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"Trusted News Initiative" - In English That's: "Global Covid Disinformation Network"

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Note this article is from Mar 27, 2020, right at the beginning of covid, but the disinformation cabal was actually started to influence the 2020 election ( https://www.organicconsumers.org/news/who-behind-trusted-news-initiative ). 


CBC/Radio-Canada is joining an industry collaboration of major media and technology organizations to rapidly identify and stop the spread of harmful coronavirus disinformation.

Starting today, partners in the Trusted News Initiative will alert each other to disinformation about coronavirus, including “imposter content” purporting to come from trusted sources. Such content will be reviewed promptly to ensure that disinformation is not republished.


The Trusted News Initiative partners are: BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter, Microsoft, AFP, Reuters, Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), The Hindu, First Draft, and Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.

As soon as you see CBC, FB, Twitter and Google in it, aka the unholy alliance, you know it's just pure propaganda.

WashPo is also a member since as early as Dec of 2020, as per the BBC's own site: https://www.bbc.com/mediacentre/2020/trusted-news-initiative-vaccine-disinformation


Trusted News Initiative (TNI) to combat spread of harmful vaccine disinformation and announces major research project


The partners currently within the TNI are: AP, AFP; BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU),Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, Microsoft , Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post.



Promoting ‘Freedom and Democracy’ Through Censorship

According to TNI, its first order of business was to “promote freedom and democracy” by preventing foreign interference in the 2020 election. However, TNI’s mission didn’t end there. Its Big Pharma backers had a vaccination agenda right from the start, and TNI has been instrumental in promoting that agenda and upholding their financial interests.

For all the vaxtards here who doubted that there was a conspiracy afoot to push the Pflcebo and discredit all other forms of treatment, here's the final bit of proof. 

The state-run broadcasters from Canada and England are part of it, along with WashPo, the most discredit "news" source on earth. 

Seeing as the CBC is officially part of this cabal that controls covid disinformation, it's not so hard to believe that another Canadian Gov't institution, Health Canada, is part of the problem. 

I didn't find an official link between Fauci and The WHO and the den of snakes, but Fauci was their go-to guy (also the guy who partially funded gain-of-function research on the coronavirus), and they backed The WHO 100% after they made the ridiculous and cataclysmic claim: "We don't think that H2H transmission is occurring."


Edited by WestCanMan
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If you look back on the whole sordid covid saga with the benefit of hindsight, remember, Fauci knew that gain-of-function research was done on coronaviruses in the Wuhan lab:

-long before we ever heard of covid,

-long before he ever pimped the wetmarket story, 

-long before social media platforms started censoring/banning people for mentioning the BSL4 lab in Wuhan,

-long before he went along with The WHO's speculation that: "H2H transmission probably isn't occurring".

How big of a deal is it that Fauci never spoke out decisively against The WHO's "H2H transmission probably isn't happening" narrative when he knew for a fact that coronaviruses in the lab were already modified to become even more transmissible among humans?

He couldn't possibly have known for sure that the virus came from a wetmarket at that point.  

He knew for a fact that there was a very good possibility that the virus that people were dying from  in China already had already been modified to be more transmissible between humans. 

The cabal was already up-and-running when Twitter and FB slammed the door on any talk of the Wuhan lab where Fauci's gain-of-function research was done. Now ya know, officially. It's no longer a conspiracy theory. Are we running out of those now? 

Remember how Trudeau was saying things like "covid probably won't get here", Pelosi was making a show of how we should hug strangers in large crowds, DeBlasio was telling people to "Ride the subway like it's normal", and leftists in general were extremely blasé about the whole topic of covid until the first mention of HCQ came out, and then they all went apoplectic at the exact same time, and spewed the same horror stories about HCQ? HCQ kills people, makes people blind, etc?

Then The Lancet and NEJoM quickly published a "study" showing how useless and harmful HCQ was, and after it did it's work the study was retracted?

Looking back on the topic of HCQ, that was a massive, co-ordinated attack on a cheap, off-patent drug, re-purposed for covid, and not an organically, scientifically arrived at conclusion.

Just look at how patient the whole media conglomerate has been with the Pflacebo, even though the death toll never went down at all...


HCQ was virtually free by comparison. Are ^those^ results so hard to match? Would red T-shirts be just as effective at fighting covid?

Covid deaths in the summer of 2022 were actually 4x higher than in summer of 2021 and even summer of 2020. It's the vax-failure to end all failures...

4x-vaxed people already made up 4.5% of all covid deaths in Canada since Dec 14 2020 by the last vax-deaths update, and 4xers were only around, in small numbers, for part of one summer at that point. So we're talking about and avg of about 2M people through a few summer months vs the entire population over two years and two flu seasons... It was an actual pandemic of the 4x-vaxed...


