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Trump going to jail... "so unfair"!

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On 5/5/2021 at 2:58 PM, taxme said:

If only the deep state democrats did their job and also went after Hunter Bidumb and the Clinton's for their crimes against America. But I doubt very much that will ever happen in corrupt Bidumb'S America today. Aw well, let the bs carry on. :D

Well, I shouldn't be the one to get your hopes up, but along with the 22 $Trillion debt bubble Joe is riding and will have to hope interest rates flatline on for the coming years, there is the other problem of Democrat members of the House (including the 'Squad'), is that the self-proclaimed "progressives" have accomplished absolutely nothing on the issues that led a multitude of poor and lower middle class people to fund their grassroots campaigns to get into Congress. 

A warning bell for the Democrat 'progressives' should be seen in the collapse in donations for the friendly media who have played such a big part in elevating their political campaigns, because most of them like Democracy Now, the TYT network and Majority Report have gotten into the game that the fake left - Jacobin, Intercept and others began with - taking big donor funding that comes with strings attached. And obviously the most important strings are never criticize Democrat leaders who are close friends with the liberal billionaire class!

So, AOC & co. may have figured out how to score big campaign donations, but their supporters were expecting them to fight for a $15 minimum wage, Medicare-For-All and an end to state university tuitions. Add in the centrist Dems who don't have much to say besides repeating Trump bad as often as possible and trying to pull up more shards of evidence of some kind of Russian connection that almost certainly now was all fabricated by the Clinton team which extended to allies in the FBI and other government departments. 

If the Dems can't muster much more than this and the economy tanks once the debt monster becomes recognized by creditors, they will have no way of keeping either the House or the Senate!  Like so many other times in history, Washington will turn back to divided government and Republicans coming back into the House as a majority will have their knives out...especially for corrupt, stupid clowns like Hunter! Who left a trail of evidence on a laptop computer he stupidly left at a random computer repair shop when he was on a bender.  

Once again, US politics may turn interesting again as the next soap opera takes off after the mid-terms!

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23 minutes ago, taxme said:

Leftist liberal/Marxists are all a bunch of commie buffoons pure and simple. Most of the big giant tech social media billionaires like Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, J. Bozos or G(sicko)Soros were already apart of the Lincoln Project. They all helped create the Lincoln Project. Pelosi and Shumer(Shuckster)are just but two Marxists that are apart of that gang of globalist comrades. 

Trump will be back. A scary and frightning thought for those democratic liberal commies. The dumbocrats have just another year and a half to try and finish off freedom loving America before it's too late for them where the dumbocrats will then get their demo commie asses kicked out the Congress doors and out on the street and then Trump and his supporters will take back the house and senate. That day cannot get here soon enough. :D 

No No No No!  You and so many other rightwingers are like kids holding automatic weapons and shooting at everything in sight! 

For the record, the Lincoln Project is a Republican grift, intended to make the Republican Party 'respectable' again' get rid of Trump....and get back all the billionaire donor money that started going to the Democrats in recent years. 

And seriously, do you think 100 billionaires are going to identify as marxists or even leftists? Liberal.....that's another matter, because liberalism has become just an identity politics grift in recent times, that has nothing to say about class inequalities or even extreme wealth and poverty. That's why the new brand of billionaires out of Silicon Valley feel so comfortable with liiberals and the Democrat Party. 

And for some reason, you didn't include new kid on the block - Elon Musk! Fresh off his public image retooling by hosting a goddawful SNL show Saturday, that was so bad, most of the blame has to go to the writers and performers there now. The days when SNL was edgy and risky for the political and business establishment are long gone in the past today!

And Trump!  I think what scares the monied elites and motivated them to pull funding out of the GOP and create a Democrat monopoly was because they consider Trump to be unreliable for their cause. He's too unpredictable and unreliable by just about everybody. I've heard a couple of political scientists say that the shift caused by Trump may lead to a change on the field of politics, like was last seen in 1932, when FDR's Democrats were taking over and intending to move to the left because of the angry mobs of unemployed and farmers forced off their lands because of the dust bowl out west.

There was so much anger among the traditional Republican base - farmers, small business owners and progressives, meant they started moving to FDR because he had proposed real plans to act on the growing crisis after the 1929 Stock Market Crash. FDR was seen by the Wall Street brokers and bankers as a traitor to his class, when he told them that they had to make some concessions to the poor or they would risk losing everything they had, even their lives if he wasn't there to do something about it. 

