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There was no insurrection, you more onz.

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11 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

If you'd like to put that into a proper sentence it goes like this: "It's the opinion of some activist judges that a small group of unarmed men nearly overthrew the US gov't on Jan 6th. They want to pretend that Trump planned it and participated in it, but he was pushing for more security at the capitol on that day and he repeatedly told people to be calm and peaceful, or to go home. The only reason that anyone got near the capitol at all is because Nancy Pelosi chose to leave it virtually unguarded, and Ray Epps - who remains unindicted to this day - knew where to lead the rioters to get them in."


The narrative that "We knew that there was an insurrection coming because the alt-right nutjobs were chattering about it" falls flat when you see that security was too light even for a Taylor Swift concert, and when you find out that no one brought any firearms to the 'insurrection'. 

The narrative that "Twumpie cozzed it" falls flat when you watch his speech, you see how many times he told people to be peaceful both before and during the riot, and when you find out that the Dems don't have a shred of evidence that he talked to anyone, anywhere, ever, about attacking anything.

Buddy, the Jan 6th committee had to doctor video of the riot to make it seem incriminating. 

CNN called the people who were rioting on Jan 6th "seditious mobs" and that's an absolutely impossible observation - they tipped their hand. They were clearly pretending to see something that was not there at all. FYI rioting is no more seditious than it is loquacious. 

This video proves definitely that you are categorically lying. You won’t watch it because you refuse to accept the truth: There was a riot, it was planned, they did have weapons, they were extremely violent, their goal was to seize control of the House and Senate.  This is all video of January 6.  


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35 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

If you'd like to put that into a proper sentence it goes like this: "It's the opinion of some activist judges that a small group of unarmed men nearly overthrew the US gov't on Jan 6th. They want to pretend that Trump planned it and participated in it, but he was pushing for more security at the capitol on that day and he repeatedly told people to be calm and peaceful, or to go home. The only reason that anyone got near the capitol at all is because Nancy Pelosi chose to leave it virtually unguarded, and Ray Epps - who remains unindicted to this day - knew where to lead the rioters to get them in."


The narrative that "We knew that there was an insurrection coming because the alt-right nutjobs were chattering about it" falls flat when you see that security was too light even for a Taylor Swift concert, and when you find out that no one brought any firearms to the 'insurrection'. 

The narrative that "Twumpie cozzed it" falls flat when you watch his speech, you see how many times he told people to be peaceful both before and during the riot, and when you find out that the Dems don't have a shred of evidence that he talked to anyone, anywhere, ever, about attacking anything.

Buddy, the Jan 6th committee had to doctor video of the riot to make it seem incriminating. 

CNN called the people who were rioting on Jan 6th "seditious mobs" and that's an absolutely impossible observation - they tipped their hand. They were clearly pretending to see something that was not there at all. FYI rioting is no more seditious than it is loquacious. 

The FACT is, Trump COULD HAVE called out the National Guard BUT DID NOT. Duh

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10 minutes ago, robosmith said:

As long as you don't and continue to defend Trump, we can assume that you support his conspiracy theories. 

You mean "works for you." Which of course Trump DOES NOT since you're CANADIAN.

He even implemented tariffs on Canadian trade.

Face it, Trump ONLY  works for himself, which is why he broke PRECEDENT and refused to divest or even blind trust his PERSONAL BUSINESS and violated the emoluments clause by receiving nearly $8M from foreign states in ONLY two years and four of his hundred+ businesses.

You've been conned into believing he works for anyone but himself.

You can assume anything you like. Nobody takes you seriously anyway.

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29 minutes ago, Rebound said:

This video proves definitely that you are categorically lying. You won’t watch it because you refuse to accept the truth: There was a riot, it was planned, they did have weapons, they were extremely violent, their goal was to seize control of the House and Senate.  This is all video of January 6.  


More importantly, as planned, their goal was to disrupt the EC vote count, and illegally force a "contingent election" which would have given the POTUS to Trump IF they had been successful.

Fortunately Pence did not cooperate, and did NOT flee the Capitol, so the EC vote could be certified as required on Jan 6th.

Grassley was waiting in the wings to stop that, but Pence did NOT capitulate, which is why Trump's mob wanted to hang him, and Trump said he deserved that according to SWORN TESTIMONY.

