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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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15 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Ceasefire will allow humaneterian help reaches the desparate people trapped in Gaza msjority of which are women and childrem. Israel ground offensive can resume after a brief ceasefire.

It is the wrong immigration policies mainly since Trudeau was elected. Keep Islamists out of Canada or we all will pay heavy price. Keep the trash out. Canadians do care but afraid to speak out. Afraid of being accused of racism. Now that Trudeau has brought in Islamophobia laws is even worse.

Cease fire never accomplish anything except allow the other side to rest and recoup , resupply and get ready for the fight the next day...the one good thing is it allows the wounded to be evacuated to better hospitals...

why would the Israelis give up any momentum they have to give Hamas any breathing room. Besides Hamas is not allowing the people to flee forcing them to stick around to be their human shields or they would have done it already...

You mention most of them are women and children, i have to ask where is all the men...fighting ? or have they run already? 

Well lets be frank, it is racism...we live in a racist country for the most part did you not here justin say that... ...when we pick out one group or race, creed, or religion and tell them no soup, for you, thats racist...perhaps better funding and more manning would allow immigration to do a deeper dive into their pasts and properly vet each immigrant before they get in...it would also allow them the man power to hunt those that need to leave or broke our laws...

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:


Well lets be frank, it is racism...we live in a racist country for the most part did you not here justin say that... ...when we pick out one group or race, creed, or religion and tell them no soup, for you, thats racist...perhaps better funding and more manning would allow immigration to do a deeper dive into their pasts and properly vet each immigrant before they get in...it would also allow them the man power to hunt those that need to leave or broke our laws...

No it is not racist. Not at all/ We don't say all Arabs or all middle easterns must be barred. We say screen based on beliefs and behaviour. Same as we don't allow in people with criminal background. These who are women haters or who do not believe in equality of women or respect for other religions or back terrorist organizations or lack respect for human rights should be banned from coming to Canada.  This does not include all Muslims or all Arabs or all Africans or all Indians but yes a good portion of them and some Europeans too and those individuals must be barred coming to this great country. Keep the trash out.

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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

You make it sound like it is just this conflict that collateral damage happens,

No it's just that I can't recall a war where the intended target is more like the collateral damage compared to the numbers of civilians being killed and injured along the way. You make it sound like that is the only way.


2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

You should ask Hamas how many more are going to die...it is after all THEM that are hiding among the population like cowards...It is them that are forcing the population to remain in the strike zones... 

As I understand it the heads of Hamas are in Qatar and Iran not Gaza.

Israel and it's allies should be making this a wider conflict instead of forcing thousands of civilians, half of them kids, but that would take bravery wouldn't it?

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1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

lack respect for human rights should be banned from coming to Canada.  This does not include all Muslims

I thought that Muslims follow the Quran;  doesn't the Quran say to kill the infidels (non-Muslims)?  Some websites deny this and claim it does not teach that, while other websites say it does.  How does a Muslim know what the truth is?

"The Koran (translated by Dawood in Penguin Classics series) says, "When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them" (Sura 9:5). "When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads" (Sura 47:4). "Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate" (Sura 9:73). "The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan" (Sura 4:76). Who are these idolaters and unbelievers and infidels? Those who are not strict Muslims. "Muhammad is God's Apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" (Sura 48:29)."

Think again: The Koran does say to kill infidels | Opinions | bozemandailychronicle.com

Should this be enough to reject followers of this religion?  Or how do you tell?


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6 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No it's just that I can't recall a war where the intended target is more like the collateral damage compared to the numbers of civilians being killed and injured along the way. You make it sound like that is the only way.


ww2 - vietnam - ww1 - korea - Afghanistan - the iraq war -

I'm having trouble finding a war where that WASN"T the case.

This IS what always happens, and it happens even more when the "bad guys" use their civillians as meat shields.

