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This is why Polievre will win the election - the infamous 'apple' interview


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On 10/18/2023 at 2:33 AM, August1991 said:

Poilievre will win because of his wife.

Not only is she beautiful, but she is also a racial minority and speaks French. Her parents come from poverty. Thats checkmate in politics.

Trudeau would have to marry someone from a developing country who was homeless and is trans to even remotely have a chance.

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34 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Not only is she beautiful, but she is also a racial minority and speaks French. Her parents come from poverty. Thats checkmate in politics.

Trudeau would have to marry someone from a developing country who was homeless and is trans to even remotely have a chance.

She is an Ottawa swamp creature though- gets a high paid “parliamentary affairs Advisor” job at the Senate at age 20 under the Harper government and currently is a “foreign affairs advisor” to a conservative senator despite not having any discernible relevant education or work experience 

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1 hour ago, jatt47 said:

>not an immigrant.

Never said you were - but obviously your family was at some point.  This is what happens when you let poor stock in.



Sorry - did you prefer the term 'crybabying'?



You're the one who fantasizes about police shooting non-whites dead.

Sure - because THAT'S what i said.

Seems more like you're the one with the fantasies.


Simply, because you lack the balls to do it yourself. 

Well, more because it isn't true :)  

Hey kid - if you have to lie to try to make your point you don't have a very good point.



I think racist opinions such as a singular idea of 'modern Canada' have no place here.

Well if you think racists have no place here does that mean you're leaving?


Notice, that I included monogamy/cuckoldry ie Anglo Conservative Gender Norms.

I really didn't notice.  You're not worth paying CLOSE attention to. More of a comedy act


As well as, LGBTP+ ie Anglo 'Liberal' Gender Norms.

Sure - you should hate everyone equally ;)  Are you sure you're not repressing homosexual feelings?


The idea of a mostly white staff instructing a non-white (majority) student body makes me deeply uncomfortable.

Are you sure it's not your repressed homosexuality? It kind of sounds like your repressed homosexuality is making you uncomfortable.



Even Martin Luther King was against White teachers teaching black kids.

And now he's dead.

ਅਕਾਲ ਇੱਕ ਹਾਰਨ ਵਾਲਾ ਹੈ

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5 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

She is an Ottawa swamp creature though- gets a high paid “parliamentary affairs Advisor” job at the Senate at age 20 under the Harper government and currently is a “foreign affairs advisor” to a conservative senator despite not having any discernible relevant education or work experience 

Politics is about optics.

Watching Trudeau and his ex wife was often cringe worthy.

It's like they had to convince you that they were in love along with themselves.

Poilievre and his wife come across as a genuine person.

He removed his glasses to remove that aura of "I'll do your taxes" which he oozed of, to "I'll reduce your taxes".

I think he is similar to Obama, replacing sheer incompetence so him just showing up and having good speeches will be enough for most Canadians.

He literally could do an interview in pig Latin, and still would be  seen as stronger.

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

I don’t know who the interviewer is but he’s not very good.

No, he's a local editor of a small paper. Gotcha interviews are not his forte :)

But it' not the interview as much as how effortlessly PP deals with the questions and pushes the reporter into a corner without seeming hostile or like a bully.  ANd he does that with others.  Justin has always relied on the media ot harrass his opponents and for  each of the previous ones that worked, but PP is going to be a much different challenge


Hilarious that PP of all people would say he doesn’t talk about “left wing”. He’s a guy who screams “Marxist” 10 times a day.

No he doesn't - and he has given many speeches about how he thinks left and right are kind of bullcrap ideas. 

Post an example of him crying "Marxist".   Go on. Unless you're lying . Which will surprise no one, you're constantly making crap up.



If his Big Mac at McDonlads doesn’t have enough sauce on it I het screams that the girl at the counter is a “Marxist”. 

Sure - that probably happens, so lets see the news report or video of that. Go on.  Again - you wouldn't be lying would you?



Edit:  the reporter is from the South Okanagan Times Chronicle, what never heard of it?  From the way the story is blowing up all over the right wing internet you would think he took down CNN or NYT or something 

WAAAAAAHHHHH - THe right wing guy looks really good and our left wing guy looks stupid and this is all i can say to refute it  WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!

Grow up for god's sake.  It was a great interview for PP, he handled the guy extremely well, the apple is hilarious . Cope harder.

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1 hour ago, jatt47 said:

What is your point there, bigot boy?


You're the one who fantasizes about police shooting non-whites dead.

Weird that you think people do that...


