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Charlie Kirk DESTROYS the racist White Privilege myth

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38 minutes ago, Hodad said:

My point about you being suckered by headlines is sort of on full display here. Rather that just spamming links, can you gather information? Click open a story. Read it. Assess it to see if it's quality journalism. Then evaluate whether it comes close to supporting your claims. Let's do the first one which, despite it's Yahoo URL is a piece syndicated from the National Review. (Which, unlike the Examiner, has standards to uphold while still being a conservative press. So what does it say in that article?

"Many of the migrants were then seen meeting with relatives or sponsors in New Jersey or being dropped off at the Syosset, Long Island campus of MercyFirst, a nonprofit sponsored by the Catholic Sisters of Mercy. MercyFirst provides housing and services for “children and adolescents who are the victims of societal problems,” according to its website, which adds that it has a contract to supply the federal government with residential services for “immigrant youth.”

Someone familiar with the situation reportedly told the outlet that underage migrants usually arrive carrying backpacks and are bused to locations in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, upstate Newburgh, and Bridgeport and Danbury in Connecticut.

The report adds that many of the flights from Texas first touch down in Jacksonville, Fla., before continuing to Westchester. On Saturday, reporters saw a Boeing 737-700 land shortly after 10 p.m. at Jacksonville International Airport. A group of ten to 15 people got onto a charter bus near a quiet cargo terminal and traveled two hours to Twin Oaks Academy, a juvenile detention center in the Apalachicola National Forest near Tallahassee."

You can see that the article you shared with a scary headline is in no way similar to tricking people onto planes to dump them at some unprepared city for the sake of cruel political theater. They are being transported to established, contracted care facilities and to meet with families and sponsors. It's also not new activity or secret activity. It's been SOP for over a decade. As I described to you already.  I shouldn't have to be doing this kind of work for you though, don't you agree? Like, if you're saying that you care about an issue enough to discuss it, then the least you should be doing is looking past the headline to see if your arguments are remotely tied to reality. In this case, they are not.

Nonsense. It's the same action being taken by both sides, but the act is being characterized in a polar opposite way depending on which side is doing it. Biden is the great humanitarian while DeSantis gets accused of human trafficking.

This wouldn't be a big story if the Biden administration actually made a real effort to secure the southern border. What a slap in the face to those wanting to come to the US through legal channels.

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4 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Nonsense. It's the same action being taken by both sides, but the act is being characterized in a polar opposite way depending on which side is doing it. Biden is the great humanitarian while DeSantis gets accused of human trafficking.

This wouldn't be a big story if the Biden administration actually made a real effort to secure the southern border. What a slap in the face to those wanting to come to the US through legal channels.

You really want to stick with that claim? To you, transporting undocumented minors to people and facilities who have arranged to care for them, is the same as tricking people onto a plane and dumping them in a random city with no notice?

Sort of like saying that taking your toddler to daycare is the same as just dropping them off at the mall. I mean they both involve transporting the child by car, so they must be the same.

Seems pretty farked up, but if that's your argument we'll just have to agree to disagree.

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35 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Nonsense. It's the same action being taken by both sides, but the act is being characterized in a polar opposite way depending on which side is doing it. Biden is the great humanitarian while DeSantis gets accused of human trafficking.

This wouldn't be a big story if the Biden administration actually made a real effort to secure the southern border. What a slap in the face to those wanting to come to the US through legal channels.

Requesting asylum IS legal channels. It's in the LAW.

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9 hours ago, robosmith said:

Because you believe that username is descriptive instead of ironic?

It's descriptive.


you're too desperate to be seen as right ALL the time,

It's called "not lying", you should try it sometime.


to the point you will arbitrarily REJECT strong evidence to the contrary.

Strong evidence, like for example what? 

Beave's opinion that Trump encouraged Putin to attack Ukraine? Or that Russia should just allow NATO to roll into Ukraine without a fight but Kennedy was a hero for threatening to start WWIII of Cuba didn't get rid of their missile silos? 

Hodad's opinion that the death toll isn't an important measure of vax success, it's all about the number of people it takes to get to that number of deaths? 


Eyeball and ExFlyer's opinion that forcing young adults to take a vax with serious side effects that they don't need is perfectly fine? 

WashPo's opinion that it rained during Trump's inauguration speech, so he's a huge liar?


If anyone stood in front of me and insisted that I needed to believe any of those lies I'd slap the shit out of them, no joke.  

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On 11/16/2022 at 1:45 PM, reason10 said:

Some highlights:

1. White privilege is a myth and a lie and should be completely destroyed. It is rooted in racism. It is a racist idea.

2. Why don't they talk about Asian American privilege? Asian Americans were treated horribly in the 1940s and 1950s. We treated them horribly and put them in

internment camps. Then through a series of decades of making good choices, they have now become the richest per capital  racial sub group in America. We never hear about Asian/American privilege. I never hear about people getting so upset that Asian Americans are getting the PHDs, the degrees, all the good jobs in California, yet they are trying to target white people.

I'll probably be back in a couple of days, to see how stupid this thread becomes. Facts are facts. There is NO White privilege whatsoever.

