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1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Aren’t all opinions a bit of a mix?

Anyone who follows the daily screed from TNI has an opinion that's more like a ?-mix.

Collusion, Fetterman, stolen elections, Jan 6th = Pearl Harbour, the vaccines are awesome, etc, etc...

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On 5/15/2023 at 9:58 AM, Nationalist said:

cMad? A bit. Usually, people who value their nations, get a tad upset when twits begin flooding their nations with illegal aliens. Which the vast majority of these "refugees" of yours, are.

Really? So it's the US fault that "refugees" from South of OUR border cross YOUR BORDER?

If it's the US fault that "refugees" are crossing OUR border, them  crossing YOUR BORDER from the US is YOUR FAULT.

It's YOUR border with the US that is "OPEN." LMAO

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On 5/16/2023 at 6:53 AM, CdnFox said:

Yes yes, the battlecry of every leftie when someone posts facts they don't like.

Well actually i didn't say that, and i tried to point that out to you. I said that whether a deficit is good or bad depends entirely on the circumstance - obama doing something day one would be bad, obama doing something to deal with a serious recession is different.

And you know that's true.  So - seeing as you can't argue that you've tried to lie and turn it into  whether or not he LITERALLY increased spending day one.  The truth is he DID increase spending during his first 100 days so it would still be fair to say he did it as soon as he got into office but that really wasn't what i was talking about.

THEN you come up with some fluff about how i said he increased deficits while he was in office - which i absolutely never even mentioned.

Sorry kid - you'd be the troll here.

He did inherit a recession (caused directly by the democrats it's worth noting, seeing as you're so fond of being partisan :))

Nobody blamed him for the recession. Nobody said anyting about it being his fault or the like.

This is what makes you so dishonest.

The point was you cannot say "deficit good" or "Deficit bad".   If obama just decides to increase spending then bad. If he's increasing it to address the problems of a recession then good. That's all i said. The rest is just the voices in your head

YOU ARE LYING (bolded). GWB was POTUS for 8 YEARS and kept interest rates very LOW for most of that time; which CREATED the housing bubble. Was Rove's "permanent Republican majority" plan. But like EVERY over-stimulation of the economy, it eventually CRASHED in 2007. AKA, totally ON the Republicans who were IN CHARGE for the PRIOR 8 years. Duh.

On 5/17/2023 at 10:05 AM, Nationalist said:

How about doing a better job of not letting illegals into the country? Finish the wall, put the military all along the wall...armed. Refuse refugee status after the quota is completed and only allow it to be applied to those who actually qualify. Tell the Mexican president to line his side of the border with his military. In short...your limp excuse..."fix immigration"...is only necessary after the EXISTING laws are actually enforced. Until that happens...the USA's border are OPEN!

Saying the truth, that the borders are OPEN, only makes things worse for you. Not me and certainly not for the millions who have the delight to live along the border while Joe the Twit and Majorkis the lyin' jack-ass are in charge of it...Oh and let's forget the great border czar Kamala. What a trio of destructive nit-wits.

So NO...ANTIFA...the borders are OPEN and its this very fact that encourages criminals like drug dealers, coyotes, and of course child predators. Anyone who supports this...travesty...is either dumb as a stump...or hates America and wants to destroy it.

I think I already know which of these 2 categories you fit into...

Build YOUR OWN f'ing wall. Duh

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On 5/24/2023 at 7:03 AM, CdnFox said:

Meh - got a news flash for you .  In the states the side that loses always thinks it was stolen.

Look at the polling after each election regarding whether or not the system is fair and secure.  Whichever side wins gets about 80 plus percent saying yes and whatever side loses gets less than 50.

The polls after the 'hanging chad' incident for example - democrats absolutely thought the system was 'rigged' :)  In 2016, dems thought it was a great system during the election when they though hillary would win, republicans were convinced it was rigged - the moment he won the polls reverse and dems thought it was rigged and there was russian interference and  such and trump voters lept in support of the system.

