guy, the guy shoves him back, and the bouncer jumps on him and pummels him 'til he's unconscious, then smashes his head on the ground 5 times until there are brains everywhere. 25 years. The other 'murderer' is a normal guy who tells someone to stop hitting in wife for the 3rd time and then pushes him back into a wall (common assault), the other guy swings at him, buddy dodges it and punches the other guy once and the guy falls awkwardly, hitting his head. Dead. But this perp only gets 1 year in jail. That's two 'manslaughter cases', both guilty, yet with entirely different sentences. They both violated the exact same laws, but they're not deemed 'equally wrong' in the eyes of the law. Get it?


By your interesting set of values and morals, you think that Hunter's absolute gift of $1M plus from Burisma - in exchange for Joe's help - is the exact same as Trump renting his hotel out to people in the exact same way in 2017 as he did in 2015. Trump should have given up his business and/or started banning foreigners from visiting his hotels when he was elected. If that means that he couldn't pay his own bills and he'd have to give up most of his personal assets, so be it. 

in my eyes, earning money for your family when you're in the WH, in the exact same way that you earned money before being in the WH, is normal, and using the power of the WH to help individuals escape prosecution, in exchange for a small fortune being gifted to your family, is not normal.  


So, do we agree to disagree now? This looks like it's settled.

If Joe Biden performed official acts for Burisma because his son was being paid by them, I believe it’s a crime. But there’s no evidence.  Firing prosecutor Slotkin is not evidence because it was very clear that many entities in the U.S. government and outside the U.S. government wanted him fired. 

However, Donald Trump was prohibited from accepting money from foreign governments while he was President. That’s the law. Not the letter of the law, that IS the law.  Trump’s hotel should have refused business with foreign government officials in order to comply with the law. Most Presidents and Vice Presidents put their assets into blind trusts in order to comply.  

Edited by Rebound
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16 minutes ago, Rebound said:

If Joe Biden performed official acts for Burisma because his son was being paid by them, I believe it’s a crime. But there’s no evidence.  Firing prosecutor Slotkin is not evidence because it was very clear that many entities in the U.S. government and outside the U.S. government wanted him fired. 

However, Donald Trump was prohibited from accepting money from foreign governments while he was President. That’s the law. Not the letter of the law, that IS the law.  Trump’s hotel should have refused business with foreign government officials in order to comply with the law. Most Presidents and Vice Presidents put their assets into blind trusts in order to comply.  

Blind trusts are the bare minimum ethical requirements. Most POTUS DIVEST their investments.

Even Cabinet members like Tillerson sold his Exxon stock.

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50 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

By your interesting set of values and morals, you think that Hunter's absolute gift of $1M plus from Burisma - in exchange for Joe's help - 

There was NO "Joe's help" for Burisma and you've presented NO evidence that Joe was NOT acting on direction from the WH to implement OFFICIAL US policy.


50 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

is the exact same as Trump renting his hotel out to people in the exact same way in 2017 as he did in 2015.

Except it WAS NOT "exact same way." His business with foreign dignitaries EXPLODED. Some even paid for unoccupied rooms. AKA, pure profit.

50 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Trump should have given up his business and/or started banning foreigners from visiting his hotels when he was elected. If that means that he couldn't pay his own bills and he'd have to give up most of his personal assets, so be it. 

That is the sacrifice EXPECTED of men who SERVE THEIR COUNTRY as POTUS.

Everyone else did that.

50 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

in my eyes, earning money for your family when you're in the WH, in the exact same way that you earned money before being in the WH, is normal, and using the power of the WH to help individuals escape prosecution, in exchange for a small fortune being gifted to your family, is not normal.  

Nope. Sacrifice of personal businesses is the EXPECTED standard for POTUS and OTHERS like Tillerson.

50 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

So, do we agree to disagree now? This looks like it's settled.

^Pure fantasy.

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1 minute ago, Rebound said:

If Joe Biden performed official acts for Burisma because his son was being paid by them, I believe it’s a crime.

His son wasn't even an employee of Burisma until Joe was tasked with 'cleaning up corruption in Ukraine so that they could join NATO'. 

Hunter only got that job because Burisma/Zloch needed help.

