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Is climate change, a major concern for Canadians ....

Is climate change important to canadians   

22 members have voted

  1. 1. How much would you be willing to give or contribute through taxes or donation to climate change

    • Nothing, either you don't care or are not convinced yet
    • more than $100.00, but less than $ 200.00, i care but it is not a top priority
    • more than $ 200.00 but less than 500.00 , I do care
    • Anything it takes as we are in a climate emergancy...

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  • Poll closed on 12/02/2019 at 02:12 PM

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Guest PPC2019
12 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Please , Lets be honest here we all are concerned with how much taxes we pay and where it goes, and we are already paying higher taxes that are not going to producing any viable results, we also found out that the carbon tax is not fully costed out to meet Paris accord agreed upon numbers , to do that we are going to pay out double of what the max figure was … according to Barbie.... so this is going to cost more than a few thousand dollars....and for the same result ….nothing...

If Canadians wanted this climate emergency seriously they would have looked to the green party for results...but they did not, because it involves more sacrifice than they are willing to pay out..... I aware of what the above poll points to, but in reality that did not happen....the fact that the greens only have 3 seats is telling....or should I say the party with the best platform to fight climate change ""if this was a climate emergency" which it is not, life will be on this planet in 10 , 20, 30 years from now..

Until the current governments federal and provincial  take climate change seriously , how can we expect the population to.. lets not even talk about all the other countries, that are not interested in doing the same sacrificing their current standard of living. How do you suggest we change minds when there is NO plan of attack, at any level of government there is no incentives for companies to produce in mass qty green tech...What we lack is leadership.... to deliver that incentive for everyone to jump in board....thats not defeatist attitude that is todays reality.  what is it that my mother used to say actions speak louder than words, Canadians put their votes into action and quit clearly voted for Barbies climate plan, which does little for anybody.... 

Everyone is missing the big picture with the climate change conversation. The world is expected to get another billion people in 15 years. This is unsustainable. This is what all the environmental alarmist should be focused on. Even if climate change is a hoax, we are still going to have serious issues with food production, water security, and geopolitical stability. The environmentalists are now suggesting we tow icebergs to Africa for drinking water, but no one talks about population growth, only how to increase supply.

If you're a conservative, than you should worry about refugees and migrants. India has a population density that is 100 times greater than Canada, and their population is rapidly growing! The liberal excuse will be Canada is behind, so they will use mass immigration to get Canada to 100 million by 2100. If Canada reached 100 million, you can bet your ass, our boreal forest will be destroyed to grow more food, and gather more resources.

So what am I personally doing to contribute to battle against climate change? I got a vasectomy, and i'm not having children. I will prevent 10 or 20 people from being born over the next 100 years. I'm going to live my life, and not let the politically correct tell me what kind of car I should drive, or what kind of food i'm going to eat, because if everyone took overpopulation seriously, like I do, in 100 years we wouldn't have a problem.

Why should Canadians destroy their quality of live to apologize to the developing nations, who have no sense of demographical responsibility? We contribute 1.6% to the worlds greenhouse emissions. It's time to put Canada first, and stop pretending like we're the ones destroying the planet, because we're not. The country is on the verge of splitting apart because we bend over backward to the climate cult. It's sad to see my conservative allies falling into the guilt trap.

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19 hours ago, bcsapper said:

then try and imagine what actually has to happen to reverse, or even just call a halt to, climate change, you can see how impossible it is.  Because it has to be a worldwide effort, with an absolutely unheard of level of cooperation. 

And even then, the lag in the system means that when we do go to net zero, it won't stop the climate changing for about twenty years.

There's a documentary series on Netflix called "Our Planet", produced this year.  Has some interesting stuff in it.  Episode 4 (I think) was about Coastal waters.  Overfishing in some areas has resulted in the decimation of biodiversity, and essentially a dead ocean.  One area (sorry I can't remember the name) highlighted recovered much of its biodiversity within a decade after protections were put in place.   

Individual efforts matter just as much as cooperation among leaders.  Individual efforts can range from reducing meat eating, to buying locally sourced food and products, to standing in a plaza, on a street or a bridge to demand leaders take action.  Individual efforts influence corporations through their profits and leaders through elections or civil unrest.  We in the West have the freedom to lead those under oppressive regimes.  Sitting on our hands and saying "we can't do anything", "not our problem", "someone else has to start" is the wrong answer.

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6 minutes ago, dialamah said:

There's a documentary series on Netflix called "Our Planet", produced this year.  Has some interesting stuff in it.  Episode 4 (I think) was about Coastal waters.  Overfishing in some areas has resulted in the decimation of biodiversity, and essentially a dead ocean.  One area (sorry I can't remember the name) highlighted recovered much of its biodiversity within a decade after protections were put in place.   