Hillary to this very day says her election was stolen.

So it's not fox news.

Hillary CONCEDED. And it's clear that Trump CHEATED with plenty of help from Putin that Trump exploited at his rallies and more. All those WIKI LEAKS were provided by Putin's IRA.

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On 5/25/2023 at 4:16 AM, Nationalist said:

Really? So you were sleeping when Don LeMon said the violence of The Summer of Love was justified? Or RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA? Or 2 failed impeachments?

Huh...you sleep too much.

The impeachments succeeded. It was the Republican Senate which FAILED TO CONVICT. Duh.

On 5/25/2023 at 7:01 AM, Nationalist said:

I disagree. I think the instances are very alike. All just exemplifying the 2-tiered justice system. 

Impeachments are NOT done by the "justice system." All decided BY POLS.

Of course the Democrats HAVE EVIDENCE which the Republicans IGNORED. Like you.

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15 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Annnd that's why the dems are worse. 

@WestCanMan has a very valid point - faced with reactions like yours people have little choice but to side with trump if they're going to vote at all.  Right now in history the left is full of angry ignorant bigoted people.  So you wind up having to choose your bigot :) 

It is Trump who is feeding the IGNORANCE of HIS CULT. No one is lying to Democrats like the pathological LIAR Trump.

Even FOS LIES knows that and helps Trump spread his LIES according to their INTERNAL emails and texts.

14 hours ago, CdnFox said:

How would you know? Did you ask someone?

The ^then you're BACK with your usual ^STUPIDITY. 

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8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I had to go past the ignore wall to see this stupid post because my name was tagged in a response to you here. Normally I don't read your posts for the same reason that I don't drink from the toilet but I plugged my nose for a few seconds....

FYI - the whole covid narrative was carefully scripted by TNI, and that's why no matter what Trump did, every single MSM outlet branded it as "evil" and whatever Trudeau did was always branded as "perfect, because he cares so much".

Think about it: one of those leaders started up Operation Warp Speed while the Dems and Libs were still napping, in order to fast-track vaccines, the other didn't even bother to put in an order for said vaccines until the rest of the world already had tens of millions of doses ordered. As a result, despite the fact that we are America's closest ally, almost everyone else on earth was ahead of us in line, so we had to poach 1.9M vaccines from the 3rd world charity pool to get started. Guess what colour of skin all those people who we bumped to the back of the bus have...... F- 'em though, right? Canadians are way more important than a bunch of 3rd-world nobodies, hey robo? Well, at least Trudeau thinks so....

One of these guys was smart enough to block flights from China when there were only 5 deaths in his country, despite the fact that the WHO had incorrectly told the world "Meh, there's probably no H2H transmission occurring." He was called a racist for that. The other guy decided to leave flights from China wide open, because he was dumb enough to believe the WHO. That guy got an "altruistic genius" grade from the MSM for that and they never re-thought it. Then the altruistic genius banned flights from India and he wasn't called a racist for it. Whaaaaat? 

Trump NEVER banned flights from China until AFTER he created the first SUPER-SPREADER event when he let 40,000 citizens fly back from China WITHOUT testing, tracking nor quarantining.

You Canadians have a VERY FAULTY source for news about the US. Probably just FOS LIES, since you won't identify YOURS.

8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

One of those leaders recommends people take it, and leftards call him a fascist. The other forced people to take it or they'd lose their jobs while the whole country was facing layoffs. Everyone who got laid off in his country got EI and CERB, a lot of them made more money at home than at work, but people who refused the vax weren't allowed to collect anything: they faced economic devastation. That guy also brought in a gesundheitspass, martial law, etc. The MSM calls him "the nice guy"

Buddy, literally every stupid thing you believe about covid has the stench of TNI disinformation in it. It's sick, twisted and just wrong.

What's worse is that you can't even acknowledge that with the benefit of hindsight, because you're such a braindead cultist ?.

