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Canada Day 2023 is May Day

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Canada Day in 2023 shows the terrible state and direction of the once great nation.


Racial equity which is based on the government controlling outcomes is destroying the values and principles that made Canada great.  We are now anti meritocracy and our cult like obsession with attacking whites and the foundation of the country has disaster effects.


It is now more popular to believe police are racist and the judicial system is Racist than ask for facts and a completion of a report. If is also dangerous for a citizen to say " blue lives matter". That gets you cancelled.

MP Singh claimed the RCMP is " systemically racist" and everyone agreed with him. This was before a report was released. Everyone happily agreed and clapped along to a unanimous vote to discredit the legendary Canadian police force except one person. He was called racist as a result.


Everyone but one Bloc MP. That includes conservative.

By the way, Jagmeet is first generation Canadian. His parents were not born here and he became a lawyer and a powerful politician.

He loves to cry about systemic racism tho.

Jagmeet's brother chants " eff the police" and they both call them racists. There only evidence is that black and indigenous people commit more violent crimes.

Meanwhile Asians are 25% of the population yet only 10% of the incarceration rate. Japanese and Korean men are also Canada highest income earners. Earnings Way more than Whites.

https://www.westernstandard.news/news/report-finds-disproportionate-number-of-asians-in-canadian-prisons/article_0e406eda-9052-11ed-96df-cf4d641cdc79.html#:~:text=Census data shows Filipino-Canadians,men were overrepresented in prison.

As a result of this anti police, white supremacy, and equity cult, we now have  murder of police that we never had before. Since September of 2022, NINE! 


We also have in Toronto kids being shot to death on school property, teenage girls stabbing homeless to death, people being pushed on to TTC tracks, and getting set on fire in the TTC. Homeless tents are everywhere and beggars aggressively patrolling downtown.



The government plan to protect people? Less jail for black and indigenous people because of racial equity. Look at bill c5. Look at gladue and Morris sentencing.

The results are more crime and less public safety. You get less jail time simply for being black.



Some crimes might have been avoided if bail was refused for those on charges of violent crime but released for being black or indigenous.



The government will impose the war measures act to take away charter rights and go after legal gun owners without any reason. Bill C21.

The government now provide aid based on race, not need.

Check out the black entrepreneur program and the black housing programs and the black only graduation coaches program in Ontario. These actions are for equity.

House prices are hard for everyone. Interest rates make keeping a house hard. Why only help black people?

If housing prices are too high and we are worried about carbon and the environment why increase our population by a million every two years? That makes no sense.

We cancel grades and gifted program in schools because two groups can't quality on merit.

Our media, teachers, politicians all push this cult of racial equity and end white supremacy but no one can name a single law or policy that is Racist in Canada. No one can explain why whites are not in the top of any category. They are usually behind Asians and south east Asians yet people still shout white privilege and anyone not shouting is cancelled as a racist.

Many people will take the position that it's racism to ask for public safety and say, " hey it didn't happen to me, so who cares?"

But , innocent people are killed all the time. For no reason and they have the right to safe school and safe streets and a fair judicial system.




But, the woke want equity, not public safety.

This is the new Canada. Destroy meritocracy and support criminals.

Why don't we try to make every one life better?

Why not help the hardworking?

Why not make people safer?

Why not stop human trafficking?

Why is our new goal government controled outcome based on race? 

Look at downtown Toronto and look at crime and look at the walking dead rule the streets. Time to focus on traditional Canadian values. Put criminals in jail. Put people with mental health issues in hospital and appropriate care facilities, not the streets. Award the hardworking not the hard complaining. Target criminals, not honest law abiding citizens.

It used to be shooting a day care and burning someone alive on the TTC and assassinate a kid at school were big deals. No one bats an eye anymore.



Canada is lost at sea in radical left wing chaos and people are dying as a result.

May Day.

Canada is in BIG trouble.

Edited by antiwoke
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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

Unfocused emotional rants are understandable, but in lashing out you didn't examine the state of the economy at all.

If the government is successful at painting racism as a major problem, why would this be?


Facts are above, no rants. The answer, as provided above, is the cult like hysteria. The answer is fear of being cancelled and labeled a Racist. It was provided above. You didn't read it? The above also disproved " systemic racism" by providing facts that Asians outperform whites. You should improve your reading skills and stop commenting. Waste of time.


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1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

If the government is successful at painting racism as a major problem, why would this be?