9 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

You can assume anything you like. Nobody I don't take you seriously anyway.

ftfy... Because YOUR cognitive dissonance is impenetrable by FACTS.

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57 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

If you'd like to put that into a proper sentence it goes like this: "It's the opinion of some activist judges that a small group of unarmed men nearly overthrew the US gov't on Jan 6th. They want to pretend that Trump planned it and participated in it, but he was pushing for more security at the capitol on that day and he repeatedly told people to be calm and peaceful, or to go home. The only reason that anyone got near the capitol at all is because Nancy Pelosi chose to leave it virtually unguarded, and Ray Epps - who remains unindicted to this day - knew where to lead the rioters to get them in."


The narrative that "We knew that there was an insurrection coming because the alt-right nutjobs were chattering about it" falls flat when you see that security was too light even for a Taylor Swift concert, and when you find out that no one brought any firearms to the 'insurrection'. 

The narrative that "Twumpie cozzed it" falls flat when you watch his speech, you see how many times he told people to be peaceful both before and during the riot, and when you find out that the Dems don't have a shred of evidence that he talked to anyone, anywhere, ever, about attacking anything.

Buddy, the Jan 6th committee had to doctor video of the riot to make it seem incriminating. 

CNN called the people who were rioting on Jan 6th "seditious mobs" and that's an absolutely impossible observation - they tipped their hand. They were clearly pretending to see something that was not there at all. FYI rioting is no more seditious than it is loquacious. 

Nooooooope. Let's set aside the insane conspiracy theory crap and your poor understanding of the word seditious and revisit Trump's speech. Transcript here

Fairly early in the speech he instructed them to be peaceful, exactly one time. Then he spent an hour selling his rabid mob the same pack of election lies and framing the moment as an existential crisis: they had to act NOW to stop the steal and save their country. And he told them to march down to the Capitol and do that. He told them to fight 21 times. He told them that in cases of fraud, special rules apply, before finishing with:

"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore.

Our exciting adventures and boldest endeavors have not yet begun. My fellow Americans, for our movement, for our children, and for our beloved country.

And I say this despite all that's happened. The best is yet to come.

So we're going to, we're going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue..."


You are so full of crap. You're the same shameless, spineless who twill ell us that it's fine for a president to pressure and threaten election officials to "find" him more votes. The same transparent liar that tells us it's fine for a president to extort foreign leaders for campaign favors. The same amoral creep who tell us it's no big deal if he boasts about sexual assault and complain when he's held accountable for exactly that behavior. 

Just fark off. Nobody is buying your bullshit.

Edited by Hodad
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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

It just sounds like a riot, not an attempt to overthrow a gov't.

Insurrection: "A violent uprising against an authority or government."

It was a riot until they "peacefully" entered a government building, assaulting police officers along the way.

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

to enter a gov't building

I appreciate you confirming this.

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

"A girl with nothing in her hands broke through a window to approach our line of 100 armed cops so I shot her dead.

Shot her in the shoulder. The threat was real to lawmakers, and the police officer was cleared of any wrongdoing as a result.


The use of force was measured when you watch footage and see the potential threat high profile lawmakers would be facing.

She unfortunately died from the single shot, but there was nothing inappropriate. 

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

I never said that assaulting cops was ok

Great, so what they did was very illegal. Glad we agree.

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

You're completely unglued. 

At least am not sniffing it.

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

needed to be killed

Unfortunately was killed. Never stated this was a good thing.

Her actions and the actions of Trump resulted in this. 

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

There wasn't 'zero proof'.

At the time of the breach, there wasn't any shown proof or justificafion by Trump. You're welcome to prove me otherwise. 

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Try to limit your debate to intelligent, on-point comments

All you have done is gaslight, while bringing nothing to the debate. 


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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

This video proves definitely that you are categorically lying. You won’t watch it because you refuse to accept the truth: There was a riot, it was planned, they did have weapons, they were extremely violent, their goal was to seize control of the House and Senate.  This is all video of January 6.  


So the cops called it "a riot", right in your video. A "riot", just like I do.

