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Rental Crisis in Canada.

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54 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

As I said religious fanatism is a real danger to our society.

NO.  Christianity brought us a civilized society.  Where did you come from?  I bet it is an uncivilized place and probably a dictatorship as most countries are.

Christianity brought freedom, democracy, and human rights which don't exist in most of the rest of the world.  Nothing fanatical about the Bible.  God created everything and everyone belongs to him.  If you want to call believing that fanaticism, be my guest, but you are dead wrong.

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1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Protecting the rich, the landlords, the wealthy at the expense of the poor, creating homelessness and poverty is not the society I wish to see.

Feel free to leave. I believe venezuela is accepting immigrants. they share some of your thinking.

1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Housing should be about people not investors. Governments should proyect people not investors.

This is a capitalist economic system. The system ONLY works when people pay the value of the goods they want and get paid for the work they do.

The reason prices are so high is because the gov't has interfered. Attempting to get the gov't to fix the problem they created is not reasonable. 

You hate developers, you hate landlords and yet it's the fact we don't have enough of either that's the source of our problem. You need to think about that a bit. If you hate those people you can't expect them to actually provide. THey'll invest their money elsewhere and people will freeze on the streets.

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35 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

If you really believe in Christ then you must be concerned about the poor, homeless, hungry and kids living in hazardous conditions in sub-standard housing

Sure, everyone is concerned, but the solution is not Socialism or Communism.  Jesus said we would always have poor people.  It is not a perfect world.  There is no system that can make a utopia.  Many people don't want to work or improve their situation.  There are many people living on the streets that refuse to stop taking drugs and won't accept help.  You can't do anything about that.  People need to make an effort to help themselves too.  Others through no fault of their own should be helped in some ways, but you can't give everyone a utopia and free everything.  It just isn't possible.

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2 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Religious fanatism is one of the biggest threats to Western democracy especially Islamists not socialism.

No, socialism is a bigger risk demonstrably at the moment. Religion is about a distant 4th or so.

2 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

We are all ready to pay for housing for those who cannot afford.

No we're not, who told you that?

2 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Tax the wealthy and pay the bills.

We already tax the wealthy and we're not paying the bills. The wealthy don't have enough to pay the bills even if we tax them at 100 percent, and if you over tax they take their money elsewhere period.

2 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I am not sure how people can sleep comfortably in their luxury warm bedrooms when they know many fellow citizens,  children in particular are deprived from the very basics of proper housing which is a human right, 

It's all about choosing the right pillow.

Here's the deal. I'm all over taking the steps necessary to allow the market forces to bring housing back in line. It's only because people like YOU have pushed the gov'ts to do the WRONG thing and interfere and make bad choices that we have this problem in the first place.

But if you're not ready to get serious, if people like you are still out there going "tax the rich" and "gov't should build all the housing", which is exactly the wrong thing to do - then don't expect ME to feel bad for the people YOU are screwing over.

You want people to have houses - then start WELCOMING the rich and THANKING the landlords. The more of those we have the more homes get build and the cheaper housing gets

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3 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I was suggesting Federal as well as Provincial tax increases for the wealthy (all over Canada).

Then people will move their money elsewhere whether they go or not. Period.

More importantly we wont' get investment in canada. So not only will those people not have a home they won't have a job.

And even better, the few who do build houses and make things will charge more money to make up the  new taxes.  Guess who pays for that. You'd only be taxing the poor and middle class. And driving up inflation.

You really need to think - what you're talking  about will get people homeless and destitute, and that gets people killed. Smarten up.

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3 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I was suggesting Federal as well as Provincial tax increases for the wealthy (all over Canada).

You obviously don't understand how the economy works.  The government is already taxing companies and the wealthy as much as possible.  As you increase taxes, more companies and investment will move to some other country and more people will lose their jobs.  That is how it works. Its as simple as that.  

Some sawmills and pulp mills in B.C. are shutting down now because it is uneconomical with government taxes, regulations, and reducing the available number of trees.   People are being laid off.

