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The Lawsuits

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Also, the historic rejection rate of mail in ballots is a stat that bears investigation.  Every election, there have been mail in ballots, for varying reasons.  When you look at the number of mail in ballots rejected each year, it averages 1%.  This is ballots that are missing information, are not signed, the person is not eligible, or some other legal reason.

In this election, applying the 1% average to the mail in ballots in PA, around 26,000 mail in ballots would have been rejected.  They rejected 951 ballots.  951 ballots, and they blocked, barred, and abused the republican watchers.  And this is in an election where millions mail in voted for the first time and would have been unfamiliar with the process.

Then there were 21,000 dead people still registered on the rolls in PA.  They had been court ordered to purge the rolls and didn't.  

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12 minutes ago, sharkman said:

This is the most dishonest post I've seen on the matter.

Also, I'm confused by the assertion that the right is promising violence at all.  Then that they are promising it if THE COURTS GIVE THEM THE RESULTS THEY WANT.  Perhaps that's a mis-post?  Because otherwise you've lost me, and everyone else, I think. 

To answer your questions at the beginning of your post, I'll accept the results when a federal court reviews the matter and makes a decision on the election.  I'm just speaking for myself, here, but either way I'll hope that the mess that is mail in ballots gets fixed. 

Between the ballots that came in after the deadline of 7 pm November 3rd, and the ballots that were cast from out of the state they voted in, we are talking of probably over 400,000 ballots that are inadmissible(by existing laws), nationwide.  Justice Alito even sent a ruling to PA to segregate these late ballots and he was ignored.  That's a serious legal issue.  They disobeyed a direct ruling from a Supreme Court Justice.

This is something that you may not be able to recognize, but the Democrats and the Media did not accept the results of the 2016 election ever.  They never accepted it, and for them to now demand that we all accept the 2020 election is laughable.

Edit:  To add to the 400,000 inadmissible ballots, the electronic voting systems that gave a reported 3% of Trump's votes to Biden across at least 28 states, if it turns out to be true, is grounds for prison sentences.

Taxme said there would be violence if “the coup” is not stopped. So in similar comments, he and Fiddle and WestCan have already decided that it’s an indisputable fact that this alleged coup has taken place. They did NOT say they would respect or accept a court decision that disagreed with them in fact they’ve suggested the contrary. They’ve already turned on fellow Republicans who don’t support the lawsuits. 

You are also mistaken about the out of state and late arriving ballots. Military members and students studying out of state vote in their home state. That is not illegal. But your Republican propaganda leaves that part out when they scream about finding out of state ballots. 

Pennsylvania and North Carolina laws also allow late ballots as long as they are postmarked by election day. PA will count ballots arriving up to November 6 and NC up to November 12. That’s state law. But your Republican propaganda leaves that part out when they scream about finding late arriving ballots. 

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Saying that there may or could or will be violence if this thing goes unchallenged is not the same as threatening violence.  The left's extremists are already committing violence but neither side has a monopoly on hot heads.  The left hasn't had a reason to burn down buildings and otherwise riot just because they don't like Trump.  

As to mail in ballots, I'm not talking about military and students that are out of state, those are fine.   I'm talking about people that moved away, had their mail forwarded, and received their mail in ballot and filled it out.  There also may have been other methods by which people illegally voted out of state. 

And whatever each state has a a legal deadline for collecting ballots, some ignored their own deadlines, or back dated the lated ballots or used some other method to get around their own laws.  These are the cases I'm referring to.

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46 minutes ago, sharkman said:

As to mail in ballots, I'm not talking about military and students that are out of state, those are fine.   I'm talking about people that moved away, had their mail forwarded, and received their mail in ballot and filled it out.  There also may have been other methods by which people illegally voted out of state. 

And whatever each state has a a legal deadline for collecting ballots, some ignored their own deadlines, or back dated the lated ballots or used some other method to get around their own laws.  These are the cases I'm referring to.

There’s no evidence of that... especially on a scale that would change the result of the election or a state.