Ray Epps is in the first scene, at the very first fence that was breached. He coached people the day before and the day of the riot that they "needed to enter the building", he coached people right at the very first fence that was breached, but somehow the vaunted FBI said that there's no evidence that he committed sedition... Listen up stupid, that's literally all the video that I've ever seen of Ray Epps is him committing sedition. Of all the people in the mobs on that day, he was literally the only one who was acting in a seditious manner. He's THE guy that CNN was talking about when they referenced 'sedition'. Still unindicted to this day though...

In your video.... guys punch some windows beside cops. OH NOOOOO!

Cops literally stand at doorways in front of a large crowd without being attacked, at all. 

Can you point to spots in that video where cops were actually punched? I'm not even asking you to say where they were hit with blunt instruments or knives, because there's none of that in your awesome video. I'm asking you to show me where the police were punched in your video. Good luck finding that, jackass.

Was this a pushing insurrection

Are you f'ing millennials so weak now that you think 'pushing cops' can overthrow the US gov't? 

Jan 6th - the pushing insurrection.


You can stfu now if you want, dummy. No need to embarrass yourself further.

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2 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Insurrection: "A violent uprising against an authority or government."

It was a riot until they "peacefully" entered a government building, assaulting police officers along the way.

I appreciate you confirming this.

Shot her in the shoulder. The threat was real to lawmakers, and the police officer was cleared of any wrongdoing as a result.


The use of force was measured when you watch footage and see the potential threat high profile lawmakers would be facing.

She unfortunately died from the single shot, but there was nothing inappropriate. 

Great, so what they did was very illegal. Glad we agree.

At least am not sniffing it.

Unfortunately was killed. Never stated this was a good thing.

Her actions and the actions of Trump resulted in this. 

At the time of the breach, there wasn't any shown proof or justificafion by Trump. You're welcome to prove me otherwise. 

All you have done is gaslight, while bringing nothing to the debate. 


A violent uprising isn't characterized by unarmed people pushing cops

Can you tell me the last time in history that an uprising consisted of people pushing cops? What gov't was overthrown in such a manner? Could a country as powerful as the US be defeated in such a manner?

"Jan 6th: The Pushing Insurrection"

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The Unabridged Leftard Dictionary has a new entry:

Insurrectionist: (noun) in-sur-ek-shun-ist

One of the worst 'ists'. Call a someone that if they identify as a conservative and they're a big meanie, or if you dislike them a lot.

An insurrectionist is an unarmed rioter who physically pushes police officers until their country capitulates (surrenders).

Example of the word 'insurrectionist' in a sentence: "The seditious rioters gave the armed, armoured police officers a series of insurrectionist shoves, giving some of its leaders PTSD and forcing them to throw in the towel."

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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

More importantly, as planned, their goal was to disrupt the EC vote count, and illegally force a "contingent election" which would have given the POTUS to Trump IF they had been successful.

Fortunately Pence did not cooperate, and did NOT flee the Capitol, so the EC vote could be certified as required on Jan 6th.

Grassley was waiting in the wings to stop that, but Pence did NOT capitulate, which is why Trump's mob wanted to hang him, and Trump said he deserved that according to SWORN TESTIMONY.

ftfy... Because YOUR cognitive dissonance is impenetrable by FACTS.

Nobody takes you seriously.!

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

A violent uprising isn't characterized by unarmed people pushing cops.

Correct. Its characterized by violence. 

RE assault: "make a physical attack on."

And as you put it, shoving: "to push someone or something forcefully and with a lot of energy".

Sounds assault like to me.

Or just outright acts of you know. Violence

Part of me is hoping you're just trolling for the laughs. Part of me legit thinks you're dead serious o_O

Donald Trump would deny something with his hand in it still actively committing the act. 

At least his gaslighting is convincing at times. Yours is just laughable.

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

"Jan 6th: The Pushing Insurrection"

"A police officer was seriously pushed by the butt end of a flag pole". With your logic. "Video show it repeatedly pushing him at the side of his skull."

Girl who got shot, had her shoulder pushed by the bullet.

The fact only one of these people got killed has nothing to do with how mild their actions were, and everything to do with their melanin not being darker.

You calling the force used obtuse is laughable. It was exemplary.