I think racist opinions such as a singular idea of 'modern Canada' have no place here.

Do you not see the irony in what you just said?

You're sitting there advocating for "Sikhs ruling Surrey" and cheering because of the changing racial demographic and at the same time you're pretending to denounce racism.

You're the poster boy for racism, stooge.

And there's nothing more racist than saying that the Sikhs need their own homeland in India. Only a true bigot can't abide with people of other religions or focuses on people's skin colour.

You gotta make up your mind, boy, do you love racism or do you hate it? It's kinda weird for you to be overtly racist while you're whining about racism. 


Notice, that I included monogamy/cuckoldry ie Anglo Conservative Gender Norms.

I see that you like to use big words when you post in order to seem more photosynthesis. Very impressive. 

FYI Sikhism is monogamous, and monogamy isn't exclusive to Anglo Saxons.

Just because you choose to be cuckolded on a regular basis doesn't mean that Canadian culture is to blame. maybe get a penis enlarger and you won't have to be so jealous of other races. 


The idea of a mostly white staff instructing a non-white (majority) student body makes me deeply uncomfortable.

No shit. Did you just figure out right now that you're a racist? Is it my job to inform you that you came out of the closet a while back?


Even Martin Luther King was against White teachers teaching black kids.

Yeah, and MLK grew up in a deeply racist society, so he has an excuse. You didn't, so you don't. Your racism is just the manifestation of your own inner ugliness. 



I dunno what that is, but the more you type it, the more closely it becomes associated with things like the swastika and the confederate flag. 

33 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

He removed his glasses to remove that aura of "I'll do your taxes" which he oozed of, to "I'll reduce your taxes".

? too funny

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7 minutes ago, jatt47 said:


I'm no leftist, but it's not fair to lump pedos into that group. It's an entirely different beast.

What you and your boyfriend do behind closed doors is up to you, but 99% of gays and lesbians don't approve of pedophilia. 

You gotta to go to a place like Afghanistan to find acceptance for that. 

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

No he doesn't - and he has given many speeches about how he thinks left and right are kind of bullcrap ideas. 

Post an example of him crying "Marxist".   Go on. Unless you're lying . Which will surprise no one, you're constantly making crap up.

Are you joking?  The man has literally had no other job im his adult life except 20 years of calling Liberals amd NDP communists, marxists etc. and denouncing “leftists” at every opportunity, more so than most conservatives which is saying alot. It’s basically ehat he was known for throughout his career. Now that he’s rebranding his image and hiding his glasses he doesn’t want people to remember any of that. But Pepperidge Farm remembers. Here is just a few from quick googles some from the current cycle:

Here he promises to bring “Leftist tears”

Here, he says Trudeaus are Marxists 


Here is tweeting about the “woke left”  and also spouting baseless conservative nonsense about fascists being the left. 

and  here is another tweet of his about “socialism” in admiration of Margaret Thatcher

Edit:  here’s another, from a notorious right-wing propaganda site 


Pierre Poilievre: The Liberal Party has been taken over by radical leftists

 Candice Malcolm

September 16, 2021

..,Pierre doesn’t mince words in his criticism of Trudeau and his central bankers as well as a scathing assessment of the government-funded legacy media. He saves his fiercest words for the Liberal party, who he says have been “taken over by radical leftists who have a state-driven ideology where the government takes over every aspect of our lives.”


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3 hours ago, jatt47 said:

>not an immigrant.



You're the one who fantasizes about police shooting non-whites dead.

Simply, because you lack the balls to do it yourself. 

I think racist opinions such as a singular idea of 'modern Canada' have no place here.

Notice, that I included monogamy/cuckoldry ie Anglo Conservative Gender Norms.

As well as, LGBTP+ ie Anglo 'Liberal' Gender Norms.


The idea of a mostly white staff instructing a non-white (majority) student body makes me deeply uncomfortable.

Even Martin Luther King was against White teachers teaching black kids.


So you propose full segregation by race.  I can’t believe how racist the left have become. 

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2 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

He removed his glasses to remove that aura of "I'll do your taxes" which he oozed of, to "I'll reduce your taxes".

He removed his glasses to distance himself from his reputation as the smarmy spiteful nerd who calls the police on your house party because you didn’t invite him. 


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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

For the love of god can someone please tell me what the new “P” stands for?   Some things come to mind but then I’m like “no that can’t be it, even a straight person would have one of those”

pneumatic.  Apparently SOME of the non-cis think rather highly of their skills.