All of this was organized. State-run, Trudeau-lovin', Trump-hatin' CBC was an integral part of it. 

Absolutely every opinion, story, fact, and every shred of data that you saw about about covid, right from Day 1, came from ONE NEWS CONGLOMERATE that completely controlled the covid narrative, and cleared social media of any dissenting opinions.  

These f-ers even pimped vax mandates on Canadians and Americans. 

I want to take a second to apologize to individuals who got sucked in by all of the covid propaganda.

The all-out assault on the minds of Canadians, and the avalanche of disinformation and pre-constructed false narratives that was presented to people, was actually 100% the result of an international organization of media giants and even decades-old, state-run MSM corps.

It is completely understandable that people weren't able to withstand that kind of an information overload. 

If I called you a vaxtard or a vax-Nazi in the past, I'm offering a temporary amnesty. 

Come clean, disavow the false narrative networks, and be proponents of free speech and informed consent. 

And never trust these scumbags again. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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Regarding Health Canada's official disinformation page, their covid disinformation comes in the form of presenting their stats in the most misleading way possible at every turn.

They started collecting their vaxed vs unvaxed covid death stats on Dec 14 2020, right in the middle of a flu season when there were 38M unvaxed and zero vaxed people, and the Pflacebo just trickled into Canadians at a glacial pace at first, so there were very few people with even one vax at the end of the flu season. 

Obviously with 38M unvaxed and zero dbl-vaxed Canadians, the unvaxed stats soared by comparison. 

Canada started vaxing mass amounts of people just in time for summer, so the first massive data set to come in for vaxed people was purely among summer-exposed subjects. 

Just imagine how awesome the statistical comparison looked for the vax when the comparison was limited to 38M people in a flu season, many of them being exposed to covid for the first time, and then 10M summer-exposed people, many of whom already gained some acquired immunity due to an exposure to the virus.

From the day they started tracking that stat until the day they realized it was backfiring, and subsequently shut it down, they only kept a rolling total from Dec 14 2020-fwd, with all of that "first flu season with 38M unvaxed Canadians" data pumping up the unvaxed death toll on the left side. 

Meanwhile the vaxed deaths are broken down into 5 categories, so they all stay comparatively small, and Health Canada even stopped showing the first two graphs on their chart to make it look worse, which is again a form of disinformation.

FWIW their "vax status" groups are:


-1 dose but no waiting period

-1 dose plus waiting period

-2 doses

-2 doses plus booster

-2 doses and two boosters.

The comparison is patently useless, because there were so many people in the different categories at different parts of various flu seasons in different proportions of the population that a straight-across comparison in not possible at all.

In order to gain a glimmer of understanding about the proportion of vaxed/unvaxed deaths I had to screenshot the stats at different times (some old data is archived, but nothing useful) and then figure out the number of people who died in each category during that time frame myself. 

It provides a fairly usable number, because over the course of a month the vaxed rates don't change much at all, and when they do it's just a case of people going from 2 shots to 3 now, or 3 shots to 4, so in any event they always stay within the "multi-vaxed" category. 

That's one of what I call "the two elephant in the room stats", along with "Did covid deaths decline after the vax rollout?" Pretty basic, right? They are the two main things that you'd want to know if you were trying to figure out whether or not the vax was working. Did Health Canada ever talk about that stat either? Nope.

Why didn't Health Canada ever talk about those two stats which are so central to the topic?

I'll tell you why: because the resulting numbers weren't "usable". IE, they were in direct conflict with the official, state-sanctioned "PANDEMIC OF THE UNVACCINATED Q796QSn.gif !!!!" narrative. 

Why is it so important that the stats jive with the official narrative?

Because our fascist gov't forced young people to take the vax even though they didn't need it, in order to help pump up the vax stats, and they did that even while knowing that it would cause serious harm to thousands of them. 

Just know that every single vax-injured Canadian youth was a sacrifice to corporate greed and gov't control, and not a single one of them was the "necessary tragedy to save us all from te pandemic", which is what you were told.

"Your kids are meat - they can go to hell" is the real position of our gov't. This was a bag-over-the-head-punch-in-the-face from our undeniably fascist govt if there ever was one.  

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I edited the above post after you clicked "like" on it, just so ya know. 

Probably not a big deal, but I'd personally like to know if any posts were edited after I clicked like on them. I wonder if that's a feature that could/should be added to the forum...

