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Centrist Party of Canada

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4 hours ago, CentristPartyofCanada said:

You can have an increased birth rate

But why do you want an increased birth rate? If we reduce our population, the cost of land will go down and people will be able to own their own home in places like Vancouver and Toronto. You could buy an cabin on a lake that isn't over run with people. Wages would go up because labour would be in demand. Canada could thrive with a population of ten million. We would have a chance to get our natural wilderness back. 

We don't need a large military, just a decent arsenal of nuclear weapons.

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

If I had a positive critique, I’d say that you’re not being political enough with your answers. 

Canadians don’t get actual answers from their current government, they get virtue signalling, pie-in-the-sky and bafflegab, and it’s really tough for people to object to those things. Our MSM fawns on him because of it. Part of your goal is to break the spell. Maybe promise them $2B lol. 

You, on the other hand, make declarative statements and give direct answers. You’ll forever be bogged down, quibbling with people over semantics, if you do that.

Also, it’s extremely easy for virtue signallers, like the village idiot,  to make straw-man arguments out of direct, declarative statements. 

Take Bernier’s quote about how idiotic Trudeau’s statement “Diversity is our greatest strength” was. Bernier was accurate, on point, correct, and he will always be branded a racist for it even though it wasn’t racist at all. 

You want to speak in glowing generalizations about improving the care of seniors, because the baby boomers are coming to their last couple turns at voting. That’s a huge voting block of people who are definitely all going to the polls, and they’re all alienated. 

You want to speak glowingly about how diverse and yet similar all the different regions of Canada are, and how important it is that we change direction, and come together on important challenges.

Those kinds of topics give you a chance to throw love around, virtue-signal about Canadians, and they’re harsh attacks on the Libs without going to the sandbox. 

BS generalizations are the way to go imo. BS answers will work better on a guy like Hardner than actual answers. He’s in love with the guy who’s throwing down BS and division 24/7. 

If we gave those sort of answers:

1) Then we would basically be promising the same things as the NDP, Libs, or Tories -  why vote for us when those parties already exist?

2) That's exactly what we're trying to change.

2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Look I agree there are many Canadians out there that believe our education system has been Hijacked by the left for some time now, and I agree with 100 % of you suggestions to improve upon it. Most educators are going to be frank with you, 1 st they don't like federal input, next like anyone they don't like to hear there short comings for a non educator....what you need is a coop piece by an educator, one that is recognized nationally....

Ya it does have everything to do with being loyal, as they are the only people that give a rats ass about the military...or atleast to the point they want it properly funded, equipped, and trained....Canadians don't see it as necessary for prosperity, they see it as a drag on our nation, a black hole where funding goes to die... Trust me I served for 30 plus years in the Infantry, I've shouted from the roof tops only to be told some very realistic facts...Canadians don't see the military as a priority, they see it as a waste of their tax dollars, they see it as direct support for the US foreign policy and it's efforts around the globe...And Canadians are "very" anti US, it is our next best sport...besides hockey and lacrosse..

Our military operations has lost so many capabilities over the last 20 years it would cost 100's of billions just to get them back, and years of experience before we became adequate performing them again. It's been circling the drain for some years now... Lots of Canadians out there can't see the problem due to all the brain washing our government and CDS has put out there. they are to proud to see it... they don't want to see it...then there is the majority who just don't care. You want to change that you'll have to change the minds of the majority, or once you grab power just do it...Canadians have the military they want, or they would have changed it, shit it was not even a concern last election....


The point was we recognize the necessity of a well funded military - we are not including *just* because we're "loyal".

We think now is the right time to start talking about this. Canadians are getting a rude wake up call with China's encroaching dominion over Canada, the US (Trump at least) showing its true colors regarding our "friendship", and what's going on in the Arctic circle.

Our question to you is: are your +30 years of service and loyalty enough to join as a member so we can start bringing these issues to light?

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

But why do you want an increased birth rate? If we reduce our population, the cost of land will go down and people will be able to own their own home in places like Vancouver and Toronto. You could buy an cabin on a lake that isn't over run with people. Wages would go up because labour would be in demand. Canada could thrive with a population of ten million. We would have a chance to get our natural wilderness back. 