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2 hours ago, jatt47 said:

We're a multi-generational military family at this point.


All familes are multi generational.  Adam and eve were the first generation - pretty much everyone else had parents.

You really don't get how biology works do you.


You can come discuss how ਅਕਾਲ ie the name of the Lord is a loser's name in person tho.

I think you need a special pass to get into the insane asylum so that might be hard for me to do.... why, is your little imaginary friend upset? What a loser :)


Your type wouldn't survive in Europe due to the eugenic wars they wage every once in awhile.

Pretty sure there's at least a few white folk left in europe.


North America's just a bit behind the curb.

Whereas you're a bit under a rock :)

What a sad little person. Sitting in your mommy's "Multigenerational" basement fantasizing about a world where you're relevant and talking to your imaginary friend because you're too afraid to actually go out and make your way in life.  Pretty sad,

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Petulance is the point for Pierre Poilievre

By Nina Lakhani | News | October 17th 2023

Justin Trudeau is in deep, deep trouble. Based on recent polling, which continues to push Pierre Poilievre’s Conservative Party of Canada ahead by double digits, Trudeau’s Liberals appear headed for the sort of once-in-a-generation political shellacking that Brian Mulroney handed John Turner in 1984 and Stephen Harper dealt Michael Ignatieff in 2011.

Ironically, there might only be one person who can save the Liberals from this fate: Pierre Poilievre. 

I’m sure this sounds delusional to most conservatives, given how high Poilievre is riding in the polls right now. But a recent video of him chatting with fruit growers and a local journalist in British Columbia — released by Poilievre’s own team, no less — serves as a reminder of his weaknesses and why they could make the next election more competitive than it looks right now. The very fact they released it, meanwhile, shows that his team can’t see the danger staring them right in the face. 

The video, titled “How do you like them apples?,” is clearly a reference to one of the defining moments in 1997’s Good Will Hunting. But rather than coming off like Matt Damon’s character, Poilievre seems to be channeling the condescending Harvard student that gets humiliated by Damon in the scene. When a local journalist named Don Urquhart asks him about his populist political brand and willingness to borrow from Donald Trump’s political playbook, he gets visibly annoyed. “What are you talking about? What page? Give me a page.”

There are many ways he could have handled this line of questioning, from a gentle pivot to the importance of listening to the average voter to an articulation of what his own playbook actually includes. He doesn’t have to behave like a petulant jackass, in other words. But with Poilievre, it seems, petulance is the point. It’s who he’s been his entire political career, and it’s what still bubbles to the surface almost instinctively, regardless of how much time and money his team spends trying to change it. 

His penchant for two-dimensional thinking and deliberate oversimplification is also on full display in his response. He talks about the importance of balancing the budget and cutting spending, but when pressed on the details of where and how he would do that, he produces a grab bag of Conservative hobby horses that wouldn’t amount to a rounding error on the federal budget. “Defund the CBC, save a billion dollars,” he says. “Get rid of the ArriveCan app. Reduce the monstrous contracting out. Stop sending our money to foreign dictators, to terrorists, and to international bureaucracies that waste it on ourselves.”

Oh, about those “dictators and terrorists” to whom Canada is apparently giving money? When asked to clarify, he could only come up with the $257 million given to the Asian Infrastructure Bank, which funds low-carbon projects in China and other parts of Asia — funding the federal government has already announced that it's suspended. Poilievre, though, suggested it’s really about “building pipelines that we don’t allow to be built here” (we do, of course: see TMX and Coastal GasLink) and “designed to re-establish the ancient Silk Road of the Chinese empire. Why would we pay to establish some kind of imperial silk dynasty with Canadian tax dollars for a communist dictatorship? It’s insane.”

What people are reading

This is a childish answer to a serious question, but it’s a telling one as well. It’s emblematic of Poilievre’s approach to politics, one designed to dumb everything (and everyone) down to an elementary school level of analysis. His fondness for simplistic — dare I say, Trumpish? — political formulations and his inability to resist blaming his opponents for everything under the sun might appeal to the conservative base, but it surely sits less comfortably with the general public. Most people, I think — I hope — understand there are no easy solutions to the challenges we face, especially when it comes to things like climate change and other global economic and geopolitical realities. 

The Trudeau Liberals have less than two years to remind Canadians of who Poilievre really is and why his fundamentally unserious approach to politics is a threat they should take more seriously. Given their demonstrated lack of competence on a bunch of different files of late, that might be well beyond their abilities at this point. You can only campaign on being the steady hand at the wheel if the car isn’t swerving all over the place, after all. 