Because it can? Like, what it, a majority government and its solo Ruler cannot do, in the great G7 quasi democracy? RCMP investigations dropped. No evidence or not sure.

Canada wheeled into the top tier of the democratic world on the wake of WWII. It was an unknown Northern wasteland before then, a source of timber and beavers, and a British satellite. Nobody understood, because very few cared how far away it is from what can be considered a functional contemporary democracy. It's pretty much only virtue is that given a total inadequacy of the political system, it has not transgressed into open authoritarianism in a major way. Yet.

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27 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Unfocused emotional rants are understandable, but in lashing out you didn't examine the

Several links were given, so I wouldn't say unfocused at all. You demanded verifiable links earlier, did you not?

You need to read the whole thing.   ;) 

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23 minutes ago, myata said:

Because it can? Like, what it, a majority government and its solo Ruler cannot do, in the great G7 quasi democracy? RCMP investigations dropped. No evidence or not sure.

Canada wheeled into the top tier of the democratic world on the wake of WWII. It was an unknown Northern wasteland before then, a source of timber and beavers, and a British satellite. Nobody understood, because very few cared how far away it is from what can be considered a functional contemporary democracy. It's pretty much only virtue is that given a total inadequacy of the political system, it has not transgressed into open authoritarianism in a major way. Yet.

Canadians have only themselves to blame, having re-elected the blackface PM.

And if an election were held today, chances are still good he would be elected again. 

THAT is the issue that needs to change.

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3 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

THAT is the issue that needs to change.

In the third world it cannot and won't change because it is a perfect balance: between public complacency and apathy and populist self-centered politics. This is how oligarchic democracy" works. The populace is a given and it won't change. Can be engineered to the right end though.

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Canada Day was only enacted on 27 October 1982

all it celebrates is the ignominious rule of the Liberal Party

feel free to ignore it in favour of Dominion Day

British North America Act 1867

a nation forged in blood & fire from Queenston Heights to Vimy Ridge

1 July commemorates the Battle of the Somme

where the Canadian Corps was born by catastrophe

to win the Great War in a Hundred Days

from Amiens to Mons

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6 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

And if an election were held today, chances are still good he would be elected again. 

And again, it's no surprise only a predictable, logical conclusion.

A functional democracy is not only "the election". A democracy is way more than one procedure. It is a lie deliberately and persistently propagated by Canada's ruling elites for decades that one election spectacle in so many years somehow instills and enacts a real functional democracy. Why, simple. Because it ensures permanent and untroubled place at the trough managing the country (under par, or plain dysfunctional) and own benefits (all great here, no connection needed).

No, Putin has those "elections" and Xi. A stupid, brainless lie. How could anyone with a grain of attention and intelligence buy into it?

No surprises or miracles. The mindless careless ride has run its course to a logical and predictable destination.

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5 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Csnadians are asleep. They are on dope. The land of the lotus eaters.

after every dark age, there comes a renaissance

thus it falls to the Loyalists of Upper Canada

the Guardians of Confederation

to keep the torch lit

for some future generation,  that we will never meet

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58 minutes ago, antiwoke said:

Facts are above, no rants. The answer, as provided above, is the cult like hysteria. The answer is fear of being cancelled and labeled a Racist. It was provided above. You didn't read it? The above also disproved " systemic racism" by providing facts that Asians outperform whites. You should improve your reading skills and stop commenting. Waste of time.


And yet you didn't answer my question.

How's the reading, I read that some Asians are over-representative jail populations. Is that what you meant by outperform?

Even if you present facts, you're pre-selecting ones that help your argument like talking about some politicians brother? Please.

Anyway back to my question what about the economics?


If people want to blame Canadians for this then isn't that the "we know better than the people" attitude of the elites?  Of course it is.

36 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Several links were given, so I wouldn't say unfocused at all. You demanded verifiable links earlier, did you not?

You need to read the whole thing.   ;) 

I read it. An example of selective facts, is picking the time period during which heightened violence has happened despite that it comes mid-year and then an odd time.

That's just bad statistics.

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6 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I read it. An example of selective facts, is picking the time period during which heightened violence has happened despite that it comes mid-year and then an odd time.

That's just bad statistics.

Not sure what you mean. Heightened violence has happened since covid. That's the way it is being reported. When you have politicians calling to defund the police it's inevitable you'll have more violence, more cops being killed and lower police recruitment. A recipe for disaster that doesn't take genius intellect to predict.

