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There was no insurrection, you more onz.

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12 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Lol...sure you did. By belittling the fraud, you attempt to excuse it.

Any cop will tell you that when they catch 1 criminal, there are many more they didn't catch.

But you know that, yet must insist the opposite because...cheaters have to lie.

And all it does is poison you.

You are full of it. I didn't belittle anything except for you kooks. Voter impersonation fraud is comically easy to catch, like you've been told a thousand times. Anything at scale is little like trying to shoplift a surfboard by tucking or down your pants. It'll get caught exactly like this was. You posted a story about how fraud detection is effective, and you can't even understand how that further destroys your evidence-free claims of a stolen election. Lol

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46 minutes ago, Fluffypants said:

No, they will just not leave a single stone unturned to arrest anyone who even hinted at participating in the "insurrection". You all have determined insurrection= questioning results of election and rioting.

We are going to need more prisons come 2025 to house all those insurrectionists, we are going to treat them just as kindly as you treated those on January 6th and none of them will be afforded bail and they will just rot in their cells for years without trial.

I have learned the biggest difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats are like Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka, entitled little brats who want instant gratification without looking at the big picture or how what they do will just open the door to the same happening to them.

Just cause you're ignorant of ALL THE PLANNING and INCITEMENT that went into the "will be wild" Jan 6th insurrection does not mean that everyone who ever rioted is an insurrectionist.

Did you ever figure out what a "contingent election" is and how Trump ILLEGALLY PLANNED TO USE THAT to overturn the election results?

Maybe if you ever do, you'll understand what made Jan 6th a real insurrection. I won't hold my breath.

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3 minutes ago, Hodad said:

You are full of it. I didn't belittle anything except for you kooks. Voter impersonation fraud is comically easy to catch, like you've been told a thousand times. Anything at scale is little like trying to shoplift a surfboard by tucking or down your pants. It'll get caught exactly like this was. You posted a story about how fraud detection is effective, and you can't even understand how that further destroys your evidence-free claims of a stolen election. Lol

Sure you did.

But that's OK Pookie. Cheaters gotta lie.

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18 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Sure you did.

But that's OK Pookie. Cheaters gotta lie.

You have zero room to call anyone a liar. It's like a morbidly obese person from one of those reality shows trying to call someone else chubby. 

I don't know at what point in your sad life you made the active decision to be a useless turd, but clearly you've made your peace with it. 

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1 minute ago, Hodad said:

You have zero room to call anyone a liar. It's like a morbidly obese person from one of those reality shows trying to call someone else chubby. 

I don't know at what point in your sad life you made the active decision to be a useless turd, but clearly you've made your peace with it. 

You're upset. I can tell. Meh...it must be hard on you to have to lie constantly. 

Here's an idea. Try not lying.

Your mommy would agree...I would hope.

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Riot and protest...yes.


And your sentiments toward the protestors...is funny.

Lesson for today...don't cheat in elections and this sort of thing won't happen.



You Libbies just cannot resist cheating and lying.

Trump hasn’t turned up one shred of evidence of widespread election fraud.  He had his day in court and his recounts and got his ass kicked. Biden beat Trump by over seven million votes.  

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4 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

If he was serious, he would have appealed to his base, and to America as a whole.

His messages don't show that urgency and speak for themselves. 

For starters, none of his messages ever showed any inclination at all towards violence or insurrection, period.

When violence did start, he clearly called for peace, 3 times in 3 hours, and even told people to go home.

Stop pretending that didn't happen, jackass.

On the one hand you're trying to say "His speech about peace and patriotism was a dog whistle for all of his followers to go on a murder spree" and then on the other you say "His unambiguous calls for peace were not urgent enough in my opinion."

You're losing all credibility here. I don't know what your problem is but you're completely irrational now.


You have yet to prove otherwise.

The onus isn't on me to 'prove' that his clear message of peace was actually a coded message for violence and upheaval of the highest magnitude. It's your delirium, you're the one who has to make sense of it.

The onus isn't on me to 'prove' that his THREE clear messages about ceasing the rioting were actually coded messages to keep rioting. It's your delirium, you're the one who has to make sense of it.


Didn't denounce January 6 as harshly as the others. Cite, if otherwise.

He didn't lie about it like AOC, Pelosi, Schiff et al, if that's what you mean, but that stands to reason because those three really are the biggest liars on the planet.

"I got PTSD because these particular riots weren't sanctioned by the DNC, and I didn't have enough armed cops protecting me from the unarmed crowds that I never even saw. I'm not some worthless peon from Ferguson who can be subjected to years of Dem-approved rioting and it's no big deal, I'm a member of high society dammit. This was unforgivable."