We don't need a large military, just a decent arsenal of nuclear weapons.

The purpose of taxes is for the government to collect enough money so that it may function, and provide a number of goods and services to the general public. These goods and services take various forms such as maintenance, upgrades, social services (healthcare) and so forth. A high quality of life demands taxes. Simply stated, these goods and services are dependent on how much money the government can collect.

Tax collection, in relation to the country’s population, is based on:

1) Number of working adults;
2) Earnings of these working adults; and
3) Tax rate.

If the government can’t collect sufficient tax money, then the quality and/or availability of these goods and services will decline.

For this reason, a growing population is not only beneficial but necessary, since the taxes of each new generation of working adults must support the entire population. This means that as a generation enters the working adult part of its life cycle, it must generate enough tax dollars so that the non-working generations are supported while the government maintains or improves a number of infrastructures and services. The nature of this system is that for everyone to be supported, each new generation must be larger than the last.

from: https://www.centrist.ca/important-issues-low-fertility

The government has figured out that instead of the difficult task of waiting at least 18 years for a baby to become a tax paying adult, they can just import immigrants that can already start paying taxes. Almost a third of our population are seniors, which strains our healthcare and is very costly. The only way to pay for our "free" healthcare is with taxes.

Wages only go up when there is a demand for a specific skillset. A janitor will always make around minimum wage because that skillset isn't very in demand and requires very little training. There's a reason doctors are paid more than janitors.

90% of the Canadian population lives within 100 miles of our southern border with the US. Our population is concentrated within 3 major metropolitan areas which are the GTA (toronto), GVA(Vancouver), and Montreal. You don't need to worry about our wilderness - we have plenty of it.



An arsenal of nuclear weapons does nothing. We need a well funded military.

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21 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

2. Oh, I see.

Wait, you didn't know? You thought it serious to suggest one should name their party, the Symbionese Party? 

I suggest we are on different frequencies. Need an intermediate frequency modulator. Please turn on your modulator.

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9 hours ago, CentristPartyofCanada said:

You don't need to worry about our wilderness - we have plenty of it.

Well the world doesn't have much anymore. What we have in Canada is substantial, but it must be carefully guarded for that very reason. Moving forward in an an ever-greedier world, it would completely consume our resources. I want a government that commits to being a vanguard of Canada's Boreal forests, and fresh water.

Edited by OftenWrong
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9 hours ago, CentristPartyofCanada said:

If we gave those sort of answers:

1) Then we would basically be promising the same things as the NDP, Libs, or Tories -  why vote for us when those parties already exist?

2) That's exactly what we're trying to change.

The NDP are basically far left morons who want to fundamentally overhaul our government, they’re not in your lane at all. 

The Libs are anti-western Canada, and pro virtue signalling. That’s it. If someone cries, they just  scream along with them without thinking. Despite 5 years of glowing media coverage the fact that they’re wallowing in ineptitude is blatantly obvious. Canadians are ready to move on. 

The Tories are the bad guys that the media loves to attack. Scheer won the popular vote and yet the CBC immediately came out with a story suggesting that he had to go. “It was a slam dunk victory for Scheer because Trudeau had so many scandals, etc! The fish had already jumped in the boat at all Scheer needed to do was whack it with an oar!” Funny that, because the media had never characterized Trudeau as Mr Scandal before the election was over. He has always been Mr Virtue in their stories and articles. Bottom line is, you can say any childish insult about the Tories you want, the media will run with it. They’ll lionize you. Lisa LaFlamme will roll her eyes when anyone says anything bad about you. 

Just remember that for every glowing, vague promise that you make you give a bunch of people a warm feeling inside without alienating anyone. For every declarative statement that you make, you definitely alienate a small voting block, you risk alienating a large voting block. By the time you’re up to five declarative statements you’ve given the opposition 5 chances to make straw-man arguments against you and you’ve alienated a lot of people. 