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On 11/5/2023 at 4:14 PM, blackbird said:

I don't believe in those conspiracy theories.  The evidence for the al Qaida terrorist 9-11 attack is overwhelming.  There is even video showing the planes flying into the twin towers.  They have recordings of the planes that were hijacked by the terrorists and people on the plane that called relatives on cell phones and gave information about the hijacking.  Documentaries showed a lot of the evidence.  Almost nobody questions it.  They have the history of the terrorists and what they were doing to prepare for the attack.  They also flew one plane into the Pentagon at the same time.  Another plane crashed into the ground.  Tons of evidence it was a terrorist attack involving a number of terrorists.

On the contrary, there have been way too many questions that needed to be answered about the twin towers bombing or so-called plane story. As i told you already. There were many firefighters in the garage area of the twin towers that could hear what sounded like explosives going off in that area. Are you prepared to say that the firefighters were just confused or were lying? Also, there was no airplane wreckage ever found at the Pentagon.  

I have some great property to sell in the swamps of Florida at bargain prices. Interested? ?

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On 11/5/2023 at 4:20 PM, DUI_Offender said:

Oh God. Get out the tinfoil hats, folks!

What brainwashed fools like you should be doing is to get your thinking hats on and read the other side of the story. Just because you enjoy being brainwashed does not mean that the rest of us have to be brainwashed like you. There are plenty of stories about what really happened with the twin towers. Unlike you, i read and will listen to both sides of the story. Only dummies and buffoons will only listen to one side of the story and not the other. 

Maybe it is you that is wearing a tinfoil hat/ Think about it for awhile, fool. ?

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On 11/7/2023 at 9:50 AM, Army Guy said:

No taxme has pretty much covered his entire body with tinfoil, he does not want to miss the next signal from the supreme leader...or grand wizard of the KKK not sure which one.

Buzz, wrong again has usual. You lose. LOL When one cannot win an argument or debate with someone who has a different opinion and points of view than their's, they than like to call those that they disagree with as being members of the KKK. A typical tactic coming from a typical lefty liberal like you. Why do you lefty liberals always appear to be so stupid and stunned so many times? Do fools like you always believe what the lying and fake MSM tells you all the time? I guess, in your case, you will believe anything the MSM tells you without question. Your stupid problem and not mine. 

So, what color tinfoil hat are you wearing today? Is it yellow by chance? Just wondering. ?

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52 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I thought that Muslims follow the Quran;  doesn't the Quran say to kill the infidels (non-Muslims)?  Some websites deny this and claim it does not teach that, while other websites say it does.  How does a Muslim know what the truth is?

"The Koran (translated by Dawood in Penguin Classics series) says, "When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them" (Sura 9:5). "When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads" (Sura 47:4). "Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate" (Sura 9:73). "The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan" (Sura 4:76). Who are these idolaters and unbelievers and infidels? Those who are not strict Muslims. "Muhammad is God's Apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" (Sura 48:29)."

Think again: The Koran does say to kill infidels | Opinions | bozemandailychronicle.com

Should this be enough to reject followers of this religion?  Or how do you tell?


I certainly don't know about what Koran says and doesn't say but as you said it yourself it is even split among Muslims themselves when it comes to controvercial issues like this. From what I have heard Koran respects believers of religions before it. As for those who don't believe in God, I don't know, I think there are moderates and extreme Muslims like like any other religion or idealogy so keep the extremes out. There are also many citizens of Muslim countries who are not Muslims or practicing Muslims or believe in what Koran says especially when it comes to women's issue like a majority Iranians and Turkish population. We cannot ban them simply because they happened to be born there and if we do it will be racism.

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

I thought that Muslims follow the Quran;  doesn't the Quran say to kill the infidels (non-Muslims)?  Some websites deny this and claim it does not teach that, while other websites say it does.  How does a Muslim know what the truth is?



The bible says a man whose testicles are crushed can’t go to church. 
Do you believe a man who had his testicles and/or penis crushed is barred from church?  

Deuteronomy 23:1 KJV

He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.


Most Christians and moderate Muslims don’t follow what their holy books tell them to do. 

