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Another Mass Shooting

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5 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Like I also said, you cannot just accuse and take arbitrary action. In the US especially, there would be a lot of legal hoops and ladders before being declared mentally incompetent.

If you just took action against everyone that said something stupid or made threats the facilities would be overflowing .  What is an empty threat because someone is pissed and what is a real threat? Are all those folks that are anti government or anti establishments and making threats mentally ill and be institutionalized?

It is easy to say things like you say but you cannot jail someone for speaking their mind.

But you can grab their guns, right? Bet you can't. Not all of them. Not the illegal ones, for sure.

Doesn't matter. You're wrong about the two kids. They could be grabbed and incarcerated in a juvenile delinquency center. I know that for a fact because they were.


Unfortunately Robert is most likely wrong too. Best current information tells us neither of those two kids were Ramos.


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I'll give you the quote just in case you don't want to click:


Rep. Tony Gonzales told KSAT on Friday, May 27, the Uvalde gunman was allegedly arrested four years ago for threatening to shoot up a school. Gonzales, who said he heard the information Thursday night, told WOAI that the gunman said, "When I'm a senior in 2022, I'm going to shoot up a school." He did not share a source for the information.

During a May 27 press conference in Uvalde, Director Steven McCraw of the Texas Department of Public Safety confirmed the gunman was not one of the individuals arrested in 2018.


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5 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

But you can grab their guns, right? Bet you can't. Not all of them. Not the illegal ones, for sure.

Doesn't matter. You're wrong about the two kids. They could be grabbed and incarcerated in a juvenile delinquency center. I know that for a fact because they were.


Unfortunately Robert is most likely wrong too. Best current information tells us neither of those two kids were Ramos.


What two kids?

The shooter was one 18 year old.

Your link is meaningless, it identifies one event and an old one at that. No consequences. The  statement even says the shooter was not one of the ones back 4 years ago.

Not sure what your post is supposed to mean?

Edited by ExFlyer
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12 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

What two kids?

The two kids in the incident Robert told you about. You know? The quote you were responding to.

This one:


18 hours ago, Robert Salyers said:

Really when he and another kid threatened to attack a school 4 years ago maybe if he had help then . The school was involved as was the police and his family . Then he has taked about doing it in 2022 when he turned 18 I . I think thats a pretty good crazy person thermometer  dont you think ? I mean seriously what more evidence do you need he had mental issues ?

Your response claimed nothing could be done in such a case. That you couldn't punish people for something they said.

BTW, this is one of the complaints we hear on the right. That things started to go wrong after early SJW types of the 70s convinced people it should be more difficult to have people institutionalized. The wandering hordes of criminal, homeless nutbars are usually referenced.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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8 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

The two kids in the incident Robert told you about. You know? The quote you were responding to.

This one:


Your response claimed nothing could be done in such a case. That you couldn't punish people for something they said.

BTW, this is one of the complaints we hear on the right. That things started to go wrong after the Progs convinced people it should be more difficult to have people institutionalized. The wandering hordes of criminal, homeless nutbars are usually referenced.

The school the police the family and court system all failed not only the kids who got shot but the shooter. 

Dont blame the right im part of it and can clearly see where the failures occured. The kid should of been baker acted and held for observation and  counseling .

I have baker acted kids and adults when I was concerned they might be a danger to themselves or others with a lot less justification then this kid showed.

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5 minutes ago, Robert Salyers said:

The school the police the family and court system all failed not only the kids who got shot but the shooter. 

Dont blame the right im part of it and can clearly see where the failures occured. The kid should of been baker acted and held for observation and  counseling .

I have baker acted kids and adults when I was concerned they might be a danger to themselves or others with a lot less justification then this kid showed.

I'm not sure why you think when I talk about things "we hear on the right" that suggests I'm criticizing or "blaming" them.

I agree with you Ramos should have been flagged, dealt with and at least banned from gun ownership. There was enough evidence he had problems without even knowing about the two kids making threats 4 years ago. So it doesn't matter that Ramos wasn't one of them.

Now as to the Baker Act...

Maxine Baker was a Democrat representative in Florida. Her namesake act of 1971 is also known as the Florida Mental Health act. It put restrictions and applied regulations to who "possibly has a mental illness" and "is in danger of becoming a harm to self or harm to others, or is self-neglectful."

It became more difficult to have somebody institutionalized not easier.

I remember reading a movie review that came out with the film 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' in, I think they said 1975. They talked of protests outside the theatres offering information pamphlets pushing for more stringent restrictions on who could be identified as a problem or institutionalized after that.

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1 hour ago, Robert Salyers said:

The school the police the family and court system all failed not only the kids who got shot but the shooter. 

Dont blame the right im part of it and can clearly see where the failures occured. The kid should of been baker acted and held for observation and  counseling .

I have baker acted kids and adults when I was concerned they might be a danger to themselves or others with a lot less justification then this kid showed.

As the official said, neither of those 2 kids were the guy that did the shooting so, point is moot.

You have no idea what happened to those 2 other kids.

