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On 6/24/2020 at 4:50 PM, Army Guy said:

One could quickly write a few paras on the shit show that represents all parties both in the past and today.… And for some reason finding a leader that has the qualities it takes to lead a country is hard to find, not sure if thats a reflection on the quality of Canadians or not . Or maybe those with the right qualities are just not interested, or bothered to put in the time and effort..

I think the conservative voting base just wants to end this painful period of Justin Trudeau's reign of power, and would vote for crusty the clown if they had to. I also think there are liberals on this forum that would also like to see what is next other than Justin. ( who's record is far from being perfect, corrupt, deceitful, full of scandals and the list goes on forever)

One day I hope there comes a leader that can unite all of us across the nation, and tackle the tough issues, issues that are best for the country, but not very popular in gathering votes.  that seem to plague our country, or atleast bind it in a ball of red tape. 

The only hope left for Canada is to vote for a real and true conservative party called the PPC and Maxine Bernier. If anyone would take the time to listen to what Bernier has to say they would see that he is a real and true conservative. What do people have to lose by voting for Bernier?

Bernier could not be any worse than the other leftist liberal/conservative or the NDP socialist/communists or the crazy in the head environmentalist Green party's that have pretty much destroyed this once great country called Canada. Canada could soon become another Venezuala if we keep voting for liberal socialism and communism. It's not a joke anymore. It's getting serious and for real now. This country needs a leader like Trump, and Bernier appears to be that Trump that Canada really needs now. 

Personally, I believe that if we all want to see Canada become the great nation and see it's full potential then we pretty much go back to the sixties days and get rid of everything that both comrade Trudeau's have put their signatures to and have foisted on we the Canadian people who never asked for any of their leftist liberal socialist programs and agendas. From bilingualism, multiculturalism, foreign aid, massive 3rd world immigration, and massive government/bureaucracy and those five socialist programs alone have cost the Canadian taxpayer's trillions of their tax dollars over the decades that have all disappeared and washed down the swamp drain.  :(

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On 6/25/2020 at 2:27 AM, betsy said:


I don't see McKay  winning against Trudeau.  I simply don't have that vibe at all.

Being a pro-life, having declared himself a solid pro-choice, I can't bring myself to vote for McKay.  I do understand their strategy that they want someone who'll appeal to the centrist population - however,  for me, it's like hitting smack against a wall.  Exacerbated by the fact that he'll whip his MPs and forbid them to vote with their conscience....... I can't get past it.  It's the deal-breaker for me.

I see Leslyn Lewis fitting right in, as the perfect leader in this new "environment" we're  facing today.   She'll win against Trudeau.


Leslyn Lewis is the leftists' worst nightmare - all of them parties! -  and that includes the media!


Whether it be Trudeau or McKay as the next prime mistake of Canada, there can be no doubt about it that those two are just nothing more than two globalist puppet on a string morons. Those two do not work for we the people. They work for the globalists. We only get liberals and socialists running for the prime mistake of Canada. It's time for people to wake up to that fact and stop ignoring it. Get with the program and start looking at the PPC and Maxine Bernier for a change. The PPC appears to be the only real and true conservative party around. Vote for any other political party and all you will get again is more liberalism and more socialism. Believe it or not. ;)

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55 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

It is not just about being forced to march in the parade in order to be heard or not have your message shut down..., the entire debate on LGBTQ is off limits, as is abortion, Native Canadians, BLM, police etc....basically any topic that the left holds has one of their holly grails, and it changes rapidly...

Canada has a bunch of politically correct politicians, and even a media,  that will only suck up to any minority special interest group that does a bit of whining and crying out there. It is those minority special interest groups that get all the publicity and recognition that they want from our dear leader comrade politicians, and the lying leftist liberal media, and who get to blow billions of our tax dollars on their useless and frivolous socialist and communist programs and agendas that will do nothing to help make Canada great again. On the contrary, it is the small minority interest groups that have been allowed to ph-k up Canada for decades now. If the left push anything then it is supposed to be good and great for Canada. Such utter bull chit. Anything the left pushes always cost more waste of our tax dollars, and is mostly made up of lies. :unsure:

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55 minutes ago, taxme said:

Whether it be Trudeau or McKay as the next prime mistake of Canada, there can be no doubt about it that those two are just nothing more than two globalist puppet on a string morons. Those two do not work for we the people. They work for the globalists. We only get liberals and socialists running for the prime mistake of Canada. It's time for people to wake up to that fact and stop ignoring it. Get with the program and start looking at the PPC and Maxine Bernier for a change. The PPC appears to be the only real and true conservative party around. Vote for any other political party and all you will get again is more liberalism and more socialism. Believe it or not. ;)

Is Maxim Bernier still around? 

