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Panic, Ignorance, Shut Up Already

Message added by Charles Anthony

merged "Fear and the coronavirus 2" into this thread

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Ok I have had it up to my fat head over the sheer non stop stream of corona virus discussion most of it ignorant, untrue, exaggerated, and just out and out idiotic.

The actual panic over this virus can be explained:





Let's just summarize it:

1-the virus is new, the reactions to it are NOT;

2-the vast majority of people who contracted it made full recoveries and had mild symptoms-those who have died were already seriously immunity compromised which means its not the virus itself which is fatal but the lack of immunities in a particular individual's body when they have specific pre-existing medical conditions;

3-when something is invisible. appears to be beyond understanding and control in a quick simple response, it creates a threat, then anxiety and panic is a further acting out of the anxiety;

4-internet and cell phones have socially amplified and glued people to a myopic obsession to the virus;

5-the actual chance of getting infected is LOW if you simply wash your hands regularly, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough  and do not touch surfaces others touch;

6-flu is far ore infectious and serious and takes far more lives than this  virus;

7-people who eat a properly balanced diet, wash their hands at least 20 seconds, if they do eat meat cook it properly and get the right amount of sleep will have sufficient immunities to ward off this or other viruses;

8-every virus has a dna sequence which once coded can then enable us to come up with a vaccine;

Let us summarize it again:

a-the corona virus is not the problem or killing people and will not kill most people-its secondary infections people with pre-existing immunity deficiencies then catch as these infections piggy back onto the person with the virus that makes them sick or might kill them;

b-the secondary infections, i.e., pneumonia are treated with anti-biotics which means in most cases even with immune deficient people anti-biotics, anti-inflamatories and hydration will keep them alive;

c-the medical complication leading to respiratory illnesses is caused by swelling and so people are given steroids like Solu-Medrol to reduce the swelling.

Ignorance of the above is unintentionally insulting to nurses, doctors, paramedics, firefighters, police or other front-line workers who each day are exposed to thousands of pathogens and contagious bacterias and viruses-panic is a message that says what these people are expected to deal and manage, you and I do not have to and we have a right to engage in irrational behavior but they don"t?

How about all the people in countries who live with far more serious contaminants, diseases and pandemics? Why are all of you suddenly panicked over corona never that way in the past over Ebola?

When Zeka virus, Avian (bird) flu, Legionaire's disease, Swine flue, Spanish flu spread were you buying toilet paper? Did you buy up toilet paper when you first heard of AIDS?

Does your exposure to salmonella poisoning, e-coli bactreria, cause you to panic and buy toilet paper?

What the hell has happened to some of you?

Well let me say, your governments have not helped. Their shutting down schools giving you the impression this is a constructive way to stop the virus simply fuels your panic. The virus doesn't magically disappear because you slow down its spread-viruses do not disappear and most are quickly contained if you just wash your hands and stop using your cell phones as a petri dish to cultivate and maintain the bacteria and viruses you carry around.

Put down that bloody cell phone that leads you by the nose. Wash your friggin hands for twenty seconds, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and don't lick people's swet or drink their blood.

Gee how hard is that?

Next use common sense. You want to eat meat, properly clean and cook it damn it. You want to eat mammals you know have diseases, that is your choice, but don't act surprised when they pass on viruses to you. You are not a vulture. Vultures have amazing stomach acids that make them immune to almost any damn virus out there. You act like a vulture but you aint a vulture.

Likewise rats and cockroaches other than vultures have the best  immunity systems for resisting infection. Not us homo sapiens.

There that said, get your carriage full of toilet paper out of my face thank you.





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12 hours ago, Rue said:

Likewise rats and cockroaches other than vultures have the best  immunity systems for resisting infection. Not us homo sapiens.

Ha...don't kid yourself, we're the weediest species on the planet. We can make a go of it in virtually every environment we've got and we're pushing deeper and farther into environments that no other species on Earth can even come close to...notwithstanding the one's that hitch a ride on us.

Nothing has resisted us yet.

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2-the vast majority of people who contracted it made full recoveries and had mild symptoms-those who have died were already seriously immunity compromised which means its not the virus itself which is fatal but the lack of immunities in a particular individual's body when they have specific pre-existing medical conditions;

Perhaps. We still don't have a full breakdown. The first patient diagnosed in Italy was a 38 year old amateur athlete in perfect health. He still spent 3 weeks hospitalized on a ventilator before recovering. Large numbers of people with this virus have to be admitted to hospital and need advanced medical care.

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I agree about the coronavirus we should not be sad nor glad, we should be mad; very mad as hell at the way our health care system and emergency readiness is so totally unprepared. The result of decades of nothing but cut, cut, cut to these services. Meanwhile bureaucratic costs keep going up. There is no limit to that department, it seems.

