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Trudeau liberals invite Nazi war criminal to the Parliament and call him a hero -Speaker's Nazi veteran invite 'profoundly embarrassing' Trudeau says


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Maga folks here are little but a bunch of brainless hypocrites. Look how they're up in arms against Nazis.

But don't forget to look at these too:

Trump praised North Korea's Un and Russia's Putin calling him "genius", the dictators. His North Korea adventure was an accomplished failure, achieved perfect zero nothing.

Hungary's Orban is a known admirer of Trump. Trump praised Orban. Hungary is the only Western country that just recognized Belorussia's dictator Lukashenko.

So who hates violent dictator thugs here? Can you figure it out based on the facts, not the volume of the chat?

Every human is born with a brain. The mob has decided, voluntarily and consciously, to part ways with it. They don't need it really, because their world is very simple, only two labels: yes, yes our dear Idol whatever comes out of your throat (or ar-e); and oh horror, horror anathema for anyone who chooses to stand their ground and oppose them.

This is not some baseless fishing expedition about "corruption" of which no evidence has been shown. These are recorded facts of the reality. They don't know the difference anymore, past that.

You can though. Just remember: every human is born with a brain. What you do with it, is only your choice, and responsibility.

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1 hour ago, myata said:

Maga folks here are little but a bunch of brainless hypocrites. Look how they're up in arms against Nazis.

LOL yeah - look at those stupid conservatives hatin' on nazis' like that! Not like those intelligent liberals who bring them to be recognized in the house!!!

ROFLMAO - yeah you sure got those conservatives with that comment !!!! LOL - i'm sure all the conservatives feel really bad about complaining about nazis :)  You're a genius :) 

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They "hate" Nazis of three generations back just can't hold themselves from rushing into the battles; and kissing or prepping themselves to kiss hands and a$$es of fascists dictator thugs today. That's called "convictions" and "reason". In the alternative sanity universe, of course. Go figure.

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No seriously just say it. We want to believe!

"We hate Nazis with all our heart. This is why we disagree with our pathologically lying Clown Idol whose every fart we take for an ultimate revelation when he calls Hitler of today "a genius"."

Why couldn't you, it's so easy. What if you try again, what could be the problem? The tongue stuck or a sudden spasm in the throat?

What a bunch of sad hypocritical to the jokes. You have the brain for a reason. Just try to remember, it can be important.

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23 minutes ago, myata said:

They "hate" Nazis of three generations back just can't hold themselves from rushing into the battles; and kissing or prepping themselves to kiss hands and a$$es of fascists dictator thugs today.

Or to invite them to parliament tot thank them for their service. That's literally kissing the hands of nazis. Oh wait - that was the libs  :)

Of course there's also their actions - like when the conservatives declared the emergency act on peaceful protesters.  That' was pretty nazi ish of them.  Oh... wait..  STILL the liberals.

Or when the CPC passed internet censorship laws - that's pretty nazi -esque.  Oh....   crap... wait..

Hmmm :) 

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On 9/28/2023 at 10:52 AM, Army Guy said:

........., war crimes are punishable, and have NO expiration date...They knew what they were going to be doing well in advanced...

Nobody gets a pass, regardless of age...



You are getting excited apparently but are still not convincing to me.

"crimes" ?      What crimes?  You the army guy should know better. 

You got to war and you follow commands.  You are not allowed to think and skip those orders you find inappropriate.  This is how the system works.

Was the guy who dropped the nuclear bomb over Japan a criminal that went to jail for life?

How about all those fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, who ended up killing civilians and children?

Once in a war , YOU ARE A CRIMINAL AND A HERO.  Just depends on whose side you are on.

And yes, age is of note as well.  The criminal system takes age into consideration ; what you take or don't take into consideration - who cares?


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No, seriously, say it why wouldn't you? Let everyone see how your brain works, your honesty, integrity and responsibility. Why wouldn't anyone with a milligram of a brain and conscience say it?

A fascist dictator invading a neighbor independent state, "This is genius."

10 hours ago, myata said:

"We hate Nazis with all our heart. This is why we disagree with our pathologically lying Clown Idol whose every fart we take for an ultimate revelation when he calls Hitler of today "a genius"."

So can you say it, yes or no? It's that simple it will show you for who and what you are, unmistakably, and no volumes of duplicitous hypocritical chat could hide it. Unless you're brainless sheep in a lying herd led by a pathologically lying buffoon. No, no other logical possibilities, I insist. Just admit it.

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1 hour ago, myata said:

Maga is an authoritarian fascist dictator-kissing and petting mob. Can't get enough of it. Ignore what they cry and shout and just look.