So, who knows what's next, but the Democrats( including so called progressives) have clearly moved right and betrayed their base of support, and instead of moving further and further right to try to please billionaires, some Republicans may figure out that it's time for another change in polarity like FDR did, going the other way almost 90 years ago!

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Anyone to the left of the right is a liberal leftist or Marxist. You cannot be a "rightwinger" and a "leftwinger" at the same time. I want to be way way to the right because it helps to keep me safely distant and away from those lefty liberal Marxists. Now that kind of social distancing works well for me. Just saying. LOL.  

Marxists aren't liberals! And I suspect that like most people on the right, you are slashing and flailing, not knowing who you are attacking or who is attacking you! Because although some on the right have figured out that bankers, hedge fund managers and international capital are not their friends, they still won't do anything to stop them from further building up their monopolies or increasing their wealth! So, there are no solutions for our present predicament coming from the right!

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20 hours ago, Right To Left said:

No No No No!  You and so many other rightwingers are like kids holding automatic weapons and shooting at everything in sight! 

For the record, the Lincoln Project is a Republican grift, intended to make the Republican Party 'respectable' again' get rid of Trump....and get back all the billionaire donor money that started going to the Democrats in recent years. 

And seriously, do you think 100 billionaires are going to identify as marxists or even leftists? Liberal.....that's another matter, because liberalism has become just an identity politics grift in recent times, that has nothing to say about class inequalities or even extreme wealth and poverty. That's why the new brand of billionaires out of Silicon Valley feel so comfortable with liiberals and the Democrat Party. 

And for some reason, you didn't include new kid on the block - Elon Musk! Fresh off his public image retooling by hosting a goddawful SNL show Saturday, that was so bad, most of the blame has to go to the writers and performers there now. The days when SNL was edgy and risky for the political and business establishment are long gone in the past today!

And Trump!  I think what scares the monied elites and motivated them to pull funding out of the GOP and create a Democrat monopoly was because they consider Trump to be unreliable for their cause. He's too unpredictable and unreliable by just about everybody. I've heard a couple of political scientists say that the shift caused by Trump may lead to a change on the field of politics, like was last seen in 1932, when FDR's Democrats were taking over and intending to move to the left because of the angry mobs of unemployed and farmers forced off their lands because of the dust bowl out west.

There was so much anger among the traditional Republican base - farmers, small business owners and progressives, meant they started moving to FDR because he had proposed real plans to act on the growing crisis after the 1929 Stock Market Crash. FDR was seen by the Wall Street brokers and bankers as a traitor to his class, when he told them that they had to make some concessions to the poor or they would risk losing everything they had, even their lives if he wasn't there to do something about it. 

So, who knows what's next, but the Democrats( including so called progressives) have clearly moved right and betrayed their base of support, and instead of moving further and further right to try to please billionaires, some Republicans may figure out that it's time for another change in polarity like FDR did, going the other way almost 90 years ago!

Americans and Canadians have but one big huge and terrible problem. Gawd dam politicians. These buffoons have done more to harm our every day lives and phuk up everything they touch. Why do we have left and right politician political party's all the time? Why do we not have politicians that will work together by staying the hell out of we the people's lives? We do need a people's party, not a multitude of political party's. 

We the people only need a political party that believes in less taxes, less government, less restrictions and more freedom. Once we can get a political party that thinks and believes in this policy, Canada and America, and the rest of the world should become a better place to live. There is way way too much government bureaucracy and world organizations like the UN in our daily lives. If we keep allowing our dear f'n political leaders to keep ruining our lives, things can never change. 

The liberal democrats in America, the leftist liberals, progressive conservatives and the NDP socialist political party's in Canada have all shown themselves to be nothing more than a bunch of buffoons being allowed to keep running and ruining Canada and America. Trump's government was working well for America. Now America is stuck with a Marxist Bidumb leader who does not know as to what day it is. 