If Kamala Harris or Hillary Clinton were there, do you think Hunter was even on Burisma's radar? 


But there’s no evidence.  


Why was Joe so adamant that he wasn't aware of/involved in any of Hunter's massively lucrative overseas ventures, when he clearly was? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/records-released-house-republicans-show-joe-biden-repeatedly-emailed-h-rcna130682

Before you read the excerpt below, know that Eric Schwerin is a long-time friend of Hunter's, he was the president of Rosemont-Seneca - one of Hunter's 2 overseas ventures that Joe angrily stated that he didn't know about, and Hunter was a founder - he's the family planner for Joe Biden/the Biden family, he visited Joe's home t least 13 times, visited the WH officially at least 27 times while Joe was VP, etc...

  • All told, then-Vice President Biden emailed Schwerin 35 times before and after his 2014 trips to Ukraine. Five emails were exchanged just prior to a trip by Vice President Biden to Ukraine on June 7, 2014, and 27 emails were sent from the end of June to a second trip to Ukraine by Biden on Nov. 21, 2014. 

    The bulk of the communication occurred in the lead-up to and following an agreement for Hunter Biden to serve on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma.

But Joe "didn't know about Hunter's overseas dealing"... 🤣

Joe also met Devon Archer when DA was on Burisma's board with Hunter, something that Joe only admitted to after the golf picture came out... Why all the false denials? Was he hiding something?

From the NY POST:


Archer confirmed that Joe Biden attended an April 2015 dinner in Washington with Burisma board adviser Vadym Pozharskyi and said that Hunter stepped away from a December 2015 meeting in Dubai to call his father, joined by both Pozharskyi and Zlochevsky. 

So Joe absolutely lied, vociferously, about his intimate dealings with Hunter's overseas business dealing.

Now the question of why did Joe fire the guy who had just won court orders against Zlochevsky?

By what standards was Shokin's success in court considered "Not prosecuting corruption"?

Why did Joe get to unilaterally "select the new guy", ie the new top prosecutor in Ukraine? Does he appoint our unelected officials as well? 

Why do I have to tell you all of these things? Why do your sources keep it all secret? 

Why is it that all of the things I say are always true, and Joe/the Dems/BLM/CNN/the FBI etc can't say the same thing? Am I smarter than all of them? Do I have better sources (while it may seem like I do, I'm only getting information within the public domain)?

Why haven't you looked into any of this yourself? Why is your next thing always to deny, distract, deny, distract, etc...?


Firing prosecutor Slotkin is not evidence because it was very clear that many entities in the U.S. government and outside the U.S. government wanted him fired. 

That's only a narrative. People just said that. 

"People inside the US gov't" were clearly making a lot of money from Burisma, and we only know that because Joe ran his stupid mouth. People from outside the US gov't were feeding like pigs at the trough as well. An ex-prez of Poland was also on the board of Burisma.And Burisma is just one company. How many other companies were funnelling money to a Biden or a Bush or a Clinton or an Obama?

What you said is not actual proof anything, such as "Shokin won court orders seizing Zlochevsky's assets in Ukraine". 

I made a declarative statement of proven fact. I proved that direct action against Zlochevsky/Burisma occurred as a result of Shokin's actions, 3 weeks before Shokin was fired. 



Shokin’s office won a court order to seize Zlochevsky’s property on Feb. 2, 2016, the Kyiv Post reported at the time. Shokin was fired on March 29.

You have a narrative that Shokin was doing nothing, I have absolute proof that Shokin was all over Burisma/Zlochevsky. Who do you think is right: the known liars in DC, or me? OH SNAP!

Sorry, I have proof, they just have words that are ringing more and more hollow every single day. 

Same NY Post article:


An FBI informant file released publicly last month said that Zlochevsky claimed in 2016 that he was “coerced” into paying $5 million apiece in bribes to Joe and Hunter Biden in exchange for Shokin’s ouster.

I'm not gonna take Zloch's word for everything, or anything for that matter, because he's a known slime, but by the same token, you sure do believe a lot of the things that Joe and Hunter are saying despite the fact that they were proven to be lying constantly about this.


Here's a ribbon and a bow on part of this:

Hunter and Archer joined Burisma in 2014.

