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Canada at the start of Delta dominated fourth Covid wave, so get vaccinated to save lives.

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8 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

The reason is because 19% of eligible population have refused vaccination and 10% still hesitant on getting their second shot.. They are 350 out of 510 reported infections and main source of transmission to fully vaccinated people If all fully vaccinated we would have had under 100 or maybe even under 10 new infections (considering the unvaccinated are the main source of transmission) and full opening coming soon but now we will have increasing infections and closures thanks to the choice that the unvaccinated people made.

Who cares about people who can get vaccinated but have chosen not to get the jab?  Do you really think that they make much difference to your safety and the pandemic?   The vaccinated are largely protected.  If we lift all restrictions except for children who aren’t eligible for vaccination, the virus will spread to those remaining unvaccinated people.  Some of them will die and we’ll have even more immunity across society.  Lift all restrictions immediately on the population that can get the vaccine, at least.  What a warped society that punishes itself so harshly for indefensible reasons.

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9 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

The reason is because 19% of eligible population have refused vaccination and 10% still hesitant on getting their second shot.. They are 350 out of 510 reported infections (another 67 among partially vaccinated) and main source of transmission to fully vaccinated people If all fully vaccinated we would have had under 100 or maybe even under 10 new infections (considering the unvaccinated are the main source of transmission) and full opening coming soon but now we will have increasing infections and closures thanks to the choice that the unvaccinated people made.

We need to get 90% of population vaccinated to end pandemic for Delta variant.

You won’t get to that number because of ineligible age groups and justifiable medical exemptions.  Moreover, if you do, the goal posts will shift to a higher percentage.   This is about fear, control, and restricting behaviour and freedom in the name of public safety.  It’s grotesque.

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9 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Really? Then why do we keep hearing about booster shots...and new variants?

I said If all fully vaccinated we would have had..... but as usual you twisted what i said and only chose to quote a part of my statement to distort what i said.

We need booster shots because the unvaccinated people keep on transmitting the mutated virus to rest of us, if everyone vaccinated we wouldn't be needing one.

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9 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Who cares about people who can get vaccinated but have chosen not to get the jab?  Do you really think that they make much difference to your safety and the pandemic?   The vaccinated are largely protected. 

Yes I do. If all fully vaccinated we would have had 350 plus 67 less infections just for today's 510 infections and likely most of the 97 infections among fully vaccinated, they got that from unvaccinated people too.

Yes largely but not fully protected.

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6 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I said If all fully vaccinated we would have had..... but as usual you twisted what i said and only chose to quote a part of my statement to distort what i said.

We need booster shots because the unvaccinated people keep on transmitting the mutated virus to rest of us, if everyone vaccinated we wouldn't be needing one.

That’s just not true.  Vaccinated people can carry and spread the virus too, though likely at a lower rate.  You think that the less than 20% of eligible people who haven’t been vaccinated yet are the reason the “pandemic” is persisting?   Get real.  Covid is forever and if public safety is the justification for continuing restrictions among vaccine-eligible age groups, there is no justification.  

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6 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Yes I do. If all fully vaccinated we would have had 350 plus 67 less infections just for today's 510 infections and likely most of the 97 infections among fully vaccinated, they got that from unvaccinated people too.

Yes largely but not fully protected.

You’ll never be fully protected.  Get over it.  Mandate vaccines and it still won’t end Covid.  The tail is wagging the dog.  End all restrictions immediately and make it hard to reimpose them through legislation.  

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7 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I said If all fully vaccinated we would have had..... but as usual you twisted what i said and only chose to quote a part of my statement to distort what i said.

See again though...it doesn't matter.

I've been hearing from people who claim they have all the numbers but won't show me where they came from since this began.

First they told me there was no real problem. They were wrong.

Then they told me all we had to do was flatten the curve and the problem would end. It didn't.

Then they told me all I had to do was wait for a vaccine and it would be over. I did. It wasn't.