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18 hours ago, I am Groot said:

Because they're Jews, and people like you hate Jews.

But why are the Jews so hated so much? There has to be a very good reason for it? Because they are Jews will not cut here, lefty. And who says that i hate Jews? Where or when did i ever say that i hate Jews? Just because i question or challenge anything that has to do with Israel or Judaism, does not mean that i have to hate Jews. 

Care to answer those two question or will you just keep calling me a Jew hater? What if i called you a gentile hater, would you like that? ☺️

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

On the contrary, there have been way too many questions that needed to be answered about the twin towers bombing or so-called plane story. As i told you already. There were many firefighters in the garage area of the twin towers that could hear what sounded like explosives going off in that area. Are you prepared to say that the firefighters were just confused or were lying? Also, there was no airplane wreckage ever found at the Pentagon.  

I have some great property to sell in the swamps of Florida at bargain prices. Interested? ?

Wow!  A genuine 9-11 denier.  Heard from someone on here you are also a Holocaust denier.  Is that true?    I am not going to waste my time refuting such deniers because I know no matter what I post you will still deny it just as you do with everything else I post.

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On 10/9/2023 at 11:43 PM, blackbird said:

No, they have no historic claim to any part of Germany.  But they do have a historic claim to the land of Israel.  Big difference. 

Ashkenazi Jews are of mixed ancestry, both European and Western Asian. 

And any Canadian of European ancestry talking about ‘historic claims’ would be well-advised not to put too much store in them for obvious reasons. 


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1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

The bible says a man whose testicles are crushed can’t go to church. 
Do you believe a man who had his testicles and/or penis crushed is barred from church?  

Deuteronomy 23:1 KJV

He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.


Most Christians and moderate Muslims don’t follow what their holy books tell them to do. 

Like the Pirate’s Code, the instructions in holy books should be seen more as guidelines than literal to-do lists:


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1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

The bible says a man whose testicles are crushed can’t go to church. 
Do you believe a man who had his testicles and/or penis crushed is barred from church?  

Deuteronomy 23:1 KJV

He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.


Most Christians and moderate Muslims don’t follow what their holy books tell them to do. 

No it doesn't.  There was no such thing as "church" in ancient times of Israel and the time of Moses, which was long before the church age began.

Israel was given special laws that they were to follow which do not apply to the church age which began 2,000 years ago.


A holy nation (23:1-25)

Various laws prohibited foreigners, eunuchs and people born through immorality from joining fully in Israel’s public worship. This discouraged Israelites from copying heathen practices or marrying heathen people. At the same time it impressed upon them the holiness God required (23:1-8). Holiness also demanded high standards of cleanliness in the camp, particularly in matters concerning discharges from sexual organs and treatment of human excrement (9-14).

Other features of life in surrounding nations that the Israelites were not to follow were the practice of sending back runaway slaves for the sake of gaining a reward, and religious-sexual fertility rights with temple prostitutes (15-18). God’s people were to be faithful to him by doing what they promised and by loving one another, such as in helping the needy with money and food (19-25; see notes on Exodus 22:21-31; Leviticus 25:35-46)."

Deuteronomy 23:1 - Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary - StudyLight.org

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Together, Palestinians and Israelis constitute 0.2% of the world’s population but have taken up a lot more global attention than that over the last 70 years. It’s high time they got serious about sorting out their problems and agreeing how to divide up the land they share. 

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13 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Together, Palestinians and Israelis constitute 0.2% of the world’s population but have taken up a lot more global attention than that over the last 70 years. It’s high time they got serious about sorting out their problems and agreeing how to divide up the land they share. 

 If God is on your side, why do you need to work out an agreement with the heathens you’re stealing from?

And, if you’re the other side and your god says the land is yours and these other people aren’t even human, what’s wrong with blowing them up to get what you want? 

There’s no incentive to come to an agreement.  

