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America Under pResident Biden

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You were saying you wanted to bring issues from another message board over here.

I'm against that but if you pushed me I would have to remember how you were kind of famous for getting people riled by misinterpreting them and telling them what they meant by this or that and for that matter what they thought. You were always wrong of course. But why would a lying troll care about that?

The evidence for you being just that is that you started this and won't leave it alone.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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1 hour ago, godzilla said:

no, don't think that.

back to the Biden presidency, shall we?


Get ready for a sharp increase in terrorist attacks, a sharp decline in living conditions in American cities, the death of free speech, fascism, and the rapid growth of Chinese power over America.

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22 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

the military said that the threat of the virus was holding up legal proceedings. i guess since they've pulled back from that the real bad guys will have more time before being convicted.

but yeah, i expect we can see more of this as even state side prisons will get the vaccine and probably before many others. its epidemiological to cover places where large numbers are held together... allowing any hive of the disease to run rampant serves as a launch pad for more strains.


i'd like to point out though... pretty strange that Rs are all concerned with Unity now?! hahahaa! i mean, are Rs behind unity? or not? not quite sure...

"Nothing says #unity like letting the 9/11 mastermind & Gitmo detainees skip in front of millions of Americans for the COVID #vaccine," added Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.), citing Biden’s repeated calls for unity."

Pentagon pauses plan to offer coronavirus vaccine to Guantánamo Bay prisoners

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From your link:


The Pentagon announced Saturday that it is pausing a plan to offer coronavirus vaccines to prisoners at Guantanamo Bay after facing a wave of pushback.

The power of pushback. At least there's a delay.

Now there should be more pushback on Biden's cockamamie plan to get the Chi-comms involved in the American power grid. That one's dangerous.

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2 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

He is not wrong. blue states are slow. Then, Pfizer starts to bill USA for 6 doses per vial, but there are not enough low dead space syringes to go around. Now, people outrage that guantanamo Bay detainees vaccinated.

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4 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

"The plans that were being made were being made with the assumption that more information would be available and be revealed once they got into the White House.”

its not surprising that the whole federal gov is shit show mess after the Trump administration vacated without even giving the new government the time of day is it?

and again, Biden has delayed all changes to Trumps last minute regulations. and the Rs and supporting systems are obviously being fed stuff by the prior administration that the Biden admin doesn't even know about yet to try and raise shit.

don't worry, they'll get it figured out. and i would expect nothing less from an administration coming in. oh yeah, i didn't like Obama either... but he ran a proper hand off to Trump. Trump is such an asshole.

by the way... Biden has a 68% approval rating! hahaha! Trump never dreamed of such a number his whole term.

Biden enters White House with slight rise in poll numbers

Edited by godzilla
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11 minutes ago, godzilla said:



Well, Daily Kos just doesn't get this comedy thing....unless this counts as funny to brainwashed MSNBC koolaid drinkers! 

For those of us old enough to understand there are no good guys and bad guys in politics....especially in bought and paid for US politics, it's just another orangeman bad yawner!

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22 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

You were saying you wanted to bring issues from another message board over here.

I'm against that but if you pushed me I would have to remember how you were kind of famous for getting people riled by misinterpreting them and telling them what they meant by this or that and for that matter what they thought. You were always wrong of course. But why would a lying troll care about that?

The evidence for you being just that is that you started this and won't leave it alone.

Nothing is misinterpreted. The nonsense you desperately spew out doesn’t even make sense to you and then when you’re ridiculed for it you try to change your story after the fact and claim you’ve been misinterpreted. It’s sad but at the same time amusing. 

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6 minutes ago, Right To Left said:

Well, Daily Kos just doesn't get this comedy thing....unless this counts as funny to brainwashed MSNBC koolaid drinkers! 

For those of us old enough to understand there are no good guys and bad guys in politics....especially in bought and paid for US politics, it's just another orangeman bad yawner!

These comics aren’t so much funny as they are accurate. The commentary is spot on

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20 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Any chances the problem is relying on systems of For Profit Medicine? How much did Jonas Salk earn for the Polio vaccine? 

Oh well, long time ago, people had different expectations back then. Now it's all about money!

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2 minutes ago, Right To Left said:

Any chances the problem is relying on systems of For Profit Medicine? How much did Jonas Salk earn for the Polio vaccine? 

Oh well, long time ago, people had different expectations back then. Now it's all about money!

Seems like something to consider all right. 

One also might consider something like this one from last year:

Big Pharma Backs Joe Biden, But People Don't Think He'll Fix Drug Pricing

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13 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Nothing is misinterpreted. The nonsense you desperately spew out doesn’t even make sense to you and then when you’re ridiculed for it you try to change your story after the fact and claim you’ve been misinterpreted. It’s sad but at the same time amusing. 

You're trolling isn't helping your case that you're not a lying troll, Dummy. You might want to try a different tact. Just sayin'... ;)

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1 minute ago, Infidel Dog said:

Seems like something to consider all right. 

One also might consider something like this one from last year:

Big Pharma Backs Joe Biden, But People Don't Think He'll Fix Drug Pricing

Yes, Slow Joe won the money sweepstakes two to one before winning the presidential race against Trump by a much closer margin. 

I'm surprised your link is from Newsweek though! I'm not sure whether to feel hopeful that they will emerge from their status as controlled opposition, or they have since fired that writer for presenting an honest perspective on his candidacy and the steep odds against a career politician  in the pocket of Big Pharma fighting to lower drug prices.

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9 minutes ago, Right To Left said:

You actually believe that Joe is a good guy? Better not look at his almost half a century long record as a senator and congressman repping Delaware then!  

Where did I say that?  In the cesspool that is US politics, he’s currently the the cleanest turd - the least worst option in a system that can only produce varying degrees of bad options 

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1 minute ago, BeaverFever said:

Where did I say that?  In the cesspool that is US politics, he’s currently the the cleanest turd - the least worst option in a system that can only produce bad options 

No, not buying! The only reason why almost 80 year old Joe was brought out of mothballs was to make sure that the will of America's true rulers would be followed after they dumped out the volatile and unreliable servant - Donnie. 

As middling and meek as his so called "socialism" is, the last thing the DNC would allow was a win for Bernie Sanders during the primaries. They carefully scripted a plan to rig the first caucus in Iowa (an unnecessary counting app created by a Buttigieg financier) and then made sure other, lesser centrist options dropped out before Super Tuesday primaries....but left Warren in just to siphon votes away from Bernie. 

Not surprised much of the left still didn't bother with the election and took to demonstrations and rioting instead!

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2 minutes ago, Right To Left said:

No, not buying! The only reason why almost 80 year old Joe was brought out of mothballs was to make sure that the will of America's true rulers would be followed after they dumped out the volatile and unreliable servant - Donnie. 

As middling and meek as his so called "socialism" is, the last thing the DNC would allow was a win for Bernie Sanders during the primaries. They carefully scripted a plan to rig the first caucus in Iowa (an unnecessary counting app created by a Buttigieg financier) and then made sure other, lesser centrist options dropped out before Super Tuesday primaries....but left Warren in just to siphon votes away from Bernie. 

Not surprised much of the left still didn't bother with the election and took to demonstrations and rioting instead!

As I said he’s the least worst option in a system that can only produce bad options. Bernie and the true left will never be viable contenders for the throne. The only viable candidates for most important offices are corporate puppets in the corrupt US political system. Characters like Bernie and AOC are just for show but don’t ever stand a chance 

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