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The Dems' Long and Current Ties to Terrorist Orgs and Ant-Semitism

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47 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Be on a political chat forum long enough and you will see one side claiming that the other is anti-semite, racist, etc. Pure tribal nonsense. 

Long enough?

Leftards say those things every day. The only difference is that they don't have any evidence to point to. 

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Long enough?

Leftards say those things every day. The only difference is that they don't have any evidence to point to. 

Been on political chat forums since 2008 and guess what? I have seen both sides claim that the other is anti-semitic, racist, homophobic, etc. at least a thousand times. Guess what? the side making the claim always says that the other has no evidence. Sound familiar? 

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Just now, impartialobserver said:

Been on political chat forums since 2008 and guess what? I have seen both sides claim that the other is anti-semitic, racist, homophobic, etc. at least a thousand times. Guess what? the side making the claim always says that the other has no evidence. Sound familiar? 

Well, there are a bunch of names like Ilhan Omar, Keith Ellison, Farrakhan, Obama, Sen Byrd, Rashida Tlaib, etc being thrown around, and no excuse for any of them. 

The leftards' best accusation is Trump: the guy with a Jewish son-in-law, Jewish grandkids, etc... ? You're pathetic. 

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

Well, there are a bunch of names like Ilhan Omar, Keith Ellison, Farrakhan, Obama, Sen Byrd, Rashida Tlaib, etc being thrown around, and no excuse for any of them. 

The leftards' best accusation is Trump: the guy with a Jewish son-in-law, Jewish grandkids, etc... ? You're pathetic. 

Going off topic again... The point is that your schtick is tired. I have seen it thousands of other times. The other side is always going to make accusations of the other.. you know this, everybody knows this.. but apparently only I can be so bluntly honest. 

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Just now, impartialobserver said:

Going off topic again... The point is that your schtick is tired. I have seen it thousands of other times. The other side is always going to make accusations of the other.. you know this, everybody knows this.. but apparently only I can be so bluntly honest. 

This is a bizarre defense. 


First off - it's quite possible for both sides to be wrong, and both sides to be correct, or any combination thereof.  So you'd still have to rely on the evidence provided by the person making the claim.

Only after listening to the evidence presented can you:

a - agree with the position

b - disagree and note that the evidence is insufficent or present your own counter evidence,  or

c - decide you don't really care enough about it and wander off and have a couple of wobbly-pops.

You can't just dismiss a claim because others may or may not have made similar claims which may or may not be correct.

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27 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Going off topic again... The point is that your schtick is tired. I have seen it thousands of other times. The other side is always going to make accusations of the other.. you know this, everybody knows this.. but apparently only I can be so bluntly honest. 

What do you mean I'm going OT? I responded directly to your claim about "posters always making false accusations of anti-Semitism" ?

Your actual problem is that you can't deny the virulent anti-Semitism that's rife in the DNC. The LPOC even has anti-Semites and refuses to condemn public anti-Jew orgies like the quds day celebration behind Trudeau's office. 

When the LPOC isn't busy feting Nazis in the HoC they're hosting holocaust deniers. I never even heard the word "holohoax" before this: https://nationalpost.com/news/parliament-palestinian-solidarity-event-antisemitic-pro-terrorist

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On 10/26/2023 at 10:25 AM, WestCanMan said:


Even liberal Time magazine acknowledges that the KKK functioned as the military arm of the Democrat party:

From https://www.newsweek.com/why-wont-joe-biden-repudiate-anti-semitic-democrats-opinion-1538639:

Even though the Dems try/pretend to distance themselves from the KKK now, they are still allied with BLM and Antifa, which are both virulent anti-Semitic groups.

Joe Biden:


Prominent anti-Semites in the party include Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlab, Maxine Waters, Keith Ellison, James Clyburn, and Barack "Farrakhan's pal" Obama.

Senator Byrd, the longest-serving Dem ever, used to be a Grand Cyclops. 

The Dems are absolutely rife with Anti-Semites, and openly anti-Semitic haters feature prominently at Dem conventions and rallies. 

How interesting that you should quote as an authority a publication owned by a member of the ultra far right Olivet  Christian religious group that gates any religion except its own and Newsweek itself owned by a " businessman" of which the information known is based solely on his own creation of an alleged biography with no other source whatsoever backing it up.  Your comments seem to say the Dems are Nazi white supremacists when in fact your alleged facts stem from someone with no verifiable source declaring such are " facts"...thus proving they are nothing more than hate speech disguised as religion. 

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On 10/26/2023 at 12:19 PM, Rebound said:

I’ve encountered plenty of Republicans who hate Jews.  

Are they too, joining the racist democrats in their "Save Hamas" protests? 

On 10/26/2023 at 1:23 PM, robosmith said:

Are the Jews in NYC protesting Israeli policies and Netanyahu, "anti-Semitic" in YOUR MIND?