Eg, as soon as you say anything decidedly pro-oil you have instantly lost the Greta Thunberg toadies, and they’re a vocal, hateful bunch who will dog you forever.  If you go against it, you’ve lost a whole province. So you promise to take a common sense approach to putting Canada’s interests first without being isolationist. “We get that Trump puts America first. Xi puts China first. That’s to be expected. But we all have a strong desire to do a lot of business. We’ll make it work.” Blah, blah, blah. 

You need to be extremely adept and nimble to tackle topics with declarative statements without alienating people, PLUS you need to have the media characterize your debate points and opposition debate points accurately. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. If you think that you can go head to head with Trudeau, speaking concisely, without getting shredded by his sycophantic media horde, I think you’re wasting your time bud. 

Virtue signal from the center lane. Brag about Canadians and our vast achievements and sacrifices. Brag about how successful immigrants of all stripes have been here and how inclusive our society is. Your call to action is unity and fairness. Attack incumbents for the way our country is currently divided. Attack the general hyper-partisan culture of politicians AND media. Offer strong vocal support of something the Tories say. Ditto for the Libs. All of a sudden you’re the lone adult in the room who is putting the interests of Canadians first.  Promise people that their elected MP will vote with the conscience of their own constituents, the way they are supposed to, and not as puppets to the party leader. 

You can say a lot without making declarative statements. You need to make a career of it or you’re stuck in your day job. 

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46 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Promise people that their elected MP will vote with the conscience of their own constituents

Bearing in mind that, as Lord North pointed out, an MP's constituants are the whole of the nation. You confuse responsible government with the American style representative government. 

As for oil, a lot of CPC politicians claim to be pro-oil but they are forgetting that almost all of that oil belongs to future generations. Oil must not be considered a fossil "fuel." It is too vital to burn. I agree with Centrist that we must transition to both uranium and thorium based energy production. 

Our technological civilization is supported by three pillars, coal, iron ore and oil. You need coal and iron ore to make steel. You need oil for lubrication, among it's 10,000 plus other uses. You cannot generate electricity without steel and oil. Without electricity, billions of people starve.

Coal, iron and oil are finite resourses and we have an obligation to future Canadians to ensure we have them for as long as possible. If we reduce our population we extend the time line before we run out, provided we stop giving the stuff away.

Wilderness is disappearing all over southern Canada. Saskatchewan no longer has natural grasslands. Look at BC from the air and see all the logging. We encourage logging and mining to provide jobs to our surplus labour. 

Taxes: We have been running deficits since the CPC took over because we have been cutting taxes. Look at Norway. They pay real taxes, and they would not have it any other way. They have a very high quality of life. They have a stable population so they don't have to waste tax money to prop up a surplus labour force. Wages are high, taxes are high and the quality of life is one of the best in the world.


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3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Bearing in mind that, as Lord North pointed out, an MP's constituants are the whole of the nation. You confuse responsible government with the American style representative government. 

As for oil, a lot of CPC politicians claim to be pro-oil but they are forgetting that almost all of that oil belongs to future generations. Oil must not be considered a fossil "fuel." It is too vital to burn. I agree with Centrist that we must transition to both uranium and thorium based energy production. 

Our technological civilization is supported by three pillars, coal, iron ore and oil. You need coal and iron ore to make steel. You need oil for lubrication, among it's 10,000 plus other uses. You cannot generate electricity without steel and oil. Without electricity, billions of people starve.

Coal, iron and oil are finite resourses and we have an obligation to future Canadians to ensure we have them for as long as possible. If we reduce our population we extend the time line before we run out, provided we stop giving the stuff away.

Wilderness is disappearing all over southern Canada. Saskatchewan no longer has natural grasslands. Look at BC from the air and see all the logging. We encourage logging and mining to provide jobs to our surplus labour. 

Taxes: We have been running deficits since the CPC took over because we have been cutting taxes. Look at Norway. They pay real taxes, and they would not have it any other way. They have a very high quality of life. They have a stable population so they don't have to waste tax money to prop up a surplus labour force. Wages are high, taxes are high and the quality of life is one of the best in the world.



All good points. Many of which we've already included in our platform.