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2 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Correct. Its characterized by violence. 

RE assault: "make a physical attack on."

And as you put it, shoving: "to push someone or something forcefully and with a lot of energy".

Sounds assault like to me.

Or just outright acts of you know. Violence

Part of me is hoping you're just trolling for the laughs. Part of me legit thinks you're dead serious o_O

Donald Trump would deny something with his hand in it still actively committing the act. 

At least his gaslighting is convincing at times. Yours is just laughable.

"A police officer was seriously pushed by the butt end of a flag pole". With your logic. "Video show it repeatedly pushing him at the side of his skull."

Girl who got shot, had her shoulder pushed by the bullet.

The fact only one of these people got killed has nothing to do with how mild their actions were, and everything to do with their melanin not being darker.

You calling the force used obtuse is laughable. It was exemplary.

So just to clarify your point - any demonstration or part of a demonstration that includes pushing should be considered a "violent" demonstration?

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59 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Correct. Its characterized by violence. 

RE assault: "make a physical attack on."

And as you put it, shoving: "to push someone or something forcefully and with a lot of energy".

Sounds assault like to me.

So you're acknowledging that the "insurrection" was characterized by unarmed people pushing cops. 

Thanks for at least doing that much. 

Dude, a part of me is hoping you're just trolling for the laughs, but I'm worried that you're serious o_O


Part of me is hoping you're just trolling for the laughs. Part of me legit thinks you're dead serious o_O



Donald Trump would deny something with his hand in it still actively committing the act. 

Yeah, like the time they caught him colluding with Russians, right? 🤣 Or the time that he denied raping a woman in a dept store cange room? 

Pro tip: look up "gullible" and "credulous" in the dictionary. 


At least his gaslighting is convincing at times. Yours is just laughable.

Yet you can't deny that everything I said is all 100% true, even the part about the "pushing insurrection". Hmmmm.... Is it really called 'gaslighting' when it's all true?


"A police officer was seriously pushed by the butt end of a flag pole". With your logic. "Video show it repeatedly pushing him at the side of his skull."

Did you look at Rebound's video, which was pimped as incontrovertible evidence that an insurrection occurred?

Can you show me video of the flagpole attack, or any attack involving a blunt/sharpened object? 


Girl who got shot, had her shoulder pushed by the bullet.

Bullets don't push people. How old are you? 

Right now we're looking at a series of shoves and calling it an insurrection. The judge on Trump's case is convinced that unarmed pushing almost overthrew the US gov't.


The fact only one of these people got killed has nothing to do with how mild their actions were, and everything to do with their melanin not being darker.

WTF does race have to do with this? Are you seriously so racist that you can't leave racism out of a discussion where it clearly doesn't belong?


You calling the force used obtuse is laughable. It was exemplary.

Again you're at odds with the dictionary, while my use of the English language has been exemplary. 

What's one to make of that? 

Edited by WestCanMan
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40 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

So just to clarify your point - any demonstration or part of a demonstration that includes pushing should be considered a "violent" demonstration?

That's the thing, though. It wasn't only pushing. Pushing only, would not have us debating this. Thats a fine line, but still freedom of speech and lethal force would have been utterly unnacceptable. 

Several police officers sustained serious injuries based on being assaulted. Not while trying to stop a protest, trying to stop a breach at a lawmakers office.

Meaning hit, struck and beaten.

That would be considered a violent demonstration.

Imagine protesters entering the parliament in Canada (or any other lawmaker offices in the world), and assaulting several RCMP officers on their way in.

Threatening to enter the cabinet or ministers offices.

This becomes a threat to your democratic process. Lethal force would be put on the table. Rightfully so.

The logic of "none of them had guns" ignores what they did. They could have kept their protest lawful and stayed out of government buildings. 


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7 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

characterized by unarmed people pushing cops

You're deliberately avoiding the far more serious assaults. 

10 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Is it really called 'gaslighting' when it's all true?

What you're doing? No, gaslighting and being delusional.

15 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

What's one to make of that?

I speak several languages and English isn't my first one.

I can hold my own against you just fine.

Targeting my English makes you show your true colors. Your argument is garbage so instead of gaslighting, you distract from that fact with petty insults, while questioning my intelligence level.

