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Returning to normal


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On 10/21/2021 at 12:29 PM, Boges said:

Rick Hillier, a former Ontario MPP, posted on Social Media about several young people that died or are sick and attributed it to the vaccine. 


This is the type of shit that Anti-Vaxxers pull. They're a scourge on society. 


22 minutes ago, Goddess said:

You should let this politician in ON know that the deaths of children are all a hoax.  He's calling for an OPP investigation.

Boy, is he ever going to feel like an idiot when you tell him there's no such thing.

hillier letter.JPG

Also as it turns out, Randy was booted out of pc in 2019.  

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Yes, thank you.  It really is a relief to me to know that no children are having heart attacks and strokes from this vaccine.

I can't imagine why so many are lying about it?  

I guess you're right - kids dying from heart attacks is perfectly normal and nothing to get worried about.


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6 hours ago, Goddess said:

The same B and T cells that produce antibodies in vaccinated people. They can't be measured in uninfected people because they don't produce antibodies until they see the virus. That's why this diminishing anti body claim in uninfected people doesn't mean much.

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3 minutes ago, Aristides said:

They can't be measured in uninfected people because they don't produce antibodies until they see the virus.

Not true.  This is part of why the PCR tests are crap - They pick up coronavirus antibodies from previous coronavirus infections, including H1N1 and the common cold.

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

Not true.  This is part of why the PCR tests are crap - They pick up coronavirus antibodies from previous coronavirus infections, including H1N1 and the common cold.

It is absolutely true, B and T cells do not produce antibodies until they detect the virus and it can be several days after infection that they come into play. This has been made abundantly clear by too many immunologists to count.


A team of scientists from the United States has recently compared the epitope-specific T cell response after natural severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection or vaccination in both naïve and previously infected individuals.

The study reveals that mRNA-based coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines are highly potent in inducing spike-specific T cell response in naïve individuals and triggering memory T cell response in COVID-19 recovered individuals. The study is currently available on the medRxiv* preprint server.



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1 hour ago, Aristides said:

It is absolutely true, B and T cells do not produce antibodies until they detect the virus and it can be several days after infection that they come into play. This has been made abundantly clear by too many immunologists to count.


Please read the appendixes of this document.  Specifically Appendix G deals with natural vs. vaccine induced immunity.


The entire document is very good.  But I'm sure you have no interest in reading it in its entirety as it goes against everything you want to believe in regarding Covid.

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I'm only observing here, and yet again, as with mandatory vaccinations we're rolling into preset and predetermined by someone somewhere course, without any review or discussion into mass vaccination of children. What is the purpose and rationale? What are the benefits and risks? Do the benefits justify and outweigh the risks?

This is no polio and certainly not the plague. The risks of complications to healthy children are minimal, in most cases even without symptoms. What is the point?

Silence. No one around. Those in the know already know everything absolutely and finally ("travel from Wuhan") and no one else around to ask questions and discuss. If vaccines were just made available as a free choice fine, but don't you know where it's heading the moment they are approved? Bandwagon, turn off anything electronic and run, leading up to the ban to attend schools.

Did you say, climate change, unexpected calamities and mass migration? How would we deal with them later on? Are you hopeful?

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Do you know who Neil Ferguson is?  You should.

This whole fiasco started with a modelling prediction from him.

His report is what all countries (except Sweden) based the lockdowns on.  He predicted that unless the entire planet locked down for 18 months in complete isolation, there would be massive deaths.  His report stated that just isolating the vulnerable elderly population would only reduce deaths by half.

Unfortunately, no one checked his background.

He had already demonstrated on numerous occasions that he was unable to predict anything. In 2002 he predicted that 150,000 people would die of Mad Cow Disease, but only 2704 died.  His estimation was 55 times higher than the real number.  A few years later, he predicted that 65,000 would die of Swine Flu and only 457 people died, his estimate was 142 times higher than the real number.  His prediction that 200 million would die of the bird flu was 439,560 times higher than the real number of 455.  He has a long history of overreacting and overpredicting.

He predicted that by June 2020, there would be tens of millions dead of covid.  But by that time, the real number was 494,179, not tens of millions and even this number is questionable.  This time he was off by millions.

The average age of death for covid is 80, with almost all who died having comorbidities.  The virus has had little effect on young, healthy people.