From NY Post:


Former Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer, who also joined Burisma’s board in 2014, told the House Oversight Committee in an interview on July 31 that Burisma added Hunter to its board so that “people would be intimidated to mess with them … legally.”

This part jives perfectly with Hunter's own infamous videotaped admission, [paraphrasing] "all of the jobs I got were because of who my dad was". 

March 2 2016, a couple years later, Shokin seizes Zloch's assets, then Joe Biden goes silverback on him, and puts someone else in his place, a year later Zloch is reunited n Ukraine with his assets. "Thank you Biden's prosecutor."


An interesting tidbit from the NYPOST article: 


Hunter Biden was the same age as Schwerin and fresh out of Yale Law School, where he had won admission after President Clinton personally lobbied Dean Guido Calabresi to admit him.

🤣 Dems being Dems...



Side note, I was citing two NY Post articles, and some of the things that I attributed to the article above may have come from https://nypost.com/2022/04/30/who-is-eric-schwerin-what-to-know-about-hunter-bidens-business-partner/.

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3 hours ago, Rebound said:

If Joe Biden performed official acts for Burisma because his son was being paid by them, I believe it’s a crime. But there’s no evidence.

But there is evidence.  There's a great deal of evidence that people were giving hunter money believing that they were buying favor from biden and that a percentage of that money was being given to biden.  "the big guy".  There is evidence of that.

Evidence is not the same as a conviction but you can't dismiss it like that.

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6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

His son wasn't even an employee of Burisma until Joe was tasked with 'cleaning up corruption in Ukraine so that they could join NATO'. 

Hunter only got that job because Burisma/Zloch needed help.

If Kamala Harris or Hillary Clinton were there, do you think Hunter was even on Burisma's radar? 


Why was Joe so adamant that he wasn't aware of/involved in any of Hunter's massively lucrative overseas ventures, when he clearly was? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/records-released-house-republicans-show-joe-biden-repeatedly-emailed-h-rcna130682

Before you read the excerpt below, know that Eric Schwerin is a long-time friend of Hunter's, he was the president of Rosemont-Seneca - one of Hunter's 2 overseas ventures that Joe angrily stated that he didn't know about, and Hunter was a founder - he's the family planner for Joe Biden/the Biden family, he visited Joe's home t least 13 times, visited the WH officially at least 27 times while Joe was VP, etc...

  • All told, then-Vice President Biden emailed Schwerin 35 times before and after his 2014 trips to Ukraine. Five emails were exchanged just prior to a trip by Vice President Biden to Ukraine on June 7, 2014, and 27 emails were sent from the end of June to a second trip to Ukraine by Biden on Nov. 21, 2014. 

    The bulk of the communication occurred in the lead-up to and following an agreement for Hunter Biden to serve on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma.

But Joe "didn't know about Hunter's overseas dealing"... 🤣

Joe also met Devon Archer when DA was on Burisma's board with Hunter, something that Joe only admitted to after the golf picture came out... Why all the false denials? Was he hiding something?

From the NY POST:

So Joe absolutely lied, vociferously, about his intimate dealings with Hunter's overseas business dealing.

Now the question of why did Joe fire the guy who had just won court orders against Zlochevsky?

By what standards was Shokin's success in court considered "Not prosecuting corruption"?

Why did Joe get to unilaterally "select the new guy", ie the new top prosecutor in Ukraine? Does he appoint our unelected officials as well? 

Why do I have to tell you all of these things? Why do your sources keep it all secret? 

Why is it that all of the things I say are always true, and Joe/the Dems/BLM/CNN/the FBI etc can't say the same thing? Am I smarter than all of them? Do I have better sources (while it may seem like I do, I'm only getting information within the public domain)?

Why haven't you looked into any of this yourself? Why is your next thing always to deny, distract, deny, distract, etc...?

That's only a narrative. People just said that. 

"People inside the US gov't" were clearly making a lot of money from Burisma, and we only know that because Joe ran his stupid mouth. People from outside the US gov't were feeding like pigs at the trough as well. An ex-prez of Poland was also on the board of Burisma.And Burisma is just one company. How many other companies were funnelling money to a Biden or a Bush or a Clinton or an Obama?

What you said is not actual proof anything, such as "Shokin won court orders seizing Zlochevsky's assets in Ukraine". 