Individual efforts matter just as much as cooperation among leaders.  Individual efforts can range from reducing meat eating, to buying locally sourced food and products, to standing in a plaza, on a street or a bridge to demand leaders take action.  Individual efforts influence corporations through their profits and leaders through elections or civil unrest.  We in the West have the freedom to lead those under oppressive regimes.  Sitting on our hands and saying "we can't do anything", "not our problem", "someone else has to start" is the wrong answer.

Like I said, individual efforts are fine, but they won't do anything to stop climate change.  I do all the things you mentioned except the plaza one, but it doesn't hurt me.  It's actually better for me.  I don't sit in the cold and dark all winter, which will make my footprint far less.  If I thought it would really help I would, but it won't, so I won't.

Same with industry.  It's not going to help to put people out of work, so we might as well continue to produce what people are going to use.  Put the carbon tax into carbon capture technology and planting trees.  That would be better for the planet and the climate than simply shutting down the oil sands and sending everyone home.

Saying it's "not our problem" is wrong.  Saying "we can't do anything" is simply acknowledging reality.

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2 hours ago, PPC2019 said:

If you're a conservative, than you should worry about refugees and migrants. India has a population density that is 100 times greater than Canada, and their population is rapidly growing! The liberal excuse will be Canada is behind, so they will use mass immigration to get Canada to 100 million by 2100. If Canada reached 100 million, you can bet your ass, our boreal forest will be destroyed to grow more food, and gather more resources.

I've said before that the US ought to build a wall, or some other barrier, and that in years to come they'll be grateful they had it. Canada needs to set its damned refugee policy into hard-hearted stone or we could be overrun. We need to arrest and hold all claimants, give them a hurry-up hearing, then instantly send them back where they came from if they're not legitimate refugees. The EU is screwed, in my opinion, except maybe the UK and Ireland. When the millions trying to get there become tens of millions and hundreds of millions the citizenry will overthrow their spineless, hand-wringing governments and replace them with fascists who will turn guns on the masses trying to get into Europe. By then, of course, Europe will be a shithole of poverty, violence, and dictatorship anyway.

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3 hours ago, PPC2019 said:

If you're a conservative, than you should worry about . . .

Life goes by quick, every day is a gift, don't waste time worrying about that which is beyond your control.

Don't anticipate contact, just let it come, then take it in stride.

Like the song says, live without warning ;


Edited by Dougie93
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37 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Life goes by quick, every day is a gift, don't waste time worrying about that which is beyond your control.

Don't anticipate contact, just let it come, then take it in stride.

Like the song says, live without warning ;


They also said "dont wanna be an american idiot".  :D


It's true though, do the best you can with what you got.  Don't get all freaked out about things that are beyond your capabilities.

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On 11/7/2019 at 5:49 AM, SkyHigh said:

I tasked an employee to find a better way to offset our emissions. She found an NGO in south america whos work is geared towards diminishing carbon emissions from third world countries. 

I was trying to figure out how exactly you meaningfully reduced your carbon footprint , reading your statements above, but could not.

All you did was point a finger at me, but no legitimate arguments to disprove what I said were made.

I will repeat again:


You pay what you want, or what you can, but do not try to sell me a tax collection scam!

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6 hours ago, PPC2019 said:

India has a population density that is 100 times greater than Canada, and their population is rapidly growing!

And I knew Canadians who went to India to help those poor people get better.  I told them then, dropping a bomb to relieve those people from their misery seems like a more appropriate strategy to me.  If they cannot control their population, someone should!

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32 minutes ago, cougar said:

If they cannot control their population, someone should!

Nature will.  India is right next door to an equally over-populated over-exploited country - there's even an equally overabundant surplus of fighting-age males.

There's nothing here that nature can't deal with quite naturally all on its own.

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Guest PPC2019
1 hour ago, cougar said:

And I knew Canadians who went to India to help those poor people get better.  I told them then, dropping a bomb to relieve those people from their misery seems like a more appropriate strategy to me.  If they cannot control their population, someone should!

That will only work one time, and then mankind will never take overpopulation seriously again. It must be humane, so future generations will continue to care.

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Guest PPC2019
43 minutes ago, Argus said:

Here ya go.


Enough with the cheap shots. It's called having less babies.


By the way, if you care about national security... It's not good to have countries with 100 times Canada's population continue to grow? What happens if they go rogue and one of them decides to invade Canada.... Then we're done. We'll simply be outnumbered

We could have a population arms race, but than that would kill us.

So lets convince the third world countries to have less babies!

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Guest PPC2019
2 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

Fewer babies.

Yes 2 children, or maybe 3.... no more 5, 6 or 7.... in Africa, India, and China

A philosophy that promotes small family's. 

A philosophy that believes in the quality of the family, over the quantity.

It's not rocket science.

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Guest PPC2019
20 hours ago, cougar said:

I was trying to figure out how exactly you meaningfully reduced your carbon footprint , reading your statements above, but could not.