If our dear comrade leaders keep borrowing money like there is no tomorrow, we are all heading for one big market crash. I personally believe that this is the plan by the American democrats and the liberals in Canada. Bankrupt both countries and bring in the great globalist reset. This Covid virus hoax was designed as an excuse to do just that. 

trump and the GOP must take the house and senate back from the dumbocrats. Here in Canada, Canadians must vote for the People's Party of Canada. They are the only real and true conservative party left in Canada to vote for. To vote for the same old tired and corrupt political party's will allow this present day bull chit to go on forever. Covid is an excuse to install Marxist tyranny in Canada. Believe it or not. ;)  


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20 hours ago, Right To Left said:

Marxists aren't liberals! And I suspect that like most people on the right, you are slashing and flailing, not knowing who you are attacking or who is attacking you! Because although some on the right have figured out that bankers, hedge fund managers and international capital are not their friends, they still won't do anything to stop them from further building up their monopolies or increasing their wealth! So, there are no solutions for our present predicament coming from the right!

Well, it is for dam sure that the leftist liberal socialists Marxists political party's that we have in Canada today will not make anything better for the people of Canada. Things can only get worse. The Castro Trudeau liberals today are starting to act more and more like Marxists every day thanks to this Covid nonsense. And Castro is going to keep trying to convince the many sad buffoons out there that we must continue to carry on with all of the Covid restrictions for a little(longer)while until we can get 70% of the sheeple to get vaccinated.

It will not reach 70%. So, Canadians are going to have to learn to stay and keep living in Covid limbo for a long while yet. That is just up Castro's alley. Now Castro can keep his foot on the Canadian people's necks for a long while yet. Freedom will be a very long time away. Tyranny will become your new normal life now. 

We cannot reach that 70% number because it is believed that we have reached the numbers of the people that want to be vaccinated and that the rest of us non-vaxers are all that is left. And we do not want to get vaccinated. So, now what? 

More than 22 American states have now dropped all of their Covid restrictions and the people are once again free to live their old normal lives. It would appear as though our dear political Covid comrade leaders are not yet ready to give up dictatorial Marxist power and control over us. On the contrary, they appear to want to keep it going by bringing in more new Covid restrictions every month.

As I have said here many times already. It is my personal belief that the majority of Canadians are just plain stupid. They will comply without asking any questions or challenging anything their dear leaders tell or shove on them. They just continue to act like a bunch of no mind zombies. Just my personal opinion of course. ;)

Trump will never see the inside of any gulag. So unfair, eh? :lol:


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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

Americans and Canadians have but one big huge and terrible problem. Gawd dam politicians. These buffoons have done more to harm our every day lives and phuk up everything they touch. Why do we have left and right politician political party's all the time? Why do we not have politicians that will work together by staying the hell out of we the people's lives? We do need a people's party, not a multitude of political party's. 

Isn't that the same song and dance voters hear every four years from politicians and aspiring candidates? Why are most politicians corrupt? Could it have something to do with having rich businessmen dropping by or sending others on their behalf looking to make deals...telling them how they can take a little on the side for all of the hard work they are doing on behalf of the people?


We the people only need a political party that believes in less taxes, less government, less restrictions and more freedom.

So, why have government at all then? 

We've been moving in this direction ever since the Reagan/Mulroney 80's, and all this political philosophy has accomplished so far, is to poison the attitude a majority of people have towards government workers or public servants of all types. Back when I was in school, I don't recall the general condemnations of public school teachers for example. Teachers were considered a respected profession whose task was to train a new generation to take their place in society. When there were teachers strikes in the 70's, there were complaints starting about how much teachers were earning from what most people perceived as a six hour a day job, but it wasn't like today, where I've known more than a few young people quit teaching after 5, 10, even 20 years because they're sick of complaints coming at them from all sides....school administrators playing CYA and shifting the blame for stuff that goes on, mouthy 13 to 18 year olds who no longer worry about anyone in a position of authority having the right to give them a smack or a backhander in the mouth...like I saw a few times during my schooldays!  What I don't recall was parents going to the school, threatening teachers they claim aren't treating their kids right or giving them low grades for being dumb or not turning in homework.



Once we can get a political party that thinks and believes in this policy, Canada and America, and the rest of the world should become a better place to live. There is way way too much government bureaucracy and world organizations like the UN in our daily lives. If we keep allowing our dear f'n political leaders to keep ruining our lives, things can never change. 


And that political party won't be corrupted by multibillionaire banking and tech monopolists?  

