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Who are the Trump supporters.

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Who are the Trump supporters?

I recall reading their origins can be traced to the disaffected chunk of former Democrat voters who followed George Wallace, seemingly into oblivion. After wandering the political wilderness for half a generation and voting for quacks and independents they congealed into the Tea Party.  Then Trump came along like the proverbial Pied Piper.

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7 hours ago, eyeball said:

Who are the Trump supporters?

I recall reading their origins can be traced to the disaffected chunk of former Democrat voters who followed George Wallace, seemingly into oblivion. After wandering the political wilderness for half a generation and voting for quacks and independents they congealed into the Tea Party.  Then Trump came along like the proverbial Pied Piper.

Actually...Trump Supporters are people who simply want the government to WORK FOR THEM and not for the rich and elite Globalists. I know you like to belittle these patriots, but as I read your response I see that you have no real argument. Just a bunch of back-handed insults and attempts to marginalize good people. But that's OK. WE ALL KNOW what brilliant results the first Trump presidency brought to America and if he runs in 2024, he'll do it all over again by repairing the blatant stupidity of Biden and his rabid pack of anti-American twits.

I also know this prospect scares the hell outta Libbies. I predict that, if you bother to respond at all, you'll try to laugh this off. But we ALL know that RESULTS are what matter. We see Biden's RESULTS...and they suck.

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5 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

1. Trump Supporters are people who simply want the government to WORK FOR THEM and not for the rich and elite Globalists.


1. In other words, they have been fooled by the pro-elite, pro-business, pro-corporate Republicans to vote against their own interests.  To vote for a party who is trying to eliminate Medicaid, Medicare, and the ACA.   

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The ironic thing is there isn't much difference between the policies of the current administration and the administration of President Trump. The main difference is that President Trump was and remains unsuited for the office due to his lack of experience and aptitude. President Biden has the advantages of experience and not being President Trump.

I have been on a pro- President Trump forum and a Democratic forum and each are as extreme and crazy as the other. Ironically, it was the Democratic underground that banned me as a "right wing troll. The Conservative forum thinks I am a left wing troll but tolerate me.

My conclusion is American politics is and has historically been, dysfunctional, going back to 1770. My other conclusion is that they would benifit greatly if Bush-Cheney was POTUS.

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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. In other words, they have been fooled by the pro-elite, pro-business, pro-corporate Republicans to vote against their own interests.  To vote for a party who is trying to eliminate Medicaid, Medicare, and the ACA.   

Is that what I said? No.

Nice try.

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3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:


I have been on a pro- President Trump forum and a Democratic forum and each are as extreme and crazy as the other. Ironically, it was the Democratic underground that banned me as a "right wing troll. The Conservative forum thinks I am a left wing troll but tolerate me.


My experience is the left wing is far more vitriolic. We think you are wrong. They think you shouldn't exist.

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42 minutes ago, West said:

My experience is the left wing is far more vitriolic. We think you are wrong. They think you shouldn't exist.

I got the direct message by the Democrats. Yes, they would prefer I did not exist.

The similarities between President Trump and President Biden

President Trump agreed to withdraw US forces from Afganistan.

President Biden followed through on Trump's commitment.

President Trump was "America First."

President Biden is "America First."

President Trump tried to hold back the human tsunami crossing the southern border.

President Biden is trying to hold back the human tsunami crossing the southern border.

President Trump ran enormous deficits.

President Biden is running even bigger deficits.

President Trump fast tracked the developement of covid vaccines and has upset his base by telling the American people to get vaccianted.

President Biden has been trying to get everyone vaccianted.

There are differences between the administrations, mostly in style, but on the important things, they are quite similar. It just goes to show, governments only have a narrow range of options.

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7 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I got the direct message by the Democrats. Yes, they would prefer I did not exist.

Literally, because you were a cop. The Dems did everything that they could to harm the reputation of police.


President Trump agreed to withdraw US forces from Afganistan.

President Biden followed through on Trump's commitment.

That's an oversimplification and a whitewashing of Biden's abject failure.

Trump had Afghanistan going smoothly. Only 4 US soldiers were killed in Afghanistan in 2020. He had a peaceful withdrawal organized, which would have happened during the winter - ie not in military campaigning season. 

Biden moved the withdrawal back to coincide with 9/11, which meant that the Taliban had a full campaigning season to advance against the weakling POTUS. The withdrawal was one of the biggest fiascos in US military history. 


President Trump was "America First."

President Biden is "America First."

Biden's not "America first." Biden is an open-border, weak on crime, feckless dolt who kneecapped his own country 6 ways from Sunday. He's the president du jour now, and no one outside of the WH knows who's really running the country. 

If it was Kamala Harris then at least democracy would be somewhat served, because she was elected to serve in that capacity, but she's at the kiddie table. Theoretically Pelosi is the #3 but it's not even her calling the shots. No one knows. 


President Trump tried to hold back the human tsunami crossing the southern border.

President Biden is trying to hold back the human tsunami crossing the southern border.

