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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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1 minute ago, Zeitgeist said:


Who are “you people” and what makes you so special?  I just see oversimplifying and equivocating in your comments.  I may not be as religious as Blackbird or as literal when it comes to scripture, but these values underpin much of what is noble and just in a free society.  You give a pass to terrorism and represent a worrisome trend of justifying evil.  


Hamas - kills thousands of innocent people

Hamas - Builds it's bases under hospitals and in population centers

Hamas - after starting a war hides behind it's population

Hamas - still firing rockets at israeli homes and civilians to this day and putting the launchers on civillian centers.

Eyeball -  Why would Isreal do this??!?

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15 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

1. Who are “you people” and 2. what makes you so special?

1 theists and 2 there's nothing alternate or special about reality, it just is what it is.


I may not be as religious as Blackbird or as literal when it comes to scripture, but these values underpin much of what is noble and just in a free society.  

I'm quite sure most if them were just as obvious to Neanderthals so nothing special.


You give a pass to terrorism and represent a worrisome trend of justifying evil.

And you justify the initial injustice done to Palestinians because God said Jews are special.  That's not evil it's just dumb. Even a Neanderthal would be asking wtf? 

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Don't be a baby.

Trump gob-smacked Iran and financially crippled them. They were up to nothing.

Biden flooded the mullahs with money, now their proxies are at war against Israel and attacking US bases. 

It's kinda hard not to see the difference, but just keep saying whatever you want dude.That seems to be normal here.

Nothing short of completer overthrow of Islamic republic will solve Mid East problems. Cut off the head of the octopus. The legs will remain active if Trump just kicked the head. CUT IT OFF.

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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Then you should be standing back and allowing Israel to do it's job...and getting rid of one of the worlds largest terrorist networks...

Hamas is just a leg. The world biggest terrorist organization is the Islamic republic. The West must help the nation of Iran to cutt the head of this snake.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

I can't get past the initial injustice done to the Palestinians.  This is apparently also a problem for about half the planet.  You either don't get this or simply don't care - that's also a big problem, especially if it's the latter. It effectively makes us enemies here at home.

Just so we are talking about the same thing what initial injustice ?, the one, where Palestinians and half the Muslim population attack and kill Jews in their sleep, becasue they refuse to allow Jews to have their own state that one, we must have studied different history...

I get it, I've lived it, spent 7 long months watching it for the UN, it's you that does not get it, you might want to try some different history sources, some where in the middle is the truth....Hamas, and those that support them get what they sow, thats death and destruction...and how a good deal of Canada does not get that is the real problem...kind of like what climate Barbie had said say it loud and often enough and "they" (meaning Canadians) will believe anything....and Hamas is a master at doing just that...

I do get it, I'm not sure you know the full story of your terrorist buddies, and what they did to start this whole chain of events we have today.....But I fully support Israel right to exist, no questions asked....

As for you and me we are not enemies we have no skin in this game, I'm not Jewish nor are you Palestinian .....no wonder Canada is so fractured, as a country, we divide into hostile groups even if the issue is across the planet and has nothing to do with us...   

Israel will do what it needs to regardless of what you and many Canadians think...and when Hamas is gone another group will take it's place, thats what all this hate gets you, more conflict.


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34 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Hamas is just a leg. The world biggest terrorist organization is the Islamic republic. The West must help the nation of Iran to cutt the head of this snake.

It can not be done with out blood shed...Not in Iran, the government has to many loyal supporters, they have already killed thousands in protests, I can just imigine what would happen in a coup...

The west has already tried the war on terror and did not do so well...This would have to be the middle east countries that could take down Iran... 

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7 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Just so we are talking about the same thing what initial injustice ?, the one, where Palestinians and half the Muslim population attack and kill Jews in their sleep, becasue they refuse to allow Jews to have their own state that one, we must have studied different history...

No, the one where Palestinians were told Israel would never be created or subjugate them.

It was called the Churchill White Paper.

The white paper, formalized as a Palestine Order in Council in August, reaffirmed the British commitment to a national home, promised that Palestine would not become a Jewish State and that Arabs would not be subordinated to Jews.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Churchill_White_Paper#:~:text=The white paper%2C formalized as,not be subordinated to Jews.

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6 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No, the one where Palestinians were told Israel would never be created or subjugate them.

It was called the Churchill White Paper.

The white paper, formalized as a Palestine Order in Council in August, reaffirmed the British commitment to a national home, promised that Palestine would not become a Jewish State and that Arabs would not be subordinated to Jews.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Churchill_White_Paper#:~:text=The white paper%2C formalized as,not be subordinated to Jews.

