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Devon Archer Transcript proves Joe had the Ukrainian prosecutor fired to help end the investigation into his son's energy firm Burisma

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48 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Oh, really? Then you'll have no problem citing that claim? 

It's in the Tucker interview 

Already been cited.. you are just too lazy to watch.

“He was a threat. He ended up seizing assets of [Burisma owner] Nikolai [Zlochevsky] — a house, some cars, a couple properties. And Nikolai actually never went back to Ukraine after Shokin seized all of his assets,” Archer told former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.


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10 minutes ago, West said:

It's in the Tucker interview 

Already been cited.. you are just too lazy to watch.

“He was a threat. He ended up seizing assets of [Burisma owner] Nikolai [Zlochevsky] — a house, some cars, a couple properties. And Nikolai actually never went back to Ukraine after Shokin seized all of his assets,” Archer told former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.


NY POST Tabloid. Strike 1

KNOWN LIAR Carlson. Strike 2

NOT Sworn testimony. AKA NOT evidence Strike 3.

You're OUT!

What makes Archer an expert on what Shokin did? Fake news? LMAO

Or you just want to believe SOME of what he says? AKA, hypocrisy.

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3 minutes ago, robosmith said:

NY POST Tabloid. Strike 1

KNOWN LIAR Carlson. Strike 2

NOT Sworn testimony. AKA NOT evidence Strike 3.

You're OUT!

What makes Archer an expert on what Shokin did? Fake news? LMAO

Or you just want to believe SOME of what he says? AKA, hypocrisy.

Denying reality. Supporting a con artist. Quelled surprise

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12 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Dude, I have your posts blocked for good reason. You propagate CNN's lies 24'7 and you never admit when you're wrong.

I'm not goona click "show this post" 25 times and read through all your drivel, and I'm definitely not clicking on robotard's posts either.

All I see here is your counterintuitive claims, with no cites at all to back them. 

Do you think that you can say something like "Burisma controlled Shokin" or "Shokin protected Burisma from the UK inquiry" without a cite? 

You get that those things are completely contrary to every other shred of evidence in this whole sad saga, right? 

Why would Joe Biden get rid of Shokin if he was making things cushy for Hunter? And if Joe was so legit that he fired Shokin, risking his kid's extremely lucrative job, then why did he feel like he needed to lie so forcefully, saying that he knew nothing about Hunter's Burisma job? 

Zlochevskiy wanted Shokin canned. That's from your own vaunted FBI. He paid the Bidens richly. Again, from your beloved FBI.

We used to think that Hunter made $30K a month there, now it's up to over $80k/mo. 

The timeline goes like this: Hunter was hired for $83k/mo --> Shokin was canned --> Joe's "solid guy" was appointed-->  charges against Zlochevskiy were dropped and he was able to come back to Ukraine. Those are all undisputed facts.

Joe vehemently denied any knowledge of Hunter's job at Burisma, and now we know he was lying. Again, undisputed. 

There are claims out there by both Archer and an FBI informant that Zlochevskiy wanted Shokin fired. It's undisputed that they at least made those claims, and that's cited recently in this thread.

All of those undisputed facts point to the elephant in the room. 

The only fly in the ointment is your claim that there's a cite in this thread that somehow proves "Burisma owned Shokin". Can you kindly refresh that? 

Yes, clearly you have my posts blocked. That's why you are constantly replying to them. A liar and a coward. 

I have provided citations, I'm not spoon-feeding you personally. Read the thread or remain ignorant. Read Archer's testimony, which has also been quoted and linked, or remain ignorant.

You, on the other hand, are making unfounded, uncited claims. For example, what were the charges that you claim were filed against Zlochevskiy and subsequently dropped? I don't think that happened.

Read this entire article. This is what journalism looks like.

"Soon after becoming prosecutor general, Lutsenko, seeking tangible results to prove his efficacy, seized on a long-standing tax-evasion case against Burisma. He impounded some of the company’s assets, and later, as part of a settlement, Burisma agreed to pay the state around seven million dollars. Zlochevsky’s representatives celebrated, using the deal to claim that the oligarch no longer had any criminal liability. John Buretta, a former high-ranking Justice Department official, who helped secure the settlement on behalf of a U.S. consulting firm retained by Burisma, said that the decision was “clear evidence of Ukraine’s commitment to the rule of law and due process—twin pillars of democracy.”