There will always be a segment of society that craves absolute authoritarianism. Don't forget Hitler was voted in. 

Though, when the center fails, more extreme governments are inevitable. If it wasn't fascism in Germany it would have been communism instead.

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1 hour ago, Nexii said:

Though, when the center fails, more extreme governments are inevitable. If it wasn't fascism in Germany it would have been communism instead.

Indeed. And it's just too bad we cannot figure out that a partisan political system greatly exacerbates this risk by bringing any whiffs of authoritarianism in the mainstream parties right to the top of the social agenda. Partisanship, populism and authoritarianism, erosion and decay of democracy. So easy. Seen so many times. Yet for some reason we can't seem to grasp it - or actively avoiding it?

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2 hours ago, Nexii said:

There will always be a segment of society that craves absolute authoritarianism. Don't forget Hitler was voted in. 

Though, when the center fails, more extreme governments are inevitable. If it wasn't fascism in Germany it would have been communism instead.

I mean, you're right. And yes if not nazi's then commies for sure.  The nazi's rose as a response to commies.

But - i think you missed a bit of a point there.  Authortarianism breeds authortarianism.  The nazis were still very authoritarian, they believed in a form of market socialism and sociatal socialism where the market and the people were tightly controlled in order to advance the interests of society specifically.  They were about using the force of law to promote THEIR version of 'utopoia', which involved military expansion.

Basically - nazism and communism are just extreme examples of the same thing with different flavorings.  And historically - when one authoritarian group rises to political power another  authortarian group will also rise to meet it, with a different brand of authoritarian.

Consider the russian revolution. The pesants changed one group of controlling elites for another.  Consider the fighting of the various church groups in countries throughout history.

It's not even necessarily the 'middle' we should strive for. - it's more about reducing authortarianism and gov't overreach in people's lives.

The us response to obama (who was all about intersectional politics and telling people what to do) was trump, who really isn't less of an authortarian.

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Nope. Done, confirmed and stamped. They just can't say a word about their Prolific Lying Idol whose every fart they have to take as an absolute and ultimate revelation. Just doesn't work in so many attempts, and no further hope.

About Putin, a fascist dictator following Hitler in every footstep:

"and I said, ‘This is genius.’"

"You gotta say that’s pretty savvy.”

"I got along with him great. He liked me. I liked him."

And about another bloody dictator:

<diot> praises Kim Jong Un as "very honorable"

Guess the author? No they couldn't see because the organ of senses isn't there anymore neither the eyes, ears, brain totally disconnected. Look at the mindless puppet crowd. Do you want to be anything like them? Do you still need your brain and the dignity, respect, honesty, will and responsibility, everything that goes with it?

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6 hours ago, myata said:


Yep.  Confirmed and stamped all right :)  You're just a hate filled bigot who thinks they're justified in their hatred and bigotry.

Let me let you in on a secret - ALL hate filled bigots feel they're justified in their hatred and bigotry. Slave owners felt they were doing the slaves a favor. Hitler had all kinds of reasons as to why the jews were terrible people, big long list. And now, lefties like you have your own reasons to justify your hatred and bigotry, just as they did.

Think about the company you're in when you behave that way,.

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No, seriously how can one respond to this? Only with a very genuinely looking attack of dumbness, right?

11 hours ago, myata said:

About Putin, a fascist dictator following Hitler in every footstep:

"and I said, ‘This is genius.’"

"You gotta say that’s pretty savvy.”

"I got along with him great. He liked me. I liked him."

And about another bloody dictator:

"very honorable"

For a human with a brain and at least some sense of what is right and the principle though, the range of logical possibilities for such cases is very narrow:

- dumb to the core, or

- devoid of any traces of integrity or principles liar rotten to the core.

If there are any other possibilities let's discuss them; but I don't see any. One cannot agree to the above, let it slip silently and pretend to have intelligence and principles. This would be a logical impossibility, nonsense.

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On 9/30/2023 at 3:44 AM, cougar said:

You are getting excited apparently but are still not convincing to me.

"crimes" ?      What crimes?  You the army guy should know better. 

You got to war and you follow commands.  You are not allowed to think and skip those orders you find inappropriate.  This is how the system works.

Was the guy who dropped the nuclear bomb over Japan a criminal that went to jail for life?

How about all those fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, who ended up killing civilians and children?

Once in a war , YOU ARE A CRIMINAL AND A HERO.  Just depends on whose side you are on.

And yes, age is of note as well.  The criminal system takes age into consideration ; what you take or don't take into consideration - who cares?


