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Plugging My Nose and Watching Canadian News Today

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4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Why does the nation pretend to care about things but not follow through is my version.

I blame the second law of thermodynamics. Heisenberg was the anti-christ...Or like my pappy used to say, when he was ruminating over matters, "It's the rot, my dear Wormwood."


Decay of sillivization, the end is nigh,

and there, but for the grace of god go I

warning bell but no one knows

ask not Billie for whom

it tolls


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52 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

I blame the second law of thermodynamics. Heisenberg was the anti-christ...Or like my pappy used to say, when he was ruminating over matters, "It's the rot, my dear Wormwood."


Decay of sillivization, the end is nigh,

and there, but for the grace of god go I

warning bell but no one knows

ask not Billie for whom

it tolls


So ... you are throwing your lot in with the ants and termites.  

I doubt that.  Are you daring me to search again ?!? ?

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On 9/21/2021 at 6:46 PM, TreeBeard said:

So, when you said there was more money in pro-climate change science, you were incorrect?  Lying?  

It is the many billionaires like Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bloomberg and so many other pro communist globalists elite that are funding the environ"mental"ist wackos and movement with billions of their dollars. That is not a lie. Live with it, fool.?

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On 9/22/2021 at 10:45 AM, blackbird said:

There should be a conservative new channel in Canada, but I think the Canadian Radio Television Commission (CRTC) would not allow it because they control news outlets under the liberal government.  Canada is not really a free country but is limited in many ways, proving again it is ruled to some degree by Marxists.  These liberal Marxists are working on extending their control of the internet and social media with bill C10 and C36 although these bills may be given new names by the new Parliament now elected.  New Parliament but same old Marxist players.  We are losing our freedom of speech.  The People's Party is a kind of protest party.  I agree with some things they advocate but I think they hurt their chances by fighting against the pandemic measures.  The Conservative Party has shifted to the left considerably and become kind of liberal lite.  So they can't really be trusted too much.   We need a conservative television station that is not controlled by any political party and not controlled by the Conservative Party of Canada which cannot really be trusted.  They are trying to be everything to everyone.  They even admit that.  That is not the kind of television station we need.  We need a voice for those of us who oppose liberalism and Marxism.

We once had a conservative News channel on TV about 15 years ago called "The Sun News Network". It was removed by the communist liberals because they were giving we the sheeple the other side of the story. They had to go. 

We need a real and true conservative news channel in Canada, but as long as the communist liberals are around ans always in power they will fight tooth and nail to make sure that never happens again. Canada is not a free country anymore. It has become a Marxist controlled dictatorship. The liberal conservative party is not a real and true conservative party and never will be. It has become a pro globalist  leftist conservative party. 

And now with Castro Trudeau back in his communist dictators chair once again, the assault on freedom will now only  get worse. We the sheeple had a chance to get rid of these three traitorous Marxist party's, the liberals, the conservative and NDP in the last election and they blew it. 

I voted for the PPC party because they stood up and out freedom of speech and freedom of choice. And now with Castro Trudeau back in power, this buffoon is going to work even harder in trying to make and turn Canada into another Marxist state. You may not like all that Maxine Bernier had to say but at least he stood up for freedom and against all of these medical tyranny mandated convid 1984 restrictions that have pretty much destroyed millions of Canadians lives n the process.

We had our chance to make things better for Canada and the buffoons that voted for any of the other three Marxists political party's have just signed their own genocidal death warrants. The majority of Canadians have truly become a nation of obedient, docile, helpless and gullible fools. And now because of all of those fools all we can do now is just sit back and wait and see what Castro Trudeau has in the works for us all. May God have mercy on Canada's soul. ?

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20 minutes ago, taxme said:

It is the many billionaires like Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bloomberg and so many other pro communist globalists elite that are funding the environ"mental"ist wackos and movement with billions of their dollars. That is not a lie. Live with it, fool.?


Zuckerberg is funding climate science?  Tell me more…

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9 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

As a Canadian I say be whatever, but then you must own what you are. Do not pretend to be something. Just my opinion...   ;)

Therefore all Liberals are hypocrites for re-electing old PM Blackface again. They chose partisanship over virtue.

Oh well, what are you gonna do.

Not stunning. Boring... dull... common. He has a cult of personality.