And how would that work as a conspiracy anyway?  The Dems convinced thousands and thousands of people to move out of state just before the election, forward their mail then illegally register to vote and mail their ballots back fo Dems?  Doesn’t make sense. 

Edited by BeaverFever
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10 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

And how would that work as a conspiracy anyway?  The Dems convinced thousands and thousands of people to move out of state just before the election, forward their mail then illegally register to vote and mail their ballots back fo Dems?  Doesn’t make sense. 

The fraud in this case is the dem counters, approving mostly  Dem ballots only.  We’ll be finding out next week which affidavits on this are accurate.

Apparently the PA illegal activities are before SCOTUS already, but they are waiting for the rest of the legal actions to make their way over so the whole thing can be deliberated on at the same time. 

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The thing is up to now we've been hearing from Democrat officials in Democrat cities of a state run by a Democrat governor and all of them are notorious for playing fast and loose with the rules.

They're about to meet an attorney general who's cleared the deck of the last Democrat swamp creepture in the DOJ and he's sending in Marshals, the FBI and the secret service to drag these voting officials out of their offices and remind them what happened to people who were covering up a lot less than they are when they lied to the FBI. 

Then things go to the supreme court. The supreme court has the power to order a forensic audit of these voting machines with the questionable history. The CIA itself can be ordered to open it's files. You see software like Dominion that tabulates the ballots is proprietary software and it's protected by copyright but experts say if they can get into the logs any mismanagement should be in there. The CIA has apps called Hammer and scorecard. They have the power to change votes in Dominion software Did the swamp get too full of itself and think it could organize a coup? Doesn't matter. It doesn't have to be them. Dominion voting software has already been hacked by an ordinary hacker at a hacking conference. 

Edited by Infidel Dog
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27 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

The thing is up to now we've been hearing from Democrat officials in Democrat cities of a state run by a Democrat governor and all of them are notorious for playing fast and loose with the rules.

They're about to meet an attorney general who's cleared the deck of the last Democrat swamp creepture in the DOJ and he's sending in Marshals, the FBI and the secret service to drag these voting officials out of their offices and remind them what happened to people who were covering up a lot less than they are when they lied to the FBI. 

Then things go to the supreme court. The supreme court has the power to order a forensic audit of these voting machines with the questionable history. The CIA itself can be ordered to open it's files. You see software like Dominion that tabulates the ballots is proprietary software and it's protected by copyright but experts say if they can get into the logs any mismanagement should be in there. The CIA has apps called Hammer and scorecard. They have the power to change votes in Dominion software Did the swamp get too full of itself and think it could organize a coup? Doesn't matter. It doesn't have to be them. Dominion voting software has already been hacked by an ordinary hacker at a hacking conference. 

I've said this before, but it bears repeating.  You really have nothing to worry about, do you?  Given all the resources you have, if there was any fraud, your boy is in come January.  Why all the fuss?

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1 hour ago, Infidel Dog said:

The thing is up to now we've been hearing from Democrat officials in Democrat cities of a state run by a Democrat governor and all of them are notorious for playing fast and loose with the rules.

They're about to meet an attorney general who's cleared the deck of the last Democrat swamp creepture in the DOJ and he's sending in Marshals, the FBI and the secret service to drag these voting officials out of their offices and remind them what happened to people who were covering up a lot less than they are when they lied to the FBI. 

Then things go to the supreme court. The supreme court has the power to order a forensic audit of these voting machines with the questionable history. The CIA itself can be ordered to open it's files. You see software like Dominion that tabulates the ballots is proprietary software and it's protected by copyright but experts say if they can get into the logs any mismanagement should be in there. The CIA has apps called Hammer and scorecard. They have the power to change votes in Dominion software Did the swamp get too full of itself and think it could organize a coup? Doesn't matter. It doesn't have to be them. Dominion voting software has already been hacked by an ordinary hacker at a hacking conference. 