Back 50 years ago, when corporate lawyer, and well compensated member of 11 major corporate boards across America - Lewis Powell wrote up the battle plan for his corporate brethren...a communist manifesto in reverse - The Powell Memo, which was sent out to members of the US Chamber of Commerce, but NOT divulged to mainstream media at large, Powell set out a brief case of how the persecuted minority - corporate CEO's could reverse the gains made by organized labour, consumer rights groups, environmentalists and other class enemies of the rich class. All they had to do was use their money to fight the demographic advantage of the great unwashed multitude of wage earners! 

At first, Powell's game plan, carried out by stealth through media and public institutions - especially state-funded universities, moved slowly and methodically until 1980, when they had the perfect useful idiot to mouth their propaganda talking points - Ronald Reagan! 

After all the haranging by Reagan and his repeaters about "tax and spend government" Reagan set out a course of "borrow and spend" so that the 1980's economy grew so fast, it benefited most people a little, along with the rich gaining a whole lot. And the die was cast for more and more pressure to reduce taxes...especially on "job creators" who bid up the values of their own stock portfolios rather than add more jobs. The productive economy in the US was replaced with the finance economy, and it hasn't changed since!

The only major manufacturing protected has been the weapons production industries....the largest of which have small divisions in every state in the lower 48 - like Lockheed-Martin and G.E. This way, every time some multibillion dollar boondoggle was being held up by a budget committee in Congress, out would come the hounds baying at the moon and the MSM complaining about certain members 'risking' America's security! And that's how the US got saddled with an expensive, mostly useless arms and weapons industries! And it's also why America has to get more and more creative at creating and increasing conflict around the world - those missiles, jet fighters and carrier fleets can't justify their own existence if a warzone doesn't pop up in the news every now and then to keep the American people living in fear and willing to sign off on anything the Pentagon planners want! 

Aside from that, as has so often occurred with empires of the past, the people living within the empire end up impoverished almost at the same scale as those nations that have been targeted as economic colonies for the empire. Why should the pattern be any different today?

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

Well, it is for dam sure that the leftist liberal socialists Marxists political party's that we have in Canada today will not make anything better for the people of Canada. Things can only get worse. The Castro Trudeau liberals today are starting to act more and more like Marxists every day thanks to this Covid nonsense. And Castro is going to keep trying to convince the many sad buffoons out there that we must continue to carry on with all of the Covid restrictions for a little(longer)while until we can get 70% of the sheeple to get vaccinated.

It will not reach 70%. So, Canadians are going to have to learn to stay and keep living in Covid limbo for a long while yet. That is just up Castro's alley. Now Castro can keep his foot on the Canadian people's necks for a long while yet. Freedom will be a very long time away. Tyranny will become your new normal life now. 

We cannot reach that 70% number because it is believed that we have reached the numbers of the people that want to be vaccinated and that the rest of us non-vaxers are all that is left. And we do not want to get vaccinated. So, now what? 

More than 22 American states have now dropped all of their Covid restrictions and the people are once again free to live their old normal lives. It would appear as though our dear political Covid comrade leaders are not yet ready to give up dictatorial Marxist power and control over us. On the contrary, they appear to want to keep it going by bringing in more new Covid restrictions every month.

As I have said here many times already. It is my personal belief that the majority of Canadians are just plain stupid. They will comply without asking any questions or challenging anything their dear leaders tell or shove on them. They just continue to act like a bunch of no mind zombies. Just my personal opinion of course. ;)

Trump will never see the inside of any gulag. So unfair, eh? :lol:


And you're showing the huge holes in conservative thinking today! You don't accept vaccination as a goal, yet you are against all of the social strategies for reducing and limiting the spread of a highly contagious disease also! It would be interesting to see how many of the people gasping for breath, desperate to enter a hospital emergency room were out there a week or two earlier marching with the anti-maskers and complaining about the restrictions on their freedom of choice and movement!

This is why conservativism, libertarianism and other hybrid rightwing ideologies look like death cults today! Why not just tempt fate? Go ahead, just launch the nukes....get it all over with and see if anyone or anything survives. Keep pushing more and more carbon up into the atmosphere because any other course of action might threaten someone's profit expectations. 