His TV debate validated my impression of him. Reactive, unprepared. Going by script, not, by knowledge. Wisdom hath he none. To immature and was coddled all his life. Too many years partying on the beaches in Polynesia, too many fancy Halloween parties in Manhattan.

BTW people do criticize Islam here, rather freely. Don't tell Justin.

Let's face it Canadians CAN be boring.  I swear when I go to family reunions its like all my relatives read the same leftist blog or something they all agree on the same leftist points.  They all support the NDP and the right wing is all around them watching them.

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3 hours ago, taxme said:

It is the many billionaires like Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bloomberg and so many other pro communist globalists elite that are funding the environ"mental"ist wackos and movement with billions of their dollars. That is not a lie. Live with it, fool.?

Soros is a particular brand of pure evil.  Turned on his own Jewish people.  And now is trying to destroy America.

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3 hours ago, taxme said:

We once had a conservative News channel on TV about 15 years ago called "The Sun News Network". It was removed by the communist liberals because they were giving we the sheeple the other side of the story. They had to go. 

We need a real and true conservative news channel in Canada, but as long as the communist liberals are around ans always in power they will fight tooth and nail to make sure that never happens again. Canada is not a free country anymore. It has become a Marxist controlled dictatorship. The liberal conservative party is not a real and true conservative party and never will be. It has become a pro globalist  leftist conservative party. 

And now with Castro Trudeau back in his communist dictators chair once again, the assault on freedom will now only  get worse. We the sheeple had a chance to get rid of these three traitorous Marxist party's, the liberals, the conservative and NDP in the last election and they blew it. 

I voted for the PPC party because they stood up and out freedom of speech and freedom of choice. And now with Castro Trudeau back in power, this buffoon is going to work even harder in trying to make and turn Canada into another Marxist state. You may not like all that Maxine Bernier had to say but at least he stood up for freedom and against all of these medical tyranny mandated convid 1984 restrictions that have pretty much destroyed millions of Canadians lives n the process.

We had our chance to make things better for Canada and the buffoons that voted for any of the other three Marxists political party's have just signed their own genocidal death warrants. The majority of Canadians have truly become a nation of obedient, docile, helpless and gullible fools. And now because of all of those fools all we can do now is just sit back and wait and see what Castro Trudeau has in the works for us all. May God have mercy on Canada's soul. ?

Canada is unique in that it has pretty much no conservative media whatsoever. The National Post is more center or left of center.  Just not rabidly so like the Globe and Mail.  It also has very few think tanks or foundations that are conservative.  There is the Fraser Institute but really they are just policy wonks.  The Taxpayer federation is there but its not overtly conservative.

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4 hours ago, Faramir said:

Let's face it Canadians CAN be boring.  I swear when I go to family reunions its like all my relatives read the same leftist blog or something they all agree on the same leftist points.  They all support the NDP and the right wing is all around them watching them.

Far out, man.

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16 hours ago, Faramir said:

Let's face it Canadians CAN be boring.  I swear when I go to family reunions its like all my relatives read the same leftist blog or something they all agree on the same leftist points.  They all support the NDP and the right wing is all around them watching them.

I grew up in a small, rural and still pretty conservative area - as in they primarily vote conservative and in the last election, voted in another conservative.  

Yet, on social issues they are mostly left-leaning and we agree more than we disagree; it's really only on fiscal management that I would call them conservative and even then we're not that far apart.  Right-leaning people on this forum sound like the people in my hometown, on steroids.  The hatred expressed here for 'lefties' isn't found among the conservatives in my family or their community at large; their attitude seems to be that we have different political ideas and while mine are pretty stupid, I'm not an evil person who deserves to be drawn and quartered.  

My partner often listens to right-wing radio stations and rants about how the world as we know it is being destroyed by things like immigration, Canada's debt, children being forced to change gender and other right-wing complaints though he hasn't gotten to "woke" people yet.  Yet, he consistently votes NDP because at heart he believes that people deserve respect and equality, and that government shouldn't be swayed by Big Business lobbyists; he doesn't see either Conservatives or Liberals actually supporting what he believes is important, so he votes NDP because they do promise those things, are untried and might be better than our current choices.

The point being that your relatives are not much different than the rest of Canadians - it's you that sees them as being part of the 'enemy'.  Partisans on both sides demonize the other.  Demonizing means that lies must be told about the other side in order to make them seem more unreasonable than they really are, and insist that the other ideology will destroy our culture and society.