My dog actually has more sense than you will ever possess, and he's a Jack Russell: his brain is the size of a Key lime. 

Thanks for identifying the source of YOUR IGNORANCE. You and Nat man have an impenetrable wall of cognitive dissonance. ?

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3 hours ago, robosmith said:

Really? So it's the US fault that "refugees" from South of OUR border cross YOUR BORDER?

If it's the US fault that "refugees" are crossing OUR border, them  crossing YOUR BORDER from the US is YOUR FAULT.

It's YOUR border with the US that is "OPEN." LMAO

Yes our border needs to be closed too.

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3 hours ago, robosmith said:

YOU ARE LYING (bolded). GWB was POTUS for 8 YEARS and kept interest rates very LOW for most of that time; which CREATED the housing bubble. Was Rove's "permanent Republican majority" plan. But like EVERY over-stimulation of the economy, it eventually CRASHED in 2007. AKA, totally ON the Republicans who were IN CHARGE for the PRIOR 8 years. Duh.

Build YOUR OWN f'ing wall. Duh

Lol...no I think finishing the south wall and a real president will work.

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On 5/27/2023 at 1:01 AM, robosmith said:

Trump NEVER banned flights from China until AFTER he created the first SUPER-SPREADER event when he let 40,000 citizens fly back from China WITHOUT testing, tracking nor quarantining.

Trump banned flights from China on Jan 29th or 30th. There were 5 dead Americans and the WHO was telling the world that covid probably wasn't spreading H2H. Go look that up.

Leftists are so God-damned stupid that you all thought that was racist. You completely lacked the ability to see any wisdom in that. Simple sayings that even children understand, such as "Avoid it like the plague" and "Err on the side of caution", are just way over your head. 

You prefer leftist sayings like "Err on the side of pandemic." Sorry, that's really stupid.

Leftards were bareley even talking about covid back then. The DNC primary was all about Trump and "Ukrainian collusion" of all things (they were still pretending not to know about Hunter's ridiculous loot tour). They're so God-damned stupid that even you like them.

Wanna guess why 40,000 people flew from China to the US???? Because they were Americans. They were either born-and-raised US citizens or people who had immigration status that allowed them to be in the US and Trump brought his people home because that's where they belong during a health crisis. He never even thought about abandoning his people in their time of need, unlike Hillary, Obama and Biden.

The reason why conservatives find you so repugnant is you don't think like that. Abandoning Americans all over the world is a-ok for leftards. You have no character, just flaws, and chief among them are stupidity, ignorance, ruthlessness and credulity. 


You Canadians have a VERY FAULTY source for news about the US. Probably just FOS LIES, since you won't identify YOURS.

Yes, I watch Fox News because I'm not a braindead alt-left cultist. I also get a lot of info off of FB and guess what, it didn't turn out to be disinformation. How did your love affair with CNN turn out? 

I know you can't admit it, but their track record for being wrong is pretty flawless. 


One other thing, when you single out Canadians it seems as though you're representing Americans, and every American with an IQ over 50 is really embarrassed by that. Maybe just say "All you high IQ bullies" instead, that way you're only representing your people - the dumbest 10% of Americans. I'm pretty sure that no one would argue. 


Thanks for identifying the source of YOUR IGNORANCE. You and Nat man have an impenetrable wall of cognitive dissonance. ? 

That's HOF worthy faceplant right there. 

FYI cognitive is something that you only experience when you allow conflicting ideas to battle it out in your own head.

Ignorant people like you, who get completely sucked in by everything that you see on CNN and then run your mouth about it to your betters, find it too embarrassing to admit - EVEN TO YOURSELF - that you were 100% wrong, so you completely wall off any information or data that conflicts with the leftard screed that you loudly propagated earlier. 

In short, the fact that you don't experience cognitive dissonance isn't a good thing, it's proof that you live in a world that's a step beyond mere confirmation bias: you reject inconvenient facts as devoutly as animals avoid open flames.