And when the time comes that many climatologists with foresight expect in the near future: uncontrollable positive feedbacks - cascading releases of stored carbon as the planet burns and ocean life dies out, find a scapegoat it can all be blamed on, and look to the sky for a divine savior to rescue the true believers from a fate they deserve!

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1 hour ago, Right To Left said:

 This is why conservativism, libertarianism and other hybrid rightwing ideologies look like death cults today!

Actually... you are only *close*.  Conservatism was traditionally about conserving....  
Nixon founded the EPA
George HW Bush established the innovative credit-trading system that addressed CFCs in the atmosphere
Margaret Thatcher urged global action on climate change.

This new halfbreed assholian conservative movements are anything but.  They are fake Christians celebrating the pain and decadence of others, spendthrift deficit-makers who want to cut taxes but not spending, and people who hate education and science.

The Democrats are more conservative than they are, if you remove the social justice crew that is.

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21 hours ago, Right To Left said:

And you're showing the huge holes in conservative thinking today! You don't accept vaccination as a goal, yet you are against all of the social strategies for reducing and limiting the spread of a highly contagious disease also! It would be interesting to see how many of the people gasping for breath, desperate to enter a hospital emergency room were out there a week or two earlier marching with the anti-maskers and complaining about the restrictions on their freedom of choice and movement!

This is why conservativism, libertarianism and other hybrid rightwing ideologies look like death cults today! Why not just tempt fate? Go ahead, just launch the nukes....get it all over with and see if anyone or anything survives. Keep pushing more and more carbon up into the atmosphere because any other course of action might threaten someone's profit expectations. 

And when the time comes that many climatologists with foresight expect in the near future: uncontrollable positive feedbacks - cascading releases of stored carbon as the planet burns and ocean life dies out, find a scapegoat it can all be blamed on, and look to the sky for a divine savior to rescue the true believers from a fate they deserve!

You have answered my point as to why I think and do believe that the majority of Canadians are a stupid lot. They all keep listening to their lying and fake politicians and the media over and over and over again. They never seem to learn that the majority of our welfare recipient bums called politicians and the fake media keeps on lying to them pretty much every day. It is the lying politicians and the lying media that are keeping this Covid hoax alive. 

For decades now people have come into contact with many bad viruses and many have suffered from fever and breathing problems after marching with people. Many ended up in the hospital with no doubt pneumonia and ended up with breathing problems and maybe put on ventilators. Nothing new to see here. Your argument has no merit.  

This Covid bull chit should have ended months ago. 22 American states have pretty much eliminated all of their Covid restrictions. Hello, are you listening yet, lefty boy?

According to the American leftist liberal media tens of thousands of Americans in those 22 Red states are going to die if Covid restrictions were lifted. So far, no mass die offs yet. Hello, are you listening yet, lefty boy? 

Stop thinking that if everybody were vaccinated today that this Covid hoax will come to an end. It will never end. It will vaccinations for years to come every year. The are telling us already that just because someone has been vaccinated does not mean that they cannot get another Covid variant virus. Apparently, they are already talking about a fourth Covid wave coming this fall. Hello, are you listening yet, lefty boy? 

The real deaths cults of today are those Covid cult believers and followers like you who seem to feel that conservatives are the enemy, when in reality, we are trying to save your silly leftist liberal cult Covid life.

Myself and obviously some female Covid cult member were waiting for the elevator to arrive. When the elevator arrived I stepped inside but the woman would not. I asked are you getting in, and she said no. I asked her why and she said to me that I was not wearing my mask and would not get in the elevator even though she was wearing her silly looking clown mask. This is the sick mentality of many of these Covid cult members today. They constantly are living in a state of fear and panic and paranoia over being totally afraid of getting some flu virus. Pathetic people indeed. 

So, stopping trying to preach to me that Covid and Climate change are all for real. Both are not for real and you are not for real. You are a joke. Just saying. ;)  


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On 5/11/2021 at 6:07 PM, Michael Hardner said:

Actually... you are only *close*.  Conservatism was traditionally about conserving....  
Nixon founded the EPA
George HW Bush established the innovative credit-trading system that addressed CFCs in the atmosphere
Margaret Thatcher urged global action on climate change.

This new halfbreed assholian conservative movements are anything but.  They are fake Christians celebrating the pain and decadence of others, spendthrift deficit-makers who want to cut taxes but not spending, and people who hate education and science.