I made a declarative statement of proven fact. I proved that direct action against Zlochevsky/Burisma occurred as a result of Shokin's actions, 3 weeks before Shokin was fired. 


You have a narrative that Shokin was doing nothing, I have absolute proof that Shokin was all over Burisma/Zlochevsky. Who do you think is right: the known liars in DC, or me? OH SNAP!

Sorry, I have proof, they just have words that are ringing more and more hollow every single day. 

Same NY Post article:

I'm not gonna take Zloch's word for everything, or anything for that matter, because he's a known slime, but by the same token, you sure do believe a lot of the things that Joe and Hunter are saying despite the fact that they were proven to be lying constantly about this.


Here's a ribbon and a bow on part of this:

Hunter and Archer joined Burisma in 2014.

From NY Post:

This part jives perfectly with Hunter's own infamous videotaped admission, [paraphrasing] "all of the jobs I got were because of who my dad was". 

March 2 2016, a couple years later, Shokin seizes Zloch's assets, then Joe Biden goes silverback on him, and puts someone else in his place, a year later Zloch is reunited n Ukraine with his assets. "Thank you Biden's prosecutor."


An interesting tidbit from the NYPOST article: 

🤣 Dems being Dems...



Side note, I was citing two NY Post articles, and some of the things that I attributed to the article above may have come from https://nypost.com/2022/04/30/who-is-eric-schwerin-what-to-know-about-hunter-bidens-business-partner/.

Nowhere have you listed a law which was broken. 

Compared to:

US Constitution says President cannot receive an emolument from a foreign nation, and Trump received $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments while President. 


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8 hours ago, robosmith said:

Everyone ELSE knows there's a MAGA CULT. Just listen to the news other than FOS LIES.

NO ONE knows there's a MAGA CULT. Left-wing nutjobs spew nonsense about it, but nobody really takes you woke cultists seriously.  

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14 hours ago, Deluge said:

NO ONE knows there's a MAGA CULT. Left-wing nutjobs spew nonsense about it, but nobody really takes you woke cultists seriously.  

You should learn how to understand EVIDENCE and take it seriously. IF you do, you might figure out that your opinions mean NOTHING.

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10 minutes ago, robosmith said:

You should learn how to understand EVIDENCE and take it seriously. IF you do, you might figure out that your opinions mean NOTHING.

I understand MANUFACTURED EVIDENCE and you woke cultists are replete with that shit. It's another reason why most Americans can't stand you people. 

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12 hours ago, Rebound said:

Nowhere have you listed a law which was broken. 

Compared to:

US Constitution says President cannot receive an emolument from a foreign nation, and Trump received $7.8 million in payments from foreign governments while President. 


OMG you're a simpleton.

That entire post was a detailed description of Joe's elaborate scam to enrich himself and his family by using the VPOTUS office. It's the exact violation of the emoluments clause that its creators were worried about when they drafted it, stupid.

The whole point of the emoluments clause is to prevent members of the US Gov't from using their offices as a tool [peddling influence] to enrich themselves, instead of for the benefit of the country.

Joe's dealings with Shokin, Zlochevsky and Burisma had nothing to do with the interests of the American people. It was done for his own personal gain and that of his family. They set up an elaborate scheme to bilk money from the Ukrainian energy sector and you are pretending that was perfectly fine.

Theoretically Joe was in Ukraine to fight corruption, but he was only taking advantage of that corruption for his own gain.  

That whole post illustrated:

  • how Joe, Hunter and their financial planner schemed to get him a job at Burisma,
  • how Joe used his office to help Burisma and its CEO get out of their legal troubles,
  • how the CEO compensated them for Joe's help,
  • how much he paid them,
  • that Joe fired a prosector in Ukraine to protect the CEO,
  • that Joe appointed a new prosecutor to get Burisma and its CEO get off the hook,
  • how successful the prosecutor that Joe fired actually was, including the date that he won court orders seizing the assets of Burisma's CEO, which completely destroys the Dems' false narrative that "Shokin was fired because he wasn't accomplishing anything"
  • the timeline of all the hirings/firings/and all the communications between Joe and everyone else, 
  • proof that Joe lied every time he said: "I didn't know anything about Hunter's overseas business dealings", including whom he contacted, how he contacted them, how often, and when

Burisma could easily be the Ukrainian word for "How to get away with violating the US Gov't emoluments clause".