Trump did, and still is.

You not disagreeing with this is you accepting it as fact.


1. It's a learned behaviour. He watched the Dems, CNN, Hillary et al pretend that Russian collusion was a thing, and that the 2016 election was illegitimate, for the last 7 years. 

2. Why do Dems get so upset when they are treated the exact way that they deserve to be treated? 

3. Why do I care if Trump is still saying that the dems cheated? FYI there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's not illegal to say that the Dems cheated.

4. Are you honestly dumb enough to believe that they suddenly changed their ways? Doesn't it seem a bit suspicious to you that CNN - the world's foremost election deniers - were certifying the 2020 election free from fraud right on election night? That's like Hamas converting to Christianity during Ramadan. 


Ironically the amount of proof showing Trump's innocence.

Sorry dummy, but the onus isn't on Trump to prove that he's innocent. It's the Dems that have to prove that he's guilty, and no such thing exists.

The Jan 6th committee's tampered footage wasn't wasn't convincing enough. 

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Lol...sure you did. By belittling the fraud, you attempt to excuse it.

Any cop will tell you that when they catch 1 criminal, there are many more they didn't catch.

But you know that, yet must insist the opposite because...cheaters have to lie.

And all it does is poison you.

You should just put Hodad on ignore. He's completely immune to facts, logic and reason and he never makes an attempt to post anything worth reading or acknowledging.

Once he tells a lie he'll never stop. He'll just keep saying it over and over until even Goebbels would feel shame.

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17 hours ago, Fluffypants said:

Democrats better be on their BEST behavior next year if Trump wins.

They better not start rioting or even hinting that the election wasn't legitimate.

Buddy, what's this 'best behaviour' of theirs that you're talking about? When have you witnessed this odd phenomenon in the past ten years?

Are you expecting them to start telling the truth, listening to reason, stop inciting their slack-jawed m0r0ns to riot, stop sowing racial division, etc? 

That's like asking a shark to go vegan. 

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11 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You should just put Hodad on ignore. He's completely immune to facts, logic and reason and he never makes an attempt to post anything worth reading or acknowledging.

Once he tells a lie he'll never stop. He'll just keep saying it over and over until even Goebbels would feel shame.

OMG, you're obviously trying to wear out the entire concept of irony. 🤣

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43 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

For starters

He told his supporters the election was stolen. Thats the fuel. 

Told them to march to the capitol. That's the fire.

And told them to take their country back. Thats the TNT, the rocket launchers and the gun powder kegs.

Then threw in the "peacefully" at the end. That's a quarter cup of water, on a raging inferno.

51 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The onus

When you storm a government building, you have a national emergency on your hands. It should have been dealt with swiftly and nationally. We can agree to disagree, but the charges he faces will speak for themselves.

54 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

It's a learned behaviour.

So a black man shoots and kills a white cop. Learned behavior? Excempt from life in prison? 

Or as an adult, you have the power of choice?

57 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


You keep questioning my intellectual capabilities but have done nothing to show yours are any higher.

In fact you have refuted strong evidence, by deflecting it via "they did it, too!" essentially admitting to the evidence you were presented o_O

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59 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

For starters, none of his messages ever showed any inclination at all towards violence or insurrection, period.

When violence did start, he clearly called for peace, 3 times in 3 hours, and even told people to go home.

Stop pretending that didn't happen, jackass.

On the one hand you're trying to say "His speech about peace and patriotism was a dog whistle for all of his followers to go on a murder spree" and then on the other you say "His unambiguous calls for peace were not urgent enough in my opinion."

You're losing all credibility here. I don't know what your problem is but you're completely irrational now.

The onus isn't on me to 'prove' that his clear message of peace was actually a coded message for violence and upheaval of the highest magnitude. It's your delirium, you're the one who has to make sense of it.

The onus isn't on me to 'prove' that his THREE clear messages about ceasing the rioting were actually coded messages to keep rioting. It's your delirium, you're the one who has to make sense of it.

He didn't lie about it like AOC, Pelosi, Schiff et al, if that's what you mean, but that stands to reason because those three really are the biggest liars on the planet.

"I got PTSD because these particular riots weren't sanctioned by the DNC, and I didn't have enough armed cops protecting me from the unarmed crowds that I never even saw. I'm not some worthless peon from Ferguson who can be subjected to years of Dem-approved rioting and it's no big deal, I'm a member of high society dammit. This was unforgivable."

1. It's a learned behaviour. He watched the Dems, CNN, Hillary et al pretend that Russian collusion was a thing, and that the 2016 election was illegitimate, for the last 7 years. 

