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Boy it must be tough to live a life of contradiction

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8 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

What about you? 

Growing up.. our cuisine was one of very little spice and flavor. When I moved out of the house... I discovered what garlic was. 

British parentage?

I have Hungarian...Slovak...Austrian...Irish in me. And as I was conceived and raised in Canuckland...I have Native in me too...to the same degree I'd suspect Lizzy Warren has. I love spiced food and roast beef with yorkies. Not at the same meal, mind you.

You propose that all conservatives pine for the old diners. Meh...most probably do since...you know...they do happen to be CONSERVATIVE. Anyway...your point is silly and so it this thread.

@NYLefty - Son...If'n ur-a-gonna try t' stir the pot...y'all are gonna have to do better than this here childish BS. Jus' sayin'...

Edited by Nationalist
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2 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

British parentage?

I have Hungarian...Slovak...Austrian...Irish in me. And as I was conceived and raised in Canuckland...I have Native in me too...to the same degree I'd suspect Lizzy Warren has. I love spiced food and roast beef with yorkies. Not at the same meal, mind you.

You propose that all conservatives pine for the old diners. Meh...most probably do since...you know...they do happen to be CONSERVATIVE. Anyway...your point is silly and so it this thread.

@NYLefty - Son...If'n ur-a-gonna try t' stir the pot...y'all are gonna have to do better than this here childish BS. Jus' sayin'...

no. Dad was from Eastern Idaho, the product of a frenchman and a mother that was Irish (7 generations removed). Most of the conservatives that I have encountered pine for the old school diner.. mexican, chinese, indian restaurants are inherently viewed as the decay of their once-perfect town. 

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33 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

no. Dad was from Eastern Idaho, the product of a frenchman and a mother that was Irish (7 generations removed). Most of the conservatives that I have encountered pine for the old school diner.. mexican, chinese, indian restaurants are inherently viewed as the decay of their once-perfect town. 

I take it that bothers you. What a shame. I find it cute and nostalgic.

You should try to be more accepting (inclusive?) of the older folks and maybe your parents. Mine live right above you in southern Alberta. They have some interesting ideas too. But they also worked hard, raised me and 2 siblings, gave us a great middle-class upbringing and taught us respect and honour. BTW...Cours D'Alaine Is gorgeous!

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5 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

I take it that bothers you. What a shame. I find it cute and nostalgic.

You should try to be more accepting (inclusive?) of the older folks and maybe your parents. Mine live right above you in southern Alberta. They have some interesting ideas too. But they also worked hard, raised me and 2 siblings, gave us a great middle-class upbringing and taught us respect and honour. BTW...Cours D'Alaine Is gorgeous!

And maybe they should be more inclusive... When the local diner goes out of business due the owner simply not wanting to do it anymore and that business is legally taken over and changed to Mexican... how is that the decay of a town? A true sign of decay would the restaurant staying vacant. As for the legal business owner being Mexican.. tell me how they control this? I just find it contradictory to supposedly be all about freedom but when a US citizen legally assumes ownership, pays the fees, gets the permits.. that is decay. 


Yes, Coeur D'Alene is gorgeous. It gets a bad rap for being some haven of white supremacy. I was there in 2006 or so when they were having their Aryan Nations parade. It was quite the event.. the crowd was maybe 20 to 25 and the folks in the parade... Two men and one pulling a dog in a wagon. most of the spectators were there to see how pathetic this was.

Edited by impartialobserver
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2 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

And maybe they should be more inclusive... When the local diner goes out of business due the owner simply not wanting to do it anymore and that business is legally taken over and changed to Mexican... how is that the decay of a town? A true sign of decay would the restaurant staying vacant. As for the legal business owner being Mexican.. tell me how they control this? I just find it contradictory to supposedly be all about freedom but when a US citizen legally assumes ownership, pays the fees, gets the permits.. that is decay. 

Maybe they should. But you know what they say...'Ya can't teach an old dog, new tricks'. And its not "decay", its change. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.

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Just now, Nationalist said:

Maybe they should. But you know what they say...'Ya can't teach an old dog, new tricks'. And its not "decay", its change. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.