Buddy, the opposite of "experiencing cognitive dissonance" is "wallowing in ignorance", and that's where you live

Edited by WestCanMan
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8 minutes ago, Rebound said:

No, it simply states that calling Biden “unelected” is false. Because Trump lost.  

Since you people refuse to admit that, we have to repeat it a lot.

1) I don't say "Biden isn't the president" because he actually is the president, regardless of how much cheating it took to get him there. 

2) Leftists just spent 4 years saying that Trump was illegitimate, now you wanna act like it's unprecedented to say that the current president is illegitimate and it makes me laugh.

How about GFYS? I'll say what I want to say and you should be well aware by now that your opinion doesn't mean sweet FA to me.

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11 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1) I don't say "Biden isn't the president" because he actually is the president, regardless of how much cheating it took to get him there. 

2) Leftists just spent 4 years saying that Trump was illegitimate, now you wanna act like it's unprecedented to say that the current president is illegitimate and it makes me laugh.

How about GFYS? I'll say what I want to say and you should be well aware by now that your opinion doesn't mean sweet FA to me.

Since you’re about 25 points lower on the scale than average, I’ll explain real slow, ok?

The very very conservative Republican Senator Jeff Sessions strongly supported Trump and was selected by Trump to be Attorney General. It was Sessions who appointed Republican Mueller to investigate Trump over conspiracy with Russia in the 2016 election.  

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

Since you’re about 25 points lower on the scale than average, I’ll explain real slow, ok?

The very very conservative Republican Senator Jeff Sessions strongly supported Trump and was selected by Trump to be Attorney General. It was Sessions who appointed Republican Mueller to investigate Trump over conspiracy with Russia in the 2016 election.  

Based on a false 'dossier' cooked up by the Dems.

Oooopsie - forgot that didn't you.

And to this day despite the mueller report finding no evidence of  conspiracy or 'collusion'  Clinton swears the election was stolen from her and trump is illegitmate.

Sooooo ... Yeah. Who's being dishonest? Kinda sounds like maybe you're conveniently forgetting a few things.

Did you need me to say it slower?

1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:



ROFLMAO - wow - you're just an emotional wreck today :)

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15 hours ago, Rebound said:

Guess what?

Donald Trump lost the election, loser.  You guys got your butts kicked. 

I wouldn't call it a butt-kicking but I understand. When your elected POTUS fails in spectacular form, winning a very questionable election is all you really have to cling to.

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

I wouldn't call it a butt-kicking but I understand. When your elected POTUS fails in spectacular form, winning a very questionable election is all you really have to cling to.

There was nothing questionable about the 2020 election, except why Donald Trump hasn’t been put in prison over his attempt to violently overturn its results.  Stewart Rhodes got 18 years for his role, so that’s a start.  

But Donald will likely be convicted of a crime before the 2024 elections are held, probably by a state which prevents any chance of presidential pardon.  Hopefully he’ll get the jail time he deserves.  

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12 hours ago, Rebound said:

Since you’re about 25 points lower on the scale than average, I’ll explain real slow, ok? 

How many points are there on the retard scale? 50? 

I guess that puts you at about 49, the avg is about 25 which gives me a 0 level of retardedness. Sounds about right. 

Even a broken clock is right twice a day though, right? (sorry, that was probably too much math for ya)


The very very conservative Republican Senator Jeff Sessions strongly supported Trump and was selected by Trump to be Attorney General. It was Sessions who appointed Republican Mueller to investigate Trump over conspiracy with Russia in the 2016 election.

WTF are you talking about now? You were just going on about Republicans not accepting the 2020 election results, now you've switched to the Russian collusion farce, would you pick a fake narrative and stick to it?

12 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:



That's probably about the smartest thing that you've ever said. Do victory lap now but try not to loot any stores along the way, ok? 

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