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More dithering by the liberals, More public consultations on our military...

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Here we are once again, DND and MDND are looking for you input into our military future... Not sure what they did with all the information they collected the last time. Not even sure what the public could contribute to any of this, time after time we as a people have shown we have little interest in our military or the people that work within it, so I'm not sure what value this info would have, other than confirm to the government that yes we don't really care if you cut it's budget, or size it is not something we really care or think about..

Except for maybe the few that have served or know people that are serving, or your  just a patriot.  Most Canadians do not have a clue in what our military actually does for "them" every day, other than train Ukrainians and try and shoot down balloons so once again i ask what value is YOUR opinion on this subject. The last time we discussed this on this forum it broke down into every person had an opinion on what equipment we needed and how much of it...when really equipment is only a small portion of what ails our military, the biggest ailment is YOU the Citizen...without your action or voice men and women will continue to go into battle with left overs and come home in aluminum flag draped coffins to take that long drive down the highway of Heros. One would have to ask is the sacrifice even worth the effort, when the people your fighting for don't even give a F*** about you in the first place.

Military seeks public input on how to cope with low recruitment and a world of threats (msn.com)

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I'd suggest maybe reminding young people of why this is a wonderful country, teach them more about Canadian history in school (instead of just the bad stuff they hear about from activists on twitter) so we have more of a connection to this country and remind them of the reasons why this is a country worth defending.

The Liberals have been doing the opposite since at least Pearson, and the Liberal Parties and NDP in the provinces are no better.  They're ashamed of Canada and its history.  The self-hating losers in this country have raised generations of more self-hating losers.  Its a disease.  If Canada didn't have a lot going for it people across the world wouldn't be jumping over each other trying to come here.  Roxham Rd seems a lot better than home for many people.

Edited by Moonlight Graham
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History, math, science, being aligned to the right, is all racist. and most of us are to stupid to do anything about it. shit we even buy into all that crap.... maybe we should copy the Americans and start bussing all Canada's left to the states, trade them one for one on those that came from nothing and know what hard work and struggling really means...what is it they used to say soft times produces soft people, hard times produces hard people and right now we are very soft...  

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‘We are not taking defence and security seriously’ in Canada: Vice-Admiral Mark Norman

Another Retired General, or should i say forced to quit becasue our liberal government did not like what he had to say. and now he is adding his voice to those that are extremely concerned about our military state of being.




Finally, the politicization of security and defence is irresponsible, dangerous and must stop immediately. These vital national interests are too important to be subject to the whims of short-term political interests and public opinion.



Canadians are increasingly enduring the impacts of systemic failures in resilience across the many dimensions of their day-to-day lives (ie; health care, essential government services & the global supply chain are examples) and I will leave these other issues to the experts in those domains.

National security “resilience,” however, in my opinion, must have primacy, for if our leaders fail to protect this vital national interest, none of the other subordinate “pressing political” concerns or urgent domestic priorities will actually matter.



The primary responsibility of any government is to protect its people, their way of life, and the institutions that serve them.  It is long overdue that national security and defence were raised above the noise and distraction of politics and placed at the pinnacle of our national priorities.

‘We are not taking defence and security seriously’ in Canada: Vice-Admiral Mark Norman (msn.com)

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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

‘We are not taking defence and security seriously’ in Canada: Vice-Admiral Mark Norman

Another Retired General, or should i say forced to quit becasue our liberal government did not like what he had to say. and now he is adding his voice to those that are extremely concerned about our military state of being.



‘We are not taking defence and security seriously’ in Canada: Vice-Admiral Mark Norman (msn.com)

reading what he says, he is apparently sounding the alarm far beyond mere military preparedness

rather, what he is invoking

is that the Government of Canada does not defend us at all

the Government of Canada does not defend our rights,  our interests, our property, our speech

nor even our way of life itself

by definition, that would be dire straits, far in excess of any issues specifically relating to the armed forces

unfortunately, he still wont speak the truth of it

which is that our entire government is quite obviously, and even reported in the mainstream press to be

 de facto Chinese Communist traitors


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just look at this

a Liberal politician who is reportedly under the undue influence of the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing

is now attacking our own security intelligence service as being "unlawful:"

to wit, if that's not a Manchurian candidate, I don't know what would be

Beijing-friendly Liberal politician calls for public inquiry into 'unlawful' CSIS

Critics of Beijing say Michael Chan’s statement on CSIS comes amid an effort to foster an aura of racism around the foreign-interference issue



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On 3/10/2023 at 10:38 AM, Army Guy said:

so once again i ask what value is YOUR opinion on this subject.