I'm rooting for Leslyn Lewis.

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Just now, betsy said:

Is Maxim Bernier still around?

Yes, Maxine is still around and alive and kicking although the conservative party would like to see him gone from the political scene. Maxine is Canada's last conservative hope for Canada. If there are some real and true conservatives here then where are they anyway? I seem to be the only real and true conservative one here. No one can say that they are a real and true conservative if they are still going to vote for a liberal conservative from the conservative party. There is no way that those who call themselves conservative, and who will vote for the conservative party, are real and true conservatives at all. They are phonies wearing liberal clothing. McKay is just another globalist puppet on a string. 

All one has to do is read what the conservative party has to offer, and what the PPC party has to offer. One appears to want to push the lieberal agenda all the time while the other appears to want to push the real and true conservative agenda. A vote for the conservative party is a vote for more liberalism and socialism. My opinion and I am sticking with that opinion. ;)

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15 hours ago, taxme said:

Yes, Maxine is still around and alive and kicking although the conservative party would like to see him gone from the political scene. Maxine is Canada's last conservative hope for Canada. If there are some real and true conservatives here then where are they anyway? I seem to be the only real and true conservative one here.

Maxine's not a serious contender, or even a credible politician.  His poor judgment has been highlighted too many times over the years for Canadians to really trust him. 

15 hours ago, taxme said:

No one can say that they are a real and true conservative if they are still going to vote for a liberal conservative from the conservative party. There is no way that those who call themselves conservative, and who will vote for the conservative party, are real and true conservatives at all. They are phonies wearing liberal clothing. McKay is just another globalist puppet on a string. 

It's funny that you seem to think you're the arbiter of what is and what isn't a "true conservative".  

15 hours ago, taxme said:

All one has to do is read what the conservative party has to offer, and what the PPC party has to offer. One appears to want to push the lieberal agenda all the time while the other appears to want to push the real and true conservative agenda. A vote for the conservative party is a vote for more liberalism and socialism. My opinion and I am sticking with that opinion. ;)

Yeah nobody's under any illusion that you'll consider the facts fairly or keep an open mind.  Don't worry.  


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3 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Maxine's not a serious contender, or even a credible politician.  His poor judgment has been highlighted too many times over the years for Canadians to really trust him. 

It's funny that you seem to think you're the arbiter of what is and what isn't a "true conservative".  

Yeah nobody's under any illusion that you'll consider the facts fairly or keep an open mind.  Don't worry.  


1. Neither is there any other credible politician out there in Canada land that can be seen as a serious contender. There are just no more credible politicians in Canada left anymore. They have all pretty much become corrupt cheats, thieves and liars. We always seem to get stuck with a bunch of buffoons and misfits who appear to have no love for Canada anymore.

Are you daft? Look at what all the past PM's of this pathetic country have been doing to Canada with all of their "judgments" for the past several decades now. Can Maxine Bernier as the PM of Canada do any worse? Give me a break. 

2. So, are you able to show me as to where the conservative party stands on more freedom, less government, and less taxes? All I have ever seen coming from the liberal so called conservative party is more politically correct leftist liberal policies and bull chit. Anytime one of their party members run for the leadership of the party and if they should dare bring up the issue of immigration they pretty much get booted out of the party even though the majority of Canadians want something done about our present day disastrous immigration policy. 

3. The liberal conservative party does not have an open mind at all. Just a closed politically correct mind. If someone brings up a real conservative topic like wanting to talk more about freedom of speech, less immigration, less government, and less taxes they pretty much get the finger. Those issues I just mentioned will never be brought up on the floor and debated on in your beloved liberal conservative party.