Well, how do you like it now Mr. Trudeau. Things are not looking so pretty anymore. It's always easy to be a leader when there is no big problem, when all is sunshine and smiles. But when there is a problem, that's when real leadership needs to come out.
Meanwhile in Ottawa:

Granted these are fairly big problems to solve, now that we've receded so far away from an actually working model. So better get started working on them now. Then we can forget about this virus and get back to working on the other really big problems we have to solve.

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On 3/15/2020 at 10:07 AM, Argus said:



Perhaps. We still don't have a full breakdown. The first patient diagnosed in Italy was a 38 year old amateur athlete in perfect health. He still spent 3 weeks hospitalized on a ventilator before recovering. Large numbers of people with this virus have to be admitted to hospital and need advanced medical care.

Your comments are misleading. The first known case treated might  have been the above person but because many people had the virus and never got sick in Italy their illness would never have bee  reported so no one can definitively say he was the actual first case.

As well the vast majority of Italians with the virus infect  have not been hospitalized. Go check for yourself.

As for those who have had  complications such as this athlete you reported.. you failed ko ed to mention   they had a pre-existing vulnerability to certain infections which could have been triggered by many other things as well. No he was not perfectly healthy...he had specific traits that made him vulnerable to lung issues.  Bottom line it's not accurate to simply look at the death rate or treatment rate and solely blame it on the virus which is what the media has done.

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If you are freaking out scared of the virus, chances are you are a Democrat.

Deep partisan divide over coronavirus threat: poll

Sixty-eight percent of Democrats said they were concerned that a family member could contract the virus. But that number dropped to 40 percent among Republicans. Nearly eight in 10 Democrats felt the worst was yet to come in coping with the pandemic. That number dropped in half to 40 percent among Republicans.

It should be no surprise that dim witted leftists, who demonstrate a high level of gullibility are the main factor causing excessive hype in reaction. That companies like Nike are the first to close down was another clue. These shutdowns represent a bigger threat than COVID-19. It’s the left again. Russians are enjoying it, I’ll wager.

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3 hours ago, Rue said:

As for those who have had  complications such as this athlete you reported.. you failed ko ed to mention   they had a pre-existing vulnerability to certain infections which could have been triggered by many other things as well. No he was not perfectly healthy...he had specific traits that made him vulnerable to lung issues.  Bottom line it's not accurate to simply look at the death rate or treatment rate and solely blame it on the virus which is what the media has done.

The article I read did not mention any pre-existing conditions. Another article I read also suggested the major danger is the immune system itself going into overdrive in some people and causing inflammation which spreads and eventually shuts down organs.

The point I wanted to make was your apparent blithe assurance that this is only a danger to the elderly and those with already serious health issues does not appear to be true, and I have seen no healthcare professionals say as much.

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2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

If you are freaking out scared of the virus, chances are you are a Democrat.

Deep partisan divide over coronavirus threat: poll

Sixty-eight percent of Democrats said they were concerned that a family member could contract the virus. But that number dropped to 40 percent among Republicans. Nearly eight in 10 Democrats felt the worst was yet to come in coping with the pandemic. That number dropped in half to 40 percent among Republicans.

It should be no surprise that dim witted leftists

It should be no surprise that people who rely on FOX news for their information don't understand the dangers as FOX has been doing its best to felate President Trump for the last four years, and takes whatever position he takes on everything under the sun. If Trump started blaming this virus on lizard people FOX would soon be parading 'experts' on lizard people before the cameras and demanding a military expedition to the center of the earth.


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2 hours ago, Argus said:

It should be no surprise that people who rely on FOX news for their information don't understand the dangers as FOX has been doing its best to felate President Trump for the last four years, and takes whatever position he takes on everything under the sun. If Trump started blaming this virus on lizard people FOX would soon be parading 'experts' on lizard people before the cameras and demanding a military expedition to the center of the earth.

I see no point in jockeying back and forth about the quality of the news source. Besides, it is a poll and did not even come from them:


An NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey released Sunday found...

And this perception of a partisan divide is one I tend to agree with, for now, I have noticed it in the people around me. I believe the left is far more strung out by the news due to the many recent media outrages they have been bombarded with. They now cannot tell fact from fiction.

The UK approach is much much more sensible. Don't shut anything down. If anyone needs to be protected by quarantine, it's the old folks. The rest of us will get the virus, or not, and get over it same as any other year.

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2 hours ago, Argus said:

The article I read did not mention any pre-existing conditions. Another article I read also suggested the major danger is the immune system itself going into overdrive in some people and causing inflammation which spreads and eventually shuts down organs.

The point I wanted to make was your apparent blithe assurance that this is only a danger to the elderly and those with already serious health issues does not appear to be true, and I have seen no healthcare professionals say as much.

