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What do you think of the Disney debacle?  Are you on Disney’s or DeSantis side?

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You folks are missing some crucial facts.  In the last couple of years, Disney employees have been arrested for various indecent activities with children.  I kid you not.

In one such incident on a Disney cruise ship a child was assaulted on the elevator.  Disney covered it up and allowed the accused to return to his home, in India I believe.


That company has some serious issues on top of the beyond strange decision to begin hyping the transgender thing, thus torpedoing their own stock value.

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Just in case someone doubts me, take a look at the story.  



And before you claim it’s fake news, use that grey matter for a second.  If this wasn’t true, Disney would be suing Fox and anybody else that posted such a story.

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1 hour ago, sharkman said:

You folks are missing some crucial facts.  In the last couple of years, Disney employees have been arrested for various indecent activities with children.  I kid you not.

In one such incident on a Disney cruise ship a child was assaulted on the elevator.  Disney covered it up and allowed the accused to return to his home, in India I believe.

That company has some serious issues on top of the beyond strange decision to begin hyping the transgender thing, thus torpedoing their own stock value.

Ok - does Disney enforce its own laws and handle policing on its premises in Florida ?  Serious question.  

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

1) Disney had absolutely no business whatsoever opining about Florida legislation.

2) Chiming in with the common lie about "Don't say gay" was just bizarre and disgusting.

3) They never should have had "self-governing, tax-free status" to begin with

4) DeSantis runs Florida democratically, that doesn't mean that he shouldn't stand up to Disney's BS. Disney stepped up publicly, Disney got gob-smacked publicly. Easy peasy.

1) Sorry ?  Businesses make comments on such things all the time.  Lots of local businesses weighed in on the convoy for example.  You are taking away Freedom of Speech if you disallow businesses to express opinion.

2) I still don't understand what that law is about.  It's so vague it could mean anything.

3) Agreed.

4) If a private individual or business is attacked because government doesn't like them, that's abuse of power.  

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37 minutes ago, sharkman said:


And before you claim it’s fake news, use that grey matter for a second.  If this wasn’t true, Disney would be suing Fox and anybody else that posted such a story.

But... if an employee of a company commits a crime does that reflect on the company ?  Somebody help me out here - it does say Polk County "police" - so stripping Disney of self-governance seems to have zero to do with policing.

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50 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1) Sorry ?  Businesses make comments on such things all the time.  Lots of local businesses weighed in on the convoy for example.  You are taking away Freedom of Speech if you disallow businesses to express opinion.

I didn't say that it was forbidden, but they were way out of their lane, especially when they lied about it.

Just like you can't say "bomb" in an airport, and it's inadvisable to put up a billboard that says "so and so is a pedophile" when you have no evidence of it, there are reasonable repercussions for saying the wrong things and freedom of speech is no protection from that. Disney said the wrong things, they paid a price for it.


2) I still don't understand what that law is about.  It's so vague it could mean anything.

The topic of sexuality/sexual orientation is off-limits between teachers and K-3 students. 

A teacher might casually say "I got married" and then, "open your math books" but they shouldn't weigh the merits of how right or wrong their relationship is, whether they're gay, straight or whatever. I


3) Agreed.



4) If a private individual or business is attacked because government doesn't like them, that's abuse of power.  

That's a fair-ish enough point, but Disney only had their special status because they were considered to be a unique and special business which brought a lot of positive attention to the state of Florida. Now they're a bigtime political operator and a source of political disinformation.

All that happened is that they had special status removed. That's not really 'overreach' imo. Especially when it was voted on in their legislature. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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43 minutes ago, sharkman said:

They have been, I’m not sure how the Florida legislation changes that.

Seems like County Police were involved.  

From a Reddit thread "Disneyland has its own security department, which is responsible for things like dealing with shoplifters and minor disturbances in the parks, but it has no police powers on the property,"

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21 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1. I didn't say that it was forbidden, but they were way out of their lane, especially when they lied about it.