We see every day the attacks on white people by the media. There is racism going on in Canada today and it is happening against the white population on purpose. The white people are being slowly replaced by non-whites and this appears to be happening on purpose. Even that bimbo of a PM of Canada has said that he despises white Europeans. With the massive amount of non-white immigration going on in Canada today, white people will probably become a minority in Canada in another two decades, and the white people ain't going to like it when that happens, pardner. 

Look at commercials today on TV. There are more blacks in commercials then there ever was just in the past two years. On many talk shows like the View, with black racist Whoop-tee-do and on MSNBC with black Joy Reid, they are constantly attacking white people with racist rants against white people. It's starting to get serious now, and old whitey better wake up quickly here or else it will be too late for old whitey to save themselves from real racism that will be perpetrated on them. Hello.  

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10 hours ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

First off, you have my respect for being a substitute teacher. It's an honorable career. Second, I'm glad your not teaching my kids because anyone who thinks Ron is of sound mind obviously has issues far above and beyond being dissed for your career choices. Ron lied to migrants whilst spending taxpayer funds, to send migrants to Martha's vineyard by private jet. All as a political stunt because he knew he'd pull political points from his constituents because they are every bit the callus and cold hearted pieces of shite that he is 

What's the difference between Ron sending people around the US on private jets and Joe sending people around the US on private jets?

Why is it worse for Ron to foist illegal immigrants on the people of Martha's Vineyard than it is for Biden to foist 2 million illegal immigrants a year on Texas and Arizona?

Do you understand what sending illegals to the Vineyard symbolizes?

Wealthy Dems love cheap labour, and the illegals that come across the border don't compete with Nancy and Chuck for housing, they work in their their lush gardens and slaughterhouses. The Fentanyl that illegals bring across the border doesn't end up in Hunter's pristine narcotics, it ends up in tha projex. The people most affected by illegal immigrants swarming across the border are the people in affordable housing, working for minimum wage, etc. Ironically, the people that were dumb enough to vote for them.

Everything that the Dems do hurts poor people disproportionately. When gas and food go up in price it doesn't slow Justin Trudeau or Anderson "Vanderbilt" Cooper down a bit, but people at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder suddenly have to make do with less. "Here's your $15/hr peons, sorry it buys less than last year's $12/hr ?"

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11 hours ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

It's starting to look like all your comments are either all parroted alt-right garbage or meaningless. 

It's starting to look like you'll never address anything that I say directly, you just have to yap like a chihuahua about how my facts don't mesh with your false narratives. 

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2 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

Your all insults and name calling and parroted alt-right garbage. It's all you know.

Wrong. I know facts. I stated facts. You ignored the facts and went on to blather. 

Your girl whatsername is a worthless ho with a big yap and her revisionist history exercise is going nowhere. You can't even defend her jibber jabber, you just say that it is irrelevant here.

Your critique of her blather and choosing your perfect username are your two contributions here thus far.  

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It's descriptive.

How would YOU KNOW that?

3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It's called "not lying", you should try it sometime.

No, it's called your vivid imagination regarding the "evidence" you pretend backs your opinion.

3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Strong evidence, like for example what? 

Like pictures of raindrops in the video you PRETEND proves it didn't rain.

3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Beave's opinion that Trump encouraged Putin to attack Ukraine? Or that Russia should just allow NATO to roll into Ukraine without a fight but Kennedy was a hero for threatening to start WWIII of Cuba didn't get rid of their missile silos? 

Hodad's opinion that the death toll isn't an important measure of vax success, it's all about the number of people it takes to get to that number of deaths? 


Eyeball and ExFlyer's opinion that forcing young adults to take a vax with serious side effects that they don't need is perfectly fine? 

WashPo's opinion that it rained during Trump's inauguration speech, so he's a huge liar?


If anyone stood in front of me and insisted that I needed to believe any of those lies I'd slap the shit out of them, no joke.  

I wish you'd try that with me. I'd kick your ass.

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

What's the difference between Ron sending people around the US on private jets and Joe sending people around the US on private jets?

Biden's State Dept and Homeland Security have the LEGAL AUTHORITY and DUTY to handle immigration. 

Dethantis has NONE at ALL. Is that the way immigration works in Canada? LMAO


Edited by robosmith
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16 hours ago, Hodad said:

My point about you being suckered by headlines is sort of on full display here. Rather that just spamming links, can you gather information? Click open a story. Read it. Assess it to see if it's quality journalism. Then evaluate whether it comes close to supporting your claims. Let's do the first one which, despite it's Yahoo URL is a piece syndicated from the National Review. (Which, unlike the Examiner, has standards to uphold while still being a conservative press. So what does it say in that article?

"Many of the migrants were then seen meeting with relatives or sponsors in New Jersey or being dropped off at the Syosset, Long Island campus of MercyFirst, a nonprofit sponsored by the Catholic Sisters of Mercy. MercyFirst provides housing and services for “children and adolescents who are the victims of societal problems,” according to its website, which adds that it has a contract to supply the federal government with residential services for “immigrant youth.”

Someone familiar with the situation reportedly told the outlet that underage migrants usually arrive carrying backpacks and are bused to locations in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, upstate Newburgh, and Bridgeport and Danbury in Connecticut.