All joking aside, I think asking Canadians what kind of gear or the like that we should have is a fruitless exercise. Obviously  we're not really qualified to answer.

I think it would make more sense to talk to canadians about how they'd like to see their military used, but even then it's a little bit of a silly exercise because most people dont' spend time thinking or researching it and probably don't even consider all the areas that they should even if they WOULD agree to it if someone brought it up.

I think it would make more sense to me for a group of expert military and focused politicians to basically say 'here's what we expect to reasonably require our military to do, and we're equipping and training it with those missions in mind, please let us know if you have thoughts.  Then they can get public input and fine tune the plan if it seems warranted.  As to training and equipment, they really need to be the experts there.

I DO believe our military is a little out of touch with the latest and greatest JUST a little bit. I imagine all militarys are a little, there's that old saying that generals are always trying to figure out the last war.

So i do wish we had some sort of  department or military org that focused on really trying to examine how to innovate and fight the NEXT war and we should be crawling over every conflict we can get into to examine tactics and what failed and imagine new ways to fight.  Ukraine for example has really shown what smaller drones can do, are we incorporating that into our tactics?

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

All joking aside, I think asking Canadians what kind of gear or the like that we should have is a fruitless exercise. Obviously  we're not really qualified to answer.

I think it would make more sense to talk to canadians about how they'd like to see their military used, but even then it's a little bit of a silly exercise because most people dont' spend time thinking or researching it and probably don't even consider all the areas that they should even if they WOULD agree to it if someone brought it up.

I have spent my whole life studying it, since I was a boy in short pants

I had to serve in the military to truly understand it

and the conclusion that one comes to

is that Canada doesn't actually need a military at all

there is no conventional threat to Canada, which would not be met by US forces in defence of the continent

Canada is literally the most protected country on earth,

living inside fortress America without being the primary target

so Canada could easily get away with disbanding the CAF

 having the RCMP & Coast Guard take over the national security role entirely

NORAD doesn't even bind Canada to have an air force

all Canada has to do under NORAD, is provide access to American forces, including basing rights

Canada is not required to have a military even to be a member of NATO

Iceland is a founding member of NATO from 1949, and Iceland does not have a standing army

Canada is in effect, a giant Iceland already, for all intents & purposes operational

Edited by Dougie93
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43 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I have spent my whole life studying it, since I was a boy in short pants

I had to serve in the military to truly understand it

You don't even understand honour or duty.  I think military procurement and provisioning may be a little outside your scope just yet.

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21 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

according to the Government of Canada itself

I have done my duty to the Crown, and served honorably

to include being decorated for my service

They probably just said that hoping you'd go away.

Sorry, a guy who thinks Canada is an imaginary country and has no sense of duty or honour really isn't in a position to make comments about effective procurement for it's military.

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13 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Sorry, a guy who thinks Canada is an imaginary country and has no sense of duty or honour really isn't in a position to make comments about effective procurement for it's military.

it's not an uncommon refrain in Canada

here is Pierre Karl Peladeau, Member of the Order of Quebec, Member of the National Assembly

saying exactly so, in the Canadian mainstream press

Canada is 'an imaginary country,' PKP says: Co-operative federalism 'is an optical illusion'

'Listen, I think the imaginary country that the premier is talking about: it’s Canada,' Pierre Karl Peladeau told reporters in Quebec City



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11 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:
23 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Sorry, a guy who thinks Canada is an imaginary country and has no sense of duty or honour really isn't in a position to make comments about effective procurement for it's military.

it's not an uncommon refrain in Canada

Yes - i can see why many people would agree that someone who has no sense of honour and thinks the country is imaginary or is actually a person named charlie wales should probably not be taken as an expert in the military ;) LOL!!!!!

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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Yes - i can see why many people would agree that someone who has no sense of honour and thinks the country is imaginary or is actually a person named charlie wales should probably not be taken as an expert in the military ;) LOL!!!!!

the Canadian military is not capable of defending Canada as we speak

the Chief of Defence Staff General Wayne Eyre has said that the military is collapsing in a crisis

the former Vice Chief of Defence Staff, Vice Admiral Norman

has said that Canada's very "way of life" is imperilled due to Canada not taking national security seriously at all

this has been the case for decades

yet Canada is not under any conventional military threat at all, protected by the Americans at the continental level

so I have no other choice than to look to the Americans to provide for my national security

thus Canada clearly doesn't need a military, since the one we have is not fulfilling its stated role

and never actually has in fact, Canada has never been able to defend itself without foreign intervention

first British, then American

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10 hours ago, CdnFox said:

All joking aside, I think asking Canadians what kind of gear or the like that we should have is a fruitless exercise. Obviously  we're not really qualified to answer.