So nothing in modern history.  Just a document that was never official policy that was written before the war and before anyone today was alive.

If that's the 'big injustice' you use to justify the killing of thousands of civvies, you're literally insane.

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19 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No, the one where Palestinians were told Israel would never be created or subjugate them.

It was called the Churchill White Paper.

The white paper, formalized as a Palestine Order in Council in August, reaffirmed the British commitment to a national home, promised that Palestine would not become a Jewish State and that Arabs would not be subordinated to Jews.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Churchill_White_Paper#:~:text=The white paper%2C formalized as,not be subordinated to Jews.

That was a British promise, Not an Israelis one to start with....,  one that was kept until the British mandate "ended" in may 15 ,1948 the day that Israel became a state....At the time Israel did not occupy nor administer anything over Palestine, .......It is on this very day where thousands of Palestinians and other Arab nations decided to attack and wipe our any Jews " push them into the sea" .... which was very friendly of them, it was this show of friendship that seen the map and borders change a bit...and the politics of the area change for the Palestinians.

Your quoting an action done in 1923, Israel did not become a state until 1948 a lot of things had changed over that period....but at no time was Israel put in control over any Palestinians...maybe try again...what pissed the Palestinians off so much that they can not have peace....

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

1 theists and 2 there's nothing alternate or special about reality, it just is what it is.

I'm quite sure most if them were just as obvious to Neanderthals so nothing special.

And you justify the initial injustice done to Palestinians because God said Jews are special.  That's not evil it's just dumb. Even a Neanderthal would be asking wtf? 

You obviously don’t know the history of the region, so I won’t bother explaining why you’re wrong.  There was never a Palestine.  It was Egypt and Jordan.  Israel always had Jews in it, as well as Palestinians, including the West Bank.  The West Bank is actually working okay.  Gaza is run by a group that wants to eliminate or remove all Jews and just mass murdered 1400 innocent civilians.  You’re an irresponsible person.  

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22 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

My side is historians an not Nazis. Is your side the Nazis?

My side has historians also, and they are not Nazi's. Is your side all in for the continued killing of innocent Palestinian women and children? It sure looks like it to me. 

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22 hours ago, blackbird said:

As I recall, I already gave you that information and posted links to articles.  Nothing stopping you from doing a search either.

No, you did not. Stop lying, because if you did, I would remember so. If you did, you did not explain it very well to me as to why most of the world hates Israel. Want to give it a second try as to why Israel is hated so much, just for me? Pretty pretty please. ?


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21 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Thats all you got big daddy, come on i know you got it in you...dig deep, give it another shot....

like you, army brat, it seems that this reply is all you got also. Why don't you start digging until you get to China. ?

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21 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

I think I found a clip of @taxme on YouTube!




Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Are you trying to become a comedian one day? Of course, the Jewish guy was probably you, eh? Feeling tough that day, were you? ?

So, there you have it. The Jewish guy came along and told the protester that he had to leave because the Jewish guy told him that he owned the land. What more do you need to know? I guess the protester may just be right after all. Just saying. Hey, we never know, eh? ?

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20 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

And he accomplished nothing. Islamic republic remained fully in place and more united. Things may have been different if he had chosen to help the nation of Iran who is starving for democracy to overthrow the fu*king mullahs.

Trump, like every other politician knows best than to criticize Israel, the pampered pooches of the world. Just saying. ?

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On 11/8/2023 at 4:59 PM, taxme said:

In what way am i supposed to be a denier? To dare to ask questions is to be considered and accused of being a denier? What do you use for brains? Mush? Geez, you appear to be very short on intelligence. 

Indeed, there have been many books written on the denial of the holocaust and how things really happened and in particular as to what happened to the Jews. There were other gentiles in the Nazi gulag also who also suffered. One story told is that the gas chambers were being used to kill the many diseases and bugs that inhabited the concentration camp and not Jews or anyone else. Typhoid was killing plenty of prisoners.

Other bullshit stories going around was that dead Jewish bodies were being made into lampshades. You would be stupid enough to believe that lie. I can deny whatever the hell i want to deny. What makes what you have heard as being the gospel truth? How would you even know as to what the real truth is when you never bother to checkout the other side of the story as i always do. 

So, you can come on here anytime and tell lies and i am just supposed to believe your lies without question? You really need to try and get your shit together. Not everyone has to believe what you believe. Hello? ?


This post is so incredible that one would assume it is parody.

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20 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Just tell me who the Muslim world don't hate that Jews should be the exception. They even hate themselves as why Syrian refugees have to come to Canada because no Muslim nation wanred their Muslim brothers and sisters.

