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Trudeau Liberals erasing Canadian history

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Just now, CdnFox said:

Oh everyone here knows you don't like the truth

Hell when you get busted on it you go back and change what you wrote and then pretend you never did.  People see it, they are aware of the truth.  Sorry kiddo - you made your bed, you get to lie in it.

Things that are "impossible to verify or validate", like whether or not Trump ever colluded with Russians.

That whole thing was built around an accusation that Trump could never really clear his name of. He'd literally have to provide a video of every second of his life for a few years before the election to prove that he didn't do it.

It's like the E Jean Caroll rape accusation, or the Dr cryinloser rape accusation, when they didn't ame a year.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Oh everyone here knows you don't like the truth

Hell when you get busted on it you go back and change what you wrote and then pretend you never did.  People see it, they are aware of the truth.  Sorry kiddo - you made your bed, you get to lie in it.

Does ANYONE have any idea what the heck this bozo is talking about? He said what I wrote about him was horrifically shameful.

You'd think something horrifically shameful would stand out in someone's memory, including his, but...nada.

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Just now, eyeball said:

Does ANYONE have any idea what the heck this bozo is talking about? He said what I wrote about him was horrifically shameful.

LOL -  well that's pretty desperate  :)   what i said was changing what you wrote after getting busted and then pretending you didn't is shameful .

And you know. That's really all that matters. You can't change that :)

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Things that are "impossible to verify or validate", like whether or not Trump ever colluded with Russian

But  he can TOTALLY validate that - he just asks his magic mirror!  It wouldn't lie...

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:


That whole thing was built around an accusation that Trump could never really clear his name of. He'd literally have to provide a video of every second of his life for a few years before the election to prove that he didn't do it.

It's like the E Jean Caroll rape accusation, or the Dr cryinloser rape accusation, when they didn't ame a year.

Of course. When the left (or eyeball) does something wrong, then they demand DEMAND absolute proof. Preferably signed by God.  With a note from another god certifying god is actually god. Then notarized.

When they think the right did something wrong then it's "well i'm sure it's true because muh feels.".

This guy wrote something claiming i said it, then when he got caught he went back and erased it and pretended it never happened. But - we can take his word on it that trump's guilty.

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Just now, CdnFox said:

LOL -  well that's pretty desperate  :)   what i said was changing what you wrote after getting busted and then pretending you didn't is shameful.

WTF are you talking about?

You're saying that editing a post for a typo or an after-thought is horrifically shameful? What on Earth is wrong with you?

Did you know how many edited posts there are in this forum? If you feel having the edit feature is horrifically shameful then why don't you start a thread on the topic of having it removed?

Maybe it would bring the forum to a standard more to your liking.

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3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

...is that everyone saw what I did. I'm simply looking for a little corroboration.

Nobody thinks you're important enough :)

Meanwhile - ALSO eyeball:  "Trump DEFINITELY Did russian collusion and we don't need any  evidence". :) LOLOL

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Raymond J. de Souza: Trudeau's anti-human symbolism

The new passport design fails because the images would be equally relevant if Canada had never existed

I had not intended to return to the matter of the Canadian Royal Crown — the “Trudeau crown” — in the Canadian coat of arms, having had my say last week. But then came the unveiling of the newly confected crown this week and, a few days later, the release of Canada’s new passport design. Both invite us to think about what symbols actually signify.

About the new passport, the Post has helpfully contrasted the new images with the old — a man raking leaves replaces Terry Fox, the Bluenose is replaced by pumpkins — and Carson Jerema has ably commented in these pages upon the foolishness of trying to erase history.

The symbols themselves speak and bear consideration, though: first, the actual meaning of the snowflake; and, second, the hostility in these new symbols to human achievement

The new passport design fails because the images would be equally relevant if Canada had never existed. The cult of nature — leaves, pumpkins, lakes, snowflakes, birds — is devoid of any human culture. All would be present if no one ever lived here amid the snowflakes.


Edited by Dougie93
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15 hours ago, eyeball said:

Again, you keep saying stuff about things that are impossible for you to verify or validate.

This is why I look to partisan supporters to provide the best clue about the direction the leaders they support will take.