So you don't know the numbers then, do you...

Encounters with illegal migrants were twice as high in 2021 as they were in 2020, but Biden dropped Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy, so a far higher percentage of the 2M stayed in the US. 

Then tere are the people who sneak across without getting apprehended, and that number is up as well. The border went from a stable mess to a dumpster fire.


President Trump ran enormous deficits.

President Biden is running even bigger deficits.

Trump ran smaller deficits than Obama as well. Less than $7T vs over $8T.


President Trump fast tracked the developement of covid vaccines and has upset his base by telling the American people to get vaccianted.

1) Yes, Trump fast tracked the development of the vax, 

2) as well as developing testing methods and

3) pharmaceuticals. 

He was completely open-minded about fighting the virus, and one of the earliest strategies was to find drugs that were already approved and would also work against covid. If an off-brand usage of HCQ or Ivermectin would have worked it would have cost a tiny fraction of what the vaccines cost, but for some reason leftists went APESHIT whenever anything like that was mentioned. Somehow they just "knew" that HCQ suddenly started killing people and that only the vaccines could be safe and effective. 

Trump didn't upset his base at all by telling people to get vaccinated. It's only the vaccine mandates that upset his base. IDGAF who gets the vax, they just shouldn't be foisting it on everyone else because it doesn't really work and it's dangerous.


President Biden has been trying to get everyone vaccianted.

Originally Biden and Harris were vax-skeptics. They weren't rabid pro-vaxers until they got the dollar signs in their eyes. 


There are differences between the administrations, mostly in style, but on the important things, they are quite similar. It just goes to show, governments only have a narrow range of options.

I can't even joke about Biden's dementia now, it's very real. The whole tape is disturbing, but if you FFWD to 1:20, it's quite sad.



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20 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The ironic thing is there isn't much difference between the policies of the current administration and the administration of President Trump. The main difference is that President Trump was and remains unsuited for the office due to his lack of experience and aptitude. President Biden has the advantages of experience and not being President Trump.

I have been on a pro- President Trump forum and a Democratic forum and each are as extreme and crazy as the other. Ironically, it was the Democratic underground that banned me as a "right wing troll. The Conservative forum thinks I am a left wing troll but tolerate me.

My conclusion is American politics is and has historically been, dysfunctional, going back to 1770. My other conclusion is that they would benifit greatly if Bush-Cheney was POTUS.

You dont pay close attention do ya.

The policies of the 2 administration's are complete opposites. The border...international relations...crime...The Rona...etc...etc...etc...

But you have done your unsubstantiated brow beating so...the Libbies love you today.

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

But you have done your unsubstantiated brow beating so...the Libbies love you today.

That will be the day. I don't seem to be on Prime Minister Trudeau's Christmas card list yet.

The last Grit in my family was Uncle George. (see avatar). They loved him.

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

That will be the day. I don't seem to be on Prime Minister Trudeau's Christmas card list yet.

The last Grit in my family was Uncle George. (see avatar). They loved him.

I was a Liberal. Then I began to see the results of Liberal governments. The acquiescence to what I see as the scourge of humanity right now, Globalism. Unfortunately the Canadian Conservatives are Globalists as well. So I became a Nationalist. Not the most popular of political leanings these days, but growing fast. Then came Trump.

I couldn't/can't help but support the guy because his platform is the closest fit to my beliefs. His first term results were nothing short of staggeringly good for the USA and Canada. Considering the push for the Rona Vaccines...good for the entire world.

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Why are you opposed to a global economy? In globalism, everyone can concentrate on what they are good at. Americans are good at many things such as marketing and academics. China is able to manufacture goods that you would not be able to afford if they were made in North America. Canada provides resourses for the Chinese factories and the US sells the products. Every country contributes many things to the global economy. 

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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

I was a Liberal. Then I began to see the results of Liberal governments. The acquiescence to what I see as the scourge of humanity right now, Globalism. Unfortunately the Canadian Conservatives are Globalists as well. So I became a Nationalist. Not the most popular of political leanings these days, but growing fast. Then came Trump.

I couldn't/can't help but support the guy because his platform is the closest fit to my beliefs. His first term results were nothing short of staggeringly good for the USA and Canada. Considering the push for the Rona Vaccines...good for the entire world.

That is confusing. You say you are a nationalist but then you support a foreign Head of State. Do you see the contradiction there? As a nationalist, you would be loyal to your own country and our Head of State. Support for a foreign government is the antithesis of nationalism. President Trump is a Republican and by definition, he believes in the exact opposite of everything this country was founded upon.

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On 4/6/2022 at 8:11 AM, Queenmandy85 said:

The ironic thing is there isn't much difference between the policies of the current administration and the administration of President Trump. The main difference is that President Trump was and remains unsuited for the office due to his lack of experience and aptitude. President Biden has the advantages of experience and not being President Trump.

I have been on a pro- President Trump forum and a Democratic forum and each are as extreme and crazy as the other. Ironically, it was the Democratic underground that banned me as a "right wing troll. The Conservative forum thinks I am a left wing troll but tolerate me.