If Canada does not soon stop all immigration from the Middle East, and the rest of the world for awhile, we just may end up with a bigger problem for Canada and Canadians in the future. We are seeing big demonstrations in Canada today by Arabs. Arabs hate Jews, and Jews hate Arabs. That does not sound like a recipe for peace here in Canada. They are both now battling it out in Canada today, and we are stuck in the middle. 

This is what we get when we allow our stupid brain dead politicians to decide for us that Canada should become a more multicultural and diverse country and start bringing in all different people of all colors and religions by the millions. The British/European people of Canada are in for some rough times ahead if we continue on this present day leftist liberal immigration policy that we have today. I never asked for multiculturalism to be implemented n Canada. Did you?  

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

No, the one where Palestinians were told Israel would never be created or subjugate them.

It was called the Churchill White Paper.

The white paper, formalized as a Palestine Order in Council in August, reaffirmed the British commitment to a national home, promised that Palestine would not become a Jewish State and that Arabs would not be subordinated to Jews.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Churchill_White_Paper#:~:text=The white paper%2C formalized as,not be subordinated to Jews.


Winston Churchill had nothing to do with the White Paper in 1939.  In fact, Churchill was not even PM of Britain until 1940, after Neville Chamberlain's appeasement policy failed so miserably, that he stepped down.

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

You obviously don’t know the history of the region, so I won’t bother explaining why you’re wrong.  There was never a Palestine.  It was Egypt and Jordan.  Israel always had Jews in it, as well as Palestinians, including the West Bank.  The West Bank is actually working okay.  Gaza is run by a group that wants to eliminate or remove all Jews and just mass murdered 1400 innocent civilians.  You’re an irresponsible person.  

WTF? There was once a land called Palestine. Check old maps from way back when that showed that a country of Palestine did exist. What you are reading today is all Zionist bullshit. Wake up, mac. ?

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

Your quoting an action done in 1923

I'm quoting modern history that occurred within living and legal memory. The consequences of forcible occupation, colonization and relocation have all been within the living memory of direct descendants have only worsened over time.

52 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You obviously don’t know the history of the region, so I won’t bother explaining why you’re wrong.  There was never a Palestine.  It was Egypt and Jordan.  Israel always had Jews in it, as well as Palestinians, including the West Bank.

The region never had Britain in it. That's when things really got fu cked up and everyone there fu cked over.

The negative consequences of violent and brutal colonialism have been evident since ancient times - I can never tell if you people are simply citing this or celebrating it.

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I'm quoting modern history that occurred within living and legal memory. The consequences of forcible occupation, colonization and relocation have all been within the living memory of direct descendants have only worsened over time.

LOL @ colonisation. The region has numerous regional powers rule over it through thousands of years. Greeks, Romans, Crusaders, Ottomans, British, etc.


2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

The region never had Britain in it. That's when things really got fu cked up and everyone there fu cked over.

From 1917-47, the British ruled over the territory.


2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

The negative consequences of violent and brutal colonialism have been evident since ancient times - I can never tell if you people are simply citing this or celebrating it.

I would not call it "colonialism, considering Israel was a historical Jewish homeland.  Most of the World has been fought over be various tribes, races, ethnic groups, etc. The more powerful group won.  Deal with it.

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6 hours ago, I am Groot said:

Let me quote Thomas Sowell, who was asked by a Jew what the Jews should do to stop the hate. His one word answer was simple "Fail". The Jews are successful. They do their very best to raise their kids with discipline, prioritizing their education, overseeing it carefully, demanding hard work from them. And even where parents divorce the father is rarely absent from the kids lives. And so their kids do well at school, generally don't get arrested or have kids at sixteen, and go on to university. Over the generations this has led to a highly successful community. And those who do none of the above are jealous, bitter, and resentful.

The middle east is full of shithole countries no one would want to live in. That was even more the case in the 1940s and 1950s. Somehow the Jews built a country that is very much the envy of every other natoin around them despite being hated and repeatedly attacked.

That is something to be envied. And emulated. Yet none of the nations around them have tried to do the latter.

It's too bad you're a failure, but don't blame Jews for it.


There has been plenty of books written as to why Jews are not well liked and are despised around the world. I am gentile, and i have done very well, but i never hated the Jews. I do not think that the Jews are hated for their success and how they have done things in their life. There has to be a more better reason for the hatred that they seem to have brought upon themselves that have pizzed off many people and countries around the world. 

I am not a failure, arse hole. And if Jews need to be blamed for something, than i will express my opinion about them. After all, like gentiles, Jews are not all perfect. They have their flaws also. So, live with it. ? 

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