I think it would make more sense to talk to canadians about how they'd like to see their military used, but even then it's a little bit of a silly exercise because most people dont' spend time thinking or researching it and probably don't even consider all the areas that they should even if they WOULD agree to it if someone brought it up.

I think it would make more sense to me for a group of expert military and focused politicians to basically say 'here's what we expect to reasonably require our military to do, and we're equipping and training it with those missions in mind, please let us know if you have thoughts.  Then they can get public input and fine tune the plan if it seems warranted.  As to training and equipment, they really need to be the experts there.

I DO believe our military is a little out of touch with the latest and greatest JUST a little bit. I imagine all militarys are a little, there's that old saying that generals are always trying to figure out the last war.

So i do wish we had some sort of  department or military org that focused on really trying to examine how to innovate and fight the NEXT war and we should be crawling over every conflict we can get into to examine tactics and what failed and imagine new ways to fight.  Ukraine for example has really shown what smaller drones can do, are we incorporating that into our tactics?

In all seriousness, i think asking the general public anything in the realm of our security apparatus is a moot point. Unless the Liberals are looking for an excuse to not further fund or thinking about canceling previous commitments, one that comes to mind is our now over priced frigate program, where Irving is taking the tax payer to the cleaner... And in all rights, that contract should be canceled, Irving has already said the ship yard as it sits know is not equipped to build large complicated ships and is asking more more money.... nor do we have any experience left in that ship yard to do all that...just look at the last ships they built, and all the problems they had. So if they are looking for an excuse sure , they could say it is to expensive and can it all... leave it for the next government " a liberal tactic, kick it down the road...other than that what sane reason would they want dialogue with the people.

How the military is used, sure talk away, but when it comes down to it, the government of the day will use any opportunity for a photo op, and a chance to show off to the world that for penny's on the dollars we can still send men and women to die. And talk about punching above our weight.. like throwing a child into the deep end of the pool to learn how to swim, and when they are struggling for their lives and mange to swim , "they boost see it works" and claim victory when all along it was the swimmer, or soldier efforts that accomplished everything, at the cost of everything to a lot of soldiers.  Canadians are good with that.

No experts in military matters are mostly all university prof's or generals that sat behind a desk, who have never set foot on a battle field before, that is not what we need... want no bullshit answers ask those people that were in combat or trained in a high intensity warfare  environment, that has trained with many other NATO partners...they'll tell you what we need and how much...

And the biggest piece would be take the politics out of purchasing... military does not pick what equipment they want, they give the civilian world specs it needs to do this and this, someone who has no experience in the military picks a bunch of stuff and asks the military to test the shit our of it...they military sends in a report the politicians do the picking based on what the company is providing in kick backs, tech advances, how many Canadians will be employed, then other federal department swill add in their requirements, until this entire project has legs and a head of it's own...and DND will smile at the acceptance ceremony telling the media ya it is the best in the world , only made by the cheapest bidder.  Take all of that out and maybe we can start.

Our military has to many tasks to carry out all of them at the same time, NATO, NORAD, 5 EYES, emergency properness, SAR, aid to civil power, disaster response, fishier patrols, drug intervention, ice detection and movement, marine research, sovereignty patrols,  lots more...

Our military is way out of touch...with the exception of our tier 1 and 2 units. everything else is drastically under manned, under equipped, there is a long list of things wrong with each element, that is truly would make you sick.. or atleast pissed off. Ours is on life support... and that is being conservative, really conservative...and the numbers we are short , don't even reflect the situation on the ground.

Warfare is always changing, always evolving, it is what keeps the industry intact...Canada busted it's nuts in Afghanistan, and has never recouped any of the losses. 

NATO has already moved away from insurgency warfare, so has our military, in regards to training, we will never catch up in regards to equipment for a long while...it does not matter, we bury our soldiers we don't waste money on equipment. 



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7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

They probably just said that hoping you'd go away.

Sorry, a guy who thinks Canada is an imaginary country and has no sense of duty or honour really isn't in a position to make comments about effective procurement for it's military.

Just a question here, if there was a keen sense of say patriotism, or honor or duty in this country, do you think we would be in the situation we find ourselves now, with the state of our military, how we treat vets, how we constantly disregard defensive agreements like with NATO, NORAD, 5 eyes, we have already been kicked out or should i say left to the side lines with the USUKAUSCAN arrangements...None of our allies have high opinions of our country in regards to security apparatus, with all that going on, Canadians attitudes about our defense structure is who cares period, there is no support from the government or it's citizens...  ... men and women in the forces see that very clearly and it is a major divisive point...