Both are equally wrong, imo. (I've also made that mistake, and must remind myself that we're not that different, and that it's wrong to paint all conservatives as unreasonable based on what I see on this forum.)

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20 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

Didn’t you mention that the news needs to be balanced and not biased?  Which is it?

News media has never really been not biased.  It could be more balanced though.  That’s why Fox News is so important in the United States.  It provides a little balance to the rest of the mainstream media.

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21 minutes ago, Shady said:

News media has never really been not biased.  It could be more balanced though.  That’s why Fox News is so important in the United States.  It provides a little balance to the rest of the mainstream media.

Didn’t they try a “conservative” channel in Canada and viewership was so low that it just faded off the air?

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16 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Still…. No one watched it.  If it was in demand, wouldn’t it be put on basic cable?  Or do you think this is a case of “everyone is against us”?

I don’t really care all that much.  I used to watch it a bit, but the programming wasn’t all that great.

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16 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Still…. No one watched it.  If it was in demand, wouldn’t it be put on basic cable?  Or do you think this is a case of “everyone is against us”?

Apparently not many people are watching this network which seems to indicate a lack of demand. Yet they continue.

GUNTER: As CBC ratings plummet, they ask for more taxpayer dollars | Toronto Sun


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1 minute ago, ironstone said:

Apparently not many people are watching this network which seems to indicate a lack of demand. Yet they continue.

GUNTER: As CBC ratings plummet, they ask for more taxpayer dollars | Toronto Sun


I read that TV viewership is down across the board.  Internet, streaming, etc.

Is the CBC dropping more than other networks?

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22 hours ago, TreeBeard said:


Zuckerberg is funding climate science?  Tell me more…

Zuckerberg is not only funding climate change but he is also funding this plandemic covid hoax also. You can always go on the internet and learn more. There are plenty of alternative news media outlets out there for you to get that kind of information from. That is what I have done and you can do the same. Get off your lazy arse and try it. 

Try out websites One American News Network or the Next News Network or Project Veritas as examples for you to go and check out as to what they have to say. I have plenty more websites if you need more. Start with those websites. ?


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22 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

Didn’t you mention that the news needs to be balanced and not biased?  Which is it?

What the F are you talking about? Our Canadian media is not balanced. We only have leftist liberal media outlets allowed on the airwaves in Canada. No real and true conservative websites are to be allowed on TV in Canada. The Sun News Network was a conservative news outlet but it was removed from the airwaves by the CRTC another leftist liberal communist government outfit.

Rebel News is pretty much a conservative news outlet that we the people can rely on for real and true conservative news that we freedom lovers really have left and able to hear from. The leftist liberal Canadian media is very bias. They despise all things conservative, comrade. ?

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1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

Still…. No one watched it.  If it was in demand, wouldn’t it be put on basic cable?  Or do you think this is a case of “everyone is against us”?

It was not put on basic cable because the communists at the CRTC did not want the conservative Sun News Network on the air and basic cable and wanted them instead to fail. I am pretty sure that they would have done very well and may be still around if Sun News were allowed to go on basic cable. 

By all appearances you are living in a communist country right now and you better wake up fast to that fact. This covid hoax so called crisis has been a great gift and blessing to the new world order great reset globalists and covid is being used by the communist globalists with the help of our lackey gutless politicians and their corporate owned Canadian media to push communism in Canada today. 

The communist government in Ottawa is against we the people. Sadly, the many stupid sheeple out there keep supporting the communists in Ottawa and keep aiding them along to their eventual demise as a free people. By putting Castro Trudeau back in his comrade PM chair again they may have just sealed all Canadians fate. A fate that they are not going to enjoy and be happy with. Prove me wrong if you can? I doubt that anyone here can. Just saying.  

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1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

I read that TV viewership is down across the board.  Internet, streaming, etc.

Is the CBC dropping more than other networks?

I think that it is high time for the CBC to drop itself off of the airwaves forever. With the internet and social media around and other private TV news channels around the CBC has pretty become a useless government owned outfit. The government only keeps them around so they can use the CBC to spread their communist propaganda bull shit around.

By getting rid of the CBC the taxpayer's of Canada can save over a billion of their tax dollars a year from dumping the CBC. Just saying. Works for me though. ?

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