It is just an observation. Does it get me worked up? not in the least. When I go back home to Idaho and hit the small towns and here sentiments like this... I just tune it out and move on. Most of these small towns are in decay.. losing population, losing jobs, and losing income. The older folks pass away, the kids move away, and these places are forgotten. 

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23 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

It is just an observation. Does it get me worked up? not in the least. When I go back home to Idaho and hit the small towns and here sentiments like this... I just tune it out and move on. Most of these small towns are in decay.. losing population, losing jobs, and losing income. The older folks pass away, the kids move away, and these places are forgotten. 

Huh...until you age and pine for a quieter and simpler life...and move back.

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Just now, Nationalist said:

Huh...until you age and pine for a quieter and simpler life...and move back.

Well, that is not playing out in these small towns in the Eastern part of the state. My grandparents generation has died off.. my parents generation is not moving to take their place. And then as a result.. my generation is not moving from the mid-size city to Challis, ID for example. It is interesting how the locals both love and hate the population decline. Yes, they get left alone but as the population declines further.. the businesses/services go away also. 

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On 6/3/2023 at 4:50 PM, Deluge said:

Category One is every goddamn democrat in Congress. Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, all of them. Not one of these a$$holes have proven anything other than being able to covince the poor and destitute to keep voting democrat. 

And why do you think they're coming in on their own? That's right, because they know a democrat is calling the shots. 

You see, stupid, never argue with someone who actually loves this country. You'll get your ass kicked every time. ;)

Annual Job Growth:

Trump: -0.51%
Biden: 3.23%


More Americans became unemployed under Trump than any time in U.S. history, since Republican Herbert Hoover.  

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On 6/4/2023 at 12:23 PM, eyeball said:


No flippancy isn't your style at all. You'll have evidence of cheques cut to DA's bearing Soros' signature right?



While America’s political kingmakers inject their millions into high-profile presidential and congressional contests, Democratic mega-donor George Soros has directed his wealth into an under-the-radar 2016 campaign to advance one of the progressive movement’s core goals — reshaping the American justice system.


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1 hour ago, Legato said:

George Soros has directed his wealth into an under-the-radar 2016 campaign to advance one of the progressive movement’s core goals — reshaping the American justice system.

Do you mean illegal when you say under the radar?

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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


Trump was just the victim of bad luck. If the pandemic hits in Jan 2021 and not 2020.. the economic metrics for his time would be mostly very positive. However, I am not one that ties my personal or local economic fortunes to that of the President. If my life is not good during president X.. the reason for that not-so-great life is 100% me.

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On 6/5/2023 at 4:38 PM, impartialobserver said:

Trump was just the victim of bad luck. If the pandemic hits in Jan 2021 and not 2020.. the economic metrics for his time would be mostly very positive. However, I am not one that ties my personal or local economic fortunes to that of the President. If my life is not good during president X.. the reason for that not-so-great life is 100% me.

Nah, he was a victim of bad luck, but not just a victim of bad luck. He recklessly pulled the levers to goose an already healthy economy (to stoke his own ego) and then had nothing left to throw at a real problem when one arose. One of the many instances in which Trump prioritized his own interests above those of the country. 

To be clear, COVID was going to do serious damage either way, but Trump's earlier actions compounded the harm. He doesn't get a free pass.

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32 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Nah, he was a victim of bad luck, but not just a victim of bad luck. He recklessly pulled the levers to goose an already healthy economy (to stoke his own ego) and then had nothing left to throw at a real problem when one arose.

That is demonstrably inaccurate. First a real problem didn't arise until covid, and second he would still have had many stimulus options available.

32 minutes ago, Hodad said:


To be clear, COVID was going to do serious damage either way, but Trump's earlier actions compounded the harm. He doesn't get a free pass.

they did not in fact.  I know dems love to claim that but it's just verifiably not true. There's MANY things you can legit criticize the guy for, many of which are pretty serious, but trashing the economy simply wasn't one of them.