"To help transition the oil industry to being more-green, companies could begin to use electrical equipment and machinery. It seems wasteful to use fossil fuel powered machinery to extract fossil fuels. There is no logic in using 3 barrels of oil to extract 5. Of course, transitioning would take time and the right kind of technology needs to emerge. In addition, we still need coal to make products like steel and oil based lubricants are a necessary component for any machinery".

Source: https://www.centrist.ca/environment


5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The NDP are basically far left morons who want to fundamentally overhaul our government, they’re not in your lane at all. 

The Libs are anti-western Canada, and pro virtue signalling. That’s it. If someone cries, they just  scream along with them without thinking. Despite 5 years of glowing media coverage the fact that they’re wallowing in ineptitude is blatantly obvious. Canadians are ready to move on. 

The Tories are the bad guys that the media loves to attack. Scheer won the popular vote and yet the CBC immediately came out with a story suggesting that he had to go. “It was a slam dunk victory for Scheer because Trudeau had so many scandals, etc! The fish had already jumped in the boat at all Scheer needed to do was whack it with an oar!” Funny that, because the media had never characterized Trudeau as Mr Scandal before the election was over. He has always been Mr Virtue in their stories and articles. Bottom line is, you can say any childish insult about the Tories you want, the media will run with it. They’ll lionize you. Lisa LaFlamme will roll her eyes when anyone says anything bad about you. 

Just remember that for every glowing, vague promise that you make you give a bunch of people a warm feeling inside without alienating anyone. For every declarative statement that you make, you definitely alienate a small voting block, you risk alienating a large voting block. By the time you’re up to five declarative statements you’ve given the opposition 5 chances to make straw-man arguments against you and you’ve alienated a lot of people. 

Eg, as soon as you say anything decidedly pro-oil you have instantly lost the Greta Thunberg toadies, and they’re a vocal, hateful bunch who will dog you forever.  If you go against it, you’ve lost a whole province. So you promise to take a common sense approach to putting Canada’s interests first without being isolationist. “We get that Trump puts America first. Xi puts China first. That’s to be expected. But we all have a strong desire to do a lot of business. We’ll make it work.” Blah, blah, blah. 

You need to be extremely adept and nimble to tackle topics with declarative statements without alienating people, PLUS you need to have the media characterize your debate points and opposition debate points accurately. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. If you think that you can go head to head with Trudeau, speaking concisely, without getting shredded by his sycophantic media horde, I think you’re wasting your time bud. 

Virtue signal from the center lane. Brag about Canadians and our vast achievements and sacrifices. Brag about how successful immigrants of all stripes have been here and how inclusive our society is. Your call to action is unity and fairness. Attack incumbents for the way our country is currently divided. Attack the general hyper-partisan culture of politicians AND media. Offer strong vocal support of something the Tories say. Ditto for the Libs. All of a sudden you’re the lone adult in the room who is putting the interests of Canadians first.  Promise people that their elected MP will vote with the conscience of their own constituents, the way they are supposed to, and not as puppets to the party leader. 

You can say a lot without making declarative statements. You need to make a career of it or you’re stuck in your day job. 


Very good points - we'll work on this. Thank you.


6 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Well the world doesn't have much anymore. What we have in Canada is substantial, but it must be carefully guarded for that very reason. Moving forward in an an ever-greedier world, it would completely consume our resources. I want a government that commits to being a vanguard of Canada's Boreal forests, and fresh water.


"Over fishing, destruction of natural habitats, extinction of pollinators, pollution in our waters, untreated sewage being dumped directly in to our waters, recycling practices that are for show - there is more to environmental concerns than just “climate change”. Canada should start by not shipping its garbage to other countries which just end up dumping it in oceans and rivers. There is a lot that can be done and The Centrist Party of Canada intends to take a very strong, but practical, stance on climate change and the environment. "

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Fewer people means less garbage. 