So, you either are already a liberal in the PC party, or if you are not a liberal, you are a conservative who likes the  liberal policies in the liberal conservative party. If there are any real and true conservatives in the liberal conservative party, and are not happy but are worried about their party and policies, they should really start to think about joining the PPC party as I have done.

And guess what? So far they have not bitten me as of yet. But it is for dam sure that the PC party has kicked me more than once in the ass. A conservative party, my arse. :D

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15 hours ago, PIK said:


I have little confidence in the man as a small c conservative, but at least he's new. Given the current state of politics in Canada I'm willing to try anyone new who isn't an obvious idiot. MacKay is a known quantity. He did nothing impressive last time around. He's said nothing impressive since. He's tall and has nice suits. That's about it.

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On 6/19/2020 at 4:42 PM, scribblet said:

IMO the best of the  bunch is O'Toole although I would prefer Leslyn Lewis but would like to see her as an MP first. 

I liked O'Toole too. 

At this point I'd vote for Lucifer if I thought that he could beat Trudeau, and I think that a candidate from the GTA might have a strong shot.

The Bloc will take away most of Quebec from Trudeau, I think that Ontario is the key battleground for the next election. O'Toole would be a tough opponent for Trudeau. 


I really like the things that Dr Lewis says, and I love the fact that she could shut Trudeau's holier-than-thou yap like no other, and put the BLM terrorists down where they belong, but she's an over-emoter and it's so hard to watch after the last 700 years of Trudeau. 

She's also the conservative that could win over a lot of minority voters, who right now mostly believe the liberal MSM narrative that the Conservatives are all racist. Sloan just looks like the guy that Trudeau could make immigrants fear.


I'd be happy with either of those two. Leslyn first, but once she's elected she needs to just start talking like the intelligent, strong, sensible person that she is and not the drama queen.


Mackay is my third choice. Meh.


Sloan is a good conservative but he's like Bernier imo. Too conservative to draw support away from the middle. They could be the smartest person in the room with all the best answers, but they'll always say one thing a year that gives the MSM a chance to twist their words into a racist attack.

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On 6/20/2020 at 12:55 PM, Queenmandy85 said:

Just for the record, Trudeau was a math teach, unlike Jason Kenney who flunked out of University as a philosophy major. What kind of pin head fails philosophy?

To be honest, failing philosophy in this day and age might just mean tat you're not a sycophant. 

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On 6/19/2020 at 10:24 AM, Rue said:

This country has serious financial issues. Its bankrupt. Covid 19 has bankrupt all Western nations Cash reserves, interest rates, stock markets, all are unstable because we ave borrowed so heavily we can't pull back the out of control interest rates.

No amount of tax increases can undo our deficit. The only way to survive economically is to literally strip down all governments and budgets and the average Canadian takes for granted the extent of their government services and will not be willing to go on a diet. 

People do not talk about that diet because it scares them.

I agree. Espousing a political platform that's fiscally conservative is going to win about as many votes as wearing blackface. People hear "austerity - they want to throw grandma off a cliff."

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On 6/23/2020 at 2:32 PM, taxme said:

All I ever see the so called conservative party ever do is act more like they were just another bunch of liberals dressed up in conservative clothing. Political correctness can be seen drooling out of their liberal conservative butts and down their liberal conservative legs.

The liberal MSM is always pushing the envelope further left.

They do this by considering things that are so far left that anything that used to be normal is now considered verboten.

An example is accepting a conversation around the BLM's assertion that discriminating against white people is important and the only right thing to do. 

Of course that's not their end goal, but you throw out an option that's super stupid just so that people are happy to accept 'ridiculous'.  

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Just now, Queenmandy85 said:

Or you just aren't very bright. 

Would you get a pass in Philosophy at Berkeley if you just scribbled down "I hate pigs, all wimin must be beleved, whit men are gilty of slavory, impeach the orange satin"?

It wouldn't surprise me if you could. 

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31 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Or you just aren't very bright. 