The Democrats are more conservative than they are, if you remove the social justice crew that is.

You do understand what "TODAY" means, right?

Is what you described anything near today's Republicans?

And, fwiw - Nixon was an embattled president in his 2nd term, dealing with the Watergate Investigation when he signed on to creating the EPA. Would he have done it otherwise? 

And when it comes to carbon credit trading, don't make me laugh! That scheme is even worse and more full of holes than carbon taxation schemes! 

It may be extreme, and like pulling teeth from the people who rule this world today, but there is no way of solving a climate crisis caused by capitalism without ending capitalist motivations and constant economic growth in energy consumption and production.

I'll say it again, whether you like it or not: conservatives and libertarians and all forms of radical individualist political theories are where they are today because their brilliant ideas have largely been applied by both right and moderate capitalist parties and the environment has become progressively worse! 

And then there's the nuclear sword of Damocles that was never dealt with 50 or 60 years ago, and it's crazy American generals and even presidents who are threatening to use it today in nuclear first strike attacks on Russia and/or China! Whether they are serious or are just bluffing is a moot point. Since just making the threat means that America's adversaries have to be on constant hair-trigger alert just in case they are serious, and the big US air assault and invasion begins!

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4 hours ago, taxme said:

So, stopping trying to preach to me that Covid and Climate change are all for real. Both are not for real and you are not for real. You are a joke. Just saying. ;)  

You will likely keep repeating all this as you descend through hell's flames, and collect the just rewards for all of those who choose to serve evil


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On 5/11/2021 at 3:53 PM, Right To Left said:

So, why have government at all then?

Because we do need a moderate amount of control to establish a "system" for civility. Rather than swinging from one extreme to the other, from totalitarian control to anarchy. Progs are extremists and out of their minds.


And that political party won't be corrupted by multibillionaire banking and tech monopolists? 

Bring back Kings.

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4 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Because we do need a moderate amount of control to establish a "system" for civility. Rather than swinging from one extreme to the other, from totalitarian control to anarchy. Progs are extremists and out of their minds.

And what of the rightwingers who want to gut government completely of services for the people, while keeping that 'system for civility' you describe! 

How civil is it to allow a system of government that freely allows itself to be coopted and used by rich and powerful forces, while allowing those who are unemployed or unemployable (them too) to live short lives and die on the streets?

Recall that all forms of leftist movements from the start of the Levelers and Diggers during 1640's England that had been divided by a civil war between Cromwell's Republicans and the Monarchists who were loyal to the King. 

The message from the Diggers...the most radical wing of the peasant uprising was in so many words 'we couldn't give a flying F about your war over whether rich landowners should rule or whether a king has divine sanction to rule the people, we got our own plan:

The Diggers [or ‘True Levellers’] were led by William Everard who had served in the New Model Army. As the name implies, the diggers aimed to use the earth to reclaim the freedom that they felt had been lost partly through the Norman Conquest; by seizing the land and owning it ‘in common’ they would challenge what they considered to be the slavery of property. They were opposed to the use of force and believed that they could create a classless society simply through seizing land and holding it in the ‘common good’.

Unfortunately, just as with today's pacifists, it was probably a mistake to figure that a path of non-violence will work against the rule of rich sociopaths who don't give a crap about people anyway!

And back to the here and now, by trying to foist the blame on all kinds of 'progressives' however you define them, you are blaming the people who are reacting to oppression for not accepting it quietly and trying to rise up against those who have a foot (or knee) on their necks!


Bring back Kings.

Yeah, why not keep repeating the same mistakes over and over and over again!

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17 hours ago, Right To Left said:

You will likely keep repeating all this as you descend through hell's flames, and collect the just rewards for all of those who choose to serve evil


Thus sayeth the Lord Lefty. So, I saw today that Covid cult leader Doug Ford has decided to order people to stay at home until June 2nd. And the Covid 1984 nonsense continues on. I am taking a guess here but if I know those cult leaders, like Ford and how those dimwits think, after June 2nd the stay at home orders will still be in place and may be extended to July 2nd. Hey, we never know, eh? Let's just wait and see, Covid cult member. ;)

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20 minutes ago, Right To Left said:

And what of the rightwingers who want to gut government completely of services for the people, while keeping that 'system for civility' you describe! 

