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Canada's inter national reputation, and how does it matter to the rest of the globe...

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Do Canadians even care how our country is viewed by the rest of the globe?  i know it use to, we were considered polite, nice, peace keepers, warriors, we were valued for our morals and values, a nation that could be counted on.... thats not how we are viewed today, Today we are considered free loaders, we have very little to contributed to global affairs, we can't live up to our defensive contracts, the list goes on and on...

We are a nation that is so divided on most topics that it is almost paralyzing to get a decision made to move forward as a nation, it is like for the last decade we have been focused on petty problems that the world has passed us by...

Does this problem have anything to do with the size of our military ? our diplomatic forces ? could our inter national reputation be directly linked to what our military is capable of ? I mean no sense of having a foreign policy if we have no means to enforce it, or does it ?...

What benefit does having a military that has been castrated and unable able to accomplish any of it's expected duties? 

Does it even matter what the globe thinks of Canada.... i say this becasue Canadians seem not to care about any topic outside of their bubble , unless it is Israel then it is game on, but lets not talk about our own country...i got a hockey game to watch, and a beer to drink... 



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3 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Does this problem have anything to do with the size of our military ? our diplomatic forces ?

It says right in the article we're surrounded by 3 oceans with a friendly giant next door - Canadians simply don't feel threatened and why should we?  No matter which way we look the world's conflicts are halfway around the planet and people there obviously don't mind or they would have done something about it.  If we need to we can always field one of the world's largest armed forces again.  We've done it before, have a little faith.


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26 minutes ago, eyeball said:

It says right in the article we're surrounded by 3 oceans with a friendly giant next door - Canadians simply don't feel threatened and why should we?  No matter which way we look the world's conflicts are halfway around the planet and people there obviously don't mind or they would have done something about it.  If we need to we can always field one of the world's largest armed forces again.  We've done it before, have a little faith.


I think this is a major problem we face in the country, nobody knows or cares what threats face Canada, Canada is under threat everyday, if you listen to those experts in their fields that is, we have just chosen to turn down the volume and not pay attention...

Yes the conflicts are always in someone else backyard,  and yet we have signed some major defensive pacts in order to keep all that shi* from coming into our backyard...why have we done that well look at ukraine for example the country is in ruins, that's not something we want here...

Fielding a modern army is not going to be like WWII, were we could build a plane in a couple days, or ships in a couple months , today planes take many months to build and warships take many years...what we have is what we are going to fight with...which is comforting because we have equipment that most 3 rd world armies have...still got your faith...

And the next conflict everyone is going to be scrambling to produce equipment for themselves...not good old Canada....now some would say thats good, we will not go ...Thats bullshit we are going ready or not , history has shown us just that, and history has shown us over and over again it costs thousands of lives to do just that....we got way to many people anyways right....

We will build some cheap ass equipment like we always have and send our sons and daughters to war... they will come back in flag draped coffins we will bury them becasue thats how we roll...and maybe then we has a nation will sit down and figure out how cheap we are, and maybe , i say maybe when we have buried enough we will give our citizens the right equipment to do the job...

So one thing i do not have for this country is faith....don't worry though the people in charge of this goat rodeo, their sons and daughters won't be going overseas to fight...they will be protected, while your sons and daughters , grandsons and grand duaghters are going to be called up....they are just a son or daughter of a fishermen...they will be the ones that pay the price i really hope you have faith after you see them off to basic training...becasue faith is all they are going to have in their corner... 

I think the main jest of the article is our size of our military reflects on the power we wield globally, and while we may never be a on the worlds largest military list we do need a military capable of handling our commitments...

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4 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I think this is a major problem we face in the country, nobody knows or cares what threats face Canada, Canada is under threat everyday, if you listen to those experts in their fields that is, we have just chosen to turn down the volume and not pay attention

They should have listened to Patton. Too late for that but thankfully we have lots of uranium and cobalt. We could make the Mother-of-All doomsday bombs way way cheaper and easier than trying to keep up with the rest of the fools.   

All we'd need to do then is write up a last man standing strategy, shouldn't take more than a page or two, and send the world a memo to fu ck off.

Cheap, easy to the point, everyone gets the point of MAD.


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5 hours ago, eyeball said:

It says right in the article we're surrounded by 3 oceans with a friendly giant next door - Canadians simply don't feel threatened and why should we?  No matter which way we look the world's conflicts are halfway around the planet and people there obviously don't mind or they would have done something about it.  If we need to we can always field one of the world's largest armed forces again.  We've done it before, have a little faith.


So there's this thing they have now called "north".  Go look.