My grandkids other grandparents told me about Chinese interference occuring in Canada years ago.

You knew nothing then and even less now.

It's not a partisan issue. It's more of a class issue than political, in that the financial class wanted to get their money in China. Cheap labour makee cheap shirtee.

Me, I hated the idea from day one and still do. Not because of the Chinese as a race or whatever, no. In fact some of my best friends are... but I digress.

Because we knew we were feeding the dragon. How more obvious can it be? We heard all this hooey about making China a partner and friend through economic ties.

Well look at you people now.

Edited by OftenWrong
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15 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Because we knew we were feeding the dragon. How more obvious can it be? We heard all this hooey about making China a partner and friend through economic ties.

Well look at you people now.

At the time the choice was to exlude them and push them far deeper into the russian sphere of influence or bind them and their economy to north america's.  And  we made the right choice.

Do you honestly believe if they had no ties to western economies and they were tied instead to russia that things wouldn't be a lot worse now? We'd still have interference and we'd have no influence.

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11 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

At the time the choice was to exlude them and push them far deeper into the russian sphere of influence or bind them and their economy to north america's.  And  we made the right choice.

Do you honestly believe if they had no ties to western economies and they were tied instead to russia that things wouldn't be a lot worse now? We'd still have interference and we'd have no influence.

Obviously they are still allied with the communist Rus, so that idea didn't work at all. Look at us now.

Not only are they more technological and economically advanced, now they own us.

There's a wise old man saying should be inserted here, something about a fool etc.

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13 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Things that are "impossible to verify or validate", like whether or not Trump ever colluded with Russians.

That whole thing was built around an accusation that Trump could never really clear his name of.

Well, it would have helped if he hadn't provided Russia's ambassador with secret information and hadn't acted like a wide-eyed gushing fanboy every time he heard Putin's name, and if he hadn't sneered at his own military, policing and security agencies in favor of whatever Putin said to him at any given point in time. It would have helped, in other words, if he hadn't done everything he could to make it obvious he was Putin's b1tch.

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Yes, Canada’s new passport really is that bad





It’s actually pretty rare for something to come along that manages to transform the nation from perfect indifference to utter pique in the course of one day, but somehow this government has managed it. I am talking, of course, about the most important news to emerge from this week – our passport redesign.

Ottawa has managed to produce something so ugly, juvenile, and banal that I’m actually personally offended. The new documents are so ugly that they feel like an insult to Canadian identity and people. They reveal the inner psychology of a government that is so pathologically self-hating, it may risk dooming the very concept of nation itself.

“Oh, come now, it could not be that bad!” I hear you objecting.

Couldn’t it?

Let’s divide our critique into two categories: the first, an examination of the internal visa pages, and the second of the cover itself. I take it for granted that a redesign is necessary, and that the passport’s new security features are all very fine and well and cool.

So let’s look at the internal pages, in which all traces of history, all heroes, and all national monuments have been replaced with a bland cartoon of Canadiana that looks better suited to my toddler’s placemat.

This style of graphic design resembles a school known as Corporate Memphis, which Wikipedia reliably tells me is “a flat, geometric art style, widely associated with Big Tech illustrations in the late 2010s.” For most of us, it looks like the inoffensive yet dystopian clip art that adorns uninspired PowerPoint presentations.

By removing the gritty images of Vimy Ridge and Terry Fox, this government has managed, incredibly, to p1ss off both the Royal Canadian Legion and the mayor of Terry Fox’s hometown in the same day. They should have strangled a beaver in maple syrup and gone for the trifecta.

Anyway, like a lot of people, I’m tempted to read too much into this. We are told that there is no political motivation behind erasing images of Canadian history from the passport: that this isn’t reflective of a government that sees itself leading a corporatist, post-national state; nor one that regards all expressions of nationalism as an embarrassing anachronism.

There’s no deeper symbolic meaning to the fact that they have chosen to remove the rough edges, blood, sacrifice, and failure of the past and replace it with a two-dimensional cartoon version of the country.

Of course, I’m tempted to say that these are the kinds of changes that demonstrate that Ottawa sees itself not as the living embodiment of a nation, but rather as nothing more than an administrative fiction, overseeing the transfer of funds between a bland and homogenized population.