Edited by blackbird
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9 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Sure, everyone is concerned, but the solution is not Socialism or Communism.  Jesus said we would always have poor people.  It is not a perfect world.  There is no system that can make a utopia.  Many people don't want to work or improve their situation.  There are many people living on the streets that refuse to stop taking drugs and won't accept help.  You can't do anything about that.  People need to make an effort to help themselves too.  Others through no fault of their own should be helped in some ways, but you can't give everyone a utopia and free everything.  It just isn't possible.

You can only claim this in a fair society where everyone has equal chances of education, wealth and prosperity. When families are so poor that they can't afford to send their children to universities (or to schools in third world countries) or some are wealthy because they were born in a wealthy family then this is an unjust society and the poor should be given equal chances by forcing the luckier people to pay for a more just system.

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1 minute ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

by forcing the luckier people to pay for a more just system.

That's your Communist definition of a just system.  That's exactly what leftists and Communists say.  Canada is not responsible for all the poor people in the world.  The world is not an equal opportunity place and everyone does not have the same opportunities or resources.  People need to work for what they want.   It is ridiculous to think that everything can be equalized somehow?  Where did you come from?  Obviously don't understand western free societies.  Be thankful you live in a western nation which became prosperous because of free enterprise.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Well again - the constitution (or more accurately the charter) forbids it.' I'm sure you recall the challenges that came up during covid when provinces wanted to prevent people from travel between provinces. Everyone in Canada is subject to the charter, immigrant or not.

Travel sure. Residents monitored.

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1 minute ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Investment will flee the country elsewhere. This is a capitalist fiction to divide and rule. It can be countered. Bringing the laws that they cannot take their capital out oof the country for more than say $10000. 

That is pure fiction.  You simply don't understand how the economy or investment works.  You cannot control where capital goes.  If the government tried that, the country would shut down and any investment would immediately disappear to somewhere else.  Most companies would shut down and the country would become a disaster.

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8 minutes ago, blackbird said:

That's your Communist definition of a just system.  That's exactly what leftists and Communists say.  Canada is not responsible for all the poor people in the world.  The world is not an equal opportunity place and everyone does not have the same opportunities or resources.  People need to work for what they want.   It is ridiculous to think that everything can be equalized somehow?  Where did you come from?  Obviously don't understand western free societies.  Be thankful you live in a western nation which became prosperous because of free enterprise.

No I was looking from your point of view. The Christianity. You had no answer to my earlier response. Bible also says we are all God's children. Don't you believe in that? Or you believe in that but are not in the mood to help out your brothers and sisters at the time of need. When your sister is in the cold, homeless and hungry, don't you help her? According to bible if you really believe in it, all humans on the planet are God's children and we must help each other out. 

Worshipping God is not limited to words you say in a church on Sundays but more so your actions on how you effectively better the lives of others.

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2 minutes ago, blackbird said:

That is pure fiction.  You simply don't understand how the economy or investment works.  You cannot control where capital goes.  If the government tried that, the country would shut down and any investment would immediately disappear to somewhere else.  Most companies would shut down and the country would become a disaster.

Read my post before responding. I said new laws preventing the flight of capital. We have such laws in many countries.

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1 minute ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

When your sister is in the cold, homeless and hungry, don't you help her?

Sure, I contribute to charities.  Not trying to blow my own horn, but to just answer your question. 

But we live in a country that already has social services, welfare, shelters, food banks, meal charities, etc.  So you are talking nonsense.  You sound more a Communist.  We don't have many people out in the cold and homeless except in the major cities and often those people don't want to live in a shelter or follow any rules.  If people would rather live on the street and take drugs, there is nothing you can do about it.  They don't want help.  They go to soup kitchens and prefer to live on the street where nobody will bother them about taking drugs.

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2 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Sure, I contribute to charities.  Not trying to blow my own horn, but to just answer your question. 

But we live in a country that already has social services, welfare, shelters, food banks, meal charities, etc.  So you are talking nonsense.  You sound more a Communist.  We don't have many people out in the cold and homeless except in the major cities and often those people don't want to live in a shelter or follow any rules.  If people would rather live on the street and take drugs, there is nothing you can do about it.  They don't want help.  They go to soup kitchens and prefer to live on the street where nobody will bother them about taking drugs.