You also mentioned something about needing more people to support seniors. Seniors pay taxes and if they are allowed to continue working in their careers, they would keep supporting you.We force seniors into retirement to provide jobs for younger people and immigrants entering the work force. If we trim the number of  younger people and immigrants entering the work force, seniors could continue in their careers providing decades of experience rather than being Walmart greeters or sitting at home on Easter Sunday tapping away on a computer to show you all how brilliant I am. I should be on patrol, getting double time, chasing bad guys. :D

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On 4/11/2020 at 1:03 PM, Michael Hardner said:

1. I think that is your guess on my motivation.  I would say you're wrong.  Also if you can name one of the 'uber-progressive' views I am trying to promote here I would appreciate that.

Mass immigration.

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20 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

But why do you want an increased birth rate? If we reduce our population, the cost of land will go down and people will be able to own their own home in places like Vancouver and Toronto.

We're not reducing our population. Mass immigration is increasing the size of our immigration quite rapidly. Frankly, I would rather put in place campaigns to encourage Canadians to have more kids than to take in masses of immigrants from defiantly different and hostile cultures.


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7 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Taxes: We have been running deficits since the CPC took over because we have been cutting taxes.

The CPC ran surpluses its first two years. Then the great recession hit and the united left, including your Liberals demanded a huge economic incentive package or threatened to take over. They had gotten things back towards a balance when your Liberals took over and have been running deficits ever since.

7 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Look at Norway.

A very small country with an awful lot of cheaply drilled oil.

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21 hours ago, CentristPartyofCanada said:



The point was we recognize the necessity of a well funded military - we are not including *just* because we're "loyal".

We think now is the right time to start talking about this. Canadians are getting a rude wake up call with China's encroaching dominion over Canada, the US (Trump at least) showing its true colors regarding our "friendship", and what's going on in the Arctic circle.

Our question to you is: are your +30 years of service and loyalty enough to join as a member so we can start bringing these issues to light?

Then welcome to the minority, all the parties jump on this band wagon, until they have been in office for a few weeks then find out our military is nothing more than a hollow shell that has been bleed dry a long time ago...it just refuses to die...and would hundreds of billions to fix …

It's been this way since the 60 's there has been plenty of time to talk , discussed in great length, done lengthy research papers, even more studies and polls.... and yet here we are...The China issue this has been happening to us for over 30 years, and we opened the door and poured them a hot cup of tea...wake up call is going to happen when hostilities have started , as we are doomed to repeat our history, happened in the boar war, WWI, WWI, Korea, ….How many times do we have to let all these lessons learned go to waste.. we are either to stupid or to greedy to learn anything from our past...most Canadians got there heads up their asses when it comes to threats from around the globe. 

I already gave 30 plus years to this country, I'm sorry I passed on the torch along time ago, you want change all of it  you pick it up and run with it. And good luck . And until this nation shows some loyalty even some respect to those that have served, and not just DND, but to all those that served in our security depts., Maybe that day will come when vets don't have to take their government to court to get some of the basic services and benefits enjoyed by all Canadians. I have no more loyalty to give to an ungrateful nation. I still have plenty of loyalty to the Royal Canadian Regiment, and to my comrades that served in it.  other than that the tank is dry....



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2 hours ago, Argus said:

Then the great recession hit and the united left, including your Liberals

Not my Liberals. I was an activist member of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada for 35 years. I worked on the campaigns of Erik Nielsen, Allan MacKinnon, Scott Wallace, and both leadership campaigns of Joe Clark. My party was destroyed when Peter MacKay stabbed us in the back. Since then I have been an independent. Had Rona Ambrose entered the race, I would be working 24 - 7 for her. My other choice would have been Lisa Raitt. Alas, the choice for leader is pitiful. But don't call me a liberal.

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13 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Led by religious nutjobs.

Maybe we need a "Not so Bibley Conservative Party of Canada."

A religious nutjob? Scheer is an observant Christian, yes. He's a Catholic. So?

I find it repugnant that to the Left, an actual Christian who goes to church and believes in Christianity is blithely dismissed as a "religious nutjob" but we have lots of Muslim, Sikh and Hindu MPs and ministers and there isn't a single solitary Canadian news organization which has even suggested that their religious views might be examined for fitness to serve and lead. This is part of the loathing and self-hatred the media has for Canada and western society and its culture and values and it has percolated through society

You can't point to a single bloody policy issue the Conservative have which has anything to do with Scheer's religious values, but it doesn't matter. Your loathing for Christians causes you to instantly dismiss him and his party.