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4 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I think this is a major problem we face in the country, nobody knows or cares what threats face Canada, Canada is under threat everyday, if you listen to those experts in their fields that is, we have just chosen to turn down the volume and not pay attention...

well that's a major problem.

And the other problem is i think that the left tries to scare people into thinking "if we actually have a military people around the world won't like us anymore, they'll think we're americans".  And we CAN"T have the world thinking that you see.  They should think of us as utterlly uninterested in war.  So unless you've got some peacekeeping gigs.... (and what do  we need guns for if that's all we're doing? There's no fighting -  It says PEACE right in the title!!!)

The left goes to bed at night believing the world thinks well of us and respects us.  This coudln't be further from the truth these days but it is in their minds and their perception of others' perception of us is more important than the truth.

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Posted (edited)
20 hours ago, CdnFox said:

well that's a major problem.

And the other problem is i think that the left tries to scare people into thinking "if we actually have a military people around the world won't like us anymore, they'll think we're americans".  And we CAN"T have the world thinking that you see.  They should think of us as utterlly uninterested in war.  So unless you've got some peacekeeping gigs.... (and what do  we need guns for if that's all we're doing? There's no fighting -  It says PEACE right in the title!!!)

The left goes to bed at night believing the world thinks well of us and respects us.  This coudln't be further from the truth these days but it is in their minds and their perception of others' perception of us is more important than the truth.

The problem with the entire left side of this problem is they are uneducated about the problem, they have NO clue what our military provides the nation 24/7 of everyday. Becasue of that when they think military they think of a bunch storm troopers assaulting's some beach or stealing their girlfriends...we have whittled down our entire security apparatus to the point that some are ineffective at doing their jobs without outside department assistance...CSIS, RCMP,Coast Guard, Border services, Immigration, DND, and somehow we are proud of all that...the left get a sense of accomplishment for doing it...

Departments like Emergency preparedness, which is just a few warehouses with cots, blankets etc...used to be full of medical supplies but they got used up in the pandemic and not restocked yet...that being said Emergency Preparedness entire budget comes out of DND's budget, and they rely on DND to distribute, transport, and man stations when needed...

Search and Rescue, is another area of reasonability the government has handed over to the military, for aircraft, manning, and supplies...

Fisheries patrol, we do have a fisheries department, but they are incapable of putting ships in the water to patrol or enforce our laws off of our coasts/ So DND does these patrols with fisheries onboard for the ride on DND ships...

RCMP / drug enforcement/ smuggling etc...once again they don't have the ships to put in the water so they rely on DND for ships and manpower.

Coast Guard , when ever they need an Armed ship DND gets assigned to their patrols such as illegal immigration/ smuggling etc....

Disaster relief, both international and domestic, DND is the main agency due to the equipment DND holds, and manpower available...Just a note, during the winnipeg floods all 3 Army Brigades, hundreds of naval personal and large numbers of Air force personal were call on to assist.. we are talking about thousands of military personal deployed....and they were still short handed... And that was not a large disaster, but one declared about medium size...  A major earth quake say on the west coast would over whelm DND capability to respond to all those that needed it, thousands of Canadians would be on their own...life would be lost...let alone we are not able to spin up for inter national aid without a lot of lead time...

Climate change is only going to get worse, and much larger, Army is already tapped out due to Latvia deployment...so who is going to respond...to fires,floods, earthquakes...DND has been asked to look into build sqns of fire fighting aircraft to respond to the entire country...maybe we could use the PM s aircraft for that...

Canadian sovereignty, DND patrols our airspace 24/7, it also patrols our oceans out to the 200 mile limit...DND also mans these now obsolete Radar warning stations in remote areas...along maintains ready to launch aircraft at a minutes notice

Our defensive packs, include NORAD, NATO, 5 Eyes, which currently takes up most of DND resources available...be it in Europe, Pacific, Atlantic, keeping our training levels with our allieds is critical to operating along side them...this training is like a blue moon...very rare 

UN, currently Canada as very minimum personal deployed on UN missions, which states in flashing red lights they current state of our Armed Forces the very reason the left tolerates the military is for UN photo ops...they have dropped the ball here to our global responsibilities...

Training of our own troops, once all the above is done there is not much resources left to train new and serving members on a continual basis, not that long ago we use to train 8 months out of the year, now we are lucky to get one month...It takes weeks of training for each season to remain competent, in winter, fall spring, summer each has it's own challenges, and own equipment needed to survive, thats not being done...

Soldiers individual training is being limited as well here a soldier learns his trade, be it infantry, supply, arty etc...here there are basic courses and advanced courses resources are limited wait times are extremely long to get these courses...

The list does not include enforcing our foreign policy, nor does it include the tech sharing we get from our defensive pacts, and what type of foreign built weapons' that allows us access to...not that we do much of that...