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6 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

You have no idea what happened to those 2 other kids.

Actually, I do.

Sorry about that. I forgot how Progs like to posture expertise on things they don't know about so they refuse to click when the information is offered to them.

Here ya go. This is from the article you obviously didn't read but want to pretend you know what's in there:


Click to enlarge and read the second paragraph to the bottom.

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And just in case it's still unclear Robert, I also endorse this one:

"Here are the 12 lessons I’ve learned from this tragedy. I’m certain tens of millions of conservative patriots see it the exact same way. Wanna bet?"

  1. Guns aren’t the problem. “Gun Free Zones” are the problem. They are killing fields. They are an open invitation for mentally-deranged criminals and criminally insane madmen to walk in and start shooting. “Gun Free Zone” signs are like a blinking neon sign in Vegas screaming, “Come on in and kill us. We are helpless, defenseless and weak.”
  2. Guns didn’t cause this tragedy. But a good guy with a gun sure ended it. An armed border agent killed the bad guy, thereby saving lives. That should be the headline.
  3. We need more good guys (and gals) with guns to stop bad guys. Every school needs armed security. There should be only a single point of entry to every school- and a guard must always protect that entrance. All other doors to the school need to be locked and secured.
  4. Backing up the armed security at every school should be teachers and/or administrators with guns and professional gun training.
  5. How can we afford all this? I’ve argued from day one it was a disastrous decision and tragic mistake to give another $40 billion to Ukraine. We need to worry about America. We could have used that $40 billion here at home. Half of it ($20 billion) should have been used to pay for armed security at every school in America.
  6. If we really want to protect children, secure the border. The other half of the Ukraine funding ($20 billion more) should have been used to build and secure the wall on our Southern border. If we’re angry and shocked as a nation about 19 innocent young children dying in that school shooting, shouldn’t we be even more concerned with tens of thousands of American kids dying each year from drug overdoses- with drugs brought through our porous open border. Everything that comes over that border is a threat to America’s children- drugs, human traffickers, child sex traffickers and tons of violent criminals, gang bangers and MS-13 murderers. Why didn’t we use that Ukraine money to save thousands of children’s lives by securing the border?
  7. Gun control is never the answer. Gun control is a massive failure. There are far more shootings, violent crimes and murders in Democrat-run big cities with strict gun control than anywhere else. If strict gun control works, why are the streets of Democrat cities like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, New York and Los Angeles such killing fields? The answer is simple: strict gun control never stops criminals. It just leaves the good people defenseless.
  8. New gun laws will do nothing to stop crime or mass murders. Why don’t we enforce laws already on the books against violent criminals? Crimes are almost always committed by repeat offenders that Democrat District Attorneys allowed back on the streets.
  9. Instead of useless new laws, why don’t we make mass murder (the killing of two or more) a DEATH PENALTY crime. If convicted of mass murder, there are no appeals, the convicted mass killer is executed the next day by firing squad. End of story. That’s the way to deter more mass shootings.
  10. Investigate Big Pharma for the drugs they pump into young males for depression, anger issues, ADD and mental illness. Virtually every mass killer in recent memory was on these drugs. The side effects of these drugs are suicidal and violent thoughts. Why are we drugging so many male teenagers?
  11. Never mention “Defund Police” ever again. Incidents like this prove we need more police, not less.
  12. But there are many questions about how these specific police responded. Did they stand around for an hour while kids were being murdered? Police announced they waited so long because they were “afraid to get shot.” Really? If police are afraid to get shot, they should be instantly terminated. That’s their job- to risk their life to protect civilians. So, no more “defund police,” but let’s re-think how we’re hiring and training police. We need heroic macho warriors. Stop trying to make them into politically-correct pansies, poets and social workers. 

These are the 12 commonsense lessons millions of conservative patriots learned from this tragic mass shooting. I know Democrats will be shocked and horrified. That’s why it may be time for a divorce. This marriage isn’t working.


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22 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Actually, I do.

Sorry about that. I forgot how Progs like to posture expertise on things they don't know about so they refuse to click when the information is offered to them.

Here ya go. This is from the article you obviously didn't read but want to pretend you know what's in there:


Click to enlarge and read the second paragraph to the bottom.

2018 press release. Very old news.

The official said that the shooter was not one of these 2.

You have no idea what happened to these 2 after 2018.

No point to even bring that up. No point at all. Not even a good try at trying something LOL

Edited by ExFlyer
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2 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

I'm not sure why you think when I talk about things "we hear on the right" that suggests I'm criticizing or "blaming" them.

I agree with you Ramos should have been flagged, dealt with and at least banned from gun ownership. There was enough evidence he had problems without even knowing about the two kids making threats 4 years ago. So it doesn't matter that Ramos wasn't one of them.

Now as to the Baker Act...

Maxine Baker was a Democrat representative in Florida. Her namesake act of 1971 is also known as the Florida Mental Health act. It put restrictions and applied regulations to who "possibly has a mental illness" and "is in danger of becoming a harm to self or harm to others, or is self-neglectful."

