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Pierre Poilievre polishes his image as poll shows his Tories well ahead of Liberals (latest polls)

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8 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

We all know why. It's about getting the women's vote, and those who are otherwise queer.  ;)

Same as for my theory why the Trudeaus announced their separation publicly at this time. To get the women's sympathy vote for the single dad PM. As the media is touting him now.


Could hurt him in Quebec.

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19 hours ago, Goddess said:

I'm not sure we can vote Trudeau out. I feel like we now have a "dictator for life" situation, for these reasons:

1. Ontario and the Maitimes will not stop voting for him. They just won't. The handouts and freebies guarantee it. So it doesn't matter what the rest of Canada wants or what's good for the country as a whole. Ontario and the Maritimes can't see past Trudeau placing crumbs into their outstretched palms.

2. I do think our election system is compromised. 

3. Last election, nothing mattered - not the environment, not the economy, not inflation, not the myriad of Liberal scandals, not the treatment of our military vets.....nothing. Trudeau won on a campaign of hate for "anti-vaxxers", the Lib website said they plan on using that same platform. The coronamaniacs are in charge and they have NOT changed their views. I see the fear-mongering ramping up again now. It's New Variant Day - again! -  everyone run screaming in circles with your hair on fire! Shut down society! Fire everybody! Shove children to the frontlines to save yourself! Kill and gas those who don't comply!

We learned nothing.


4. I don't see an end to the NDP/Lib coalition. A vote for the NDP is a vote for Trudeau.

This country is fuqued.

That's how I feel today.


PP needs to do well in the east and southern Ont. Harper won with only 5 seats in Quebec. East support for the libs is crumbling. And when gas is almost $2/L in a few months, it's going to get worse.

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This is the THIRD major poll from the same week with nearly the exact same result - leger, nanos and now abacus.

Ten point spread for the tories - tories at 37 percent, right on the edge of a majority.

I don't remember the last time three were so close like that.

Anyway - here's the graphic provincial breakdown according to Abacus



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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

If Trudeau announces he's stepping down before the next election expect the Conservative balloon to pop, especially if the Liberals elect a woman to lead them.

Are they failing in their strongholds because of Trudeau or because of their platform?

It appears Atlantic Canada is rejecting Libs because of the carbon tax.

Do you think they will suddenly embrace Liberals again because a woman shows up?

I hope people aren't that stupid. But based on the last 3 years, maybe they are.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

If Trudeau announces he's stepping down before the next election expect the Conservative balloon to pop, especially if the Liberals elect a woman to lead them.

Honestly it would help their chances a little, but very little. it might stave off a complete disaster, but that's about it.

First off, unless he steps down in the next 6 months it will be very hard to have a leadership campaign and then have the leader be organized for the next election in the time remaining. Never mind actually do enough to convince people they're different. 

And  most of the women that could successfully run are already tainted by the current regime.  Who are you going to run? Freeland? She's been putting out the budgets and taxes people hate - she'd get eaten alive. Same with most of the rest.

And people are just sick of the libs and their crap.

Now - if only there was precdent we could look back on -  Has there Never been a time where a government that was originally elected with great popularity Had sunk in the polls in popularity, had the leader stepped down, elected a woman and then run a campaign with relatively short 2 years to prepare?


Oh yes, Kim Campbell. How'd that work out?

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7 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Are they failing in their strongholds because of Trudeau or because of their platform?

It appears Atlantic Canada is rejecting Libs because of the carbon tax.

Do you think they will suddenly embrace Liberals again because a woman shows up?

I hope people aren't that stupid. But based on the last 3 years, maybe they are.

I think the right person could reduce the amount of Seats the Liberals are going to lose. But I still think it will be a CPC majority.

People have really been warming up to what PP has to say. He's not just going to win because people hate Trudeau. He's going to win because they like what he has to offer.