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12 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Together, Palestinians and Israelis constitute 0.2% of the world’s population but have taken up a lot more global attention than that over the last 70 years. It’s high time they got serious about sorting out their problems and agreeing how to divide up the land they share. 

Israel is a very tiny piece of land to begin with.  The Arabs who are Muslims make up all the countries surrounding Israel and they cover a vast area.  

The other thing is many of the Palestinians and the Muslims in surrounding countries have no intention of recognizing Israel's right to exist and are willing to fight against Israel any way possible.  So how would your proposal make any sense?

How would you divide up an already very small country with people who are intent on eliminating you completely?  Any reduction in the size of Israel would also present a serious security threat because they are already surrounded by many enemies who have huge populations.

This means your comment about Israel and Palestinians sorting out their problems and agreeing to divide up the land is nonsensical.  It is ignoring the reality of the situation.  It is one of those feel-good meaningless statements.


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2 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I don't know, I think there are moderates and extreme Muslims like like any other religion or idealogy so keep the extremes out.

You still don't seem to get it or are in denial.  Jihadists attack people somewhere in the world almost every day or so.  You could say only a percentage of Muslims are extremists.  The is true, but how does a country like Canada, the UK, and European countries determine who is an extremist?  Worse than that, how does a country tell who will become radicalized and become a threat such as we have seen in European countries regularly?  I don't see how any immigration department can screen out potential extremists or people who will become extremists.  You trying to say it is like any other religion is ludicrous.

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31 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I don't see how any immigration department can screen out potential extremists or people who will become extremists.

Did you know there are Christian extremists too?  If we can’t weed them out, then should we not let Christians in as well?

I guess all we’re left with are atheists and maybe Jains.    

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6 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Did you know there are Christian extremists too?  If we can’t weed them out, then should we not let Christians in as well?

I guess all we’re left with are atheists and maybe Jains.    

Nonsense.  Christian extremists would be extremely rare or actually non-existent.   You can't be a Bible believer and a terrorist.  Those two things are completely incompatible.  But you can be a Muslim and if you follow the Koran, you can be an extremist at the same time because that's what it teaches.  Why do you think it is called the "religion of peace"?

 The number of terrorist attacks by jihadists around the world is very high.  Why are you denial.  I think I know the reason.  Almost everything you post is simply to oppose our western Judeo-Christian civilization.    Take a look at the religion of peace website if you don't believe me about the number of jihadist terrorist attacks in the world.

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth (thereligionofpeace.com)

The few terrorist attack by non-Muslims are not being done by Christians.  Christians are not terrorists.  Why are so many people in Hamas or Hezbollah or various other Islamic terrorist groups in the world?   Where are all the Christian terrorist groups that you claim exist?  

Good grief.. I never thought I would see anyone that thinks like you on here.

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52 minutes ago, blackbird said:

 You trying to say it is like any other religion is ludicrous.

I am saying there are extremists in all religions and this is a fact. There were christians too who not long ago viewed Jews as Christ killers and gased them. There are priests who committed crimes in the name of Christianity like Islamic clergies. There are Orthodox Jews who still grow long beard and observe strictly outdated traditions. Who believe they are the chosen people and everyone else is inferior. In all religions there are elements of hate. That said Islam is the only religion which was spread by war, invasion and hate and that is because it was originated in the desert of Arabia where before that they were burying their daughters. Among barbarians.

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

You still don't seem to get it or are in denial.  Jihadists attack people somewhere in the world almost every day or so.  You could say only a percentage of Muslims are extremists.  The is true, but how does a country like Canada, the UK, and European countries determine who is an extremist?  Worse than that, how does a country tell who will become radicalized and become a threat such as we have seen in European countries regularly?  I don't see how any immigration department can screen out potential extremists or people who will become extremists.  You trying to say it is like any other religion is ludicrous.

Immigration officers can be trained to screen out potential problem makers. It is not 100% bullet proof but it would be much better than what we have now. I can easily screen out based on the way they are dressed, their behaviour and the questions I will ask during my hour long interview.

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