I shudder to think that someone could come on here, post something sensible, and then change their post to: "I love Trudeau! Biden is a genius!" after I clicked like on it. (That's the absolute worst-case scenario)

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To compound matters, no one is making any serious effort to fix the fallout that resulted from shutting everything down, resulting in broken manufacturing and supply chains. Some of these are still struggling to restart again. Some never will. The economic damage is not yet fully realized.

Other harms are not addressed, psychological. If there ever was a time to offer people access to free mental health care, this is it. But no, not a move. Just finger pointing between the provinces and the fed.

Resulting in dumb (as in ignorant), fearful kids who may not procreate. 



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12 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


I edited the above post after you clicked "like" on it, just so ya know. 

Probably not a big deal, but I'd personally like to know if any posts were edited after I clicked like on them. I wonder if that's a feature that could/should be added to the forum...

I shudder to think that someone could come on here, post something sensible, and then change their post to: "I love Trudeau! Biden is a genius!" after I clicked like on it. (That's the absolute worst-case scenario)

Doesn't matter. Liking doesn't necessarily mean approving of everything. I'm just encouraged to see more and more people speaking out, I hear it in public. You can't fool all of the people all of the time. Now there needs to be a good shit-kicking in my opinion. Tam et al, every one of them dismissed. Top doctors my ass. But will there be?

Naa. More like the opposite. These people will be giving themselves awards.

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In one of my above posts I said that Fauci knew about the gain-of-function research before covid came out, but now when I look for evidence of that I can't find it.

Does anyone know for sure when Fauci became aware of the gain-of-function research?

IIRC Rand Paul accused him of approving that before it was done.

It's late, I'm done here for the night. 

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We cannot know: and that's the biggest problem. I know that conspiracy theorists can blow events out of any reasonable proportion, or plainly invent them. And I know, have seen it with own eyes how official and supposedly, independent"" media can distort and disfigure the reality, out of all sensible proportions. The take: cannot trust, nobody. In some cases it's OK just to know, and always remember that. But in other, I would really like to know the facts, objective reality. Like what happened in that lab, did it have any relation?

But no, we just can't.

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14 hours ago, myata said:

We cannot know: and that's the biggest problem.

Sure we can, I've outlined many times in several threads in this forum where and how to start making our governments and our public institutions more transparent and accountable. I speak as someone with experience at being monitored, tracked, audited, validated and verified when working.  It's a requirement of the job, nobody forces me and it's intent is to protect the public's interest.  Oversight can be a little expensive but it's just a cost of business and it's no problem, I have nothing to hide or lose that makes it worth giving up what I can earn.

The reason we cannot know is that we're unwilling to give up our deference to authority and we're unwilling to make it a condition of our betters employment that they submit to the sort of oversight they subject us to.  The simple trick is to make it worth more to surrender their secrecy than they can benefit from.

Now watch the licksplttles, sycophants, cowards and partisans leap to the defence of our betters and their confidentiality and why we would all suffer if they had to give any up.  I've seen it time and time again around here.  But what's really odd is that the people with the biggest fears of colluding cabals herding us to our dictatorship think too much public oversight of the government will somehow also lead us to our dictatorship. 

Near the top of the list of arguments that can and should be made for stronger more penetrating public oversight of the government is to put to rest the goofier conspiracies like the one outlined in the OP which is basically this in a nutshell.  We've seen this time and time again too. 

How do you draw conspiracy diagrams? : r/rpg



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21 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Other harms are not addressed, psychological.

I feel quite safe in concluding the worst mental illness caused by COVID was paranoia as evidenced by a wider acceptance of beliefs in evil vast globe spanning conspiracies involving governments and giant multi-national corporations as typified by the OP.  We've seen this specific type of paranoia before and it started getting worse following 9/11.


If there ever was a time to offer people access to free mental health care, this is it. But no, not a move. Just finger pointing between the provinces and the fed.

Yes, like a lot of other things COVID definitely exposed deep deficiencies in a very broad spectrum of social services geared towards the mentally ill, the homeless, the poor etc that need a major overhaul and boost in financing.


Resulting in dumb (as in ignorant), fearful kids who may not procreate. 


It's also been falling in India, China and all over the world.  I guess we'll really be extra doomed if we start having supply chain issues in immigration.

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

feel quite safe in concluding the worst mental illness caused by COVID was paranoia as evidenced by a wider acceptance of beliefs in evil vast globe spanning conspiracies involving

There was actually a spike in suicides in many countries around the world. That's only a part of the harm that occurred when counselling services were shut down. As well as rehab services, all cancelled. It no doubt caused some of those people to restart their drug use. Other counselling as well.