And running campaigns is very difficult. There are few who can do a good job. Paul Martin, Iggy, and Dion All found that out. So did sheer and Erin.  PP is definitely very good at running campaigns. The new leader would have to be extremely talented to go into their very first election with limited time and the liberal track record and expect to come away with a victory.

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Yea the ads weren't perfect but PP is on another level from Scheer and Erin. He at least gives the impression of being more centrist on social issues. And more importantly the ads don't talk to viewers like they're 12 years old or of marginal intelligence. Keeping it about economic issues is smart at this point too.

I'm not crazy over the CPC but they are looking a lot better than the Liberals and NDP who thumbed their noses at the working class during COVID. That's from someone in a demographic who 'should' be very left-wing and also from the Atlantic region.

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59 minutes ago, Nexii said:

Yea the ads weren't perfect but PP is on another level from Scheer and Erin. He at least gives the impression of being more centrist on social issues. And more importantly the ads don't talk to viewers like they're 12 years old or of marginal intelligence. Keeping it about economic issues is smart at this point too.

I'm not crazy over the CPC but they are looking a lot better than the Liberals and NDP who thumbed their noses at the working class during COVID. That's from someone in a demographic who 'should' be very left-wing and also from the Atlantic region.

Interesting to hear your perception of it then.  Thanks for sharing that.

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

Are they failing in their strongholds because of Trudeau or because of their platform?

It appears Atlantic Canada is rejecting Libs because of the carbon tax.

Do you think they will suddenly embrace Liberals again because a woman shows up?

I hope people aren't that stupid. But based on the last 3 years, maybe they are.

You mean you don't know? You're the people who place a lot of stock in the alleged stupidity of Canadians.

In any case Canadians are definitely sick of Trudeau for sure, who wouldn't be (notwithstanding the silly caricatures of lefties polluting right wing imaginstions)? That said a change of leadership would clearly give Canadians a reason to pause and consider.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

You mean you don't know? You're the people who place a lot of stock in the alleged stupidity of Canadians.


That would be WHY we're questioning why the maritimes is dumping trudeau ':)


In any case Canadians are definitely sick of Trudeau for sure, who wouldn't be (notwithstanding the silly caricatures of lefties polluting right wing imaginstions)? That said a change of leadership would clearly give Canadians a reason to pause and consider.

Not much of one. They're not just sick of trudeau.  THey're sick of the entire liberal party and it's policies.  A party isn't just it's leader - everyone else was right there going along with it. They will all have to wear their choice.

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30 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

A party isn't just it's leader - everyone else was right there going along with it. They will all have to wear their choice.

How come it doesn't work that way when I say Poilievre should wear the opportunity for corruption to flourish that Harper left behind? He was there with Harper when he did.

When I asked if Poilievre will use it or lose it you piped up with use it - i got the impression you hoped he would. You have quite the gall accusing other Canadians of voting in favour of corruption in full knowledge of it.

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3 hours ago, Nexii said:

Yea the ads weren't perfect but PP is on another level from Scheer and Erin. He at least gives the impression of being more centrist on social issues. And more importantly the ads don't talk to viewers like they're 12 years old or of marginal intelligence. Keeping it about economic issues is smart at this point too.

I'm not crazy over the CPC but they are looking a lot better than the Liberals and NDP who thumbed their noses at the working class during COVID. That's from someone in a demographic who 'should' be very left-wing and also from the Atlantic region.

I curious is it just liberal actions during Covid that leaves a a sour taste in your mouth or are there any other issues...Being your on the left , a women, and from the Atlantic region. 


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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

You mean you don't know? You're the people who place a lot of stock in the alleged stupidity of Canadians.

In any case Canadians are definitely sick of Trudeau for sure, who wouldn't be (notwithstanding the silly caricatures of lefties polluting right wing imaginstions)? That said a change of leadership would clearly give Canadians a reason to pause and consider.

Well lets get back to reality, Justin is not going to give up the reigns, he is not that smart, he will go down with the ship....unless the party drops him and they are not that smart....So who is this women your thinking off... i don't see any that could take on PP, unless the liberals change their direction that Justin has it going right now... 

