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The new gun bill

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7 hours ago, myata said:

It's about them being able to take away whatever they like, anything. 

They took away our freedom of movement with their COVID passports.  Took away our job security with their vaccination mandates.  Took away our right to protest with invoking emergency measures for bogus reasons.

Now you are worried about the guns they will take away from present and potential future criminals.

Your pleas are falling on deaf ears as far as I am concerned.

Edited by cougar
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On 5/31/2022 at 1:51 PM, WestCanMan said:

So, the guy who froze the bank accounts of people who just donated small amounts of money to the truckers now wants the power to red flag people who are "deemed a threat"..... Not much chance for government overreach there. 

Here's how that's gonna go down:

-cops will show up at your door and say "give up your guns, you've been deemed a threat"

-you'll say "But why? I've never done anything wrong."

-Cops say "Your name came up on the computer. You can fight this in court. Here's some official-looking paper."

-You think about saying "...to wipe my ass with", but you bite your tongue.

-You try to navigate their idiotic new website, come to a bunch of dead ends (like on the Svc Canada website), give up, try to call in, be put on hold for 2 hours, navigate some more, give up to try another day when you have time during the week, a couple weeks later

-try the site again, then send in a letter. Wait 4 weeks

-You finally get a letter in the mail, a login for their site, you'll pay for an application for an online hearing, but they don't have a time yet. You'll wait a few more weeks for that.

-after the weeks have passed, they will ask you a bunch of personal questions and about your financial history, exactly why and where and how often you use your guns, your financial status, your family and any history of depression there, etc. 

-If anyone on FB ever called you a name, you might not qualify to get your guns back. If you have too many FB posts which are critical of our dear leader, you might not qualify to get your guns back. 

-after a few months you have a 50% chance to get your guns back, but you'll never find out why they were taken in the first place.


I've been on this earth 54 years now, I know how this shithole country works. 

This is just more Marxist communism at work. It's not about hand gun violence at all. It is all about confiscating hand guns from honest gun owners. I saw one gun dealer on TV the other day where he pretty much said that if this goes thru he will be out of business and he will be stuck with hundreds of handguns to now try and get rid of or may have to hang on to them until this communist pos legislation is appealed. 

It's for dam sure that those Jamaican drug gangbangers out there will not be surrendering their hand guns. The shootings will continue and this new Bill will only deprive the honest citizen of their right to their protection from scum like those drug gangbangers or scum that like to break into homes. 

The conservative party needs to step up on this communist bit of bullshit before it is too late. We have a crazy Marxist  mad man running this country, and he needs to be stopped. He is a real danger to all of those freedom loving people in Canada. He has shown us all that he has no love for rights and freedoms, just hatred and contempt for we the peasants.

All this dictator wants is total control and power over we the peasants. If this arse can freeze bank accounts, and throw innocent people in jail, then he is quite capable of taking more of our rights and freedoms away from us. All that soon will be left for him to do is declare that Canada is now a communist country. Appear to say anything anti-government or anti Trudeau and it will the gulag for you. Hey, we never know, eh? ?

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19 minutes ago, taxme said:

 I saw one gun dealer on TV the other day where he pretty much said that if this goes thru he will be out of business and he will be stuck with hundreds of handguns to now try and get rid of or may have to hang on to them until this communist pos legislation is appealed. 


And ?    I am supposed to have sympathy for the gun or the cocaine dealers ???

The way they sell guns, they can start selling something else - they can open an art store.  The government can buy their obsolete inventory and offer them requalification courses.

No grounds to maintain the status quo.  

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On 6/1/2022 at 5:56 PM, cougar said:

Your pleas are falling on deaf ears

It's exactly for that reason they can now take away pretty much anything. Walk only with a lead disinfecting ball, step to the right or left qualified as insurgency and handy ubiquitous propaganda to convince you (like 95% of you, that will do) that it's all for your own good. Please find what is wrong in this picture. Please tell me that they couldn't.

Edited by myata
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Why do you keep erroneously saying "war measures?" There is a vast difference between a war and an emergency. You are using hyperbole again.

Tomorrow is the big day. I remember when I was little and my mother came into the room and told me the King had died. I remember the Coronation parade in Trail BC.

Edited by Queenmandy85
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3 hours ago, taxme said:

This is just more Marxist communism at work. It's not about hand gun violence at all. It is all about confiscating hand guns from honest gun owners. I saw one gun dealer on TV the other day where he pretty much said that if this goes thru he will be out of business and he will be stuck with hundreds of handguns to now try and get rid of or may have to hang on to them until this communist pos legislation is appealed. 

