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Emergency Measures Act - Umm...


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6 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

again, what we have now is like the Molotov - Ribbentrop Pact

the Frankfurt School Commies are in an alliance of convenience with Corporate Fascists

at some point however, just like in World War Two, the Fascists will turn on the Commies and wipe them out next

Interesting comparisons and there are parallels, but I actually do think that this is a bigger attempt at implementing global digital totalitarianism, the WEF’s Great Reset.  Canada is the beta test and it must be stopped.  Biden seems asleep and Ukraine is a great distraction from the greatest danger Canadians and the world have faced since WW2.  The Pentagon and State Department should be involved because the threats are bigger than our Canadian institutions can handle without NATO assistance.   This is a war on two fronts: Ukraine is the old world military reaction to the mismanaged dismantling of the Soviet Union; Canada is the centre of the ideological and policy implementation of digital totalitarianism, including digital segregation, stripping of citizens’ rights, removal of democracy and family values, removal of all private property, and the end of human freedom.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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4 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Interesting comparisons and there are parallels, but I actually do think that this is a bigger attempt at implementing global digital totalitarianism, the WEF’s Great Reset.  .

fair enough, but the Trojan Horse facilitating all that is Herbert Marcuse and his Mein Kampf for Millennials

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6 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

fair enough, but the Trojan Horse facilitating all that is Herbert Marcuse and his Mein Kampf for Millennials

Yes but NATO must act.  Terrible as the invasion of Ukraine is, the loss of NATO member Canada, on the US doorstep, has much bigger long term implications for the world.  Trudeau and Freeland’s Liberals cannot be trusted running our government.  When Putin played Oh Canada after the House of Commons voted to extend the Emergencies Act, he stopped playing before the word “free”.   He knows exactly what’s afoot.  So does Musk.  

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4 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Well as crazy as it sounds, if the WEF is under China’s control, which appears likely, and the Canadian Cabinet is under the control of the WEF, which foreign WEF representative Klaus Schwab has stated (on video), then the Canadian Cabinet has been taken over by a foreign power.  

Yes.  It does sound crazy.  I stopped reading after this sentence because the WEF and Klaus Schwab continue the fine tradition of conspiracy bogeymanning.  Whether it's the Jews, the Illuminati, George Soros, Satanic Pedophile Cults or now this, there's always something to serve as the foundation for fantastical conspiracy theories.  

You've probably noticed that when you try to explain this stuff to the average person, they either throw it back in your face as nonsense or awkwardly look away and try not to engage.  If you're already prone to swallowing this sort of bunk, however, then you just sort of accept it all.  Klaus Schwab mentioned that Trudeau and Freeland went through the WEF's young global leader program, so that's "proof" that the WEF controls Canada, and if we assume that China controls the WEF then that means China controls Canada.  

Wow.  The gaping chasms of logic you leapt to come up with any of those ideas are actually worrying, and I don't say that just to troll.  I say that because it's hard to find common ground to debate when the basis for your worldviews is stuff like that.   

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to wit, you are the Taliban now, Zeitgeist

you believe in God

you reject the religion of Woke

so that makes you an "extremist terrorist" now

Five Eyes, NATO, Canada, all see you as an enemy of the state now

Woke is the state now, and all who resist them are "White Supremacist Jihadists"

Edited by Dougie93
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it's much worse than you think, Zeitgeist

what we saw in Ottawa is just a taste of what is to come

this Woke religion is a crusade which cannot be reasoned with

it is going to incite at some point the complete breakdown of civil order

a civil war, something like Northern Ireland, just on a much larger scale

this is a holy war now

and you are a Covenanter defying King Cherries law


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again, what is the founding of your nation ?

1 July 1867 ?


the founding of Westminster Parliamentary Supremacy

the Glorious Revolution of 1688

William of Orange founds the modern liberal state

the Woke have now come to overthrow that

and you can see right now, that Parliament is not even functioning

the Woke tyrant Trudeau is running things by decree

this is going all the way back now

all the way back to the banks of the Boyne


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a people without a history are easy to control

thus is why the Liberals erased your history starting in 1965

new flag, new anthem, new religion

they first replaced your history with the dogma of the Liberal party

but when the Liberal party was overthrown internally by this Frankfurt School Communist religion ?

ever since, Parliamentary Supremacy has broken down, and the lunatics are ruling Canada by religious decree

you are want to fight against that ?

there is only one way

back to the future, back to your history

Ulster Scots

House of Orange

God save the Queen


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1 hour ago, Moonbox said:

Yes.  It does sound crazy.  I stopped reading after this sentence because the WEF and Klaus Schwab continue the fine tradition of conspiracy bogeymanning.  Whether it's the Jews, the Illuminati, George Soros, Satanic Pedophile Cults or now this, there's always something to serve as the foundation for fantastical conspiracy theories.  