Mr. Ferguson resigned in disgrace when he was caught having his mistress over for sexy time when he was supposed to be locked down and isolating, like the rest of the population was doing on his recommendation.

We are trapped in a lie.  And the powers that be are desperately trying to make it seem like this was all worth it.

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12 hours ago, Goddess said:

Please read the appendixes of this document.  Specifically Appendix G deals with natural vs. vaccine induced immunity.


The entire document is very good.  But I'm sure you have no interest in reading it in its entirety as it goes against everything you want to believe in regarding Covid.

Who are the mounties4freedom and how many are there? Four?

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An interesting interview today overheard on CBC with some foreign-sounding guy I think the chief of Ontario's Covid something. I turned on at the point where he was describing a horrifying experience in some countries in Europe (I think Denmark and UK) in a restaurant with no masks and no vaccine certificates checked, place full to the rim, people enjoying life heresy! And no police to call because all that horror is perfectly lawful and authorized. I had similar though on the very positive side experience on visits to Austria and Eastern Europe and met some people who told be it's more or less norm in their countries too.

But look, the cases, o horror! If only we keep the restrictions we could get through a few months... with a $400K salary and unlimited lifetime do you have it, yes? Wait and what will happen after a few months? Anything new is expected to happen here?

And then it becomes quite clear: the restrictions aren't going anywhere, here. Covid is here to stay, and there are two different and rapidly diverging points of view: live normal lives to the maximum extent possible with Covid; or live to watch the number and be scared every time they twitch for a few months, etc, forever. The guy's world and the normal world; and I don't see much in between.

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13 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Who are the mounties4freedom and how many are there? Four?

The reason I linked to that article was because they had compiled all the research and provided the links to all the scientific papers and studies.  I see none of those references interested you though.  Odd.

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

Do you know who Neil Ferguson is?  You should.

This whole fiasco started with a modelling prediction from him.

His report is what all countries (except Sweden) based the lockdowns on.  He predicted that unless the entire planet locked down for 18 months in complete isolation, there would be massive deaths.  His report stated that just isolating the vulnerable elderly population would only reduce deaths by half.

Unfortunately, no one checked his background.

He had already demonstrated on numerous occasions that he was unable to predict anything. In 2002 he predicted that 150,000 people would die of Mad Cow Disease, but only 2704 died.  His estimation was 55 times higher than the real number.  A few years later, he predicted that 65,000 would die of Swine Flu and only 457 people died, his estimate was 142 times higher than the real number.  His prediction that 200 million would die of the bird flu was 439,560 times higher than the real number of 455.  He has a long history of overreacting and overpredicting.

He predicted that by June 2020, there would be tens of millions dead of covid.  But by that time, the real number was 494,179, not tens of millions and even this number is questionable.  This time he was off by millions.

The average age of death for covid is 80, with almost all who died having comorbidities.  The virus has had little effect on young, healthy people.

Mr. Ferguson resigned in disgrace when he was caught having his mistress over for sexy time when he was supposed to be locked down and isolating, like the rest of the population was doing on his recommendation.

We are trapped in a lie.  And the powers that be are desperately trying to make it seem like this was all worth it.

The Flawed COVID-19 Model That Locked Down Canada – IEDM/MEI

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10 hours ago, Goddess said:

Nothing to say about all that information, eh?

Colour me surprised. Not.

I'll repeat the question. Who are they? There are no names, addresses or email addresses on their website. The letter says no names will be released until they have 1000 RCMP members signed up so they can't even get 10% of their own membership to sign on, let alone a bunch of "partners" . Under partners they list the Abbotsford Police Department. I know a 15 year active member of the APD and asked if he had heard of these guys and his reply was,

No but he is sure they would have some APD members associated to them.

I got him to look at their website and he said it just looks like the have listed every service in the country.

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On 10/25/2021 at 6:55 PM, Goddess said:

Big Pharma is so incredibly lucky that Covid19 came along.

A virus for which there is no natural immunity and now the entire world has to take boosters every 3 months for the rest of their lives to remain protected.