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11 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Not my Liberals. I was an activist member of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada for 35 years. I worked on the campaigns of Erik Nielsen, Allan MacKinnon, Scott Wallace, and both leadership campaigns of Joe Clark. My party was destroyed when Peter MacKay stabbed us in the back. Since then I have been an independent. Had Rona Ambrose entered the race, I would be working 24 - 7 for her. My other choice would have been Lisa Raitt. Alas, the choice for leader is pitiful. But don't call me a liberal.

You vote Liberal. That makes you a Liberal. Period.

The complaint that the Conservatives aren't an acceptable choice because they're too, well, far to the right, is ludicrous. The Conservative Party last election had pretty much ZERO conservative policies in its platform. It might as well have been the spineless Progressive Conservative party of old, eagerly trying to buy votes and advocating policies designed to please various identity and ethnic groups. If that was too 'conservative' for you then maybe  you should be looking at the NDP.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

If there is hope, Winston wrote, it lies in the Red Tories.  Do they still exist ?  Are they willing to show themselves and ignore the frothing conservative fringe that demands UN withdrawal, ending refugee programs and ignoring climate change ?  

I am proud to be a Red Tory. I am one of the happy warriors in the Great Tory Crusade. CPC is CINO. They are republicans with no fealty to Sir John A.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

If there is hope, Winston wrote, it lies in the Red Tories.  Do they still exist ?  Are they willing to show themselves and ignore the frothing conservative fringe that demands UN withdrawal, ending refugee programs and ignoring climate change ?  

The 'frothing conservative fringe'.... I haven't observed much of this 'frothing' among conservatives. Certainly I don't see the sheer loathing and hate coming from conservatives I do from progressives. Most progressives would seem perfectly content if conservatives were all locked away somewhere like the Chinese do to people whose thoughts they consider to be against the social good. Certainly they wouldn't object to them all being silenced and deplatformed.

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3 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I am proud to be a Red Tory. I am one of the happy warriors in the Great Tory Crusade. CPC is CINO. They are republicans with no fealty to Sir John A.

That you can compare the present conservatives to Republicans simply shows you don't have an ounce of conservatism (or common sense) in you.

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On 4/12/2020 at 9:28 AM, Queenmandy85 said:

Bearing in mind that, as Lord North pointed out, an MP's constituants are the whole of the nation. You confuse responsible government with the American style representative government. 

No, in our parliamentary model the MPs are actually responsible to represent the will their own constituents. If something is important for the whole nation then hopefully the majority will prevail. 

Right now our democracy operates like a purely partisan shitshow, where MPs would vote against the cure for cancer just to screw the opposite side and the PM can unilaterally declare that terrorists don't need to go to jail. 


As for oil, a lot of CPC politicians claim to be pro-oil but they are forgetting that almost all of that oil belongs to future generations. Oil must not be considered a fossil "fuel." It is too vital to burn.


Currently we can't even extract half the oil there if we wanted to. This is an answer to a question that was never asked. 



I agree with Centrist that we must transition to both uranium and thorium based energy production. 

Our technological civilization is supported by three pillars, coal, iron ore and oil. You need coal and iron ore to make steel. You need oil for lubrication, among it's 10,000 plus other uses. You cannot generate electricity without steel and oil. Without electricity, billions of people starve.

Coal, iron and oil are finite resourses and we have an obligation to future Canadians to ensure we have them for as long as possible. If we reduce our population we extend the time line before we run out, provided we stop giving the stuff away.

Wilderness is disappearing all over southern Canada. Saskatchewan no longer has natural grasslands. Look at BC from the air and see all the logging. We encourage logging and mining to provide jobs to our surplus labour. 

Taxes: We have been running deficits since the CPC took over because we have been cutting taxes. Look at Norway. They pay real taxes, and they would not have it any other way. They have a very high quality of life. They have a stable population so they don't have to waste tax money to prop up a surplus labour force. Wages are high, taxes are high and the quality of life is one of the best in the world.


I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with anything I said. 

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