Now they tell me that even though this vaccine doesn't always work and new variants seem to be slipping past it that they're only talking about booster shots because some are hesitant about getting the vaccine.

At this point I don't believe you.

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1 minute ago, Infidel Dog said:

See again though...it doesn't matter.

I've been hearing from people who claim they have all the numbers but won't show me where they came from since this began.

First they told me there was no real problem. They were wrong.

Then they told me all we had to do was flatten the curve and the problem would end. It didn't.

Then they told me all I had to do was wait for a vaccine and it would be over. I did. It wasn't.

Now they tell me that even though this vaccine doesn't always work and new variants seem to be slipping past it that they're only talking about booster shots because some are hesitant about getting the vaccine.

At this point I don't believe you.

Does Citizen_2015 own a lot of Pfizer and Moderna stock?   I have to admit if I’m a betting man I think he’ll do well.  

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13 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Does Citizen_2015 own a lot of Pfizer and Moderna stock?   I have to admit if I’m a betting man I think he’ll do well.  

Maybe so but also maybe i am part of conspiracy to stage a military coup to take over the planet or work for CIA to plant microchips in people to control their minds and lives or collaborate with aliens to kidnap humans to another planet or kill earth's population to pave the way for their invasion................

Do you even realize what you are accusing me of? I am accusing you of ignorance which is not your fault but you are accusing me of purposely and intentionally putting the lives of millions in danger by falely encouraging them to take unsafe vaccines so that i make a profit. You are accusing me of being a monster. Just to clarify i don't have a single dollar invested in any stock.

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15 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Maybe so but also maybe i am part of conspiracy to stage a military coup to take over the planet or work for CIA to plant microchips in people to control their minds and lives or collaborate with aliens to kidnap humans to another planet or kill earth's population to pave the way for their invasion................

I’m not into conspiracy theories.  There’s no secret here.  The public health authorities have ascertained that a transmissible illness with a very low death rate among vaccinated people and the only vaccine-ineligible age group, children under 12, warrants half capacity inside all restaurants, sports venues and concerts, segregated seating, mask wearing indoors, social distancing and masks in schools, soon mandatory vaccination when 80 plus percent of vaccine-eligible people have been vaccinated, and maybe soon vaccine passports for participation in non-essential activities.   It’s an insane relinquishing of personal freedom and responsibility to the state.  The powers that be are happy to wield that authority and apply it to their priorities.  This is a persistent and unnecessary threat to liberty.  Damn right I question it and want to remove bad fascistic policies.

Variants of variants, boosters, 4th wave, 5th wave, 6th.  “Come together by staying apart”...

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Without independent oversight and audit one cannot rely on this government's information as there's been too many inconsistencies. Widespread testing has stopped (why? there are inexpensive practical options for self-testing that would provide accurate and current data on the epidemiological situation) and there's no way of knowing confidently what levels of transmission and more serious cases are among vaccinated and non vaccinated groups. This information is critical for correct policy decisions and yet the society could not obtain it. It can be considered in itself, a serious and astounding failure.

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2 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I’m not into conspiracy theories.  There’s no secret here.  The public health authorities have ascertained that a transmissible illness with a very low death rate among vaccinated people and the only vaccine-ineligible age group, children under 12, warrants half capacity inside all restaurants, sports venues and concerts, segregated seating, mask wearing indoors, social distancing and masks in schools, soon mandatory vaccination when 80 plus percent of vaccine-eligible people have been vaccinated, and maybe soon vaccine passports for participation in non-essential activities.   It’s an insane relinquishing of personal freedom and responsibility to the state.  The powers that be are happy to wield that authority and apply it to their priorities.  This is a persistent and unnecessary threat to liberty.  Damn right I question it and want to remove bad fascistic policies.