I sure wish that someone,especially a liberal here, who could show me a smart liberal or conservative party member that was not politically correct and not stunned. Those two political party's have to be the most leftist and most socialist as anyone can be. Showing some common sense and logic and some intelligence seems to have gone bye-bye in those two useless and dumb political party's. Canada is now bring run, ruined, and ruled by a bunch of no mind dictating arse holes. My opinion of course. :D

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14 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The liberal MSM is always pushing the envelope further left.

They do this by considering things that are so far left that anything that used to be normal is now considered verboten.

An example is accepting a conversation around the BLM's assertion that discriminating against white people is important and the only right thing to do. 

Of course that's not their end goal, but you throw out an option that's super stupid just so that people are happy to accept 'ridiculous'.  

The liberal party is way way so far left that any further left and there will be a good chance that they will fall down on their useless socialist and communist butts. 

Everything from now on will be anti-white. We will be constantly reminded of our whiteness, our white privilege, and that we are all just a bunch of racists. The new normal discrimination will now be against all white people and that will never be seen as racism. Of course it will really be all about revenge. Sadly, it would appear as though the majority of white people seem to be quite contented with it all. Their loss will be great. . Most Canadians have gone beyond ridiculous and stunned to boot. Just saying. :unsure:

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Speaking only as a conservative, political parties primary job is to win elections. A politician doesn't usually spent tens of thousands of dollars in order to lose an election. A politicians purpose is to do what voters want. Some do it better than others but that is democracy. When I was preparing to become Prime Minister, I never made it a secret that I planned to massively increase Canada's military and I was going to restore the power of the Queen. Ask me how that worked. When you are running for Parliament, don't try to convince the voter (your prospective employer) what they should think. Listen to what they actually think.

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36 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Speaking only as a conservative, political parties primary job is to win elections. A politician doesn't usually spent tens of thousands of dollars in order to lose an election. A politicians purpose is to do what voters want. Some do it better than others but that is democracy. When I was preparing to become Prime Minister, I never made it a secret that I planned to massively increase Canada's military and I was going to restore the power of the Queen. Ask me how that worked. When you are running for Parliament, don't try to convince the voter (your prospective employer) what they should think. Listen to what they actually think.

So abandon any pretense of leadership? Just find out where the parade is headed and run up to get in front of it?

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17 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Speaking only as a conservative, political parties primary job is to win elections. A politician doesn't usually spent tens of thousands of dollars in order to lose an election. A politicians purpose is to do what voters want. Some do it better than others but that is democracy. When I was preparing to become Prime Minister, I never made it a secret that I planned to massively increase Canada's military and I was going to restore the power of the Queen. Ask me how that worked. When you are running for Parliament, don't try to convince the voter (your prospective employer) what they should think. Listen to what they actually think.

Anyone who wants to run in politics needs thousands of dollars. The system was not meant for the average Joe and Mary six pack to get into politics. That is why we have political party's whom can pick and choose as to whom they want in their party and running for a seat in that party. Most politicians have spent thousands of dollars and have lost that money during an election. Not everyone can win. Democracy my butt. Canada has slowly become a non-democratic country. There is not much democracy left in Canada.

The only way for a country to have a real and true democracy is to allow Citizen Initiated Referendums, The Right To recall. Now that is true democracy. The democracy that Canada has today is a democracy that is being run by minority special interest groups that only are there to serve themselves and their programs and agendas, and not for all Canadians to enjoy and benefit from. It was only a minority of non-democratic, a mostly french minority from Quebec, leftist liberal politicians who have given us so many useless and stupid socialist and communist programs and agendas that has cost the Canadian taxpayer's trillions of their tax dollars gone down the drain. 

I personally feel that you have no idea what democracy is all about. Increasing military spending, and restoring power to the Queen is not something that is on most Canadians minds. Most Canadians do not even give a shit about the military or the Queen. Look fella, when a politician finally makes the goal of getting into politics, and maybe one day become a member of Parliament, they will listen but in most cases will not care what he is being asked to do nor do anything about it. I sent one of those Conservative female MP's many emails as to what I thought was the problem with Canada today, and I did not get one reply from her. Why? Because she obviously does not care what I have to say. She probably gave me the finger and then deleted my email. 