In US states they rolled it back. Now they are quietly re-funding the police. But Canadian politicians still bought it and are still talking about it, even though the terrible race problems in US don't apply here.

Explanation? There's none.

I'm looking forward to that Chinese interference inquiry, because to me there's no rational explanation for these purposeful socially-destructive policies coming in, from federal right down to municipal.

Smells like Chow Sam Shin.

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9 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

1. Heightened violence has happened since covid.  

2. I'm looking forward to that Chinese interference inquiry, because to me there's no rational explanation for these purposeful socially-destructive policies coming in, from federal right down to municipal.

Smells like Chow Sam Shin.

1. I don't think I criticized the conclusion, just the methods. I have a lot of ability to help people understand good methods you see.

2. You think China is directly influencing our domestic policy? Wow. If that's the case, then there's a conspiracy that is so deep that they've likely already infiltrated the inquiry.

Or it could just be a theory. ?

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Unfocused emotional rants are understandable, but in lashing out you didn't examine the state of the economy at all.

If the government is successful at painting racism as a major problem, why would this be?


Your comments remind me of the opening scene of Anger Management, when Jack Nicholson’s character destroys Adam Sander’s car and leaves a card on his windshield offering support with anger management.  I wonder why people are ranting?   Maybe they perceive gross unfairness and reckless policies, or is the ranting just a micro aggression and more evidence of racism?

Your comment demonstrates why we’re in this situation.  Criticism isn’t allowed.  Our job now is to watch the thieves commit the robbery rather than stop them.  

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1 hour ago, antiwoke said:

Facts are above, no rants. The answer, as provided above, is the cult like hysteria. The answer is fear of being cancelled and labeled a Racist. It was provided above. You didn't read it? The above also disproved " systemic racism" by providing facts that Asians outperform whites. You should improve your reading skills and stop commenting. Waste of time.


Mike is an apologist for and sycophant of the status quo Liberals.  

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6 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

1. Maybe they perceive gross unfairness and reckless policies, or is the ranting just a micro aggression and more evidence of racism?

2. Your comment demonstrates why we’re in this situation.  Criticism isn’t allowed.  Our job now is to watch the thieves commit the robbery rather than stop them.  

1. Pointing out again, I didn't say anything about the conclusion.  It's a question about how they got there.

2. No, the problem is that you can't stand to have your point of view analyzed.

Things will ONLY ever get better when we're free to discuss and critique.

7 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Mike is an apologist for and sycophant of the status quo Liberals.  


Your big fallacy is that there's only your way to be anti Trudeau.

Flailing about won't get you anywhere son.

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25 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. I don't think I criticized the conclusion, just the methods. I have a lot of ability to help people understand good methods you see.

2. You think China is directly influencing our domestic policy? Wow. If that's the case, then there's a conspiracy that is so deep that they've likely already infiltrated the inquiry.

Or it could just be a theory. ?

China good, Canadians stupid. But then since Trudeau is ignoring the will of the people on this public inquiry, seems to me he is afraid of something or someone.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Or it could just be a theory. ?

That was a test to see if you know what I'm referring to. I generally don't make unsubstantiated claims, because I know you demand links. Although, you rarely post them yourself, and admit you don't read the entirety of posts here before responding.

In any case,

Bombshell exposé by Alliance Canada Hong Kong documents Beijing's sinister operations here

I already posted the link above a while ago. Some highlights, for those who do not habla-

"Alliance Canada Hong Kong is one of several diaspora and human rights organizations that have spent years painstakingly documenting Beijing’s strategy of harassment, intimidation, infiltration and “elite capture” in this country. 

“Beijing provides incentives, funding, and benefits to individuals, organizations, and businesses in mainstream Canadian society who align with its agenda, extending beyond diaspora communities” by utilizing “proxy actors, such as law firms, consulting agencies, businesses and government relations firms” in order to avoid scrutiny.

"leader Xi Jinping began pouring immense resources into the Chinese Communist Party’s overseas operations, notably the United Front’s “elite capture” strategy and mobilizing its networks among the wealthy and the well-connected Mandarin-bloc overclass that has come to dominate"

Now perhaps you, and @ExFlyer may get the picture why Trudeau is doing everything he can to prevent a full inquiry.

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30 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

That was a test to see if you know what I'm referring to. I generally don't make unsubstantiated claims, because I know you demand links. Although, you rarely post them yourself, and admit you don't read the entirety of posts here before responding.