There are much much more our military does for us every day....

Most of our Inter national reputation comes form all of the above...it not from our world juniors hockey team , or some Canadian abroad being polite...most of it comes form deeds our military does for other nations...All of it the left conveniently forgets, while sitting at home watching the hockey game...not even sure if they watch hockey it might be to violent and racist sport, that is not gender inclusive yet.



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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Becasue of that when they think military they think of a bunch storm troopers assaulting's some beach or stealing their girlfriends.

That got oddly specific there at the end but yes.

Also  it must be wrong because people like Gaetan can't get girlfriends in the first place.

At any rate,  sure.  I'm pretty well read and I didn't even know about some of those things.  I doubt 1 in 10 canadians could tell you 3 things the military does other than 'prepare in case we need to kill someone'. 

And the gov't isn't going to be promoting it any time soon. IF people thought the military was important.. they might want to see it funded.  Then we'd have to pull money from something REALLY important like lesbian dance theory research.

1 hour ago, Gaétan said:

Canada have no value because it support the genocide of palestinians. At a matter of fact it is the one of the pigest country in the world.

You're right -  people look down on us because of our support of the gaza war - it's WAY too small and we should be sending a LOT more money and locking up Hamas supporters here at home. How can we expect people to think well of us if we don't help wipe out evil like that in the world?

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On 1/6/2024 at 1:23 PM, eyeball said:

It says right in the article we're surrounded by 3 oceans with a friendly giant next door - Canadians simply don't feel threatened and why should we?  No matter which way we look the world's conflicts are halfway around the planet and people there obviously don't mind or they would have done something about it.  If we need to we can always field one of the world's largest armed forces again.  We've done it before, have a little faith.


China likes Canada, and especially the Liberal Party of Canada . . .  no army needed. Just a wink and handshake. Deal done!

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12 hours ago, Nefarious Banana said:

China likes Canada, and especially the Liberal Party of Canada . . .  no army needed. Just a wink and handshake. Deal done!

No army needed because.

Corrupt Chinese Officials Filled Missiles With Water, Report Says



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On 1/6/2024 at 3:23 PM, eyeball said:

It says right in the article we're surrounded by 3 oceans with a friendly giant next door - Canadians simply don't feel threatened and why should we?  No matter which way we look the world's conflicts are halfway around the planet and people there obviously don't mind or they would have done something about it.  If we need to we can always field one of the world's largest armed forces again.  We've done it before, have a little faith.


This is not the 40's or even the 50's, it takes years to get new weapons systems into service and people trained to operate them. 156 F-35's a year are produced for all the air forces that operate them. During WW2 an average of over 10 P-51 Mustangs a day were built over four years plus all the other fighter types being built. From first steel being cut to the first of the RN's Type 26 frigate going into service will be 9 years, ten times longer than it took to build a WW2 destroyer.  We have bad mouthed our military so much, concentrating on things like sexual harassment that we can't even man the ships we have. Our naval commander says that of the four new deWolfe class ships going into service, we only have personnel to man one of them. Any future large scale war will end when the combatants run out of weapons because they cannot be replaced as fast as they will be destroyed. 

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11 minutes ago, Aristides said:

...it takes years

Then its just not going to happen. Everyone is either going to run out of money or weapons or both.

Notwithstanding the possibility countries go on a money printing spree or the 1% of the world decide to donate the trillions they're sitting on to the cause.

Personally I think climate change will settle the matter before we ever do.

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15 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Then its just not going to happen. Everyone is either going to run out of money or weapons or both.

Notwithstanding the possibility countries go on a money printing spree or the 1% of the world decide to donate the trillions they're sitting on to the cause.

Personally I think climate change will settle the matter before we ever do.

No, the one who has the weapons and trained personnel in the beginning will be the one who wins.

Climate change will likely be the cause of wars. 

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18 hours ago, Gaétan said:

Canada have no value because it support the genocide of palestinians. At a matter of fact it is the one of the pigest country in the world.

Once Israel takes care of the hamas/Palestinian issue,the world will be alot better off

Edited by PIK
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7 hours ago, eyeball said:

No army needed because.

Corrupt Chinese Officials Filled Missiles With Water, Report Says



China does not really have to depend on missiles, it has 2.5 million troops under arms, it has the largest navy in the world, largest ground army, it's airforce is competing with the US in numbers,plus it has enough nukes to to the globe into glass.....  ...and the means to move them globally...



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24 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

China does not really have to depend on missiles, it has 2.5 million troops under arms,

Sounds like they should be relying on deodorant. (HA!!!!! Somebody stop me!)