I can't make this stuff up.


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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

So the cops called it "a riot", right in your video. A "riot", just like I do.

Ray Epps is in the first scene, at the very first fence that was breached. He coached people the day before and the day of the riot that they "needed to enter the building", he coached people right at the very first fence that was breached, but somehow the vaunted FBI said that there's no evidence that he committed sedition... Listen up stupid, that's literally all the video that I've ever seen of Ray Epps is him committing sedition. Of all the people in the mobs on that day, he was literally the only one who was acting in a seditious manner. He's THE guy that CNN was talking about when they referenced 'sedition'. Still unindicted to this day though...

In your video.... guys punch some windows beside cops. OH NOOOOO!

Cops literally stand at doorways in front of a large crowd without being attacked, at all. 

Can you point to spots in that video where cops were actually punched? I'm not even asking you to say where they were hit with blunt instruments or knives, because there's none of that in your awesome video. I'm asking you to show me where the police were punched in your video. Good luck finding that, jackass.

Was this a pushing insurrection

Are you f'ing millennials so weak now that you think 'pushing cops' can overthrow the US gov't? 

Jan 6th - the pushing insurrection.


You can stfu now if you want, dummy. No need to embarrass yourself further.

You STILL don't understand how illegally disrupting the EC vote certification can lead to a "contingent election" which clearly favored Trump.

Nor do you understand all the PLANNING that went into making that happen for that reason.

Come back when you return to sanity and understand how those things work.

Until then, you will continue to IGNORANTLY deny that Trump "engaged in insurrection."


3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

A violent uprising isn't characterized by unarmed people pushing cops

Can you tell me the last time in history that an uprising consisted of people pushing cops? What gov't was overthrown in such a manner? Could a country as powerful as the US be defeated in such a manner?

"Jan 6th: The Pushing Insurrection"

They beat cops over the head with fire extinguishers and flag poles. One cop was trapped between a door and the jam with the MOB crushing him.


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2 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

You're deliberately avoiding the far more serious assaults. 

You're clearly unaware of the meaning of the term 'characterized by'.

I didn't say that there weren't a few incidents where officers were struck by thrown projectiles, maybe the occasional fist, and a couple of blunt instruments, but by any reasonable account, 99% of the activity was pushing and yelling.


What you're doing? No, gaslighting and being delusional.

Everything that I said is 100% accurate, it's not my fault if you don't have a proper understanding of the English language. 


I speak several languages and English isn't my first one.

Right. Go ahead and run some of your English gibberish through Google translate and see what come out. 


I can hold my own against you just fine.

Apparently not, because you're misunderstanding what I write and then using words incorrectly.


Targeting my English makes you show your true colors.

Your inability to speak/read/understand the English language and all its nuance, idioms, etc., just puts you in a poor position to understand what the subject matter. When I'm saying things that are 100% true you misinterpret what I'm saying. 

Alt-left media takes advantage of people like you, I'm sorry to say. They rely on your inability to fully comprehend what's going on.


Your argument is garbage so instead of gaslighting, you distract from that fact with petty insults, while questioning my intelligence level.

What I'm saying is 100% accurate and on point. I haven't omitted any key details. 

A few assaults took place which should net the offenders jailtime, but calling that pushing session an insurrection is farcical. It was a riot, and an understandable one at that.

The whole narrative of "Everyone should have totally believed the known liars who said that the election was 100% legitimate" is false. The Dems are known cheaters, the FBI are court-documented election cheaters/influencers, and the surprise come-from-behind victory, with post-election mail-ins, was highly suspect. 

You're no better than Rebound, who showed a video that thoroughly convinced him that an insurrection took place, but the whole video was just pushing and yelling. FYI that's not what it takes to meet the threshold of 'insurrection'. 

Sorry but your intelligence level is the only reason for your unfounded beliefs. 

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

Sorry but your intelligence level is the only reason for your unfounded beliefs. 

So the same would apply to you by ^YOUR STANDARDS.

Like when you IGNORE all the true VIOLENCE that occurred on Jan 6th and pretend it's just "pushing." LMAO

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40 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

99% of the activity was pushing and yelling.

1% is enough to be a deadly threat when they entered the Capitol.