What authorities? We elect those authorities. This is a democracy. People decide who the authorities are and vote them out in 5 weeks time if they don't like them. This is not a military dictatorship or murderous islamic republic or evil Soviet empire or Chinese- Russian style dictatorship. This is Canada voted the best country in the world many times over.

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6 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

No you believe those who say governments want to restrict freedom and impose dictatorship or get our money or grab power by lying to us or CIA conspiracy or data falsification by all doctors and experts and God knows what else.

Not really...but I do listen to them close enough to notice they've been right more than you and yours have been.

As an example they wanted us to consider the possibility that the chi-comm virus came out of a bio lab in Wuhan China rather than a bat at a food market there where they didn't serve bats. The fauci-ites produced what they called Science that said that couldn't happen. Better science eventually leaked out showing it very much could and the first doctor was talking out his ass and most likely knew it. The Doctor who Fauci slipped money through for gain of function research at this nefarious Wuhan lab organized a petition that published in lancet - what used to be considered the most credible medical journal around. (It also published a paper on Hydroxychloroquine that was later proven to be a fraud.) The doctors who were connived into putting their names to the petition are now scrambling to deny they ever believed what it pushed.

No conspiracy there, right?

So yeah, I'll listen to people you'll tell me are wackadoodles now, even though you can find anecdotes to illustrate your claim. People like these 14 doctors who don't agree with you. 

14 Doctors at the Awareness Foundation COVID-19 Roundtable Agree: Halt the Global Vaccination Campaign

I don't necessarily believe everything they say either but I've got to admit they've got me kicking myself in the ass that I ever took the first jab just so I could get into hockey games.


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50 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Really? Then why do we keep hearing about booster shots...and new variants?

The longer this virus hangs around it will continue to mutate, and while Canadians are largely protected to a degree, 3 rd world countries are severely lagging behind, this is where the virus mutates...And Canadians can't seem to help themselves and have to travel to these spots...and bring back all the latest virus back to us...

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On 8/12/2021 at 1:41 PM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

You are indeed a mad man. Be careful aliens don't kidnap you or CIA don't put microchips in your body.

I am pretty sure that with enough brainwashing from your lying politicians and the lying media you can be easily convinced that the sky is starting to fall down and that you must return to your home immediately for your safety. Stay home until all is safe. You would be mad enough to believe such bull chit. Just saying.  

Don't forget to put your name down for the next booster covid jab that's coming around the corner. It will save your useless life. It's weird how people like you that are fully vaccinated can still get covid. And the politicians and the media will tell you that if one gets covid the symptoms will be less harmful than what it would be for the non vaccinated. What a bunch of crock and lies. The covid jabs were supposed to protect one from getting covid, but apparently the covid vaccine is not working to stop anyone from getting covid. 

There can be no doubt about it that those fools that took the vaccine covid jab were made asses and suckers of. No one really needed to take this fake and phony covid vaccine at all. I did not, and I am doing just fine, thank you very much. 

The vaccine passports are just the beginning for the introduction of RFID microchips into people's bodies down the covid great reset globalist road. 666 is on it's way. I am pretty sure that you will be one of the first fools in line to get your RFID microchip installed into your body. Enjoy. ?




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On 8/13/2021 at 7:42 AM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

For the second day in a row Ontario reports more than 500 new cases.

For the second day in a row, Ontario is reporting more than 500 new cases of COVID-19 and most of the infections were found in unvaccinated individuals.

Of the 510 cases confirmed, 368 are in unvaccinated people and 57 are in partially vaccinated individuals, Health Minister Christine Elliott said in a tweet.

Right now, there are 123 people are in hospital with COVID-19, nine of which are fully vaccinated. The remaining 114 patients are either not fully vaccinated or have an unknown vaccination status, according to Elliott.

And no doubt all those people found to have covid were all done by the unreliable and the fake PCR tests that has been used to jack up the covid stats. No one should listen too or continue to believe the constant lies that covid cases are all that for real anymore and are on the rise. Who gives a chit anymore. It's only fools like you that just love hearing about all those new covid cases and of course will blame it on the non vaccinated for the rise in covid stats. Get a life, will you. ?