1 hour ago, Infidel Dog said:


I can’t wait to throw this back at you as the states certify their votes for Biden, and then again when the electoral college does the same and then a third time when Biden is sworn in to office. It’s going go be a fun 70 days!

Edited by BeaverFever
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Under Georgia law, candidates can ask for a recount if the margin of victory is less than 0.5%, but those recounts usually are a re-scanning of ballots, not by-hand reviews of each ballot. After this count and the election is certified, a candidate could still ask for such a recount, Mr. Raffensperger said.


Wisconsin conducted a statewide recount in the 2016 presidential contest after Trump beat Hillary Clinton by more than 20,000 votes. The recount netted Trump 131 votes. After a state Supreme Court election in 2011 that was separated by about 7,300 votes, a recount changed the winning margin by just 312 votes.


Won't be enough anyway.  Waste of taxpayers money, just like the last four years.  

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2 hours ago, sharkman said:

The fraud in this case is the dem counters, approving mostly  Dem ballots only.  We’ll be finding out next week which affidavits on this are accurate.

Apparently the PA illegal activities are before SCOTUS already, but they are waiting for the rest of the legal actions to make their way over so the whole thing can be deliberated on at the same time. 

Before you said it was some grandiose scheme to stuff the box with invalid out of state and late ballots. Now suddenly it’s not that it’s the counters only counting votes for Biden. The ever-evolving conservative conspiracy story...still with no evidence as is usual 

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11 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

Wisconsin conducted a statewide recount in the 2016 presidential contest after Trump beat Hillary Clinton by more than 20,000 votes. The recount netted Trump 131 votes. After a state Supreme Court election in 2011 that was separated by about 7,300 votes, a recount changed the winning margin by just 312 votes.

C'mon Buddy, don't be cheap with the details. Tell us the whole story:


Following Republican nominee Donald Trump's presumed electoral college victory in the United States presidential election of 2016, a group of computer scientists, cyber security experts, and election monitors raised concerns about the integrity of the election results. They urged the campaign staff of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who had conceded the campaign on November 9,[1] to petition for a recount in three key states: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.[2] When the Clinton campaign declined to file for recounts, Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein agreed to spearhead the recount effort on November 23, on the grounds that unspecified "anomalies" may have affected the election's outcome. The Clinton team subsequently pledged to support the recount efforts "in order to ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides."[3][4][5] President-elect Trump and his supporters filed legal motions in all three states to prevent the recounts.[6] Two other states were the subject of recount bids that were separate from Stein's efforts in the Rust Belt states: American Delta Party/Reform Party presidential candidate Rocky De La Fuente filed for a partial recount in Nevada on November 30,[7] and three Florida citizens filed for a complete hand recount in their state on December 6.[8]


If you can't tell all the ways that is different from this I can't help you.

There was this:


While the partial Michigan recount did unearth some instances of improper ballot handling and possible voter fraud,[14] no indications of widespread hacking were discovered, and the overall outcome of the election remained unchanged, despite the evidence that the voting machines were old and faulty, possibly counting as "blank" ballots many that contained visually clear indications of presidential choice.[15][16][10][11]

But that was then and this is now.

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29 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:


I can’t wait to throw this back at you as the states certify their votes for Biden, and then again when the electoral college does the same and then a third time when Biden is sworn in to office. It’s going go be a fun 70 days!

I'll admit if Trump does manage to pull this off, against all odds, it will be remarkable.

But then again, that is the way he does things - Against all odds.

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18 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Threatening bloodshed because you lost the election shows you know fuck all about freedom and don’t really give a shit about it. You just want your side to win...at any cost...

I am fighting for freedom of speech every day.  I do it here all the time. It is you who does not understand what freedom of speech is all about and means. It's quite obvious that you just want your coup and fraud side to win also. The truth here is that this is clearly a coup and fraud going on against Donald Trump and Biden will not be the president. Trump will be. 