A Ukrainian official told me that, because of a sharp decline in the value of Ukraine’s currency, the settlement had been relatively lenient for Burisma. Moreover, a former U.S. law-enforcement official said that the Americans were angered that Lutsenko had helped rehabilitate Zlochevsky, who they believed had bribed at least one prosecutor in 2014 to stall the British money-laundering case against him. “It appeared to be another case of justice purchased,” the U.S. law-enforcement official told me, of the settlement."


^^ we don't know who the "solid guy" actually was, but Shokin's successor DID investigate and punish Burisma, but the US felt it was not harsh enough.

Again, the US, the EU, the UK and the IMF all wanted Shokin fired because he wasn't pursuing cases like Burisma-- and because he literally protected Burisma from the UK case by refusing to cooperate.  But in your rats nest of a conspiracy-addled mind, Biden getting Shokin canned was a favor for his son. Guess the whole world loves Hunter!

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"Again, the US, the EU, the UK and the IMF all wanted Shokin fired because he wasn't pursuing cases like Burisma-"


But he did.. and froze assets of Burisma executives. Which is why Burisma viewed him as a threat and stacked their board with folks who had influence in Ukraine, the EU and the US. 


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2 hours ago, West said:

It's in the Tucker interview 

Already been cited.. you are just too lazy to watch.

“He was a threat. He ended up seizing assets of [Burisma owner] Nikolai [Zlochevsky] — a house, some cars, a couple properties. And Nikolai actually never went back to Ukraine after Shokin seized all of his assets,” Archer told former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.


Read the rest of your cite:

"Within Burisma, Archer said that executives told board members that Shokin was “already taken care of,” which he interpreted as meaning his threat was blunted.

“That was the narrative that was fed to the board,” Archer said. “We were told that [his ouster] was bad. We don’t want a new prosecutor, Shokin was taken care of.”

Burisma had control of Shokin and didn't want him fired.

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20 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Read the rest of your cite:

"Within Burisma, Archer said that executives told board members that Shokin was “already taken care of,” which he interpreted as meaning his threat was blunted.

“That was the narrative that was fed to the board,” Archer said. “We were told that [his ouster] was bad. We don’t want a new prosecutor, Shokin was taken care of.”

Burisma had control of Shokin and didn't want him fired.

That was the narrative but then he went on to say looking back the paper trail doesn't support that... a game of 3d chess as he puts it with high stakes to have the assets Shokin froze unfrozen... which included a phone call from Hunter Biden to Joe Biden..  He's playing the ignorance card on that phone call but it's not hard to connect the dots on that one as Biden then went on to threaten loans. One doesn't have to he a conspiracy theorist to see thru the lies you are propagating 

As a whole the evidence is not in your favor. You continuously claim (falsely) that Shokin wasn't investigating Burisma when in fact he froze a bunch of their assets. 

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10 hours ago, West said:

It IS illegal actually. Especially because we KNOW Joe acted in the best interest of burisma. Conflict of interest, bribery, extortion, TREASON. 

Very pathetic that you want a president who acts in the best interest of his sons company and not the USA 


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2 hours ago, West said:

That was the narrative but then he went on to say looking back the paper trail doesn't support that... a game of 3d chess as he puts it with high stakes to have the assets Shokin froze unfrozen... which included a phone call from Hunter Biden to Joe Biden..  He's playing the ignorance card on that phone call but it's not hard to connect the dots on that one as Biden then went on to threaten loans. One doesn't have to he a conspiracy theorist to see thru the lies you are propagating 

As a whole the evidence is not in your favor. You continuously claim (falsely) that Shokin wasn't investigating Burisma when in fact he froze a bunch of their assets. 