You've probably noticed that when you try to explain this stuff to the average person, they either throw it back in your face as nonsense or awkwardly look away and try not to engage.  If you're already prone to swallowing this sort of bunk, however, then you just sort of accept it all.  Klaus Schwab mentioned that Trudeau and Freeland went through the WEF's young global leader program, so that's "proof" that the WEF controls Canada, and if we assume that China controls the WEF then that means China controls Canada.  

Wow.  The gaping chasms of logic you leapt to come up with any of those ideas are actually worrying, and I don't say that just to troll.  I say that because it's hard to find common ground to debate when the basis for your worldviews is stuff like that.   

I don’t really care about your take because all the way along you ignore or downplay clear issues.  I’m not into conspiracies.  This situation is there for all to see.  The evidence is too compelling to ignore.  At the very least, we know

1.  Secret activities at Canadian virology lab where Chinese virologists worked and moved between this lab and the Wuhan lab before they were fired without explanation to the Canadian public.

2. Admission from Klaus Schwab of World Economic Forum of “penetrating” more than half the Canadian Cabinet.

3. Refusal by federal government leader Trudeau to even discuss the removal of vaccine mandates and passports in Parliament during a major protest of vaccine mandates and at a time when most of our allies are dropping vaccine mandates and restrictions.

4. Draconian treatment of protesters of vaccine mandates, including thousands of peaceful protesters, with the implementation of the Emergencies Act and freezing of banking accounts of supporters of the protest.  Also an attempt to make those powers over personal finances, including crypto currencies, permanent.

5. The ignoring by the Speaker of the House of a question from an MP in the House of Commons regarding the involvement of the WEF.

6. The continued refusal by PM to even discuss the plan for removing vaccine passports after major social unrest and implementation of the Emergencies Act.

7.  Apparent political interference by Freeland with Canada’s major national newspaper, The Globe and Mail.

8. The refusal of CBC and other government funded Canadian media to report fairly on the general positive and inclusive tone among demonstrators.

9.  The PM’s description of the unvaccinated and their supporters as racists and misogynists, saying they have unacceptable views and asking, “Do we make space for these people?”

10. Trudeau’s apparent ignoring of international condemnation of his extreme government overreach.

11. The timing of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, another emergency, with the attempted implementation of martial law by the Canadian government after blockades and trucks were removed.

 I could point to other questionable behaviour, but this is all deeply troubling.

Edited by Zeitgeist
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2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Yes but NATO must act.  Terrible as the invasion of Ukraine is, the loss of NATO member Canada, on the US doorstep, has much bigger long term implications for the world.  Trudeau and Freeland’s Liberals cannot be trusted running our government.  When Putin played Oh Canada after the House of Commons voted to extend the Emergencies Act, he stopped playing before the word “free”.   He knows exactly what’s afoot.  So does Musk.  

Wasn't it the Ukrainians that passed on the false pee gate michael Steele accusations against Trump?  And bribed Hunter and Joe?  To hell with them.

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2 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

I got bad news for you, Zeitgeist

NATO itself is Woke

NATO is captured by this religion as much as any other western institutions are

NATO is not coming to save you, NATO is coming to crush you

The leadership of the American military is more concerned about virtue signaling than creating a fighting force.  It's all about mask mandates and making sure LGBTQ+ is promoted.

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Yes liberal history can be a bit confusing and Canadian history is unique in that there are actually real Tories out there.  Not many but a few.  A Tory generally supports union of church and state and rejects cromwellian whiggery.  That got even more complicated when fleeing the American union royalists came to Canada.  Naturally they brought with them a hate for the USA.  I think historically it is a fine balance of classical liberalism and some conservatism that works the best.  The ultimate conclusion of classical liberalism going amok would be the failed French Republics and the resulting Terror.  