You know what your real problem is? "You cannot handle the truth". ;)


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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Before you said it was some grandiose scheme to stuff the box with invalid out of state and late ballots. Now suddenly it’s not that it’s the counters only counting votes for Biden. The ever-evolving conservative conspiracy story...still with no evidence as is usual 

Hmm.  You're not getting it, it's all of the above.  The Trump legal team has dozens of affidavits across probably 6 or 7 states.  Witnesses on the ground saw all kinds of illegal shenanigans and have submitted sworn statements.  I don't know what they all are.  I don't think anyone does, outside of the legal professionals connected to the cases.  Arizona alone had almost 3000 ballots from out of state that apparently aren't military or students.  They shouldn't have been counted and will eventually be deducted from the totals as they should have been in the first place. 

And here's the bottom line.  The evidence is not being submitted to you for your approval.  It's being submitted to the courts in the various states to be appealed to federal court and then the Supreme Court if necessary.  You and I may never see the evidence, but the justices will, which is what counts.  When the courts render their decisions, no doubt they will provide as much detail as possible.  

Again, there are dozens of instances of laws being broken here.  We on the right are only getting snippets of them, and you who who watch only the mainstream legacy media are getting nothing, because they are suppressing this developing story.  

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18 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

I used to just go to Vlad Tepes archives blog because he always found interesting information on the Islamo-fascist threat.

Just for the Hell of it  I clicked his link.

Lots of fascinating stuff on election challenges I wasn't seeing elsewhere:


I glanced at that website. It looks very interesting indeed. I will start to visit it more often. Thanks. :)

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There are lot of things media aren't factoring in when they're claiming there is no evidence. The main thing is the coup attempt just happened last week. The investigation is just beginning.

I was watching Michelle Malkin and she was talking about two ways that ground level, grass roots people were contributing to the evidence gathering. People like James O'Keefe of course who found the UPS whistleblowers telling about backdating of ballots. There's also the guy from BigLeaguePolitics who got video of the training for "poll workers." The Dem Training instructor is talking pretty big and tough as she's handing out these illegal instructions but what's going to happen when the FBI turns up at her doorstep demanding to know where she got her instructions because they want to go up the line. Think these rats are going to start deserting the ship and turning on each other? Because I do.

Social Media is trying hard to block you from seeing the video but for now you can see a clipped version at YouTube:

The full version is at the free speech video site, Bit Chute.


Michelle was also talking about the Maidengate movement. Beave will do one of his quick Googles and tell you it's just a Reddit conspiracy theory. 

Problem there is it's not. It's a movement gathering evidence from people who have names or addresses they once had, but are now being stolen to create false ballots.

Find them at Maidengate.com where they're explaining to people how they can do contribute their information to the investigation.

Or you could just click here:


Michelle was talking to the women running it. She says she's get a lot of names to be investigated.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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2 hours ago, taxme said:

I am fighting for freedom of speech every day.  I do it here all the time. It is you who does not understand what freedom of speech is all about and means. It's quite obvious that you just want your coup and fraud side to win also. The truth here is that this is clearly a coup and fraud going on against Donald Trump and Biden will not be the president. Trump will be. 

You know what your real problem is? "You cannot handle the truth". ;)


LMAO ok I’ll make you a bet, same goes for @Infidel Dogand @WestCanMan:

If Biden/Harris become president and VP you have to change your avatar to a pro-Biden or pro-Democrats/pro-Liberal avatar of my choosing for all of 2021


If Trump somehow becomes president  another term then you get to pick my avatar.  

We can work out the rules to make sure there are no unfair catches  


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On 11/10/2020 at 12:35 AM, OftenWrong said:

CNN: "These allegations are totally unsupported."

Isn't that what an investigation is supposed to do, find the evidence?

Do people routinely launch investigations when there's no evidence of wrongdoing?

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Hate to tell you guys this, but your arch enemy has been at work. No, not the Dems, the New York Times.

The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud

PHILADELPHIA — Election officials in dozens of states representing both political parties said that there was no evidence that fraud or other irregularities played a role in the outcome of the presidential race, amounting to a forceful rebuke of President Trump’s portrait of a fraudulent election.



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