Your timeline does not add up.  It's just wishful thinking. Burisma, as told to Hunter and Archer at the Board level, did not want Shokin fired. And all the nonsense with the freezing and unfreezing of assets was BEFORE any phone call would have been made. Check the timeline. 

And again, Joe Biden was not going rogue. He was executing US policy in alignment with our international partners, the Ukrainian people and the IMF.

It's just absurd to think that the agenda all those entities had been publicly pushing for months was actually just a special favor for Hunter--while Hunter was being told that the company didn't want Shokin replaced! That's lunacy.




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4 hours ago, Hodad said:

Your timeline does not add up.  It's just wishful thinking. Burisma, as told to Hunter and Archer at the Board level, did not want Shokin fired. And all the nonsense with the freezing and unfreezing of assets was BEFORE any phone call would have been made. Check the timeline. 

And again, Joe Biden was not going rogue. He was executing US policy in alignment with our international partners, the Ukrainian people and the IMF.

It's just absurd to think that the agenda all those entities had been publicly pushing for months was actually just a special favor for Hunter--while Hunter was being told that the company didn't want Shokin replaced! That's lunacy.




And there was nobody at the time who voiced any objection or disagreement with the firing of the prosecutor, except the prosecutor himself.  

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

And there was nobody at the time who voiced any objection or disagreement with the firing of the prosecutor, except the prosecutor himself.  

Yep, the Republicans were on board as well--some on record

This whole thing is such a weird reconning of history, pretending as if there are no records of that time--or hoping that people will be too lazy to look for them.

Everyone wanted Shokin gone except for the the corrupt interests that he was protecting.

It's about as phony as it gets to pretend that this was just Biden doing something for his son. 

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20 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It's literally impossible that they don't know each other personally.

Looks like you just can't understand the different between you thought, desire and an established fact. For you, they are one and the same. Just wish it strong enough and there, enjoy.

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7 hours ago, Hodad said:

That's lunacy.

This is not about about logic, it's how totalitarian, mob mentality works. It has no place for independent analysis, logical connections, established facts. No. It only needs flash points, tokens all dropped in the same bucket to spread and amplify the wave of hatred that is sent and comes around picking up steam. Observe how this is exactly how the Clown heats them up and many such before him, an established social technology.

A rational conscientious individual has no place in this ritual. Every piece in it is wrong and it cannot lead to any good ends. If the party gives in to the mob, the only right choice may be to abandon it.

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22 hours ago, robosmith said:

Conditioning loan guarantees is NOT extortion.

No nation has a right to our loan guarantees.  Duh

Nope, he was impeached for his ILLEGAL ACTIONS and CONSPIRACIES in trying to overturn the election.

It's clear you have NOT read the indictment. Duh

Conditioning loan guarantees based on firing a prosecutor who is investigating one's SON is extortion.


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5 hours ago, myata said:

This is not about about logic, it's how totalitarian, mob mentality works. It has no place for independent analysis, logical connections, established facts. No. It only needs flash points, tokens all dropped in the same bucket to spread and amplify the wave of hatred that is sent and comes around picking up steam. Observe how this is exactly how the Clown heats them up and many such before him, an established social technology.

A rational conscientious individual has no place in this ritual. Every piece in it is wrong and it cannot lead to any good ends. If the party gives in to the mob, the only right choice may be to abandon it.

Right? At what point to conscientious Republicans either take back the party or abandon it? Is there even such a point? There will always be people for whom the ends justify the means, but I have to believe that many--maybe most--of my fellow Americans are not without principle. If decent people of principle can't win a primary in the Republican party of Trump, is that really a party worth belonging to? 

Yet year after year we see the disqualifying, the unacceptable--the unimaginable--being rationalized, normalized and defended at the party level. A man who, among numerous disqualifying actions and crimes, literally tried to overthrow our system of government, is the overwhelming frontrunner for the Republican nomination again. Which should have any decent Republican asking what is worthwhile about being a Republican anymore? If they don't stand for moral values, and they don't stand for fiscal restraint, and they don't stand for law and order, and they don't stand for the constitution, WTF do they stand for? At this point, they just stand for Trump. And I don't know how decent people can tolerate it. I may have overestimated my countrymen.