It's for dam sure that those Jamaican drug gangbangers out there will not be surrendering their hand guns. The shootings will continue and this new Bill will only deprive the honest citizen of their right to their protection from scum like those drug gangbangers or scum that like to break into homes. 

The conservative party needs to step up on this communist bit of bullshit before it is too late. We have a crazy Marxist  mad man running this country, and he needs to be stopped. He is a real danger to all of those freedom loving people in Canada. He has shown us all that he has no love for rights and freedoms, just hatred and contempt for we the peasants.

All this dictator wants is total control and power over we the peasants. If this arse can freeze bank accounts, and throw innocent people in jail, then he is quite capable of taking more of our rights and freedoms away from us. All that soon will be left for him to do is declare that Canada is now a communist country. Appear to say anything anti-government or anti Trudeau and it will the gulag for you. Hey, we never know, eh? ?

It would be great if the world could get rid of all its gun problems, and nuclear weapons, and other bad stuff. But these days it's more like the opposite is happening. While the PM poses for another magazine cover shot and portrays himself as a gutsy problem-solver, all he's done is forced the hand of people who are already law-abiding and can do nothing but cooperate. Big clap on the back there, Justin.

Meanwhile today we see headlines like "Motorcycle gang memberships surging to historic levels across Canada".

Does Mr. Trudeau think these people could care less about his frivolous new gun bill? They don't give a hootin. They will continue to provide guns on the black market if they damn well want to.

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8 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Does Mr. Trudeau think these people could care less about his frivolous new gun bill? They don't give a hootin. They will continue to provide guns on the black market if they damn well want to

But that's the whole point of it. Politics disconnected from accountability for the result is like a train with disconnected brakes. It can coast for a while, pumping and whistling while there's coal and that's as far as it would go.

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17 hours ago, myata said:

What checks on war measures powers for citizens protest? Any number of countries had occupy movements, even if they were the same thing as they are not - and how many of them needed war measures to deal with them? The checks are non-existent the the rule is one: because he can. If they are, they exist in this reality, you've got to be able to show them, Aristotle. Talking and reading isn't enough. When you talk and read about it instead of seeing and touching it, that is what is called a facade democracy. Not real, in other words.

What "war measures"?  The one in your imaginations?? LOL

Oh, the drama, the drama LOL So tiring to be so dramatic LOL

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12 hours ago, myata said:

It's exactly for that reason they can now take away pretty much anything. Walk with a lead disinfecting ball, step to the right or left qualified as insurgency and handy ubiquitous propaganda to convince you (like 95% of you, that will do) that it's all for your own good. Please find what is wrong in this picture. Please tell me that they couldn't.

"95% of you", Ahhh democracy, at it's finest :)

"what is wrong with this picture"? Nothing, in a democracy Majority wins. :)

And there will always be sore losers.  :)


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8 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

What "war measures"?  The one in your imaginations?? LOL

Oh, the drama, the drama LOL So tiring to be so dramatic LOL

Probably a reference to Trudeau Sr., who invoked the war measures act during the incident with the FLQ. 

There was no war then, either.

Should be no surprise the son does similar. 

But if replacing the words “War Measures Act” with emergency act makes one feel better, they should do that.

Fill one’s boots.

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24 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Probably a reference to Trudeau Sr., who invoked the war measures act during the incident with the FLQ. 

There was no war then, either.

Should be no surprise the son does similar. 

But if replacing the words “War Measures Act” with emergency act makes one feel better, they should do that.

Fill one’s boots.

War Measures Act is not the same as Emergencies Measures Act.

The Emergencies Measures Act has been in existence since 1988. While invoked, it was never used during the truckers debacle. The threat of use is what scared the truckers off and the ones insisting it was used, they are very wrong.

Using proper terminology is important if one is trying to make a point and be credible.


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22 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

War Measures Act is not the same as Emergencies Measures Act.

The Emergencies Measures Act has been in existence since 1988. While invoked, it was never used during the truckers debacle. The threat of use is what scared the truckers off and the ones insisting it was used, they are very wrong.

Using proper terminology is important if one is trying to make a point and be credible.


Thanks captain oblivios

War measures act is being used against those who were prosecuted, as it now means they have committed a federal offence. That’s why they can be ordered to languish in perpetuity in a Canadian gulag.

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3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Thanks captain oblivios

War measures act is being used against those who were prosecuted, as it now means they have committed a federal offence. That’s why they can be ordered to languish in perpetuity in a Canadian gulag.