I believe that what most Canadian voters want to hear is how are you going to give me less taxes, less fees, less permits less government/bureaucracy/red tape, and more freedom. Sadly, all we Canadians seem to get these days from all the politicians in Canada from all three levels of governments is more of what I just mentioned above. That is what you should have been preparing to do if you were serious about wanting to become the PM of Canada. So pray tell, just who are you that was supposedly running for the PM of Canada? Care to tell?  Over. ;)

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1 minute ago, Queenmandy85 said:

 It is how to be a democratic government. Do what your voters (bosses) want. Nobody cares what you think.

Democracy is dead in Canada. Stop trying to make it appear as though democracy is alive and well in Canada. Our bosses(politicians)do not do what we the sheeple want them to do. Hello! That is such utter bull chit indeed. Democracy died in Canada when comrade old man Trudeau became the prime mistake of Canada in 1980. The first words out of his communist mouth were: "welcome to the new Canada".

And yup, that is what Canada has got going for it today. A new normal Canada. The old normal Canada is now almost all gone, and the new normal Canada is the new communist programs and agendas that have been forced on you, me and thee whom have ever asked for those numerous socialist and communist programs and agendas.

Patriotism and nationalism are pretty much dead in Canada today. The democracy that we have today is a democracy that is being run by special minority interest groups who truly do have no love for Canada at all. And the liberal conservative party is quite contented and happy to go along with these new normal Canada of today. That is why Maxine Bernier left the conservative liberal party because he saw that party becoming way to liberal and way to politically correct. Nobody cares what you think either. Aw well. Welcome to the new normal Canada. I hope that you are enjoying it. Your boss politicians have been plans for you and me in the next few years, and you ain't going to like it, pardner. :D

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Governing a nation like Canada is complex in the sense that there are a lot of different competing interests but when it comes to resolving the issues a government is offered only a narrow range of solutions. The citizen initiated referendums have been tried in California where one intiative demanded spending more money and another demanded tax cuts. Both passed and the state went to the brink of bankruptcy. 

My career as a politician was very enlightening and very brief. I thought that since I was smarter than the voter, I could present a reasonable argument and convince them I was right and they were wrong, so they would vote for me. 

Governments listen to voters to determine what voters want. They then have to figure out if it is possible to do. Often it isn't practical. I heard a farmer in Saskatchewan say the problem with the government is taxes are too high and they don't fix the roads. He just did not see the diconnect.

The worst feature in politics is ideology. The idea that a single idea has the answers to all our problems is nuts. When you take one action to help one group of people, you are going to antagonize others. You have to weigh the competing issues very carefully.

If you want to get your way, form a special interest group. Maybe, you can generate enough votes to win over the government. If not, you have to consider your ideas were not that good. I came to terms that King Charles II is in the past and we will never be a world power. I finally followed my dad's advice and quit politics. Now I am a happy potter. Want to buy a coffee mug?


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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

 It is how to be a democratic government. Do what your voters (bosses) want. Nobody cares what you think.

But they clearly don't do that. The voters want some kind of resolution to the never-ending native mess. They want health care revamped so we don't have to wait years for necessary medical care. They want immigration slowed. They want harsher penalties for violent crime. But no politician is offering any of that.

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9 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Governments listen to voters to determine what voters want. They then have to figure out if it is possible to do. Often it isn't practical. I heard a farmer in Saskatchewan say the problem with the government is taxes are too high and they don't fix the roads. He just did not see the diconnect.

Or maybe he did. Maybe he was pointing that taxes were high and yet government was incapable of dealing with even the basics of societal needs properly. I think we'd all be more willing to accept high taxes if the roads were in good shape, we had a health care system that didn't require months of waiting to see a specialist, and the justice system worked well.

We have high taxes in my city. Not only can't the city keep the roads properly paved it can't even keep them properly painted. Water mains routinely blow out for lack of maintenance. We have the lowest number of police per population of any major city in Canada, with commensurate rising crime, esp violent crime. Our ambulance service routinely has zero ambulances available because they're all tied up on calls.

On the other hand, we're building a helluva network of bicycle paths.

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