Nope, they're racist democrats just like you. ;)

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12 hours ago, Caswell Thomas said:

How interesting that you should quote as an authority a publication owned by a member of the ultra far right Olivet  Christian religious group that gates any religion except its own and Newsweek itself owned by a " businessman" of which the information known is based solely on his own creation of an alleged biography with no other source whatsoever backing it up.  Your comments seem to say the Dems are Nazi white supremacists when in fact your alleged facts stem from someone with no verifiable source declaring such are " facts"...thus proving they are nothing more than hate speech disguised as religion. 

Are you honestly trying to deny that the KKK functioned as a Dem militia? 

P1 of a Google search:


There's absolutely no doubt about the fact the KKK and the Dems were two peas in a pod.

They might not have had a formal contract/constitution drawn up together and filed at a county courthouse somewhere, but they were absolutely partners in their early attacks on blacks and their violent attempts to prevent blacks from voting and gaining other civil rights. 

It's impossible for you to have grown up in the US and still not be aware of that unless you live within a propaganda bubble. 

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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Are you honestly trying to deny that the KKK functioned as a Dem militia? 

P1 of a Google search:


There's absolutely no doubt about the fact the KKK and the Dems were two peas in a pod.

They might not have had a formal contract/constitution drawn up together and filed at a county courthouse somewhere, but they were absolutely partners in their early attacks on blacks and their violent attempts to prevent blacks from voting and gaining other civil rights. 

It's impossible for you to have grown up in the US and still not be aware of that unless you live within a propaganda bubble. 

Its comical really. Today's Libbies completely ignore the history of the Democrat Party. Bird...Biden...others as well who are currently serving.

IMO, the Dems never gave up on their racism. They just disguised it as "compassion". They introduced the welfare measures that trapped the black community in a never-ending cycle of dependence and crime.

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15 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Its comical really. Today's Libbies completely ignore the history of the Democrat Party. Bird...Biden...others as well who are currently serving.

IMO, the Dems never gave up on their racism. They just disguised it as "compassion". They introduced the welfare measures that trapped the black community in a never-ending cycle of dependence and crime.

Yup. IMO there are a lot of black slaves to this day, but the shackles are in their minds.

A lot of them are in jail, but to be honest, anyone who got sucked into believing that "There's no sense trying in school because crackaz will never hire you" will likely be tethered to the lowest rungs of the economic ladder for life.

It's the Dems that push that message, along with Hollywood and the music industry. 

No one would hire a life coach that says "Everyone is out to get you. Cops just want to kill you - even the Uncle Tom black cops. Stop educating yourself and join a drug gang." Black kids get that message every day in music, movies, and from BLM and the demonrats. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy at some point. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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53 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Its comical really. Today's Libbies completely ignore the history of the Democrat Party. Bird...Biden...others as well who are currently serving.

IMO, the Dems never gave up on their racism. They just disguised it as "compassion". They introduced the welfare measures that trapped the black community in a never-ending cycle of dependence and crime.

Just as those who virtue-signal the loudest are usually the most corrupt among us.

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Just now, OftenWrong said:

Just as those who virtue-signal the loudest are usually the most corrupt among us.

Very true.  And racism and bigotry is really about dividing people into 'acceptable' groups with different levels of 'acceptability'.  And isn't that what the democrats have done now with their intersectional coalition and heiarchy - where whites speak last because they're least acceptable, and black lesbian women speak first because they're the most acceptable?

They're still breaking people down into classes and then weaponizing them to win elections.

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1 minute ago, OftenWrong said:

Just as those who virtue-signal the loudest are usually the most corrupt among us.

The squad lol. 


Also the squad: "Burning Jewish women and children to death was ok, but killing Palestinians is evil." 

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19 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The squad lol. 


Also the squad: "Burning Jewish women and children to death was ok, but killing Palestinians is evil." 


Those downvotes are amazing. Such liberal exasperation by their own doing.

Is like... sweet music to my ears...   ;) 

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16 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

What do you mean I'm going OT? I responded directly to your claim about "posters always making false accusations of anti-Semitism" ?

Your actual problem is that you can't deny the virulent anti-Semitism that's rife in the DNC. The LPOC even has anti-Semites and refuses to condemn public anti-Jew orgies like the quds day celebration behind Trudeau's office. 

When the LPOC isn't busy feting Nazis in the HoC they're hosting holocaust deniers. I never even heard the word "holohoax" before this: https://nationalpost.com/news/parliament-palestinian-solidarity-event-antisemitic-pro-terrorist

You should venture over to Liberalforum.org... lots of adamantly Conservative posters that are holocaust Deniers. 

Do you know what is interesting.. I never used the word, "False"... I said that posters make accusations. Do you notice that there is no adjective in front of the word, "accusations".. You would be a terrible analyst 

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13 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

You should venture over to Liberalforum.org... lots of adamantly Conservative posters that are holocaust Deniers. 

Do you know what is interesting.. I never used the word, "False"... I said that posters make accusations. Do you notice that there is no adjective in front of the word, "accusations".. You would be a terrible analyst 

What the hell is wrong with you these days? You've always been a pretty honest poster with good ideas most of the time and even when we disagree i feel your points are decently made.