You people are clearly fools and feed off each others BS.

There was no one charged under the EMERGENCY MEASURES ACT.

All those of the truckers debacle that were charged were charged under previously existing laws. If you have evidence and proof of any charges that were laid under the EMERGENCY MEASURES ACT, provide them. You cannot because there aren't any.

Fools living in each others BS pool LOL

Oh and, if you know there is no war measures act, why eat that BS? Are you7 really one of those fools??


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3 hours ago, myata said:

Pretending blind (and obtuse), but of course and how else can plausibly avoid seeing and noticing the obvious.

Are you speaking and "seeing and noticing the obvious" that it is the EMERGENCY MEASURES ACT, which has been around since 1988??

Pretending stupidity is more in your case or maybe, you are not pretending? L(L

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35 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

You people are clearly fools and feed off each others BS.

There was no one charged under the EMERGENCY MEASURES ACT.

All those of the truckers debacle that were charged were charged under previously existing laws. If you have evidence and proof of any charges that were laid under the EMERGENCY MEASURES ACT, provide them. You cannot because there aren't any.

Fools living in each others BS pool LOL

Oh and, if you know there is no war measures act, why eat that BS? Are you7 really one of those fools??


Just one question, the order to seize the bank accounts of those involved was not done under the Emergency act. if not what act allowed them to just seize an account, i asked because this question was asked in parliament, and they gave a liberal answer, one that had nothing to do with the question.   

And who or what authorized a drone surveillance mission over the area, was that done under the emergencies act, despite what the liberals have said in parliament. you and I both know that nothing in the military is done without government permission.

So while I agree no one has been charged under the emergencies act that we know of, Not sure what those charges would even look like do you? Why did police wait that long to dismantle the convoy, they had the manpower, and the resources, and please don't tell me it was all about the lack of tow trucks 

I'm not attacking your post, but I do have questions.

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I'm not a lawyer, but the Proceeds of Crime could be one reason for the freezing (not seizing) bank accounts. I suspect any surveillance drones would have been police, used to monitor the situation and gather evidence should that be required. As far as I know, the military were not involved in anything to do with the occupation.The Ottawa Police did not have sufficient manpower or resources and that was one reason for the request made to the Federal Government to proclaim the Emergency Act, in order to expedidte reinforcements from Police services from across the nation. The proclaimation gave the authorities something more in the tool box if things started to go pear-shaped.

Let's wait and see what comes out of the review to get more accurate information.

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5 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Probably a reference to Trudeau Sr., who invoked the war measures act during the incident with the FLQ. 

There was no war then, either.

Prime Minister Trudeau recommended the War Measures Act be invoked at the request of Premier Bourassa. The kidnapping of Mr. Cross and Minister LaPorte by the FLQ fulfilled the definition of an "apprehended insurrection." Unlike the Emergencies Act, the War Measures Act suspended civil liberties. 

Years later, it was pointed out to Prime Minister Trudeau that, had he not been Prime Minister at the time, he would have been one of the people arrested under the War Measures Act. To which he replied, "Yah, but I wouldn't have bitched about it."

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20 hours ago, cougar said:

They took away our freedom of movement with their COVID passports.  Took away our job security with their vaccination mandates.  Took away our right to protest with invoking emergency measures for bogus reasons.


No, all you needed to do is take the opportunity of getting vaccianted, not just for your own sake, but to save the lives of others. How can a rational person refuse to get vaccinated in the middle of a deadly pandemic? Refusing a life saving measure is not rational. When the vaccine was first coming out, some people were willing to do anything to get vaccinated, from flying up to the Yukon to jump the que to going to the US to get vaccinated. 

Nobody's right to protest legally was taken away. Nobody has a right to break the law.

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18 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I'm not a lawyer, but the Proceeds of Crime could be one reason for the freezing (not seizing) bank accounts. I suspect any surveillance drones would have been police, used to monitor the situation and gather evidence should that be required. As far as I know, the military were not involved in anything to do with the occupation.The Ottawa Police did not have sufficient manpower or resources and that was one reason for the request made to the Federal Government to proclaim the Emergency Act, in order to expedidte reinforcements from Police services from across the nation. The proclaimation gave the authorities something more in the tool box if things started to go pear-shaped.

Let's wait and see what comes out of the review to get more accurate information.

I asked because when you look up the emergency measures act it does not list specific crimes or charges that can be laid. So in reality, once the act was invoked all criminal charges would have been under the act itself.