But then, I’ve also been around long enough to remember when the money mostly featured birds, and our fragile sense of national identity managed to survive.

I’m just saying that bureaucrats in Ottawa could have spared me hours of hellish introspection about the nature of the modern state, and the role of Microsoft Word’s Clippy if they had chosen a passport that featured each province and territory’s official bird or flower or something.

However, I can rise above this. I can forgive the inside pages.

What I refuse to accept is the passport’s new cover. It’s an atrocity of design by committee. It’s as if the designers wanted to finally rid us of the colonial overtones implied by our noble heraldry, but lacked the courage of their convictions. Instead, our coat of arms has been sidelined to the left-hand corner, superimposed with a lazy, cartoonish maple leaf.

The whole thing comes off as incoherent, juvenile, and uninspired. It’s the visual equivalent of watching King Charles trying to hold a coronation in a third-rate suburban Apple store.

The redesign offends whatever lingering national pride and aesthetic sense I possess. Symbols matter. A shared sense of history and narrative matters. And if we’re going to live in a third-rate, rich-world country, at the very least we can get the design right.

We deserve better than this passport. We, as a nation, cannot fix all that ails us, but we don’t have to be complacent about every single thing. We can do better than the forgotten archives of clip art lingering in Microsoft Word. We can aspire, at the very least, to be as good as the stuff on Etsy.


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38 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Obviously they are still allied with the communist Rus, so that idea didn't work at all.

They have very limited political ties and even more limited military ties but no, they're not "allied" with them and economicially they have VERY little interaction.

It actually worked very well. China doesn't attack tiwan not because they're afraid of the us fleet - but because they can't afford to lose the business.


38 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Look at us now.

Yeah - when was the last time china threatend the west militarily? Never? Right.

38 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Not only are they more technological and economically advanced, now they own us.

Neither of those statements are true. They have very little technolgy - they just make the technology we give them. They have manufacturing but they're very far behind in actual technology.  And yes we've allowed ourselves to become dependent on their cheap manufacturing but that actually wouldn't be that hard to change. However - for them finding another trillion dollar market to sell their goods to wouldn't be so easy.

38 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

There's a wise old man saying should be inserted here, something about a fool etc.

There's a chinese proverb that fits even better - keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

It's not a partisan issue. It's more of a class issue than political, in that the financial class wanted to get their money in China. Cheap labour makee cheap shirtee.

Me, I hated the idea from day one and still do. Not because of the Chinese as a race or whatever, no. In fact some of my best friends are... but I digress.Because we knew we were feeding the dragon. How more obvious can it be?

You people have always been sycophantic bootlickers when it came to promoting the interests of the financial class. Anyone who said anything otherwise was a commie. Still is.

You may have hated the idea of feeding the dragon but not as much as you hate the left.



We heard all this hooey about making China a partner and friend through economic ties.

Well look at you people now.


You heard that from Nixon and the Republican Party and then other Republicans told you that feeding the financial class would make you wealthy too.

Now look at you all woke up and blaming the left for it.

Not a partisan issue? EVERYTHING is a partisan issue with you dummies. 

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1 hour ago, I am Groot said:

Well, it would have helped if he hadn't provided Russia's ambassador with secret information

Polling data....? That's secret information now? ? What a f-ing dummy.


and hadn't acted like a wide-eyed gushing fanboy every time he heard Putin's name,

That's the kind of thing that you can tell your kids, because they have no choice but listen to your BS, and you can say it in a leftard echo chamber, because everyone there believes everything they hear, but it's not the kind of thing that adults say in public. You just outed yourself right there.

Speaking of gushing....



and if he hadn't sneered at his own military, policing and security agencies

1) He never sneered at his military at all. He has more patriotism in one toe hair than the Dems have in their party.

2) Turns out he was right to sneer at the FBI.

3) Security? Do you mean "intelligence"? The intel community is no better than the FBI. It's a huge problem for the US. 


in favor of whatever Putin said to him at any given point in time. It would have helped, in other words, if he hadn't done everything he could to make it obvious he was Putin's b1tch.

1) Crimea called, they're looking for Obama's 8-ball gag. He has some business to attend to over there.