Ya i do know better, hence why we have a inter national court of law, hence why we had the Nuremburg trails, hence why the excuse I was just following orders is not acceptable in a court of law...any court of law....Why do you think Poland has asked for extradition of your hero...do you think they want to honor him as well, or is it to pass judgement....

As a soldier you are only required to follow lawful orders any other orders can be disobeyed, and those telling you those orders can be charged as well.....regardless of what country of origin your from....

All NATO solders who intentional killed civilians were arrested and had their day in front of a court...Killing civilians is not a crime in itself, if it can not be avoided, like the Normandy beaches when the allied bombed them...

 One could debate the dropping the nuclear bombs on Japan/ Germany all day the Geneva Convention was or has adapted to those bombings...And have taken the total war concept out. That being said in the event of the next Nuclear exchange who is going to be around to bring charges....

Israel has made it a hobby to hunt down war criminals, regardless of age, do you think for one moment that SS combatants cared what age their victims were...If they can prove his guilt then he will face the justice system... it has got nothing to do what i think....just goggle NAZI war criminals see for yourself... 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/1/2023 at 7:24 PM, Army Guy said:

As a soldier you are only required to follow lawful orders any other orders can be disobeyed, and those telling you those orders can be charged as well.....regardless of what country of origin your from....

BS, BS and more BS my friend.

You don't determine what is lawful or unlawful.  You do not know who is on the other side of the wall.

You are in it and the best you do is try to stay alive.

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10 hours ago, cougar said:

BS, BS and more BS my friend.

You don't determine what is lawful or unlawful.  You do not know who is on the other side of the wall.

You are in it and the best you do is try to stay alive.

You should do some research, there my communist friend.. Western soldiers are allowed to think for themselves, and it is stated thousands of times unlawful commands are NOT to be followed...Soldiers are drilled countless times on what are lawful orders and what are not, before deploying on operations, Rules of engagement are constantly taught over and over and over...

Break any of the rules or conventions and your going top be charged under federal law, face serious charges here in Canada. Following an unlawful order is a criminal offensive, for both the person giving the order and the soldier following the order...The excuse of i was just following orders is not Valid defense, since the Nuremburg trails... 

Western soldiers have millions more options than any communist state troops...we are trained not only to soldier , but to think on our own...like shooting unarmed civilians is unlawful, regardless of who is ordering you to... and take action when those orders are unlawful...from Private to General...already enough going on on the battle field to worry about than being a mindless tool for someone to use ..

Hey, don't trust me ask any Canadian soldier if they have to follow unlawful orders...in combat or here at home is all the same.. we don't shoot unarmed women and children like communist soldiers do, we don't shoot our wounded, or leave them to die, like Russian do. which is why Communist soldiers will never be half the soldiers as any western soldiers, becasue we can think on our own... 

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On 10/15/2023 at 10:38 AM, Army Guy said:

You should do some research, there my communist friend.. Western soldiers are allowed to think for themselves, and it is stated thousands of times unlawful commands are NOT to be followed...Soldiers are drilled countless times on what are lawful orders and what are not, before deploying on operations, Rules of engagement are constantly taught over and over and over...

You know what? I do not know what the "Western soldiers" can or cannot do, but even assuming all of what you wrote is true, we were not discussing the options a present day "Western soldier" has.

We were discussing the options of that 17 year old who joined the SS Nazi squad.  

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7 minutes ago, cougar said:

You know what? I do not know what the "Western soldiers" can or cannot do, but even assuming all of what you wrote is true, we were not discussing the options a present day "Western soldier" has.

We were discussing the options of that 17 year old who joined the SS Nazi squad.  

So your implying he did not have a choice , and could have faced death... first it was common practice to shoot anyone in a SS uniform on site...hence why the SS quickly changed uniforms with regular military unit soldiers.... 

according to the Nuremburg trails that excuse was not acceptable...i was just following orders, under threat of death...killing unarmed civilians is against the law period, even back then they don't care you would be shot if you did not, you still committed murder...

So they're only options were get shot by their comrades, or murder someone...there is no expiration date for murder or other war crimes...your excuse does not hold water...if they have proof of him murdering people then he will suffer justice , if they don't he will be set free...

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23 hours ago, Army Guy said:

1.   So your implying he did not have a choice , and could have faced death... 

2....killing unarmed civilians is against the law period, even back then they don't care you would be shot if you did not, you still committed murder...


1. Yes

2. Do we know if Mr. Hunka killed any civilians?   Where did "innocent till proven guilty" in our Western society go?  Or you want to go by cowboy standards  "shoot and ask questions later" ?

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