In today's world and the size of the Ottawa police force, one would be surprised they did not have drones. but recently the use of military drones has been the topic of heated discussion in parliament, with the liberals saying it was a coincidence that military drones were in the area, "over the convoy". But I'm pretty sure parliament airspace is restricted, so special permission would have to be sought. meaning the liberals would have known of the drone and the reason for it...


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15 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Prime Minister Trudeau recommended the War Measures Act be invoked at the request of Premier Bourassa. The kidnapping of Mr. Cross and Minister LaPorte by the FLQ fulfilled the definition of an "apprehended insurrection." Unlike the Emergencies Act, the War Measures Act suspended civil liberties. 

Years later, it was pointed out to Prime Minister Trudeau that, had he not been Prime Minister at the time, he would have been one of the people arrested under the War Measures Act. To which he replied, "Yah, but I wouldn't have bitched about it."

These was not Canada's finest hours, it gave in to terrorist demands, they got away with any murder charges here in Canada, and they were allowed to return to Canada years later without any justice being served.

My father was in the military at the time and took part in Montreal... he says they arrested a lot of people, everyone that was in gangs mafia, criminals, and the wrong place at the wrong time, he said the jails were pretty full.

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

Just one question, the order to seize the bank accounts of those involved was not done under the Emergency act. if not what act allowed them to just seize an account, i asked because this question was asked in parliament, and they gave a liberal answer, one that had nothing to do with the question.   

And who or what authorized a drone surveillance mission over the area, was that done under the emergencies act, despite what the liberals have said in parliament. you and I both know that nothing in the military is done without government permission.

So while I agree no one has been charged under the emergencies act that we know of, Not sure what those charges would even look like do you? Why did police wait that long to dismantle the convoy, they had the manpower, and the resources, and please don't tell me it was all about the lack of tow trucks 

I'm not attacking your post, but I do have questions.

The police forces have drones. OPP has drones as do the QPP, all were called in to help.

As for freezing 260 accounts, the police have the authority to seize assets of identified suspects.

Why did the police wait so long is a question the people of Ottawa want to know as well. When the police chief finally quit, the new guy started to enforce existing and local laws.

Tow truck operators were asked why they did not tow vehicles and they basically said they were afraid of repercussions. When the new chief got the support of the province and the operators were told of the consequences of not complying with police requirements (losing police contracts and operating licenses),  they did what they were told.

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20 hours ago, cougar said:

And ?    I am supposed to have sympathy for the gun or the cocaine dealers ???

The way they sell guns, they can start selling something else - they can open an art store.  The government can buy their obsolete inventory and offer them requalification courses.

No grounds to maintain the status quo.  

No handguns will be sold or bought in Canada anymore but Fentanyl is okay and soon can be sold and bought on the streets of BC. Apparently, rumor has it that BC is being allowed to legalize Fentanyl on the streets of BC very soon.

So, there will be no more hand guns shootings happening in Canada anymore, but there will be plenty of shooting ups going on in BC which will surely kill hundreds of people every year. If one cannot see as to what and where this country is heading, then you have to f'n bloody stupid. This is liberalism and socialism at work. We need to vote these idiotic liberal socialists and NDP communist buffoons out. We cannot survive much longer as long as we have and allow those two buffoons to keep running the show. ? 

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16 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

It would be great if the world could get rid of all its gun problems, and nuclear weapons, and other bad stuff. But these days it's more like the opposite is happening. While the PM poses for another magazine cover shot and portrays himself as a gutsy problem-solver, all he's done is forced the hand of people who are already law-abiding and can do nothing but cooperate. Big clap on the back there, Justin.

Meanwhile today we see headlines like "Motorcycle gang memberships surging to historic levels across Canada".

Does Mr. Trudeau think these people could care less about his frivolous new gun bill? They don't give a hootin. They will continue to provide guns on the black market if they damn well want to.

And I heard on the news this morning that hand gun sales are on the rise in Canada. This baboon that we call a prime minister appears to have made things worse. Now there will be more hand guns in Canadian hands. And there can be no doubt about it that the bad guys will be buying up all the hand guns that they can get their hands on. 

This baboon in Ottawa just seems to make everything worse. It's endless with this fool. This guy is just like that other  bumbling idiot in America. Everything that fool touches turns to shit. Covid sure brought out the worse in some people to run a country. Nothing will ever get better or solved until those two fools are voted out of office. North America needs more real and true conservatives to take over and start to change and turn things around for the better. ?


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