2. Disney said the wrong things, they paid a price for it.

3. The topic of sexuality/sexual orientation is off-limits between teachers and K-3 students. 


1. Ok, fair enough but as I pointed out businesses communicate, influence and lie all the time without consequence in order to influence government.

2. Without a legal reading on this - and played out as a political response then what you are saying is accurate, even if it plays out as a kind of corporate "street justice"

3. IS that the law though ?  


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1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

2. Without a legal reading on this - and played out as a political response then what you are saying is accurate, even if it plays out as a kind of corporate "street justice"

3. IS that the law though ?  

The word "gay" isn't even in the bill anywhere. 

The bill doesn't differentiate between talking about heterosexual relationships or homosexual relationships or anything else. It just makes any discussions of a sexual nature off-limits between teachers and students that are K-3.

DeSantis is probably the most popular Republican not named Trump right now, and even that's up for debate, so he's squarely in the MSM's sights. Anything that he says or does will instantly be vilified by the Dem's operators. 

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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1. The word "gay" isn't even in the bill anywhere. 

2. The bill doesn't differentiate between talking about heterosexual relationships or homosexual relationships or anything else. It just makes any discussions of a sexual nature off-limits between teachers and students that are K-3.

3. DeSantis is probably the most popular Republican not named Trump right now, and even that's up for debate, so he's squarely in the MSM's sights. Anything that he says or does will instantly be vilified by the Dem's operators. 

1. Here it is:

2. Ok

3. Yeah, maybe.  But if they hate Trump they should love him right ?

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7 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I get that you posted a link from CBC, but what do you think it actually says once you cut to the chase?

Sure, they tried to tie it to the leftist brand of "Don't say gay" by referencing the leftist misnomer in the title, and then saying "which critics say marginalizes LGBTQ people", but does the CBC actually mention anything from the bill to support their own title, or what the vaunted critics say? 

No, not at all. So your own link is just another perfect example of why people who don't appreciate BS & spin shun the leftist MSM.

If I wrote about your post, and said: "Michael Hardner's "I love Nazis post" was his 7th post today", and I said that "critics say that your post favours Nazis", would that be legitimate? Would the title and opening lines be supported by any actual evidence worth noting? Of course not, but it would be matching the form and character of the CBC's article on the Florida bill. 

All that CBC could come up with to describe the bill is:


The bill states: "Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through Grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards." 

Does that mean "Don't say gay"? Not the least little bit, because it also means "Don't say heterosexual". It just means "Don't talk to young children about what you do with your naughty bits or what they should do with their naughty bits". Don't be a groomer. Don't be a pervert. Don't try to indoctrinate children with your own sexual beliefs.

CBC actually knows that because they have their own legal analysts who have looked at the bill but yet they did their level best to characterize the bill as "Don't say gay" because they have to toe the party line. 

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13 hours ago, sharkman said:

You folks are missing some crucial facts.  In the last couple of years, Disney employees have been arrested for various indecent activities with children.  I kid you not.

In one such incident on a Disney cruise ship a child was assaulted on the elevator.  Disney covered it up and allowed the accused to return to his home, in India I believe.


That company has some serious issues on top of the beyond strange decision to begin hyping the transgender thing, thus torpedoing their own stock value.

Isn't ANY place that specifically favors 'family', especially children, more likely than not to eventually have apparent issues involving violations of children regardless? Maybe we should penalize the churches for IMPOSING adult-related biases upon them in isolation of their 'free choice' to choose what they want to become independently?

Personally, it is more likely than not that someone LIKE that DiSantis to BE of the type to abuse children in the first place. They know just how to 'appear' as though they are child-friendly as the very pedophiles that use the same methods to appeal to children as 'friends' most predominantly.

Edited by Scott Mayers
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4 hours ago, Scott Mayers said:

Isn't ANY place that specifically favors 'family', especially children, more likely than not to eventually have apparent issues involving violations of children regardless? Maybe we should penalize the churches for IMPOSING adult-related biases upon them in isolation of their 'free choice' to choose what they want to become independently?