It is not me it is a medical fact. The virus is not killing anyone opportunistic infections are and there is a huge difference. Opportunistic infections are not all automatically fatal and the best thing we could do is inject you with the damn virus so you would get over it.

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2 hours ago, Argus said:

The article I read did not mention any pre-existing conditions. Another article I read also suggested the major danger is the immune system itself going into overdrive in some people and causing inflammation which spreads and eventually shuts down organs.

The point I wanted to make was 

Of course it did not it's not privy to his private medical history.

Next the medical conditions you describe happen with a cold or a flu with the same people.

The virus you are panicking over does not make that reality go away for such people. 

You mistake them and their particular compromised immunities with healthy people who this does not happen to because you would prefer to stop being rational and panic.

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On 3/14/2020 at 12:49 PM, Rue said:

Well let me say, your governments have not helped. Their shutting down schools giving you the impression this is a constructive way to stop the virus simply fuels your panic. The virus doesn't magically disappear because you slow down its spread-viruses do not disappear and most are quickly contained if you just wash your hands and stop using your cell phones as a petri dish to cultivate and maintain the bacteria and viruses you carry around.

Nobody's panicking

Just preparing.

Staying home. 

If you're not, you're a danger. 

I hope Trumpians have great rallies!  Lol 

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2 hours ago, Rue said:

Of course it did not it's not privy to his private medical history.

Next the medical conditions you describe happen with a cold or a flu with the same people.

The virus you are panicking over does not make that reality go away for such people. 

You mistake them and their particular compromised immunities with healthy people who this does not happen to because you would prefer to stop being rational and panic.

Oh stop diagnosing.

Post the proper information links.


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1 minute ago, jacee said:

Nobody's panicking

Just preparing.

On the contrary, a lot of people are scared. I had to talk to my family about it today because they were getting overly worried. I hope they're feeling better now.

It would be useful for Canadians to have similar reassurances from the PM that things are fine and we should not panic or make rash decisions. I think Canadians would appreciate that.

In addition people are being laid off work all over the place right now. These are real issues being felt by everyone who is trying to make a living.

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4 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

On the contrary, a lot of people are scared. I had to talk to my family about it today because they were getting overly worried. I hope they're feeling better now.

It would be useful for Canadians to have similar reassurances from the PM that things are fine and we should not panic or make rash decisions. I think Canadians would appreciate that.

In addition people are being laid off work all over the place right now. These are real issues being felt by everyone who is trying to make a living.



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1 minute ago, jacee said:

Aside from Mr. Trudeau's promises, what that article says is not very reassuring.


most of the workers who could use financial assistance can’t easily work from home right now, meaning closed schools, self-isolation or quarantine will mean lost shifts and plummeting incomes — or force those who are sick to still go into work.

And most do not even qualify for EI under the current rules. Why is that? Because they have multiple part-time jobs, the only way most people in the lower income bracket can get by today. Hence, no coverage by employer or government. They likely have no reserves either. If you've made  lot of money in your life you might find this hard to relate to.

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10 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

 If you've made  lot of money in your life you might find this hard to relate to.

I've made more money than I ever dreamed I would, and I was hedged for this Black Swan, none the less, with the pandemic shutdown there is no demand side pull as the markets are in free fall, so this is indeed the stuff depressions are made of.  

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Understand that the equity markets are not the real economy, they are the real economy in the future

In a market crash under normal conditions, there is a demand side pull from the real economy which creates a floor.

In this case, due to the pandemic shutting everything down at the same time, the real economy and the equity markets are in free fall at the same time.

So this has the potential to be a perfect storm.

Many of us were awaiting this correction knowing that it was going to be a big one

It's compounded however,  the Black Swan not only popped the bubble, it is expanding from there to lay waste to main street in the wake.

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2 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I've made more money than I ever dreamed I would, and I was hedged for this Black Swan, none the less, with the pandemic shutdown there is no demand side pull as the markets are in free fall, so this is indeed the stuff depressions are made of.  

Well I'm no financial expert but I have my suspicions that this is what the whole matter is really about. Nothing to do with health and safety at all. The virus panic is a US propaganda initiative to attack China's economy.

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3 hours ago, Rue said:

Of course it did not it's not privy to his private medical history.

So your statement that he had a pre-existing condition was mere presumption on your part, and not an actual fact. You stated it as a fact.

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1 minute ago, OftenWrong said:

Well I'm no financial expert but I have my suspicions that this is what the whole matter is really about. Nothing to do with health and safety at all. The virus panic is a US propaganda initiative to attack China's economy.

I think the American media was just trying to damage Trump in the wake of failing to impeach him, but then it popped the bubble and now the animal spirits are out of their control

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15 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I think the American media was just trying to damage Trump in the wake of failing to impeach him, but then it popped the bubble and now the animal spirits are out of their control

Yeah that's what I thought as well. Pandora's box. They thought they could hold the tiger by the tail.

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