How civil is it to allow a system of government that freely allows itself to be coopted and used by rich and powerful forces, while allowing those who are unemployed or unemployable (them too) to live short lives and die on the streets?

Recall that all forms of leftist movements from the start of the Levelers and Diggers during 1640's England that had been divided by a civil war between Cromwell's Republicans and the Monarchists who were loyal to the King. 

The message from the Diggers...the most radical wing of the peasant uprising was in so many words 'we couldn't give a flying F about your war over whether rich landowners should rule or whether a king has divine sanction to rule the people, we got our own plan:

The Diggers [or ‘True Levellers’] were led by William Everard who had served in the New Model Army. As the name implies, the diggers aimed to use the earth to reclaim the freedom that they felt had been lost partly through the Norman Conquest; by seizing the land and owning it ‘in common’ they would challenge what they considered to be the slavery of property. They were opposed to the use of force and believed that they could create a classless society simply through seizing land and holding it in the ‘common good’.

Unfortunately, just as with today's pacifists, it was probably a mistake to figure that a path of non-violence will work against the rule of rich sociopaths who don't give a crap about people anyway!

And back to the here and now, by trying to foist the blame on all kinds of 'progressives' however you define them, you are blaming the people who are reacting to oppression for not accepting it quietly and trying to rise up against those who have a foot (or knee) on their necks!

Yeah, why not keep repeating the same mistakes over and over and over again!

Progressives Marxists are always creating new and more shitty problems. All I have ever seen coming from those Marxists progressives is to create more new taxes, more and bigger government, more communist like rules and regulations and less freedom for we the people. 

Indeed. As long as there are the many fools and idiots out there who keep voting for these same Marxist progressives, who keep making the same mistakes over and over and over again, things will never improve but will only get worse. That is a given. :o

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

Progressives Marxists are always creating new and more shitty problems. All I have ever seen coming from those Marxists progressives is to create more new taxes, more and bigger government, more communist like rules and regulations and less freedom for we the people. 

Indeed. As long as there are the many fools and idiots out there who keep voting for these same Marxist progressives, who keep making the same mistakes over and over and over again, things will never improve but will only get worse. That is a given. :o

1. never mind raising taxes! Why not roll back the rights of corporate personhood to where they were when America became a nation: Corporate charters had to be renewed every five to 10 years, and demonstrate that they have been acting in the public interest (that would be a high hurdle for most of them today); until 1886, corporations did not have rights under the "equal protection clause" of the 14th Amendment...which was originally intended for freed slaves..not artificial persons! 

2. Besides, raise corporate and investment taxes, not income taxes on earnings....that's what hammers most wage earners, not taxes on investment income that only a minority of stock market players are part of the game.


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2 hours ago, taxme said:

Thus sayeth the Lord Lefty. So, I saw today that Covid cult leader Doug Ford has decided to order people to stay at home until June 2nd. And the Covid 1984 nonsense continues on. I am taking a guess here but if I know those cult leaders, like Ford and how those dimwits think, after June 2nd the stay at home orders will still be in place and may be extended to July 2nd. Hey, we never know, eh? Let's just wait and see, Covid cult member. ;)

Well, since Doug Ford is on your shitlist now, that explains all of the gnashing and flailing! 

Who is on your side? Even the Republican governors in the US, who want to keep everything open, are trying to push everyone in line for state-subsidized vaccines.

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23 hours ago, Right To Left said:

Well, since Doug Ford is on your shitlist now, that explains all of the gnashing and flailing! 

Who is on your side? Even the Republican governors in the US, who want to keep everything open, are trying to push everyone in line for state-subsidized vaccines.

With everything opened up now, why would any of these Republican governors want to push vaccines? And because of the freedoms that the people have gained back in those Republican states, they are free to do as they please. Ron Desantis has already said that there will be no vaccine passport enforcement in his state. 

You need to educate yourself a little on politics by trying to listen to FOX news once in awhile. There you will get the other side of the story. You know the other side of the story that you Covid cult people are too afraid to go visit. Your problem. ;)

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3 minutes ago, taxme said:

With everything opened up now, why would any of these Republican governors want to push vaccines?

The point is They Are!


And because of the freedoms that the people have gained back in those Republican states, they are free to do as they please. Ron Desantis has already said that there will be no vaccine passport enforcement in his state. 