But lately - what the HELL is this garbage? That is the worst kind of obfuscation attempt and completely dishonest.

You very clearly indiciated that his argument was invalid because others form 'both sides' have made it - which as i pointed out is a bullshit argument in the extreme.

NOW you're claiming that TECHNICALLY - TECHNICALLY your Honour - TECHNICALLY i didn't use the word 'false' - that's just HIS interpretation of invalid.

The meaning of what you said was clear.  For god's sake man, have the balls to stand behind your arguments instead of trying to pull some bullshit "matlock" technical defense as if you were johnny cochrine and the glove didn't fit.

I don't know what's gotten into you these days but i hope you snap out soon

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Just now, CdnFox said:

What the hell is wrong with you these days? You've always been a pretty honest poster with good ideas most of the time and even when we disagree i feel your points are decently made.

But lately - what the HELL is this garbage? That is the worst kind of obfuscation attempt and completely dishonest.

You very clearly indiciated that his argument was invalid because others form 'both sides' have made it - which as i pointed out is a bullshit argument in the extreme.

NOW you're claiming that TECHNICALLY - TECHNICALLY your Honour - TECHNICALLY i didn't use the word 'false' - that's just HIS interpretation of invalid.

The meaning of what you said was clear.  For god's sake man, have the balls to stand behind your arguments instead of trying to pull some bullshit "matlock" technical defense as if you were johnny cochrine and the glove didn't fit.

I don't know what's gotten into you these days but i hope you snap out soon

Two subjective opinions... neither is better than the other. X says that Y is anti-semitic and then Y says X is anti-semitic. Again.. subjective opinions. After having seen this play out a few hundred times... like any reasonable human being, I become numb to it. It is difficult to take someone serious who 1) makes assumptions aka .. including the word False and 2) who says the same thing over and over again in hopes of gaining affirmation. 

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1 minute ago, impartialobserver said:

Two subjective opinions... neither is better than the other. X says that Y is anti-semitic and then Y says X is anti-semitic.

It's not really a 'subjective' opinion entirely. It should be demonstrable that there were statements or actions or whatever that were demonstrably negative to the jews (or whatever group) and the party's reaction to it can be observed.  There's a SLIGHT bit of subjective nature in it but there's a quantifiable element as well, so either side should be able to make a reasoned and logical case,

IT doesn't invalidate an argument made today that others have made similar arguments in the past about one group or another


Again.. subjective opinions. After having seen this play out a few hundred times... like any reasonable human being, I become numb to it. It is difficult to take someone serious who 1) makes assumptions aka .. including the word False and 2) who says the same thing over and over again in hopes of gaining affirmation. 

Well if you're claiming that your argument is based partially on frustration over the topic in general then that would make some sense

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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

It's not really a 'subjective' opinion entirely. It should be demonstrable that there were statements or actions or whatever that were demonstrably negative to the jews (or whatever group) and the party's reaction to it can be observed.  There's a SLIGHT bit of subjective nature in it but there's a quantifiable element as well, so either side should be able to make a reasoned and logical case,

IT doesn't invalidate an argument made today that others have made similar arguments in the past about one group or another

Well if you're claiming that your argument is based partially on frustration over the topic in general then that would make some sense

when I read the garden variety, "You are anti-semitic" post, it generally boils down to this. I do not like you so by default, you are anti-semitic or racist. The so-called evidence is spurious at best such as your candidate voted against some sort of funding bill that would have sent money to Israel. So by proxy.. you the Democrat voter hates Jews. That logic does not work on me.. Apparently, it does you. 

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43 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

You should venture over to Liberalforum.org... lots of adamantly Conservative posters that are holocaust Deniers. 

OMG, some random posters deny the holocaust, soooooo, somehow GOP and PC politicians are implicated????

You're an id10t.

I'm talking about the leaders of political parties who are known anti-Semites, you're comparing them to anonymous posters on an internet forum...

I could sign up on that forum, pretend to be a leftard, and then praise satan. It's meaningless. You're clueless.


Do you know what is interesting.. I never used the word, "False"... I said that posters make accusations. Do you notice that there is no adjective in front of the word, "accusations".. You would be a terrible analyst 

If accusations aren't false or unsubstantiated then it's not a great sin to make them, genius. You are terrible at saying things in English. 

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4 hours ago, impartialobserver said:

when I read the garden variety, "You are anti-semitic" post, it generally boils down to this. I do not like you so by default, you are anti-semitic or racist. The so-called evidence is spurious at best such as your candidate voted against some sort of funding bill that would have sent money to Israel. So by proxy.. you the Democrat voter hates Jews. That logic does not work on me.. Apparently, it does you. 

Sometimes three are really subtle clues, like a pack of rabid torch-bearing Trump supporters marching around shouting "Jews will not replace us!" Or other nuanced stuff, like endorsements from and dining engagements with half of the ADL watch list. Calling 3/4 of the Jews in this country anti-semitic turncoats.  It's the little things...

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