2) If Trump was Russia's b1tch, what does that make Biden to Afghanistan?  

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1 hour ago, I am Groot said:

There’s no deeper symbolic meaning to the fact that they have chosen to remove the rough edges, blood, sacrifice, and failure of the past and replace it with a two-dimensional cartoon version of the country.

sums it up perfectly in a single sentence

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41 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Polling data....? That's secret information now? ? What a f-ing dummy.

“This is code-word information,” said a U.S. official familiar with the matter, using terminology that refers to one of the highest classification levels used by American spy agencies. Trump “revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies.”


41 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1) He never sneered at his military at all. He has more patriotism in one toe hair than the Dems have in their party.

Fox News confirms Trump mocked US troops as ‘suckers’;

Trump Has Mocked the U.S. Military His Whole Life

New Report Alleges Trump Didn't Want 'Wounded Guys' in a Military Parade: 'Doesn't Look Good For Me'

“we have a woke military that can’t fight or win, as proven in Afghanistan.”


The problem with the drooling trumptard set like yourself is you presume people who accurately judge his lack of charter, intelligence, morality, honesty, and ability to be far too low to qualify for any public position presume we admire the guy who holds it now or the opponent he defeated. But your fanatic worship of a guy who bought his degree, whose money came from daddy, and whose own former cabinet mocks, jeers and ridicules him reveals only your own pathetic moral and intellectual bankruptcy. Boot lickers like you have always puzzled me, ever ready to defend indefensible people in pursuit of some frenzied ideological goal the sane world can't comprehend. 

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1 hour ago, I am Groot said:

“This is code-word information,” said a U.S. official familiar with the matter, using terminology that refers to one of the highest classification levels used by American spy agencies. Trump “revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies.”


Fox News confirms Trump mocked US troops as ‘suckers’;

Trump Has Mocked the U.S. Military His Whole Life

New Report Alleges Trump Didn't Want 'Wounded Guys' in a Military Parade: 'Doesn't Look Good For Me'

“we have a woke military that can’t fight or win, as proven in Afghanistan.”


The problem with the drooling trumptard set like yourself is you presume people who accurately judge his lack of charter, intelligence, morality, honesty, and ability to be far too low to qualify for any public position presume we admire the guy who holds it now or the opponent he defeated. But your fanatic worship of a guy who bought his degree, whose money came from daddy, and whose own former cabinet mocks, jeers and ridicules him reveals only your own pathetic moral and intellectual bankruptcy. Boot lickers like you have always puzzled me, ever ready to defend indefensible people in pursuit of some frenzied ideological goal the sane world can't comprehend. 

The problem with you drooling leftards is that you'll believe anything that you hear from anonymous sources, like everyone in those articles, and then you'll pretend that the gov't of Canada's own covid deaths stat are to be disregarded.

"It's to be expected that 16,000 multi-vaxed people died of covid in 2022." You're beyond retarded. 

More "vaxed" Canadians died of covid in 2022 than the total number of vaxed and post-vax-rollout-but-still-unvaxed people who died of TB, smallpox and polio in the last 100 years. You still say it's a vax. 

Or a woman says "I was raped in about 1987 or '88 but I don't remember where", or "I was raped in 1995 or 1996 in a dept store change room" and you guys fall for it every time. Stupid doesn't even begin to describe the crap that comes out of your mouth.

"Suleimani was a beloved father figure to the Iranian people."

"A car crash in Waukesha killed 7 people and wounded over 50."

"What's the big deal about Hunter getting paid tens of millions of dollars from his venture with Chinese gov't officials and then Joe pretending not to know anything about it?"

"Election polling data is at the highest level of classification" lol. 

Groot: "OMG, somebody line up the folks at Angus Reid and execute them all!!!" ?

Here's a question for you genius: If polling data is so accurate that even revealing it to foreign allies is unthinkable, and Trump has access to that info, then shouldn't he have actually known for certain whether or not he won the 2020 election? How could it even be in doubt? 

Groot: "The polling data is wildly unreliable, but it's still one of the most closely guarded secrets in the US." 

Uh-huh. Thanks for comin' out, kid. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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