DeSantis and that crippled feeb who runs Texas are both paying for vaccines with their own state funding. If they bought into the bullshit vaccine passports that Dems have bought on to, they know they would be politically dead! But, making them free and telling their public health officials to get vaccination centers set up with certain friendly businesses, they can have it both ways. Now if they were spouting the crap the anti-vaxxers are about vaccines, then they would be screwed! Because infection, hospitalization and death rates would all be rising again.


You need to educate yourself a little on politics by trying to listen to FOX news once in awhile. There you will get the other side of the story. You know the other side of the story that you Covid cult people are too afraid to go visit. Your problem. 


Does Foxnews have a clear, coherent message on vaccines? Maybe it depends whether the host is Tucker or helmet head Hannity!

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20 hours ago, Right To Left said:

The point is They Are!

DeSantis and that crippled feeb who runs Texas are both paying for vaccines with their own state funding. If they bought into the bullshit vaccine passports that Dems have bought on to, they know they would be politically dead! But, making them free and telling their public health officials to get vaccination centers set up with certain friendly businesses, they can have it both ways. Now if they were spouting the crap the anti-vaxxers are about vaccines, then they would be screwed! Because infection, hospitalization and death rates would all be rising again.

Does Foxnews have a clear, coherent message on vaccines? Maybe it depends whether the host is Tucker or helmet head Hannity!

Does CNN and MSNBC have a clear message on vaccines? They do, and what they say is for you to take your vaccines as demanded of you and shut your brain dead Covid cult mask mouth up. I have a clear message on vaccines. You can take those vaccines and shove them up the azz! Tucker and Hannity will not say those words, but I have no problem saying those words. Only a real and true conservative will say it as it should be said. 

The difference between you and me is that you will do as you are ordered to do without question by your dear comrade leaders, where I will not do as I am ordered to do by those same dear comrade leaders we call politicians. Imagine taking orders from a bunch of welfare recipient political bums who have no idea as to what they are talking about when it comes to mostly anything. Only a real and true politician will do is own research and question things like this Covid nonsense.

Sadly, we do not have any real and true political leaders here in Canada anymore. Just political dictators now. We have a bunch of welfare recipient bum politicians who now have become our slave owners and plantation masters. And just look at what politicians have done today. Phk'd everybody's lives up with their constant lies on Covid. Hello? Stop being a slave to these buffoons. They could careless about you or me. They know that all this Covid nonsense is just that? Covid nonsense. It's time for the sheeple to wake the hell up and get rid of these Covid restrictions that are making their lives miserable as hell. I know that they have and are still making my life as miserable as hell. I am done with Covid. 



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3 hours ago, taxme said:

The difference between you and me is that you will do as you are ordered to do without question by your dear comrade leaders, where I will not do as I am ordered to do by those same dear comrade leaders we call politicians.

NO, the difference is that, if I believe one side of an argument or debate is valid/and one is not, than I will take that side, and it has nothing to do with political party or ideology!

I do not follow orders of any kind, just because someone says so. That's the primary reason why, after doing militia training in high school, I decided not to sign up for a five year stint with the Armed Forces, back at a time during the mid-70's when unemployment was very high at the time I finished high school. 

if I get good advice, I follow it/ if not, I don't!





A word of warning - if you or anyone comes up and tells me to take off my mask, I'm going to tell them where to go!  And if anyone tries to pull off my mask, as some assholes have been recorded doing on video, they will get a punch in the mouth, and worse if they persist!

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On 5/15/2021 at 1:55 PM, Right To Left said:

NO, the difference is that, if I believe one side of an argument or debate is valid/and one is not, than I will take that side, and it has nothing to do with political party or ideology!

I do not follow orders of any kind, just because someone says so. That's the primary reason why, after doing militia training in high school, I decided not to sign up for a five year stint with the Armed Forces, back at a time during the mid-70's when unemployment was very high at the time I finished high school. 

if I get good advice, I follow it/ if not, I don't!

A word of warning - if you or anyone comes up and tells me to take off my mask, I'm going to tell them where to go!  And if anyone tries to pull off my mask, as some assholes have been recorded doing on video, they will get a punch in the mouth, and worse if they persist!

it's time for you to take off your mask and smell the Covid 19 hoax bull chit. 


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