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

I feel quite safe in concluding the worst mental illness caused by COVID was paranoia as evidenced by a wider acceptance of beliefs in evil vast globe spanning conspiracies involving governments and giant multi-national corporations as typified by the OP.  We've seen this specific type of paranoia before and it started getting worse following 9/11.

The best thing to come out of covid is that we got to see in real time how many credulous dolts in our country could be led along by the nose to point where they say things like: "THANK GOD FOR THE VAX! I WAS HOPING THAT SOMETHING WOULD COME ALONG AND KEEP COVID DEATHS AT THE EXACT SAME PACE AS BEFORE!"

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It's weird to know that our country completely lacks scientific autonomy over our own health measures. 

A deceitful dwarf from the US is pulling the strings and our moronic leftists dance to his tune and throw other Candians under the bus to protect his gain-of-function virus. 


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7 hours ago, eyeball said:

The reason we cannot know is that we're unwilling to give up our deference to authority and we're unwilling to make it a condition of our betters employment that they submit to the sort of oversight they subject us to.  The simple trick is to make it worth more to surrender their secrecy than they can benefit from.

After two centuries of virtually unlimited benefits? Prerogatives multiplied by entitlements to the power of obscene privilege plus emergency acts? That would be a formidable effort! And who would be up for it, the stakeholders, let's look around. Do you see, any?

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3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

There was actually a spike in suicides in many countries around the world. That's only a part of the harm that occurred when counselling services were shut down. As well as rehab services, all cancelled. It no doubt caused some of those people to restart their drug use. Other counselling as well.

Are you really surprised given the decades long long LONG history of deficiencies in services for mental illness in this country?  You seem to think in Before Times we lived in a land of unicorns, rainbows and pots of gold for funding.

People I know with mental illness going into COVID seemed to withstand isolation, limiting contacts with others, staying home etc just fine.  COVID for the most part was like business as usual.  The people driven nuts the most were definitely the anti-vaccine, anti-government conspiracy paranoiacs and for whom COVID was the exact opposite it made them crazier.   

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41 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The best thing to come out of covid is that we got to see in real time how many credulous dolts in our country could be led along by the nose to point where they say things like: "THANK GOD FOR THE VAX! I WAS HOPING THAT SOMETHING WOULD COME ALONG AND KEEP COVID DEATHS AT THE EXACT SAME PACE AS BEFORE!"

Nobody said that, it's just a bunch of retarded hooey you made up.

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10 hours ago, eyeball said:

I don't see you calling for greater transparency, just whining endlessly over the lack of it..

WTF is the matter with you anyway?

I've never seen you "calling for greater transparency" ever, you're a parrot for the people in the government and MSM who are against transparency every step of the way. 

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@eyeball, @ExFlyer, @Hodad:

It's a fact that Fauci knew about gain-of-function research, or he should have, because the approval went through his office. It would be a massive dereliction of his duty for him rubber-stamp something like that without noticing. And that virus killed millions of people now.

Now Fauci's pimping the covid jab as a vaccine but it hasn't reduced covid deaths at all, and 85.7% of the covid deaths in Canada between Aug 21 2022 and Sept 25 2022 were among the multi-vaxed. How is that a vax?

How are you all still Fauci fanboy?

In case you've forgotten, where we stand right now is: the man responsible for the gain-of-function research on the covid virus, which killed tens of thousands of Canadians and hundreds of thousands of Americans, is in charge of the entire covid narrative, even in our country and he never lived here, and you're his ever-faithful toady.

Fauci knew about g-o-f research on that virus before he ever said "It definitely came from a bat in a wetmarket! Ban anyone from social media who says "BSL4 lab in Wuhan!"" Did you know back then that Fauci was aware of g-o-f research on that virus, eyeball? Was it important back then? If you knew that about him would you have ever believed him? 

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19 minutes ago, dialamah said:

@eyeballbrings that up in 90% of his posts.  

If nothing else, I appreciate your willingness to stick up for someone, and I don't doubt that eyeball preaches about that once in a while because every leftist preaches about something regardless of hypocritical their sermonizing is, but when it matters the most, eyeball is there to support censorship, disinformation and even highly fascist actions from our gov't

Hes like a guy who preaches about peace, love and respect, and then kills his neighbour because the guy's cat pooped on his garden.

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2 minutes ago, dialamah said:

@eyeballbrings that up in 90% of his posts.  

If we had even half of the transparency I talk about these folks might have a place to begin gathering the evidence of the cabals and conspiracies they can't produce.

The biggest need for transparency is to head off the ridiculous fantasies people use to fill the void in information that's driving misinformation, fake news and the worst levels of public trust in our institutions to all time lows.

This is a dangerous place we're in. 

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