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43 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Just a question here, if there was a keen sense of say patriotism, or honor or duty in this country, do you think we would be in the situation we find ourselves now, with the state of our military, how we treat vets, how we constantly disregard defensive agreements like with NATO, NORAD, 5 eyes, we have already been kicked out or should i say left to the side lines with the USUKAUSCAN arrangements...None of our allies have high opinions of our country in regards to security apparatus, with all that going on, Canadians attitudes about our defense structure is who cares period, there is no support from the government or it's citizens...  ... men and women in the forces see that very clearly and it is a major divisive point...

Yeah, for sure. As a soldier (presuming based on your nic) you have certain priorities and things associated with 'patriotism'. But For a shocking number of people the whole Canadian identity involves NOT being nice to the military. You see - we're "peacekeepers". Peace keepers don't need guns and tanks and planes! What's wrong with you?

And we're a PEACEFUL nation - peaceful nations don't prepare for war! Every single penny we spend on the military is a failure on our part as a PEACEFUL nation you see.

Our whole persona as a country is wrapped up on that. So actually the MORE patriotic a canadian feels, the MORE they're likely to be less excited about a well equipped military. Most want our guys to have good boots and warm clothes and eat good food but that's pretty much where it ends. If their tanks and trucks and stuff don't work - well hell we GAVE them the good boots soooo.....

So gov'ts spend far less on the miliary and more on things that REALLY matter to Canadians, like lesbian dance theory research. And the CBC. (same thing really.)

Sorry - probably not the answer you were looking for. But this was a thing born in the late 60's early 70's in the era of vietnam and Cyprus, and it's pretty ingrained

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14 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Yeah, for sure. As a soldier (presuming based on your nic) you have certain priorities and things associated with 'patriotism'. But For a shocking number of people the whole Canadian identity involves NOT being nice to the military. You see - we're "peacekeepers". Peace keepers don't need guns and tanks and planes! What's wrong with you?

And we're a PEACEFUL nation - peaceful nations don't prepare for war! Every single penny we spend on the military is a failure on our part as a PEACEFUL nation you see.

Our whole persona as a country is wrapped up on that. So actually the MORE patriotic a canadian feels, the MORE they're likely to be less excited about a well equipped military. Most want our guys to have good boots and warm clothes and eat good food but that's pretty much where it ends. If their tanks and trucks and stuff don't work - well hell we GAVE them the good boots soooo.....

So gov'ts spend far less on the miliary and more on things that REALLY matter to Canadians, like lesbian dance theory research. And the CBC. (same thing really.)

Sorry - probably not the answer you were looking for. But this was a thing born in the late 60's early 70's in the era of vietnam and Cyprus, and it's pretty ingrained

The whole peace keeping thing is a huge "Myth", yes we did some of it when it was fashionable, i mean we invented it, so why not show a little interest right...but that is where it stops...and in the last 20 years we have done very little.  like i said most Canadians are not educated on what our military does, or where they have been sent...nor do they care.

To the point that we are willing to bury our soldiers instead of equipping them. Thats a little more than not being  nice to them, thats risking their lives becasue the politicians want their moment in time, and Canadians want another dollar for social programs or their pockets. Has less to do with patriotism and more on greed. So the military is going to be deployed around the world, thanks to our politicians, and Canadians who lack of interest is border line insane...

You should ask our enemies that question, or our allieds, during time of war or conflict, and how the Canadians were thought of. and by no means is one of them going to come back with peaceful... Our nation has a great military tradition, and is known to produce some of the finest warriors in the world. 

I wish that could be a credit that our nation could bestow on itself that atleast they are giving us warm clothing...but they are hardly even making that small contribution, ..and when they do buy something it is becasue enough soldiers have paid for it with their life's. That is truly a telling sign, the hate the military so much that it is going to cost you so many lives before we buy desert combat uniforms, up armoured vehicles, helicopters...

And Canadians wonder why there is a division between it's citizens and soldiers...Dougie is not the only one that is disenfranchised with the nation, there are thousands upon thousands of soldiers that gave up everything and received nothing more than a huge middle finger back...And until lesbian dance takes a second row seat it is only going to get worse...

Cyprus was a combat mission before it became what was known as a peace keeping mission, Canadian Airborne Regiment made a combat jump, (the last since WWII) into the center of the battle field and fought both sides to a stand still...once the fighting stopped then it became a peace keeping mission... and you need more than good socks and boots to do that. 





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7 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

i mean we invented it, so why not show a little interest right...but that is where it stops.