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11 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Right? At what point to conscientious Republicans either take back the party or abandon it? Is there even such a point? There will always be people for whom the ends justify the means, but I have to believe that many--maybe most--of my fellow Americans are not without principle. If decent people of principle can't win a primary in the Republican party of Trump, is that really a party worth belonging to? 

Yet year after year we see the disqualifying, the unacceptable--the unimaginable--being rationalized, normalized and defended at the party level. A man who, among numerous disqualifying actions and crimes, literally tried to overthrow our system of government, is the overwhelming frontrunner for the Republican nomination again. Which should have any decent Republican asking what is worthwhile about being a Republican anymore? If they don't stand for moral values, and they don't stand for fiscal restraint, and they don't stand for law and order, and they don't stand for the constitution, WTF do they stand for? At this point, they just stand for Trump. And I don't know how decent people can tolerate it. I may have overestimated my countrymen.

I don't think you have.  Joe Biden's turnout in the 2020 election wasn't down to him.  He was an uninspiring candidate, and I think a principled Republican, a Romney or a Cheney, could have won the election if Trump had been shown for what he actually is early in the primaries.

Instead, RINOs ruled and cowardice was the order of the day for the GOP.  It took sane US citizens to deny the White House to Trump.  They didn't vote for Biden.  They voted against an authoritarian, narcissistic, con-man.   I'm confident they will do it again.

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9 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I don't think you have.  Joe Biden's turnout in the 2020 election wasn't down to him.  He was an uninspiring candidate, and I think a principled Republican, a Romney or a Cheney, could have won the election if Trump had been shown for what he actually is early in the primaries.

Instead, RINOs ruled and cowardice was the order of the day for the GOP.  It took sane US citizens to deny the White House to Trump.  They didn't vote for Biden.  They voted against an authoritarian, narcissistic, con-man.   I'm confident they will do it again.

I think you're right about all of that, except I crushed to discover that it was a close contest. Nearly half of Americans will tolerate a Trump--and an alarmingly large subset don't just tolerate, but actually celebrate, a Trump. It shouldn't be a close race. We should be better than that. 

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19 hours ago, West said:

It's in the Tucker interview 

Already been cited.. you are just too lazy to watch.

“He was a threat. He ended up seizing assets of [Burisma owner] Nikolai [Zlochevsky] — a house, some cars, a couple properties. And Nikolai actually never went back to Ukraine after Shokin seized all of his assets,” Archer told former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.


Did you read this article carefully? There’s no wrongdoing. “Hey Dad, will you have coffee with this friend of mine? Hey Dad, will you write a college recommendation for this friend of mine?”

These aren’t crimes.  The Supreme Court has even ruled so.  

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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

If decent people of principle can't win a primary in the Republican party of Trump, is that really a party worth belonging to? 

I agree, this seems to be the point of no return. A failure of judgement, and duty to the society of this magnitude and significance may not be possible to redress with any rhetoric. If an organism or entity makes such mistakes and keeps making them, it can mean that it's no longer viable. Lost sanity.

1 hour ago, bcsapper said:

It took sane US citizens to deny the White House to Trump.  They didn't vote for Biden.  They voted against an authoritarian, narcissistic, con-man.   I'm confident they will do it again.

At this point, even if that happens there will be still a massive problem of political division caused by FPTP. It allows for only two main contenders; so whatever new low one of them reaches, it is pulled into the mainstream to normalize it and become if not standard then accepted practice. FPTP is a danger to democracy. Its simplicity plays to all the wrong ends.

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8 hours ago, myata said:

Looks like you just can't understand the different between you thought, desire and an established fact. For you, they are one and the same. Just wish it strong enough and there, enjoy.

Blah, blah, blah.

Doesn't it make you wonder why no one who's 'in the know' has bothered to say "but they never met each other", or "they didn't know each other"? Doesn't it make you wonder why no one has been asked by members of the MSM if they know each other? Does it not matter at all? Of course it does: Hunter's dad is Trump's main political adversary. 