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Could it be from the same group of successful inventors that came up with the famous (in Canada) "mask in a restaurant" policy successfully introduced and implemented (in Canada)? Wear no mask for two hours; then put it on for 5 minutes walking to the washroom - and bingo, you are protected! The secret is simple: the virus sees (yes it has those minuscule nano-metric eyes) who is observing wise public health recommendations and policies, thinks and decides to find another target... right next at the table. Intelligence does that, you know.

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4 hours ago, myata said:

Could it be from the same group of successful inventors that came up with the famous (in Canada) "mask in a restaurant" policy successfully introduced and implemented (in Canada)? Wear no mask for two hours; then put it on for 5 minutes walking to the washroom - and bingo, you are protected! The secret is simple: the virus sees (yes it has those minuscule nano-metric eyes) who is observing wise public health recommendations and policies, thinks and decides to find another target... right next at the table. Intelligence does that, you know.

I think the COME-SEE-ME-BONNY umbrella is the right protection for you.  Please call me quick and you might get a promotional price.  I personally may use the INVISI-SHIELD CAMO head cover protector.  It will look cool on me when I am sitting in front of that screen in the office.

For the hesitant ones, I will have a whole range of new inventions coming up, to suit all tastes, religious or sexual preferences.


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On 10/25/2021 at 6:13 PM, Goddess said:


Kind of a relief to know that this 17 year old didn't die from the vaccine, just a normal every day heart attack.  Teens have them all the time.  It's so common, I don't even know why his parents are upset.

The really shitty thing for the parents is knowing that their kid had a 99.99999% chance of surviving covid, but now their kid is dead for no other reason than the fact that they vaxxed them, and they only did that to score brownie points.

For me personally, vaxxing my son is not a consideration given the current risks associated with vaxxing vs not vaxxing for a healthy young male. If not vaxxing my son puts me or my wife or our moms at risk, we're all A-ok with that. 

The MSM is ramping up the fear mongering about covid killing kids right now, just to get us to vax them, and they can go to hell.

It's worth noting that the MSM is owned by elderly billionaires who are in the target demographic for covid deaths. Those weasels are trying to get everyone else to take the human lab rat jab just to keep them safe. I personally don't feel like we should be risking the health of young people to save octogenarians. There's a vaxx for the octos, and they have all sorts of options if they want to stay home and order food, surf the web, watch tv/movies, etc. 

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44 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The really shitty thing for the parents is knowing that their kid had a 99.99999% chance of surviving covid, but now their kid is dead for no other reason than the fact that they vaxxed them, and they only did that to score brownie points.

For me personally, vaxxing my son is not a consideration given the current risks associated with vaxxing vs not vaxxing for a healthy young male. If not vaxxing my son puts me or my wife or our moms at risk, we're all A-ok with that. 

The MSM is ramping up the fear mongering about covid killing kids right now, just to get us to vax them, and they can go to hell.

It's worth noting that the MSM is owned by elderly billionaires who are in the target demographic for covid deaths. Those weasels are trying to get everyone else to take the human lab rat jab just to keep them safe. I personally don't feel like we should be risking the health of young people to save octogenarians. There's a vaxx for the octos, and they have all sorts of options if they want to stay home and order food, surf the web, watch tv/movies, etc. 

I know.  Kids, especially young boys/men, have a 4X greater chance of getting myocarditis than they do of dying of covid.

It's bizarre to me that any parents would do this to their normal, healthy children.  An experimental vax with zero long-term studies.


I personally don't feel like we should be risking the health of young people to save octogenarians.

I don't either.  But it's being framed as a "selfish" issue to parents and then some parents are using the "selfish" angle to get their kids to agree.  They are branded "selfish" if they don't risk their children's lives for octogenarians.  From the comments on a lot of news articles about kid vaxxes, there are quite a lot of parents who feel the same.  Most say they feel they were forced to vax, but they will no t allow their children to be.  Things always change when they go after people's kids.

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24 minutes ago, Goddess said:

But it's being framed as a "selfish" issue to parents and then some parents are using the "selfish" angle to get their kids to agree.  

Leaving kids aside, the question is what do we do when

1.  We lose employment due to our vaccination status

2.  We are denied EI due to losing employment based on our vaccination status

3.  We cannot find other employment due to our vaccination status or end up working for way less than before

What kind of government is starving their people to death, telling them they were given a democratic choice between a vaccine and slow painful death ?

Returning to normal ?     We are headed full blast in the opposite direction.

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