The report adds that many of the flights from Texas first touch down in Jacksonville, Fla., before continuing to Westchester. On Saturday, reporters saw a Boeing 737-700 land shortly after 10 p.m. at Jacksonville International Airport. A group of ten to 15 people got onto a charter bus near a quiet cargo terminal and traveled two hours to Twin Oaks Academy, a juvenile detention center in the Apalachicola National Forest near Tallahassee."

You can see that the article you shared with a scary headline is in no way similar to tricking people onto planes to dump them at some unprepared city for the sake of cruel political theater. They are being transported to established, contracted care facilities and to meet with families and sponsors. It's also not new activity or secret activity. It's been SOP for over a decade. As I described to you already.  I shouldn't have to be doing this kind of work for you though, don't you agree? Like, if you're saying that you care about an issue enough to discuss it, then the least you should be doing is looking past the headline to see if your arguments are remotely tied to reality. In this case, they are not.

When it comes to "standards" in an article, you and your fake news rags have ZERO room to talk.

You have lost the argument. Biden DID send those animals to Florida and DeSantis sent them to a luxury resort island, where the RACISTS there kicked them out.

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9 hours ago, robosmith said:

Biden's State Dept and Homeland Security have the LEGAL AUTHORITY and DUTY to handle immigration. 

Dethantis has NONE at ALL. Is that the way immigration works in Canada? LMAO


Cite the law that quotes that. Here's the link:

https://www.govinfo.gov/help/uscode#:~:text=The United States Code%2C is the codification by,The U.S. Code was first published in 1926.


The US Code is the statutes of the United States. FIND the statute saying Florida's governor does NOT have the authority to ship those animals elsewhere (especially after an unelected senile racist pedophile illegally shipped them from Texas to Florida.

Or admit you are lying .

A or B, boy

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13 hours ago, taxme said:

We see every day the attacks on white people by the media. There is racism going on in Canada today and it is happening against the white population on purpose. The white people are being slowly replaced by non-whites and this appears to be happening on purpose. Even that bimbo of a PM of Canada has said that he despises white Europeans. With the massive amount of non-white immigration going on in Canada today, white people will probably become a minority in Canada in another two decades, and the white people ain't going to like it when that happens, pardner. 

Look at commercials today on TV. There are more blacks in commercials then there ever was just in the past two years. On many talk shows like the View, with black racist Whoop-tee-do and on MSNBC with black Joy Reid, they are constantly attacking white people with racist rants against white people. It's starting to get serious now, and old whitey better wake up quickly here or else it will be too late for old whitey to save themselves from real racism that will be perpetrated on them. Hello.  

I understand the use of black people in commercials. Ad men have convinced execs that the black market (pardon the pun) is valuable as a customer. It isn't racist to go after a demographic.

Be prepared in maybe ten years to see commercials for new and improved KY Jelly aimed at homos.  Be prepared to see new toy commercials aimed at predatory pedophiles, (since the left is trying so hard to normalize it.)

You're right about the racism on The View. The Democrats were racist before the Civil WAr. They were racist during Reconstruction, and today they are the worst racists on the planet.

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15 hours ago, robosmith said:

Requesting asylum IS legal channels. It's in the LAW.

I think we are talking about different things. I'm saying it's illegal to just walk across the border into the US vs going through customs like most people do legally.

You're just saying it's legal to ask for asylum once they've crossed over illegally. I'm sure that is true.

Is it a Crime to Enter The U.S. Illegally? | AllLaw

Obama actually did deport quite a lot of illegals although he changed his tune once Trump became President. But it's because he was Barrack Obama and a Democrat that he didn't get anywhere near the criticism that Trump got for doing the same thing.

President Obama: Deporter-In-Chief (forbes.com)

By their lack of action, the Biden administration has actually been encouraging illegals to stream across the border. Because of this, coyotes are thriving, and desperate parents often let small children go with complete strangers on this dangerous journey. It's common for children to suffer abuse all along the way.

Record 856 migrants die at southern border in fiscal year 2022: CBP | Fox News

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13 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It's starting to look like you'll never address anything that I say directly, you just have to yap like a chihuahua about how my facts don't mesh with your false narratives. 

These liberals have bat guano for brains. I can tell they are from blue states. They wouldn't last a week in a Florida public school.

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20 minutes ago, reason10 said:

MAGA people have jobs and pay taxes so you don't have to. We finance your food stamps, Section 8 housing, AFDC and Medicaid.

What an incredibly stupid statement. Are all MAGA so stupid that they assume, for whatever reason (stupidity), that they are the only ones working and paying into the system? I guess I'm going to assume that your just a troll who says abrasive, moronic statements just to infuriate "the libs". 

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17 minutes ago, reason10 said:

These liberals have bat guano for brains. I can tell they are from blue states. They wouldn't last a week in a Florida public school.

Do you have kids in Florida? I hope they're not any shade of brown. Because if they are your felonious governor might scoop them up and fly them ( by private jet) to some resort town thousands of miles away with nothing more than a couple of McDonalds vouchers.


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