Do you know why they don't say/ask it? Of course you don't, so I'll tell you:

Because Joe Biden already tried to say "I wasn't aware of any of Hunter's overseas business dealings" despite the fact that Hunter closed deals with the Communist Bank of China while flying with his father on AF2, and his 20+ conference calls with Burisma while Hunter was on the board there. Now we're all left to wonder "Why did Joe feel like he needed to lie?" If Hunter and Chutkan pretend that they don't know each other, all it takes is one photo to prove that Chutkan is a huge liar. Do you think anyone from CNN or MSNBC or NBC etc will ever ask either of them if they know each other? Of course not: they all still regret asking Joe if he knew about Hunter's foreign cash cows. 

Do you know what else?

If Joe didn't run his idjit mouth about firing the prosecutor then we'd all be none the wiser. Hunter's $83K/mo windfall would never have come up, his close connection to Trump's judge would never have come up, and this whole access peddling scheme would have flown completely under the radar. 

That's the cost to the Biden family for Joe's stupidity and blatant lies. But now he's the POTUS and his blatant lies and stupidity represent the entire country.

The whole world knows that Biden is basically an international terrorist now, after destroying Russian/German infrastructure, and the US, the whole country, are known as massive liars on the international stage. Plus they embarrassed their allies and left them all in the dark during the Afghan withdrawal debacle - America's most humiliating military defeat since Little Bighorn.

Leftards are such a joke. I honestly think that a lot of the leftists on here are Russian trolls. Russians love all the division that their $200K in FB ads caused, no doubt they're still milking that for all it's worth. What better way than to go on social media boards and pretend that Russian collusion was real? Or to pretend that no one was forced to vax? Etc...

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Doesn't it make you wonder why no one

Note I don't claim that Joe Biden is a saint or the voice of the Final and Absolute Truth as you do about your Clown Idol. It's very simple really: if he is involved in so many reprehensible acts and illegal as you're claiming, there has to be a way to obtain objective evidence of that in accordance with democratic laws and procedures. Until that time, it's only your repeating some ungrounded claims. And if you do it repeatedly and persistently, without established evidence, may raise a question whether it's another sh*t blower. A democratic society cannot give in to irresponsible smear campaigns because the cost can be too high.

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8 hours ago, reason10 said:

Conditioning loan guarantees based on firing a prosecutor who is investigating one's SON is extortion.

Except HE WAS NOT; the investigation into Burisma was DEAD per the article I posted.


5 hours ago, Hodad said:

Right? At what point to conscientious Republicans either take back the party or abandon it? Is there even such a point? There will always be people for whom the ends justify the means, but I have to believe that many--maybe most--of my fellow Americans are not without principle. If decent people of principle can't win a primary in the Republican party of Trump, is that really a party worth belonging to? 

Yet year after year we see the disqualifying, the unacceptable--the unimaginable--being rationalized, normalized and defended at the party level. A man who, among numerous disqualifying actions and crimes, literally tried to overthrow our system of government, is the overwhelming frontrunner for the Republican nomination again. Which should have any decent Republican asking what is worthwhile about being a Republican anymore? If they don't stand for moral values, and they don't stand for fiscal restraint, and they don't stand for law and order, and they don't stand for the constitution, WTF do they stand for? At this point, they just stand for Trump. And I don't know how decent people can tolerate it. I may have overestimated my countrymen.

Have you seen Lauro on TV lying to the court of public opinion on ALL the Sunday shows about this case? ?

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41 minutes ago, myata said:

Note I don't claim that Joe Biden is the saint or the voice of the Final and Absolute Truth as you do about your Clown Idol. It's very simple really: if he is involved in so many reprehensible acts and illegal as you're claiming, there has to be a way to obtain objective evidence of that in accordance with democratic laws and procedures. Until that time, it's only your repeating some ungrounded claims. And if you do it repeatedly and persistently, without established evidence, may raise a question whether it's another sh*t blower. A democratic society cannot give in to irresponsible smear campaigns because the cost can be too high.

Their star witness Archer has said under oath he HAS NO KNOWLEDGE of wrongdoing by Joe Biden.

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