It might be where the story stopped but not where the sentiment and public perception did. You get kids today yelling how we're peacekeepers who weren't even out of diapers when the last mission happened, and ignoring that we've had a number of combat missions since,


9 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Has less to do with patriotism and more on greed.

I can see how it would look that way but no, it really is patriotism the way many on the left see it. The politicians just pander to what the public buys into.

Understanding that is an important step to helping combat it, but it is fairly well ingrained.

We have this weird dichotomy tho - when soldiers do die OR if they can't do a mission due to lack of gear then there's much hubbub about how we should be equipping them right - and suddenly that's a part of our identity, but it fades quickly and we're back to being peacekeepers.

14 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

And Canadians wonder why there is a division between it's citizens and soldiers

Most canadians have no idea that there is. Or that there's a problem with the gear. Other than a general sense of "oh i think i heard some of our gear is old'.

the army can't talk about it, the media won't report on it, the politicans don't worry about it and the public is oblivious to it.

Until things change with how the public sees the military it's going to be a problem.

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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

It might be where the story stopped but not where the sentiment and public perception did. You get kids today yelling how we're peacekeepers who weren't even out of diapers when the last mission happened, and ignoring that we've had a number of combat missions since,


I can see how it would look that way but no, it really is patriotism the way many on the left see it. The politicians just pander to what the public buys into.

Understanding that is an important step to helping combat it, but it is fairly well ingrained.

We have this weird dichotomy tho - when soldiers do die OR if they can't do a mission due to lack of gear then there's much hubbub about how we should be equipping them right - and suddenly that's a part of our identity, but it fades quickly and we're back to being peacekeepers.

Most canadians have no idea that there is. Or that there's a problem with the gear. Other than a general sense of "oh i think i heard some of our gear is old'.

the army can't talk about it, the media won't report on it, the politicans don't worry about it and the public is oblivious to it.

Until things change with how the public sees the military it's going to be a problem.

I agree, military history is not high on the education agenda, and that is not going to change.

I also agree, which for the most part, is why i hold the Canadian public responsible for most our military woes. as you have suggested nothing is going to change without there approval, or interest... So they are responsible for their non action.

You can call it short term memory loss, i call it greed... if i had been given free beer out everyday the line up would be around the block, nobody would forget that, but we bury a soldier, becasue we did not provide the right equipment thats ok... 

Not true, the media has been bombarding Canadians with article after article, every General that can still speak, has brought it up, every time there is a story of conflict around the world. Canadians have made an active choice on this topic, and they say F**** them...and it does not care that our government continues to send our military forces into harms way...they don't care how many die, or get injured, nothing.. anything military they are switched off. Nor do they understand the consequences of not having a military...

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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:


I also agree, which for the most part, is why i hold the Canadian public responsible for most our military woes. as you have suggested nothing is going to change without there approval, or interest... So they are responsible for their non action.

Sure. Ultimately that is the case. Although part of the problem is that education facilities and most gov'ts tend to promote and foster the idea.

2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

You can call it short term memory loss, i call it greed... if i had been given free beer out everyday the line up would be around the block, nobody would forget that, but we bury a soldier, becasue we did not provide the right equipment thats ok... 

It's really not how it works. It's more about perceived value and priority. Beer is considered to be valuable. But there is no sense of getting something important back from spending on the military. If the gov't is going to cut money the public will notice it less if they cut from the military.

2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Not true, the media has been bombarding Canadians with article after article, every General that can still speak, has brought it up, every time there is a story of conflict around the world.

Not really. If you read most of the stories in the last decade, if they discuss our guys in the field it's all about the 'training' we're doing for other countries, not about our actual fighting. And there's not much in there about gear. We get some stuff like the new fighters but that's always downplayed as "oh the current ones are fine, we should take our time and really ake sure we've got the right choices", which we saw for the replacement of the sea kings and the f-18's.

Then we hear about the gear just as new gear is being purchased. The northern rangers get new rifles and we hear all about how their old ones barely fired any more - but so what, they're getting new ones so problem solved. It was the same with the pistols.

Every now and then someone notes that some of teh gear is 'older than the young men using it'. but they never say there's a real problem or anything.

So everyone kinda knows in a general sense that our gear isn't top of the line, but they don't really think there's a problem. Seems like everything's ok regardless.

2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Canadians have made an active choice on this topic, and they say F**** them...and it does not care that our government continues to send our military forces into harms way...they don't care how many die, or get injured, nothing.. anything military they are switched off. Nor do they understand the consequences of not having a military...

It's not so much an 'active choice' as just not realizing how serious the problem is. BUt - pretty much yeah.

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