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4 minutes ago, Faramir said:

The leadership of the American military is more concerned about virtue signaling than creating a fighting force.  It's all about mask mandates and making sure LGBTQ+ is promoted.

that is correct

the Pentagon, like every other public institution has been captured by the New Religion of Woke

but what is Woke ? What is the origin ?

this is where you refer to the father of that religion

his name was Herbert Marcuse

he was a Frankfurt School Communist who fled Germany

and was then recruited by the OSS, which became the CIA

and the tenants of this religion are all based on an essay he wrote, called "Repressive Tolerance"

what does that mean ?

tolerance for the followers of this Woke religion

repression for anyone who stands against them

and that is what you saw in action, when the Woke Mounties crushed the dissenters on Parliament Hill

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7 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Well as crazy as it sounds, if the WEF is under China’s control, which appears likely, and the Canadian Cabinet is under the control of the WEF, which foreign WEF representative Klaus Schwab has stated (on video), then the Canadian Cabinet has been taken over by a foreign power.  That means that the Liberal government is working without the mandate of the people, as the WEF wasn’t elected by the Canadian people.  If this is so, our Governor General must dissolve Parliament to force an election. It also may mean that our military has to be informed in order to protect Canadians.  It may require the assistance of NATO allies.   It’s particularly concerning as our government is making critical decisions about how to proceed in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the potential additional damage to NATO member states.  We already see the infliction of suffering by Russia on Ukraine, which Russia has to answer for to the Ukrainian people.

In this context Trudeau’s attempt to maintain the Emergencies Act by having Parliament approve it makes more sense.  Thank God that the Senate didn’t approve it.  It appears that the Senate really does play an important role as a check on executive power.  Now I hope we will see the value of having a Governor General/Queen who can act when the majority of Parliament (now the Trudeau Liberals with NDP support) are working against the interests of the Canadian people.

I hope our NATO allies see what’s going on.  I hope our Supreme Court sees what’s going on.  I hope our Senate sees what’s going on.  I hope our Governor General sees what’s going on.  I think most of our opposition see what’s going on, though it’s hard to tell, as some Conservatives did support the Emergencies Act.  We don’t know why.  Maybe they believed the convoy posed a legitimate threat or maybe they’re compromised too.  I realize that this must be handled carefully given the current crisis with Russia.

We have also seen Freeland’s apparent influence over major Canadian press, as indicated in an article I already shared.  I don’t have time to reshare all of the information already presented on here in the last many pages, so I hope people are alert and taking all this in.  

When the people fear the government, it is tyranny. When the government fears the people, it is democracy. Pretty much most Canadians do fear the government and this is why the government can get away with what they keep doing to us. The truckers convoy put the fear in the likes of Marxist Trudeau/Freeland and his/her Marxist ilk and the WEF. 

The sad part is that most people do not want to get involved in politics. And because of the lazy or who gives a care attitude by most people we have a government that runs circles around us every day and laughs at us all. This is why it is very important to get involved in politics. Nobody likes politics but we the peasants must get involved. 

The pro WEF liberal party is full of a bunch of traitors to Canada. The NDP is nothing more than a communist party. They have been trying for years to get rid of the senate. And if they ever did take power, the senate would be the first outfit to go. For a party like the NDP that always says that they are here for we the peasants is total bull chit. The NDP only believes in more government, more taxes, and less freedom. The NDP supported the Emergency Marxist Act.  

We must never believe our lying politicians and the lying media anymore. Every time there is a crisis created over something we seem to lose more freedom because new laws are created to try and stifle even more of our rights and freedoms as a result of some created crisis. Covid was not a crisis. Climate change is not a crises but we have been led to believe that those two alone were a crisis. 

We the peasants have no idea as to what this Russian/Ukranian crisis is really all about. The rumor I last read was that Putin was being threatened by NATO and NATO wanted Ukraine to join NATO. If Ukraine joined NATO that would put NATO on Russia's doorstep. A big threat to Russia and Putin. Putin would have none of that. Putin was not going to allow NATO to take Ukraine. This is a battle between Russia and NATO. This is just another one of those created crisis for the world to once again have to deal and live with. And we the peasants lose again thanks to those puppet on a string politicians and those great reset globalists who pull their strings. Aw well, this is what happens when we the peasants sit back and do nothing and allow others to run and control our peasantry lives. We the peasants is the problem. ? 

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18 minutes ago, Faramir said:

Yes liberal history can be a bit confusing and Canadian history is unique in that there are actually real Tories out there.  Not many but a few.  A Tory generally supports union of church and state and rejects cromwellian whiggery.  That got even more complicated when fleeing the American union royalists came to Canada.  Naturally they brought with them a hate for the USA.  I think historically it is a fine balance of classical liberalism and some conservatism that works the best.  The ultimate conclusion of classical liberalism going amok would be the failed French Republics and the resulting Terror.  

Yea the best societies combine both emotion (left) and reason (right). It used to be that education wasn't so specialized that you went purely down one path (arts) or the other (STEM). When the two sides stop working together as they are right now in Canada, it makes things worse for all. 

There was a good show on this viewpoint that I can't find now. It was basically saying that most of humanity's golden ages were when both sides worked together. Like the Renaissance for example, there were technological advancements alongside remarkable artistic works.

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