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On 6/5/2023 at 3:18 PM, Rebound said:

Annual Job Growth:

Trump: -0.51%
Biden: 3.23%


More Americans became unemployed under Trump than any time in U.S. history, since Republican Herbert Hoover.  

Job growth in the FAR EAST.



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7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

That is demonstrably inaccurate. First a real problem didn't arise until covid, and second he would still have had many stimulus options available.

they did not in fact.  I know dems love to claim that but it's just verifiably not true. There's MANY things you can legit criticize the guy for, many of which are pretty serious, but trashing the economy simply wasn't one of them.

Yes, I'm sure, for example, that running huge elective deficits with poor ROI was super helpful when we had to stack COVID deficits on top of them. ?


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17 hours ago, Hodad said:

Yes, I'm sure, for example, that running huge elective deficits with poor ROI was super helpful when we had to stack COVID deficits on top of them. ?


You mean like obama did? :)   and like Biden did 1000 times worse than either of those two? And wanted to spend how much to pay off student  debt? :)   The deficit spending he inherited?  That deficit spending?

Honestly - i think you've got a bit of a point in that chronic deficit spending is bad and while trump DID say he would end it within 8 years  that wasnt' going to happen no matter who was in charge with covid.

Trump inherited a deficit and acknowledged he woudln't be able to make it go away in less than 8 years.  I personally think that it should have been a more aggressive timeline and i think he started with a tax cut that produced a modest increase in activity but didn't seem to be following it up.  Of course - in fairness there just wasn't much time before covid hit.


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3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

You mean like obama did? :)   and like Biden did 1000 times worse than either of those two? And wanted to spend how much to pay off student  debt? :)   The deficit spending he inherited?  That deficit spending?

Honestly - i think you've got a bit of a point in that chronic deficit spending is bad and while trump DID say he would end it within 8 years  that wasnt' going to happen no matter who was in charge with covid.

Trump inherited a deficit and acknowledged he woudln't be able to make it go away in less than 8 years.  I personally think that it should have been a more aggressive timeline and i think he started with a tax cut that produced a modest increase in activity but didn't seem to be following it up.  Of course - in fairness there just wasn't much time before covid hit.


No, you know-nothing fanboy. Deficit spending to moderate or reverse recession is sound policy. Obama and Biden both took office during economic crises, inherited huge deficits and reduced those deficits over the course of their terms as the economy improved. 

Trump inherited a healthy economy and then cut taxes (significantly and electively increasing deficits) in an attempt to chase the unrealistic growth promises he made. Which a) didn't work (duh) and b) left us already overextended when he needed to react to COVID. As usual, he farked us over to feed his ego 

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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

No, you know-nothing fanboy

Oh NOES - triggered leftie is triggered!!!! LOL - typical reaction to facts from the left :) 

1 hour ago, Hodad said:

Deficit spending to moderate or reverse recession is sound policy

The recession was over long beore obama left - he still ran deficits. And biden ran insanely massive deficits without that excuse.

1 hour ago, Hodad said:

Obama and Biden both took office during economic crises,

Obama first term, sure. But he was in for 8 years and the crisis was over by 2010. so from then to 2016 he's got no excuse.

Sorry kiddo - that dog don't hunt.

And biden is increasing the deficit, and covid is long gone.  In fact - the economy was running hot with all the pent up savings during covid spilling out.

Soooo yea. swing and a miss again.

1 hour ago, Hodad said:

Trump inherited a healthy economy and then cut taxes (significantly and electively increasing deficits) in an attempt to chase the unrealistic growth promises he made.

Not significantly. Sorry,  But sure - his hope was that it would pay off in future growth. That is true. But - covid.

1 hour ago, Hodad said:

left us already overextended when he needed to react to COVID

Not really. There was plenty of money to deal with covid. Biden has just thrown massive additional spending onto the bonfire and continues to do so. And that's the problem.

THe economy went up under trump, faster than it was under obama, and he did fine. Obama didn't do too bad but his recovery was relatively lackluster - far behind Canada's for example. Biden has been a disaster.

You'd see more clearly if you weren't a hate filled bigot.