40 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Everything that I said is 100% accurate

Except the evidence Trump presented when he made his accusations of the stolen elections to his supporters immediately after making them. Still waiting.

40 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Right. Go ahead and run some of your English gibberish through Google translate

You've yet to present gibberish, so gaslighting and mirroring to distract from your inability to carry an intelligent debate.

40 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Alt-left media takes advantage of people like you

So if someone presents you with a strong argument you can't refute they are alt left, can't speak English, are ugly their breath smells. Okay.

40 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

to fully comprehend what's going on.

Anyone who berates another about them not knowing what is going on, but can't present anything other than gaslighting and patting themselves on the shoulder about their 100% accuracy they have yet to support, are the epitome of not having a clue.

My English is bad--you're making a mockery of the country you are from.

40 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The Dems

Anyone who starts with "the dems" isn't going to have anything intelligent follow those words.

40 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

the FBI are court-documented election cheaters/influencers, and the surprise come-from-behind victory, with post-election mail-ins, was highly suspect. 

Exhibit A. O_o

40 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You're no better than Rebound

You're no better than my sisters dog who barks at her tail, then bites, making her angrier at the pain it caused her.

Same logic. She then looks at us like we have something off for laughing at her, when *clearly* someone attacked her while she wasn't looking. 

100% correct.

Edited by Perspektiv
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6 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

1% is enough to be a deadly threat when they entered the Capitol.

Except the evidence Trump presented when he made his accusations of the stolen elections to his supporters immediately after making them. Still waiting.

You've yet to present gibberish, so gaslighting and mirroring to distract from your inability to carry an intelligent debate.

So if someone presents you with a strong argument you can't refute they are alt left, can't speak English, are ugly their breath smells. Okay.

Anyone who berates another about them not knowing what is going on, but can't present anything other than gaslighting and patting themselves on the shoulder about their 100% accuracy they have yet to support, are the epitome of not having a clue.

My English is bad--you're making a mockery of the country you are from.

Anyone who starts with "the dems" isn't going to have anything intelligent follow those words.

Exhibit A. O_o

You're no better than my sisters dog who barks at her tail, then bites, making her angrier at the pain it caused her.

Same logic. She then looks at us like we have something off for laughing at her, when *clearly* someone attacked her while she wasn't looking. 

100% correct.

Buddy, it all boils down to this:

  • With scores of cameras focused on the areas where the insurrection allegedly occurred, as well as hundreds of police body cameras, plus footage from the mostly peaceful protesters themselves, there's no evidence of the use of the types of actual weapons that people would have brought to a real insurrection. There were only a handful of incidents of officers allegedly being struck with blunt, improvised instruments and I don't even know if there's video of any of it.
  • All of the spying/investigative expertise of the FBI has yielded zero information that Trump was part of an insurrection. The only thing that leftard accusers have to go on is his "peacefully, patriotically" speech. The fact that he repeatedly urged people to stay calm or go home on his twitter account is completely ignored by leftards.
  • The best video that you and Rebound have been able to produce just shows a pushing/yelling insurrection. Seeing as that's the Dems'(FBI's) best evidence and it shows no actual attacks, I'm just led to believe that there's nothing to show
  • The Jan 6th Committee even had to alter video to make it seem compelling. 

Sorry, but the video/FBI evidence and the Jan 6th committee's altered evidence aren't enough to implicate Trump or raise the level of criminality from what leftists would consider a mostly peaceful protest to an insurrection

If you have some incriminating video, please show it. The time for you to run your mouth has passed, now you need video evidence of an insurrection. 

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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


Am not your buddy o_O

7 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The time for you to run your mouth has passed

I think an entire thread is thinking the same thing, but aren't looking at me. 

Unfortunately I married a narssissist. Gaslighting, is ineffective on me.

You can't gaslight your way from facing consequences for your well documented crimes, just like you can't for dancing around facts and evidence because you don't agree with them.

Calling it leftard evidence doesn't dispute the evidence.

Just like if my wife was pregnant  me telling her so you're "pregnant" doesn't make her any less pregnant.

If anything, it only makes me likelier to sleep in a different bed that looks like sofa.

You suck at debating, is the long winded point am making.

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