All you did was point a finger at me, but no legitimate arguments to disprove what I said were made.

I will repeat again:


You pay what you want, or what you can, but do not try to sell me a tax collection scam!

Actually paying more Taxes, just gives government the ability to become more inefficient. when inefficiency gets worse. We go further into debt. 

What happens to environmental regulations, when an a country goes into debt, and the economy crashes? 

Ya environmentalism becomes the last priority.


Conservatism protects, and doesn't destroy the environment and future generations.

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1 hour ago, PPC2019 said:

Enough with the cheap shots. It's called having less babies.

Canada does not need fewer babies. It needs MORE. The places that need fewer babies are in the third world.


By the way, if you care about national security... It's not good to have countries with 100 times Canada's population continue to grow?

Then there'll be mass starvation and disease there. No one has the ability to transport enough people across an ocean to invade anyone.

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5 hours ago, PPC2019 said:

 What happens if they go rogue and one of them decides to invade Canada.... Then we're done. We'll simply be outnumbered

They have no need to invade because our government lets them in voluntarily !    This is why we have our own huge Chinese and Indian ghettos.

The reality is that our government does not care about climate change, environment or wildlife.  As long as business is good they will pump people into the country and pile up imaginmary profits in the forms of debt over the next 50-100 years.

Debt means those people in debt have to destroy the environment over those 50 years any way the government sees fit (and continue to increase carbon emissions) to pay off their mortgages, get food and clothes and carry on with their every day lives.

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Guest PPC2019
1 minute ago, cougar said:

They have no need to invade because our government lets them in on their own accord!    This is why we have our own huge Chinese and Indian ghettos.

The reality is that our government does not care about climate change, environment or wildlife.  As long as business is good they will pump people into the country and pile up imaginmary profits in the forms of debt over the next 50-100 years.

Debt means those people in debt have to destroy the environment any way the government sees fit to pay off their mortgages, get food and clothes and carry on with their every day lives.

Well true environmentalists see debt as screwing up future generations. We're all about sustainability.

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On 11/8/2019 at 2:00 PM, eyeball said:

Nature will.


If you leave it to nature, you are dooming all other species to extinction.  You are also dooming your own family to extinction.  Leaving it to nature will bring us into the next nuclear war, that no living thing will survive.

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Guest PPC2019

Apart of me says... Let the Chinese government invade. Than maybe will have 600 KPH Maglev trains.

Of course, if you tried this in Canada... all the lawyers would find an excuse to sue them... Because Canada is run by a bunch of elitist parasites, that makes building mass transit damn-near impossible.

China is the only country that actually gets things done, so in a way, I respect them.


I feel like pounding on Justin Trudeau's desk..... "Hey Justin, I want my Transcontinental MagLev Train."

And when Doug Ford.... says... Let's build a subway.... I say.... no Douggie.... I want me MAGLEV :P GIMMMMMMME DAT MAGLEV


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11 minutes ago, PPC2019 said:

Apart of me says... Let the Chinese government invade. Than maybe will have 600 KPH Maglev trains.

Of course, if you tried this in Canada... all the lawyers would find an excuse to sue them... Because Canada is run by a bunch of elitist parasites, that makes building mass transit damn-near impossible.

China is the only country that actually gets things done, so in a way, I respect them.


Keep in mind this world is not ours only.  Those trains kill wildlife.  Going from 2 lane roads where speed is below 80km/h  to 4 lane highways with $120km/h++  makes it impossible for any wildlife to cross unharmed.

Sorry, I do not like those trains, I do not like China.  I do not like any country with a huge uncontrollable population.  F-ers!

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Guest PPC2019
1 minute ago, cougar said:

Keep in mind this world is not ours only.  Those trains kill wildlife.  Going from 2 lane roads where speed is below 80km/h  to 4 lane highways with $120km/h++  makes it impossible for any wildlife to cross unharmed.

Sorry, I do not like those trains, I do not like China.  I do not like any country with a huge uncontrollable population.  F-ers!

I don't like overpopulation either, but we could build a Maglev's in cities as small as London Ontario.... and they are elevated, so they don't hurt wildlife.

Capitalism and the environment can be compatible.


It cost the Chinese 1.2 billion to build one across the city of Shanghai. 1 month of Justin's deficits would pay for that. The Chinese get things done, super cheap!


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5 hours ago, PPC2019 said:

Actually paying more Taxes, just gives government the ability to become more inefficient. when inefficiency gets worse. We go further into debt. 

What happens to environmental regulations, when an a country goes into debt, and the economy crashes? 

Ya environmentalism becomes the last priority.


Conservatism protects, and doesn't destroy the environment and future generations.

Are you the official voice of the PPC? 

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Guest PPC2019
1 minute ago, jacee said:

Are you the official voice of the PPC? 

No i'm not... actually if you read what I've been posting, I want to create a party that is more right-wing than the PPC.

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