Joe-> clandestine operation to enrich his family 

Rebound: "^^That's^^ awesome! Good for Joe!"


Trump -> fails to ban people from staying in his hotel

Rebound: "LOCK HIM UP!"

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4 hours ago, Deluge said:

I understand MANUFACTURED EVIDENCE and you woke cultists are replete with that shit. It's another reason why most Americans can't stand you people. 

No, you don't. Your version of "manufactured evidence" is anything which makes your MAGA CULT leader look bad.

Of course, there is a LOT of REAL EVIDENCE which does that. LMAO

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7 minutes ago, robosmith said:

No, you don't. Your version of "manufactured evidence" is anything which makes your MAGA CULT leader look bad.

Of course, there is a LOT of REAL EVIDENCE which does that. LMAO

Then why do you keep using the manufactured stuff?

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

OMG you're a simpleton.

That entire post was a detailed description of Joe's elaborate scam to enrich himself and his family by using the VPOTUS office. It's the exact violation of the emoluments clause that its creators were worried about when they drafted it, stupid.

The whole point of the emoluments clause is to prevent members of the US Gov't from using their offices as a tool [peddling influence] to enrich themselves, instead of for the benefit of the country.

Joe's dealings with Shokin, Zlochevsky and Burisma had nothing to do with the interests of the American people. It was done for his own personal gain and that of his family. They set up an elaborate scheme to bilk money from the Ukrainian energy sector and you are pretending that was perfectly fine.

Theoretically Joe was in Ukraine to fight corruption, but he was only taking advantage of that corruption for his own gain.  

That whole post illustrated:

  • how Joe, Hunter and their financial planner schemed to get him a job at Burisma,
  • how Joe used his office to help Burisma and its CEO get out of their legal troubles,
  • how the CEO compensated them for Joe's help,
  • how much he paid them,
  • that Joe fired a prosector in Ukraine to protect the CEO,
  • that Joe appointed a new prosecutor to get Burisma and its CEO get off the hook,
  • how successful the prosecutor that Joe fired actually was, including the date that he won court orders seizing the assets of Burisma's CEO, which completely destroys the Dems' false narrative that "Shokin was fired because he wasn't accomplishing anything"
  • the timeline of all the hirings/firings/and all the communications between Joe and everyone else, 
  • proof that Joe lied every time he said: "I didn't know anything about Hunter's overseas business dealings", including whom he contacted, how he contacted them, how often, and when

Burisma could easily be the Ukrainian word for "How to get away with violating the US Gov't emoluments clause".


Joe-> clandestine operation to enrich his family 

Rebound: "^^That's^^ awesome! Good for Joe!"


Trump -> fails to ban people from staying in his hotel

Rebound: "LOCK HIM UP!"

WOW! You’ve got all the evidence… if only Comer would listen!  Amazing that nobody in the US House of Representatives hasn’t found “the evidence.”  

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3 minutes ago, Rebound said:

WOW! You’ve got all the evidence… if only Comer would listen!  Amazing that nobody in the US House of Representatives hasn’t found “the evidence.”  

He's mistaking his gish gallop of OPINIONS for "evidence."

I've heard that the House Republicons believe their "impeachment inquiry" will allow an enforceable subpoena of ALL of Joe's bank records.

I guess no one told them that won't be a substitute for probable cause to go on a FISHING EXPEDITION. LMAO

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2 hours ago, Rebound said:

WOW! You’ve got all the evidence… if only Comer would listen!  Amazing that nobody in the US House of Representatives hasn’t found “the evidence.”  

You've got it all. What do you think? Do you think that the Bidens weren't peddling influence?

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10 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

OMG you're a simpleton.

That entire post was a detailed description of Joe's elaborate scam to enrich himself and his family by using the VPOTUS office. It's the exact violation of the emoluments clause that its creators were worried about when they drafted it, stupid.

The whole point of the emoluments clause is to prevent members of the US Gov't from using their offices as a tool [peddling influence] to enrich themselves, instead of for the benefit of the country.