See the attached video in the original post. You live in your own palace of fictitious world. We are much better off compared to many other countries but we still do have millions living in poverty.

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4 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Never said it was.  Why do you make assumptions about people you do not know?  People in churches donate to charitable causes.

And I am sure those charities go to the poor and hungry not to the priests and church. Unfortunately your record on churches and priests are worse than black and I don't want to talk about thousands of crimes committed by the church past many years. So if the charities really help why we have millions of poor people in this country?

I am out for the rest of tonight.

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3 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Unfortunately your record on churches and priests

I am not talking about priests and those churches, because I don't know anything about them.  I know there are Protestant churches that do contribute to different causes.  They have elected representatives and treasurers that administer the donations and expenses and are accountable to the membership.  They make their financial records available to everyone. They do not have a bad record.

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44 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Travel sure. Residents monitored.

So the point is you can't say 'don't live here'. That would infringe on the charter. You can't tell people 'you can live in canada just not our cities" lawfully under the constitution.

The best you could do would be to encourage them or something - offer a bonus of cash or the like to those willing to move outside the cities for a set period. Like offer to give them a full downpayment on a house or something if they  will live in Likely BC or something :)  But you couldn't withhold gov't services or the like, Those would have to be provided no matter where they lived.

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43 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

This is a capitalist fiction to divide and rule.

Numbers don't lie. Increase taxes, and put up more bureaucratic red tape that get in between an entrepreneur's ability to build a profitable business, and they will do business elsewhere. You're calling it a myth, but are ignoring the fact that this very thing does and is happening.

48 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Bringing the laws that they cannot take their capital out oof the country for more than say $10000.

Have you ever been to a socialist or communist country? I urge you to, and to see how good those who have governments run their lives, vs the country, have it.

You think you can stop oligarchy, by giving more power to your government, and those in power who pull their strings? A government has to eat.

Have you ever been in a country, where the oligarchs are virtually above the law?

You fix problems by assessing the actual source of the issues. Finding pragmatic solutions based on this.  Not by making knee jerk emotional decisions, without assessing or understanding the law(s) of the unintended consequences.

Your solutions, only create further levels of poverty. I guess in a positive light, that misery is at least distributed equally.

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3 hours ago, blackbird said:

Then we also have environmental radicals that don't want land to be used to build on and oppose development every step of the way.  That is happening right now around the Toronto area where groups, including the NDP, are opposing making the green spaces available to develop for homes.  No end of whiners and obstructionists.

Easy for you to say you're operating under some fantasy that God has a spare planet waiting for you.  One of the biggest root causes of inaction on the environmental file is that you people could simply care less.

Your delusions are a threat to everyone's well being - society might as well be driving down a high-speed freeway while gaming with a headset on.

In any case increasing density is the only viable option - allowing secondary suites within single residence homes, townhouses and laneway cottages etc - all within a city's existing footprint as much as possible.  Go up not out, start allowing 4 - 5 story buildings in 1 - 3 story neighbourhoods.

The real whiners and obstructionists are all nimby's around you.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

So the point is you can't say 'don't live here'. That would infringe on the charter. You can't tell people 'you can live in canada just not our cities" lawfully under the constitution.

The best you could do would be to encourage them or something - offer a bonus of cash or the like to those willing to move outside the cities for a set period. Like offer to give them a full downpayment on a house or something if they  will live in Likely BC or something :)  But you couldn't withhold gov't services or the like, Those would have to be provided no matter where they lived.

Oh? Why?

A guy shows up and claims "refugee" status. He has no family here, no means to support himself. We give the guy 2 choices,

Take this place, apartmen or small house, in say...Flin Flon...and you have a job waiting for you.

Or...status denied.

There's no issue with the charter because the guy has no status in Canada. 

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8 hours ago, CdnFox said:

And this is why housing prices and rents are through the roof.  And there is NO way to fix it except build more homes. and by 'more' we're talking shit-tonnes more.

OK. And market imbalances surely exacerbate the situation. And, Canadian bureaucracy is about the last place to seek effective solutions including to the problems it created itself because it can.

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