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10 minutes ago, Nexii said:

For most around here it's just economics. Cost of living (rent, gas, food) has gone up a lot and Atlantic Canada was never that well off to begin with. I think it's more that for most others than COVID which is now long in the past. 

I live in NB, but some how someone is going to have to pay back all that liberal spending, so i don't think it is going to get better any time soon, the Conservatives do not have a magic pill that is going to put this country back together...that is going to take time and sacrifice.. well mostly our sacrifices.. and becasue Canadians have short memories, they will tire of these sacrifices like when Crietien was in...and vote in another liberal government to spend some more, kind of an endless loop...


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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

How come it doesn't work that way when I say Poilievre should wear the opportunity for corruption to flourish that Harper left behind? He was there with Harper when he did.


So just to be clear - your question is why is the behavior of ANOTHER party AFTER pp's party was in power not PP's fault?

Now that you hear that out loud, do you understand how dumb that was? The conservatives are not responsible for the gross Corruption of the party that came in after them. A party is responsible for its own corruption. And liberal voters, such as yourself, a responsible for not holding that government to account when it's corruption was uncovered.

That's pretty simple

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

Well lets get back to reality, Justin is not going to give up the reigns, he is not that smart, he will go down with the ship....unless the party drops him and they are not that smart....So who is this women your thinking off... i don't see any that could take on PP, unless the liberals change their direction that Justin has it going right now... 

I'm just speculating.  And you're certainly not the only one who seems to be aware that anything could happen in a scenario where Trudeau exits the stage.

But realistically and whatever the particulars of the scenario you'd think it would probably have to happen sooner rather than later if it was going to have the intended effect of producing an alternative to PP or Trudeau's faction, if such a thing even exists.

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14 hours ago, eyeball said:

If Trudeau announces he's stepping down before the next election expect the Conservative balloon to pop, especially if the Liberals elect a woman to lead them.

Freeland?  I don't have a sense that she is popular at all.  Voters tend to go with HOW the candidate looks and sounds versus what they are saying, so I'm going to say she's not going to get them excited.

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12 hours ago, Nexii said:

 Liberals and NDP who thumbed their noses at the working class during COVID. 

Every poor working person I know managed to get by due to CERB.  Compared to what the US offered, in terms of health support and cash, it was far above.

I'm not a Trudeau supporter but I don't understand that take.

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22 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Every poor working person I know managed to get by due to CERB.  Compared to what the US offered, in terms of health support and cash, it was far above.

There are a LOT of working class people who were forced to take a shot that didn't want to and resented it.

There are also a lot of people who didn't appreciate how trudeau weaponized vaccinations and divided the country.  And still more, including many who got relief, who were angry that trudeau gave even more to businesses who pocketed the money, including many who made big profits at the time.

The ill will over covid really didnt' show up in polling till after covid was over. Looking back people could see issues.

But honestly i don't think that's his biggest problem. Most people are happy just to forget covid ever happened and by the time the election rolls around (barring sudden backstab) it'll be a distant memory.

THe runaway inflation, the runaway interest rates, the insistence on binging in more immigrants while we have to park them on the streets, the failure of many gov't services such as passports and airports, those are what's going to kill him.

That and the divisions he's created - canada as we knew it is fundamentally gone. People hate each other and they're angry. I see it every day - the change is palpable.

Those will get him more than his covid response.

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23 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


THe runaway inflation, the runaway interest rates, the insistence on binging in more immigrants while we have to park them on the streets, the failure of many gov't services such as passports and airports, those are what's going to kill him.

I agree with this part.  The COVID stuff isn't something that I have seen, other than in bubbles that are already anti Trudeau.

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40 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I agree with this part.  The COVID stuff isn't something that I have seen, other than in bubbles that are already anti Trudeau.

I don't think it's going to be much of a factor.  Not directly.  It may have left some people with a 'general negative feeling' towards trudeau but it's probably small right now and won't be a factor next election

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