Joe's dealings with Shokin, Zlochevsky and Burisma had nothing to do with the interests of the American people. It was done for his own personal gain and that of his family. They set up an elaborate scheme to bilk money from the Ukrainian energy sector and you are pretending that was perfectly fine.

Theoretically Joe was in Ukraine to fight corruption, but he was only taking advantage of that corruption for his own gain.  

That whole post illustrated:

  • how Joe, Hunter and their financial planner schemed to get him a job at Burisma,
  • how Joe used his office to help Burisma and its CEO get out of their legal troubles,
  • how the CEO compensated them for Joe's help,
  • how much he paid them,
  • that Joe fired a prosector in Ukraine to protect the CEO,
  • that Joe appointed a new prosecutor to get Burisma and its CEO get off the hook,
  • how successful the prosecutor that Joe fired actually was, including the date that he won court orders seizing the assets of Burisma's CEO, which completely destroys the Dems' false narrative that "Shokin was fired because he wasn't accomplishing anything"
  • the timeline of all the hirings/firings/and all the communications between Joe and everyone else, 
  • proof that Joe lied every time he said: "I didn't know anything about Hunter's overseas business dealings", including whom he contacted, how he contacted them, how often, and when

Burisma could easily be the Ukrainian word for "How to get away with violating the US Gov't emoluments clause".


Joe-> clandestine operation to enrich his family 

Rebound: "^^That's^^ awesome! Good for Joe!"


Trump -> fails to ban people from staying in his hotel

Rebound: "LOCK HIM UP!"

Actually it was an elaborate fantasy you've concocted in your twisted little mind. One you tell in repeat without any regard for the truth. 

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10 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You've got it all. What do you think? Do you think that the Bidens weren't peddling influence?

No, I think that’s all a bunch of nonsense and what ifs woven into a conspiracy theory. 

If there was actual evidence, Comer would be all over it, wouldn’t he? That guy sees a car payment and thinks it’s the crime of the century. 

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13 hours ago, robosmith said:

No, you don't. Your version of "manufactured evidence" is anything which makes your MAGA CULT leader look bad.

Of course, there is a LOT of REAL EVIDENCE which does that. LMAO

Sure I do. I simply pick a deadbeat shill like you and point out all the lies and inconsistencies. You, robowoke, are a representation of the democrat party. You fill this board with lies and then rush to your hive masters for more bullshit to spew the next day.

Nothing you've said detracts from the clear fact that Trump is under siege for one reason, and one reason only. It's because he's a political target of left-wing cultists. 

Trump will overcome the bullshit and be your President in 2025. I'm looking forward to that, and you should too. 

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3 hours ago, Rebound said:

No, I think that’s all a bunch of nonsense and what ifs woven into a conspiracy theory. 

If there was actual evidence, Comer would be all over it, wouldn’t he? That guy sees a car payment and thinks it’s the crime of the century. 

What a stupid f you are.

You honestly think that Hunter was just selected to work there because he was the best candidate on earth? He even admitted that he got that $1M/yr job because of his dad. He doesn't speak Ukrainian and he had never worked in the energy sector before. 

His dad lied about his knowledge of Hunter's business dealings - turns out he was in close contact with everyone.

The Bidens/Dems lied about why Shokin was fired, plus Joe hired the guy who let Zloch off the hook. 

It's all there.

Leftards wonder why minorities and college-educated Americans are turning towards Trump lol.

Maybe not everyone is as dedicated to lying as you, hodad, beave, eyeball, robo and ex-flyer are. 

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3 hours ago, Deluge said:

Sure I do. I simply pick a deadbeat shill like you and point out all the lies and inconsistencies. You, robowoke, are a representation of the democrat party. You fill this board with lies and then rush to your hive masters for more bullshit to spew the next day.

Nothing you've said detracts from the clear fact that Trump is under siege for one reason, and one reason only. It's because he's a political target of left-wing cultists. 

Trump will overcome the bullshit and be your President in 2025. I'm looking forward to that, and you should too. 

Some day, hopefully soon, for your sake, you're going to wake up from ^these fever dreams you've been having, and kick yourself hard for what a fool you've been. You'd better hope it's before you wind up in prison like those PB and OK who are in for over 10 years.

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