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10 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Oh NOES - triggered leftie is triggered!!!! LOL - typical reaction to facts from the left :) 

The recession was over long beore obama left - he still ran deficits. And biden ran insanely massive deficits without that excuse.

Obama first term, sure. But he was in for 8 years and the crisis was over by 2010. so from then to 2016 he's got no excuse.

Sorry kiddo - that dog don't hunt.

And biden is increasing the deficit, and covid is long gone.  In fact - the economy was running hot with all the pent up savings during covid spilling out.

Soooo yea. swing and a miss again.

Not significantly. Sorry,  But sure - his hope was that it would pay off in future growth. That is true. But - covid.

Not really. There was plenty of money to deal with covid. Biden has just thrown massive additional spending onto the bonfire and continues to do so. And that's the problem.

THe economy went up under trump, faster than it was under obama, and he did fine. Obama didn't do too bad but his recovery was relatively lackluster - far behind Canada's for example. Biden has been a disaster.

You'd see more clearly if you weren't a hate filled bigot.

I'm not "triggered." That was a factual statement. You are woefully ignorant, but still defending Trump out of some misplaced sense of admiration.

It is a fact that Obama inherited a financial crisis and massive deficits from the final Bush budget. It's also a fact that those deficits came down steadily over Obama's years in office. 

It is a fact that Biden inherited a financial crisis and record deficits from Trump's final budget. It's also a fact that the deficits have come down under Biden.

It is a fact that Trump inherited a healthy, growing economy and downward-trending deficits and then electively increased the deficits to very high levels even before the pandemic. It is a fact that he squandered the opportunity to reduce deficit and debt as he promised, and instead chose to do the opposite. It is a fact that it left us in a much poorer position to respond economically to the pandemic. It is a fact that he is a record-setting debt monster as befits the self-styled "king of debt." -- “I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me.” 

There is nothing good, let alone great about Trump's economic record. It was a healthy-seeming but fragile economy propped up by a lot of borrowing and ill prepared to deal with pandemic response. And as a result we have record deficit and debt that will be a drag on future economies for decades. 

Or the illustrated version:



When you don't know anything "kiddo" just shut up and let the conversation pass by.

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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

I'm not "triggered." That was a factual statement. You are woefully ignorant, but still defending Trump out of some misplaced sense of admiration.

Ahhh the old joke about calling an insult 'Not an insult - factual statement" :)  

You were totally triggered and sorry, you can't excuse your way out of that.

1 hour ago, Hodad said:

It is a fact that Obama inherited a financial crisis and massive deficits from the final Bush budget. It's also a fact that those deficits came down steadily over Obama's years in office. 

It is a fact he still ran deficits for YEARS after the crisis was over (a crisis caused by dem policy to begin with, but  that's another topic).  And the only reason they came down is the fighting with the GOP over debt ceiling increases.

1 hour ago, Hodad said:

It is a fact that Biden inherited a financial crisis and record deficits from Trump's final budget. It's also a fact that the deficits have come down under Biden.

Biden did NOT inherit a financial crisis. He inherited a pandemic crisis.  The moment that was over the finances began to right themselves. HIs overreaction and gross mishandling has lead to high interest rates and even higher inflation. The fact is that the crisis is over but it's still higher than it was under trump.


There is nothing good, let alone great about Trump's economic record

Nothing grand perhaps - but i never claimed there was  Good tho - yep it was good.

As we've previously noted GDP went up nicely - far better than obama's and almost instantly after trumps tax cuts.  And gdp per capita, not just gdp.


You literally posted the proof that trump was better in your own graph.


When you don't know anything "kiddo" just shut up and let the conversation pass by.

ROFLMAO - seeing as you just proved yourself wrong... .maybe that's advice YOU should be following :)

Trump's economy -  Jobs up, Wages up, GDP up. Business investment up. Stock market up.  The gains he was hoping for after the tax hikes were fizzling and he needed to do more to keep it going but he only got 3 years before covid hit.

For the time he was in office - comparing his first term to obama's second - (when the crisis was long over), Trump did better by a modest amount.

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