It became more difficult to have somebody institutionalized not easier.

I remember reading a movie review that came out with the film 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' in, I think they said 1975. They talked of protests outside the theatres offering information pamphlets pushing for more stringent restrictions on who could be identified as a problem or institutionalized after that.

I have sent a few people to circles of care for 72 hours .

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3 hours ago, Robert Salyers said:

I have sent a few people to circles of care for 72 hours .

And I have read conservative sites complaining there was a time it was easier to get insane people institutionalized and that offers an explanation to many outrageous violent crimes since. It may even explain a rise in such offences.

The 2 don't necessarily contradict each other.

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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

2018 press release. Very old news.

The official said that the shooter was not one of these 2.

You have no idea what happened to these 2 after 2018.

No point to even bring that up. No point at all. Not even a good try at trying something LOL

I didn't bring it up. I corrected your inaccuracy in your discussion of the story with somebody else.

You apparently didn't understand he was referencing it in support of the idea such a person needed to be dealt with and not be issued guns in the future. If Ramos had been one of the 2 offenders who threatened mass homicides in schools it wouldn't have mattered if the offense had been 4 years ago. As it turned out Ramos was not one of the 2. I showed you that. I also showed you the two were incarcerated in a juvenile detention facility.

What's wrong with you anyway? This is all easily referenced by just reading above and clicking the links. Why are you trying to pretend something other than what is clearly evident happened?

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3 hours ago, Robert Salyers said:

The texas shooter was one of the kids and he did the shooting . Are you talking about something else or having a biden moment 

I am talking about the BS that Infidel Dog is slinging.

"During a May 27 press conference in Uvalde, Director Steven McCraw of the Texas Department of Public Safety confirmed the gunman was not one of the individuals arrested in 2018."

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I am talking about the BS that Infidel Dog is slinging.

"During a May 27 press conference in Uvalde, Director Steven McCraw of the Texas Department of Public Safety confirmed the gunman was not one of the individuals arrested in 2018."

No he was not arrested but he did threaten to shoot up a school

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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I am talking about the BS that Infidel Dog is slinging.

"During a May 27 press conference in Uvalde, Director Steven McCraw of the Texas Department of Public Safety confirmed the gunman was not one of the individuals arrested in 2018."

Buddy I've said that at least 2 times now including the first time it was said. You're quoting the article I gave you. There were two kids who made some threats against schools they claimed they would shoot up in four years. That was 4 years ago. They were sent to Juvenile detention for it. A Republican congressman confused them with the recent Uvalde shooter, Salvador Ramos. McCraw corrected him, saying the two cases are not connected.

Are you hoping I forgot or are you honestly so dozy that you didn't notice me telling you that - TWICE? Three times now.

Or do you think the information floated down to you from the sky or something. Reality man, come back to it. Get a grip.

Now as to the claim Ramos also threatened to shoot up a school, yeah I think I heard that too. Something about messaging some girl who didn't know him or something. But it wasn't 4 years ago. That was a different incident most probably involving somebody else.

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And the point of mentioning the incident from 4 years ago even if it didn't involve Ramos was those two kids were grabbed and institutionalized for things they said. You claimed that couldn't be done even in that instance. (I can easily grab the quote from you again, if you like.) 

You were wrong. Live with it. 

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What would Jesus do if he were the President in America today?  Many gun advocates say they are Christians and attend many different churches in America.   Lots of these people are opposed to abortion because they (rightly) believe abortion is killing a human child.  What happens to their mind when it comes to guns?  97% of killings in America are illegal, either homicide or suicide.  Only 1.2 % are legal shootings, mainly by police doing their lawful duties.  So when it comes to gun ownership, possession or purchase, how does that fit into the picture of God's commandment "thou shalt not kill" and the sanctity of human life?  I think the answer is clear.  If those 400 thousand guns (handguns, assault rifles, etc.) were not out there, it would be impossible for all the shootings going on every day to take place.  That is the answer.  But we also remember the President does not have power to simply eliminate guns.  It really boils down to the people, ordinary individual Americans.  So what they believe and how they vote has a direct impact on this whole issue.

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

What would Jesus do if he were the President in America today?  Many gun advocates say they are Christians and attend many different churches in America.   Lots of these people are opposed to abortion because they (rightly) believe abortion is killing a human child.  What happens to their mind when it comes to guns?  97% of killings in America are illegal, either homicide or suicide.  Only 1.2 % are legal shootings, mainly by police doing their lawful duties.  So when it comes to gun ownership, possession or purchase, how does that fit into the picture of God's commandment "thou shalt not kill" and the sanctity of human life?  I think the answer is clear.  If those 400 thousand guns (handguns, assault rifles, etc.) were not out there, it would be impossible for all the shootings going on every day to take place.  That is the answer.  But we also remember the President does not have power to simply eliminate guns.  It really boils down to the people, ordinary individual Americans.  So what they believe and how they vote has a direct impact on this whole issue.

I'm also anti gun murder too if it makes you feel any better

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