Oh don't look at me like that - if you're going to set 'em up like THAT then i'm gonna knock 'em down and i'm sick of pretending i won't :)


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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

China does not really have to depend on missiles, it has 2.5 million troops under arms, it has the largest navy in the world, largest ground army, it's airforce is competing with the US in numbers,plus it has enough nukes to to the globe into glass.....  ...and the means to move them globally...

Okay, but I thought everything they produce is made of crap - now we're supposed to believe their military is more like a Swiss watch?  This sounds a little to conveniently alarmist. But if its true, I say again a simple doomsday bomb will keep them at bay.  Between that and everyone else preventing China from invading us and provoking its use we'll be just fine. It would be cheap compared to the trillions we'd need to spend on a conventional armed force to counter China.  Mere peanuts in fact.  Of course its MAD, that's the whole point and better dead than red right? I thought you guys wrote that on bombs and shit before throwing it at them.

So given the debt load we're staggering under not to mention how lazy and unproductive we've become, how are we expected to to pay for never mind build the sort of conventional force we need in time?  Print money like its 1999 and open up the immigration floodgates like there's no tomorrow?

Canada, Fu ck yeah!

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On 1/7/2024 at 8:41 PM, Gaétan said:

Canada have no value because it support the genocide of palestinians. At a matter of fact it is the one of the pigest country in the world.

Canada loves terrorist, i thought you would be happy with our country, maybe if you got out of moms basement you could contribute something to this failed nation.

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58 minutes ago, PIK said:

China's navy wouldn’t last to long. And it's solders have very little combat expirence. 

Chinas navy could inflict serious casualties to NATO fleets...as for it's soldiers NATO troops don't have that much either those that do are few in numbers...besides you don't need much experience when you have 2.5 million, you just over whelm your enemy with sheer numbers...much like the early days of korea.

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14 hours ago, eyeball said:

Okay, but I thought everything they produce is made of crap - now we're supposed to believe their military is more like a Swiss watch?  This sounds a little to conveniently alarmist. But if its true, I say again a simple doomsday bomb will keep them at bay.  Between that and everyone else preventing China from invading us and provoking its use we'll be just fine. It would be cheap compared to the trillions we'd need to spend on a conventional armed force to counter China.  Mere peanuts in fact.  Of course its MAD, that's the whole point and better dead than red right? I thought you guys wrote that on bombs and shit before throwing it at them.

So given the debt load we're staggering under not to mention how lazy and unproductive we've become, how are we expected to to pay for never mind build the sort of conventional force we need in time?  Print money like its 1999 and open up the immigration floodgates like there's no tomorrow?

Canada, Fu ck yeah!

Every piece of their equipment is not junk, you should check out on goggle just where their frigs and destroyers rate among other nations naval ves, their tanks/ IFV are considered much better than the russian stuff, but once again the sheer numbers would over whelm any armed force in the beginning stages...

There is no such thing as a dooms day bomb, and China would have a vast advantage in numbers of Nukes , more than canada could ever produce if it was allowed to produce....meaning every Canadian city would be glowing for 300 years of more...

Trillions , really we want a military capable of defending our nation and live up to our global responsibilities, not take over the world...

Your boys put us into this debt stream, and nobody seemed to complain when they got their little slice of heaven in the mail ...nobody is crying how are we going to pay that down....and afford everything else to keep the lights on....Conservatives are going to figure that out but i'm sure your not going to like it...so i'm sure taxes are going to go up, while we fix everything that the liberals' / NDP broke...

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32 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Every piece of their equipment is not junk, you should check out on goggle just where their frigs and destroyers rate among other nations naval ves, their tanks/ IFV are considered much better than the russian stuff, but once again the sheer numbers would over whelm any armed force in the beginning stages...

There is no such thing as a dooms day bomb, and China would have a vast advantage in numbers of Nukes , more than canada could ever produce if it was allowed to produce....meaning every Canadian city would be glowing for 300 years of more...

Trillions , really we want a military capable of defending our nation and live up to our global responsibilities, not take over the world...

Your boys put us into this debt stream, and nobody seemed to complain when they got their little slice of heaven in the mail ...nobody is crying how are we going to pay that down....and afford everything else to keep the lights on....Conservatives are going to figure that out but i'm sure your not going to like it...so i'm sure taxes are going to go up, while we fix everything that the liberals' / NDP broke...

 Every report i've read says the chinese navy is a case of quantity over quality and their ships are NOT great combatants.

And to be frank - the US doesn't seem to worried about them. While i'm certain that under the right conditions they could do damgage,  they would likely lose their fleet very quickly in any kind of set piece battle with a us force. And they'd risk all out war.

I don't think they'll be excited by their prospects.  I think the question in their minds would be would the us actually intervene.

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