Personally, it is more likely than not that someone LIKE that DiSantis to BE of the type to abuse children in the first place. They know just how to 'appear' as though they are child-friendly as the very pedophiles that use the same methods to appeal to children as 'friends' most predominantly.

Hi Scotty. Yup...it's me. Your non-religious fellow free-speech advocate.  ;)

Teaching pre-teen kids about sexual behavior is a bad idea. Teaching them about abnormal sexual behavior is even worse.

But not because of some religious reasons, as you elude to here, but because they're kids. You know...young people who are still trying to learn basic academic skills as well as basic social skills. 

But on the positive side...you got to say "pedophiles".


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9 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

1. I get that you posted a link from CBC, but what do you think it actually says once you cut to the chase?

2. does the CBC actually mention anything from the bill to support their own title, or what the vaunted critics say? 

3. No, not at all. So your own link is just another perfect example of why people who don't appreciate BS & spin shun the leftist MSM.


1.  2. 3. What are you talking about ?  The CBC article BACKS UP your claim !

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I agree with DeSantis for not having Florida educators teaching about sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through third grade and for the provision that enables parents to sue if they allege schools or instructors have been in violation. Why would anyone want to discuss sexual orientation or gender identity with a 7yo when there are so many other topics of greater relevance to their development? 

(The word “gay” isn’t mentioned anywhere in the bill)

Disney has been caught up in a wokeness crossfire.  I’m against revisionism, just because you erase something, it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Yet Disney began an extensive review of its film library and determined which content included “negative depictions or mistreatment of people or cultures.” This included Ursula, the villainous sea witch from “The Little Mermaid”. Her dark color palette (lavender skin, black legs) could be viewed through a racial lens. Tinker Bell was marked for caution because she is “body conscious” and jealous of Peter Pan’s attention, according to the executives, while Captain Hook could expose Disney to accusations of discrimination or prejudice against individuals with disabilities because he is a villain. (Huh?)

When it comes to their parks, they began with the retheming of Splash Mountain to disassociate its connection to slave African folk tales and revamped Pirates of the Caribbean ride by removing a scene depicting pirates selling women in an auction.

The ludicrousness of it all reached a peak when they removed the “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls” greeting from some of its fireworks shows to be more inclusive. Now, the greeting is "Good evening, dreamers of all ages." Which I like and fail to see the big whoop, yet conservatives denounced it and were against the new greeting.

Edited by Luz P.
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Disney’s designation meant that the theme park could make its own decisions on the planning and permitting process for construction on its property, levy taxes to pay for its own fire-and-medical-response services and even generate some of its own electricity. Through that status, the company saved millions of dollars annually in fees and taxes, according to experts.

SB 4 dissolves Disney's Reedy Creek Improvement District on June 1, 2023. The district, created by state law in 1967, exempts 38 miles of land Disney owns from most state and local regulations and allows Disney to collect taxes, follow its own building codes and provide emergency services for its six theme parks and resorts.

Chapek (Disney’s CEO) responded with an announcement that Disney would stop contributing to political campaigns because of the controversy.  The company directly contributed $5 million to Florida candidates in 2020, according to state records – but it is hard to see its total influence in campaigns given the number of corporate entities that are part of the Disney family, the plethora of political action committees and their reporting requirements, and the number of candidates. 

House sponsor Rep. Randy Fine, R-Brevard, said the special district designation provides an unfair competitive advantage over other tourist attractions. "We provide Disney things that we do not provide to their competitors. And that's fundamentally unfair," said Fine.

While Congressman Charlie Crist, a Democratic candidate for governor, said Tuesday at the Capitol minutes after Fine filed the proposal: "What is he thinking? He's going to hurt our economy. He's going to hurt tourism. The notion that he's going after all those jobs, shame on him," said Democrats dismissed the GOP's free-market argument as smoke to conceal a Republicans rush to punish an iconic Florida corporation for its political speech. Also, Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith, D-Orlando piped in saying:  “This is unhinged authoritarianism. This is about retribution. They are using the power of government to punish anyone who speaks out against them.”

All the commotion has very little to do with the well-being of children and is all about politics as usual.


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