Pierre Poilievre doesn’t have to behave like a petulant jackass, But with Poilievre, it seems, petulance is the point. @maxfawcett writes for @NatObserver #cdnpoli #poilievre #cpc 

But if there’s a path to victory for the Trudeau Liberals in 2025, it has to revolve around Trudeau’s willingness to acknowledge the complexity of the moment we’re in right now. 

We live in a world where there are no free lunches, and few easy meals of any sort. Poilievre’s entire value proposition to voters, meanwhile, revolves around serving them an imaginary platter and pretending someone else will pay the bill. It’s long past time the Trudeau Liberals called that out. If they’re going to go down, they might as well do it swinging.



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3 hours ago, jatt47 said:

God doesn't care if you insult him. 

Good - i'd hate to have to smite him.


His army does. 

His army is currently getting its butt whupped over in the Gaza strip. I'd say they have enough to worry about.


Wow, bro look at me I'm being annoying. 

A little but mostly we just find you amusing i think :)



White people aren't a monolith. 

Awww look at you, getting all philosophical :)   Yeah - most of us know NOBODY is a 'monolith'. that's more of a thing racists and bigots need explained. Glad you worked it out eventually


You're clearly trailer trash & nothing close to the pedigree which created societies everyone's trying to live in. 

Oh look! you found your mirror!!


Everyone's impressed if you remember to zip your fly right

Yo mamma was :)  


ਅਕਾਲ ਇੱਕ ਹਾਰਨ ਵਾਲਾ ਹੈ

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5 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Are you joking?  The man has literally had no other job im his adult life except 20 years of calling Liberals amd NDP communists, marxists etc.



really,  Communist and marxists.  well you had said marxist but lets see ,




Here he promises to bring “Leftist tears”

So - not marxist or communist.


Here, he says Trudeaus are Marxists 

So - two specific people. Not the liberals. And they are Marxists.


Here is tweeting about the “woke left”  and also spouting baseless conservative nonsense about fascists being the left. 

So  not about liberals but about 'woke' people.  And fascists are socialists.


here is another tweet of his about “socialism” in admiration of Margaret Thatcher

So  nothing to do with marxist.

so - really one time. You could find one time when he wasn't talking about historical socialist marxists.  ANd arguably he's got a point, the trudeaus were actual marxists, especially his father.


The rest didn't even mention those words.  You just drummed up any time the words 'left' got mentioned and pretended that meant he said marxist.


As expected - you're a lying sack who couldn't back up his claim  "HE"S CONSTANTLY CRYING MARXIST ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT!!!!  "  Prove it -  "Well...  he said it one time, About two marxist... "

He is going to beat the leftie m0rons like you into the dust next election and it'll be 10 years at least till you get him out :)   Enjoy :)  



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7 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Poilievre’s approach to politics, one designed to dumb everything (and everyone) down to an elementary school level of analysis.

Actually Pierre is an excellent conservative leader.  It get's right to the point and is not afraid to call a spade a spade.  He knows how to hammer Trudeau and the Liberals.  He is doing an excellent job.  That's one reason he is ahead of Trudeau by a wide margin.  Some think he is too much of an attack dog.  But in politics that is how a leader of a party has to be if he wants to win.  He is doing a great job and knows how to hammer Trudeau.  He just has to keep it up and stick to the bread and butter issues.

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21 hours ago, jatt47 said:



ROFLMAO! Oh my! A tough guy with swords! What ever shall we do? Is Surrey full of tough guys like you? If so, I guess we'll just have to send the RCMP in to round you all up and deport those we can and cage those we can't.

Thanks for the heads up. Do have a warm and fuzzy day.

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4 minutes ago, jatt47 said:

Eh, @CdnFox& @Nationalist are clearly disabled & in need of MAID/eugenics.

I'm fine replacing white proles with non-white elites.

Creates a better society.



@CdnFox buddy...I do believe this sword waving simpleton is begging for a race war. Surrey used to be a nice place. Is it really now filled with racist twerps like this?

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6 minutes ago, jatt47 said:

You would hide behind a bunch of women? Gee...that speaks volumes. I do hope your whole race isn't this cowardly?

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15 minutes ago, jatt47 said:

Race war =/ class war.

You're retarded & holding the country back.

Some guy from Algeria with a PHd doesn't.

Reee you're racist - buddy, neither of us care about that label.


Huh...Look sonny-boy...you start waving swords around and making thinly veiled threats and you'll wind up in a cage...or a box.

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