In any case,

Bombshell exposé by Alliance Canada Hong Kong documents Beijing's sinister operations here

I already posted the link above a while ago. Some highlights, for those who do not habla-

"Alliance Canada Hong Kong is one of several diaspora and human rights organizations that have spent years painstakingly documenting Beijing’s strategy of harassment, intimidation, infiltration and “elite capture” in this country. 

“Beijing provides incentives, funding, and benefits to individuals, organizations, and businesses in mainstream Canadian society who align with its agenda, extending beyond diaspora communities” by utilizing “proxy actors, such as law firms, consulting agencies, businesses and government relations firms” in order to avoid scrutiny.

"leader Xi Jinping began pouring immense resources into the Chinese Communist Party’s overseas operations, notably the United Front’s “elite capture” strategy and mobilizing its networks among the wealthy and the well-connected Mandarin-bloc overclass that has come to dominate"

Now perhaps you, and @ExFlyer may get the picture why Trudeau is doing everything he can to prevent a full inquiry.

I have never once said or implied or defended whatever report Johnson produced. I have not even read it.

What I have said though is that foreign influence into Canadian politics is not something that is new, unusual or unexpected. Lobbying happens every day. Sometimes obvious and sometimes cloaked.

As far as dealing with China, Canada has tied and sold itself to China many decades and many governments ago. We sell them our resources, our resource companies and we buy almost everything from them. (second largest trading partner, with the US being the first but knowing that many US products are only routed from China through the US).

As far as a "full inquiry" goes, to what end.? OK, you may know more but in reality, so what. Do you truly think anything will change? At best, the Chinese will be more careful but continue to do what they have been doing. If anyone thinks otherwise, they are being naive. A full inquiry will take years and then you get a big book of recommendations that no government will enact. That is the history of it. We have been there and done that and only wasted a lot of money. The only ones that benefit will be the ones anointed to the inquiry board and their investigators. Lots of money for many years on a huge payroll.

Bottom line, 2 or 3 years, who knows how many people participate (getting paid plus all expenses) and a big report and what is going to be done?? My experience is that all will remain the same and the report will be archived. If, by stroke of luck there will be actions taken, they will be small and will not cost anything.

Edited by ExFlyer
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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Unfocused emotional rants are understandable, but in lashing out you didn't examine the state of the economy at all.

If the government is successful at painting racism as a major problem, why would this be?


Whenever I read such a LONGGGGGGGGGG assertation I figure someone is really trying to make a point, or are trying to convince us to see the world his way. I don't see the former in his rant, but plenty of the latter. 

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3 hours ago, antiwoke said:

Racial equity which is based on the government controlling outcomes is destroying the values and principles that made Canada great.  We are now anti meritocracy and our cult like obsession with attacking whites and the foundation of the country has disaster effects.


3 hours ago, antiwoke said:

As a result of this anti police, white supremacy, and equity cult


3 hours ago, antiwoke said:

Less jail for black and indigenous people because of racial equity


3 hours ago, antiwoke said:

Our media, teachers, politicians all push this cult of racial equity and end white supremacy but no one can name a single law or policy that is Racist in Canada.


3 hours ago, antiwoke said:

Canada is lost at sea in radical left wing chaos and people are dying as a result.


Jaysus, someone sure is spooked! Hell, here I am a white Canadian and I am NOT spooked by people of colour or different sexual orientation or folks wearing turbans. I also don't wake up in the morning looking to blame this group or that group for my own failures. 

Well, we all need a hobby I suppose, not hard to guess the OP's hobby. 



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31 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

1. Although, you rarely post them yourself, and admit you don't read the entirety of posts here before responding.

2. Now perhaps you, and @ExFlyer may get the picture why Trudeau is doing everything he can to prevent a full inquiry.

1. I don't know about rarely but I am usually responding to a claim.

2. Of course I have heard about this but I doubt that you'll get a direct link to anti racism policies and such.  Trudeau is against any kind of information sharing that he can't control but it doesn't mean that there's necessarily anything interesting we'll find out beyond the usual fumbling negligence.

We already had a smoking gun with regards to interference in the SNC Lavalin case.  That didn't remove him from government either.

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17 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

I have never once said or implied or defended whatever report Johnson produced.

I invoked you because, it's not just what you yourself post here but whom you give ups to, that identifies your position.

19 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

I have not even read it.

Yes. So you have a lot to say, but have not read things either.

Is that you, @Michael Hardner;)

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