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Here's another in an increasing appearance of stories Citizen would like us to ignore:

‘Fully Vaccinated’ Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant Dies of COVID-19


The story of Maurice Reggie Shepperson is not your average “breakthrough case” of Covid-19 that ended in death. Shepperson, a flight attendant for Southwest Airlines, was known for extreme caution, going so far as to sanitize hotel rooms before settling into them. But his story ended in tragedy as he joins the rapidly growing list of “fully vaccinated” Americans dying from Covid-19.

I draw a slightly different conclusion than the article does. I contend that if Maurice had been open to what the vaccine hesitant were saying he might have pushed harder for therapeutics once he knew he was infected and if he had been lucky enough to find a doctor who ignored the pressure and chose to know about such things he might still be with us.

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4 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

I took that stupid first jab and now I've got allergy and cold symptoms that won't go away. They lessen, then they come back day to day. It's been like that for over a month.

Sad to hear about that. Hopefully, you will avoid going for the second and the third booster shots of the covid vaccine. Don't get conned into taking anymore covid vaccine jabs. They will do you more harm than good. 

With all of these many covid waves out there already, with probably more covid waves to come, it would appear as though these covid waves are trying to compete with real ocean waves. It could just happen! Just saying if you get my drift here. LOL. 

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40 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

What authorities? We elect those authorities. This is a democracy. People decide who the authorities are and vote them out in 5 weeks time if they don't like them. This is not a military dictatorship or murderous islamic republic or evil Soviet empire or Chinese- Russian style dictatorship. This is Canada voted the best country in the world many times over.

You’re really naive.  Trudeau, Ford, et al are just mouthpieces for a consensus within their parties about correct thinking.  Health Canada mostly follows CDC and WHO guidance. Those organizations don’t always get it right.  WHO is heavily influenced by China and multiple dictatorships.  It relies on their donations.

Yes vaccines and public health measures work, but restrictions have become normalized for relatively low risk of serious illness and death.  Anyway, similar concerns were raised last year and doubted by Pollyannas.  Here we are a year later with vaccines, yet the promise of more waves and restrictions persists.  Where will we be a year from now?

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3 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Here's another in an increasing appearance of stories Citizen would like us to ignore:

‘Fully Vaccinated’ Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant Dies of COVID-19

I draw a slightly different conclusion than the article does. I contend that if Maurice had been open to what the vaccine hesitant were saying he might have pushed harder for therapeutics once he knew he was infected and if he had been lucky enough to find a doctor who ignored the pressure and chose to know about such things he might still be with us.

Therapeutics do work really well. The experimental gene therapy covid vaccines will not. They are responsible for many people ending up with a serious illness or have died after they took the coivd vaccines. 

Websites action4canada, wakeupcanada, and vaccinechoicecanada sites will explain all of the dangers of these covid vaccines to anyone who is willing to listen to what they have to say. They are not a bunch of kooks or conspiracy crazy people. I have listened to what they have had to say about those covid vaccines, and I believe that they have saved me from serious illness or maybe even death from not taking any one of those experimental covid vaccines. ?


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Speaking of things Citizen would prefer we didn't know I don't like this increasing pressure to push this experimental vaccine on kids. I don't see the reason for it and it could be dangerous. Citizen would poo poo that and call it conspiracy but I remember hearing about something called Thalidomide. In fact I met a one-armed, one-legged guy one time years ago who was a thalidomide baby.

But Citizen says he likes numbers so I'd like to know if he wants to put parents who won't vaccinate their kids in a camp after reading this one below.


I don't even like the idea of masking kids. I've never been convinced masks work and the idea of choking kids with CO2, putting them behind bacteria-ridden salvia contaminated soaked cloth seems dumb. Especially since they don't work and are only being pushed by virtue-signaling, power-hounds.


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