My conclusion is American politics is and has historically been, dysfunctional, going back to 1770. My other conclusion is that they would benifit greatly if Bush-Cheney was POTUS.

Oh God bush the man who put the saudis on a plane - no thank you!  Who wants a bunch of liberal squishes,

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6 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

That is confusing. You say you are a nationalist but then you support a foreign Head of State. Do you see the contradiction there? As a nationalist, you would be loyal to your own country and our Head of State. Support for a foreign government is the antithesis of nationalism. President Trump is a Republican and by definition, he believes in the exact opposite of everything this country was founded upon.

1. I'm not surprised that you're confused.

2. No contradiction at all. America does well economically and Canada does well too.

3. I am loyal to Canada.  You...I'm not so sure of.

4. A Republican is in opposition...TO YOU! Not me. I don't jump off cliffs just because the CBC says it's the thing to do. 

What do you want for Canada?  Prosperity or recession?  Frankly I find people who support this libbie horse shit...despicable. 

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3 hours ago, Faramir said:

Oh God bush the man who put the saudis on a plane - no thank you!  Who wants a bunch of liberal squishes,

That is incoherent. I meant our own Ms. Bush-Cheney, our American friend on this forum who has consistently shown she would make a better President than the US has had in decades.

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45 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

1. I'm not surprised that you're confused.

2. No contradiction at all. America does well economically and Canada does well too.

3. I am loyal to Canada.  You...I'm not so sure of.

4. A Republican is in opposition...TO YOU! Not me. I don't jump off cliffs just because the CBC says it's the thing to do. 

What do you want for Canada?  Prosperity or recession?  Frankly I find people who support this libbie horse shit...despicable. 

3. As a Nationalist, you are loyal to Canada and our Head of State.

4. A republican is disloyal to Canada and the Head of State.

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8 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

3. As a Nationalist, you are loyal to Canada and our Head of State.

4. A republican is disloyal to Canada and the Head of State.

You and your institutions can suck rocks. As a real nationalist, my loyalty is to Canada. Not the dopy figureheads currently trying to shut down a free and democratic society.

A Republican is an American conservative. I expect American conservatives to act in the best interests of America. 

Now...you're either really stupid, or you're trying to deflect and warp the point of the discussion. I supported Trump and will support any politician in Canada who will work for Canada. Your current head of state is an idiot who's busy selling Canada to China and the globalist trash.

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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Your current head of state is an idiot who's busy selling Canada to China and the globalist trash.

Am I wrong to sense you don't know who Canada's Head of State is?

Am I wrong to sense from your use of the phrase "Your current head of state" indicates you are not Canadian?

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Am I wrong to sense you don't know who Canada's Head of State is?

Am I wrong to sense from your use of the phrase "Your current head of state" indicates you are not Canadian?

An absentee landlord who has no real power to do jack here.

I don't mind the Crown...but its cute...not powerful.

The REAL head of state would be Pixie-Dust and his pack o' Libbie jackals.

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

An absentee landlord who has no real power to do jack here.

I don't mind the Crown...but its cute...not powerful.

The REAL head of state would be Pixie-Dust and his pack o' Libbie jackals.

I apologise. Prime Minister Trudeau is Head of Government, not the State. The Queen is the personification of Canada. She has about the same power as the President of Germany or the President of Israel. She has more constitutional authority than the President of the United States, in that she has the authority to declare war in her right of Canada.

Back to the OP, President Trump's supporters are Americans who are frustrated that the US Federal Government doesn't appear to listen to them. They are fixed in a nation that has passed them by and they do not have the resourses or desire to change. The former President was able to articulate their grievences and give them hope. Unfortunately, he was unable to fulfill that promise because it was unrealistic. Politics is the art of the possible.

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19 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I apologise. Prime Minister Trudeau is Head of Government, not the State. The Queen is the personification of Canada. She has about the same power as the President of Germany or the President of Israel. She has more constitutional authority than the President of the United States, in that she has the authority to declare war in her right of Canada.

Back to the OP, President Trump's supporters are Americans who are frustrated that the US Federal Government doesn't appear to listen to them. They are fixed in a nation that has passed them by and they do not have the resourses or desire to change. The former President was able to articulate their grievences and give them hope. Unfortunately, he was unable to fulfill that promise because it was unrealistic. Politics is the art of the possible.

Obviously Trump drummed up support all over the globe. And enemies. He did a magnificent job considering the intense opposition. I hope he does it again.

Politics...is the business of collecting power and wealth to one's self. When one comes along who doesn't play that game, they all attack and drum that person out.

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17 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Aside from avoiding any new wars and expedititing the developement of the Covid 19 vaccines (two very important achievements), what else did he do?

Best economy ever.

Closed their southern borader. 

Best economic success for minorities ever..

Got NATO to begin paying. 

Made America energy self sufficient. 

Not too shabby for a political outsider eh?

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