2. Why do Dems get so upset when they are treated the exact way that they deserve to be treated? 

3. Why do I care if Trump is still saying that the dems cheated? FYI there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's not illegal to say that the Dems cheated.

4. Are you honestly dumb enough to believe that they suddenly changed their ways? Doesn't it seem a bit suspicious to you that CNN - the world's foremost election deniers - were certifying the 2020 election free from fraud right on election night? That's like Hamas converting to Christianity during Ramadan. 

Sorry dummy, but the onus isn't on Trump to prove that he's innocent. It's the Dems that have to prove that he's guilty, and no such thing exists.

The Jan 6th committee's tampered footage wasn't wasn't convincing enough. 

Here you go, dum-dum: A 100 page finding of fact, legally accepted by eight judges, establishing unanimously that Donald Trump participated in an insurrection against the United States of America.  


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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

You should just put Hodad on ignore. He's completely immune to facts, logic and reason and he never makes an attempt to post anything worth reading or acknowledging.

Once he tells a lie he'll never stop. He'll just keep saying it over and over until even Goebbels would feel shame.

I don't like ignoring people. It defeats the whole purpose of this.

Besides...he's wrong so regularly, about so much, that it's fun to drag his opinions forth. Makes one wonder how someone who sees things that way, can succeed at anything. 

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10 hours ago, Nationalist said:

No no. Thank YOU for showing how morally bankrupt you are, and how easily you can excuse cheating.

Only the "cheating" for which you have NO EVIDENCE, and Trump LOST 60+ court cases TRYING to prove. LMAO

10 hours ago, Nationalist said:

BTW...I understand that impeachment proceedings have been started already against Shenna Bellows in Maine.

So what? 

10 hours ago, Hodad said:

By all means, if a howling mob of Democrats smash into the Capitol, assaulting police, calling for the death of the Vice President, Speaker of the House and other elected officials in an explicit attempt to prevent the peaceful transfer of power, you are encouraged to call that an insurrection. Please do! 

I'd like to think everyone has the common sense to call such behavior an insurrection. I'd certainly call it that. Until then, I guess you'll keep defending, dismissing and minimizing such behavior while playing the victim when such behavior is prosecuted.🙄

Party of "personal responsibility" my ass.

gnat man continually defends Trump's FRAUD, cause he is a FRAUD and has no respect for the law.

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7 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You should just put Hodad on ignore. He's completely immune to facts, logic and reason and he never makes an attempt to post anything worth reading or acknowledging.

Once he tells a lie he'll never stop. He'll just keep saying it over and over until even Goebbels would feel shame.

Either ^this or YOU ARE COMPLETELY IMMUNE to ANY FACTS which put ANY DENT in your cognitive dissonance.

And have to put anyone you CANNOT REFUTE on ignore. LMAO

We've seen you do it so many times, it is really comical by now, which is why we laugh at your posts.

6 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Ya...sure he did...

^Intellectual bankruptcy AGAIN. LMAO

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6 hours ago, Nationalist said:

I don't like ignoring people. It defeats the whole purpose of this.

Besides...he's wrong so regularly, about so much, that it's fun to drag his opinions forth. Makes one wonder how someone who sees things that way, can succeed at anything. 

Your ^cognitive dissonance is TEXT BOOK. You and WCM are living in your own reality only shared by your fellow exclusive viewers of FOS LIES and the MAGA CULT. 

Remember when you didn't even know about the $800M they had to pay for LYING.

Did that ever penetrate your cognitive dissonance? It seems NOT.

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31 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Only the "cheating" for which you have NO EVIDENCE, and Trump LOST 60+ court cases TRYING to prove. LMAO

So what? 

gnat man continually defends Trump's FRAUD, cause he is a FRAUD and has no respect for the law.

Whine whine whine...NO EVIDENCE...whine whine whine.

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25 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Either ^this or YOU ARE COMPLETELY IMMUNE to ANY FACTS which put ANY DENT in your cognitive dissonance.

And have to put anyone you CANNOT REFUTE on ignore. LMAO

We've seen you do it so many times, it is really comical by now, which is why we laugh at your posts.

^Intellectual bankruptcy AGAIN. LMAO

Meh...I'm goin' with @WestCanMan take on this.

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On 12/24/2023 at 8:15 AM, Fluffypants said:

Does anyone remember Chaz and CHOP where Antifa literally took over multiple city blocks and claimed that the US no longer had any authority there? That sounds like a real insurrection.

Yes but it was  a 'mostly peaceful' insurrection, except for all the violence. So it didn't count.

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