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4 hours ago, Argus said:

The origin of the bill was to fight face covering, ie, burkas and niquabs. That was so clearly targeted at Muslims they expanded it to all religions in order to make it seem like they weren't aiming at Muslims. But we all know that if there were no Muslims in Quebec there would be no bill 21.

Maybe not, because there have been lots of scandals concerning Hasidic Jews and Sikhs. For example, Hasidic Jews asked for too many concessions over our values in the 2ks when it came to gyms, while some Sikhs brought Kirpans to school to stab some students. 

What you're spouting is the Ontarian rhetoric that comes from Toronto which means Québec is waciss because reasons.

On 9/6/2019 at 4:18 PM, taxme said:

I do not see anything wrong with any kinds of Christian religious symbols being mounted and seen anywhere in Quebec, nor the rest of Canada. Christianity is and always has been a part of our Canadian culture. Other religions were not. They are all foreign religions and all have no right to demand that their religious symbols be recognized one bit. Here in Canada and Quebec, we are always being forced to have to accept other religions and traditions and cultures and they are supposed to become as equal to our own Canadian traditions and values and culture. I say hogwash to that. 


Stop showing such rudeness. There are some members here who do not understand french. The English language is the main language spoken here. Let's stick with the program. ;)

I could not agree with you more. Well said. Why do we keep changing the rules for others? Bill 21 NEEDS to be in effect for all of Canada.

3 hours ago, Teena said:

I could not agree with you more. Well said. Why do we keep changing the rules for others? Bill 21 NEEDS to be in effect for all of Canada.

I agree. Bill 21 should be applied all over Canada. But good luck on that one. At least the french speaking people in Quebec are willing to try and protect and preserve their language, religion and culture. While the English speaking politicians in the rest of Canada choose to try and reduce or eliminate as much as possible our Western English language, religion and culture. With those politically correct English speaking buffoons around the rest of the world appears to be more important to them. Canada has been taken over by french Quebec, and it is also slowly being taken over by so many other religions, languages and cultures from foreign lands. Even the Sikhs get to mock our laws. They get to wear their turbans in the RCMP and get to ride motorcycles w/o having to wear motorcycle helmets. Foreigners coming from incompatible cultures are slowly changing Canada from it's western cultural ways and values to non-western ways and values. May will only assist in this change to make Canada appear not so Canadian anymore. May is all in favor for open borders. When a country like Canada bends over backwards to try and please foreigners and tries to protect their foreign cultures, languages and religions from different lands then is Canada really worth saving and fighting for anymore? The way things are going these days, I do not think that in another couple of decades Canada will look like it once did decades ago. Just my opinion. 

22 minutes ago, Teena said:



While May’s Christian faith would never make me more or less likely to vote for her, the fact she felt moved to apologize for discussing it sends up red flags

May realized that she just said something politically incorrect. May said Jesus was her Lord and savior and  that is a no-no here in multicultural Canada. There was nothing wrong with her saying that but apparently, she thought that she was now being politically incorrect and cover her Christian tracks that Christianity should not be mentioned all that much in Canada anymore. Canadians are supposed to now embrace the many other religions that are coming to Canada and accept them on par with Christianity. All religions have disagreements about and with other religions and allowing more religions to move into Canada will and could cause big religious problems one day here in multicultural/diversity Canada land. We all should know by now that Islam hates any other religion and believes that anyone who is not a Muslim is an infidel. Troubles there already brewing in Canada. Islam is one of the fastest religions growing in Canada today. May is a fool. Instead of standing by her beliefs, she backed off. Typical of these political correct politicians in Canada who would prefer to kiss ass other religions and cultures and abandon their own for PC sake. The red flags are already have been flying in Canada  for decades now. The problem is that there is no politician in Canada who will want to try and take that red flag down. The only one that appears to not be afraid of doing just that is Maxine Bernier. Bernier does not like PC one bit and Bernier will not bend down to the sacred cow of political correctness. The only politician who has the marbles to say so and that everyone needs to admire Bernier for that. Bernier appears to be the Trump of Canada. Say it like it is and dam the consequences. May is basically a socialist/communist and the red flag would suit her party well. It would appear as though the Canadian flag is not her favorite flag. Just saying. ;)

18 minutes ago, taxme said:

I agree. Bill 21 should be applied all over Canada. But good luck on that one. At least the french speaking people in Quebec are willing to try and protect and preserve their language, religion and culture. While the English speaking politicians in the rest of Canada choose to try and reduce or eliminate as much as possible our Western English language, religion and culture. With those politically correct English speaking buffoons around the rest of the world appears to be more important to them. Canada has been taken over by french Quebec, and it is also slowly being taken over by so many other religions, languages and cultures from foreign lands. Even the Sikhs get to mock our laws. They get to wear their turbans in the RCMP and get to ride motorcycles w/o having to wear motorcycle helmets. Foreigners coming from incompatible cultures are slowly changing Canada from it's western cultural ways and values to non-western ways and values. May will only assist in this change to make Canada appear not so Canadian anymore. May is all in favor for open borders. When a country like Canada bends over backwards to try and please foreigners and tries to protect their foreign cultures, languages and religions from different lands then is Canada really worth saving and fighting for anymore? The way things are going these days, I do not think that in another couple of decades Canada will look like it once did decades ago. Just my opinion. 

Well we can fight still? Most people I know feel helpless and they have tuned out. They are not willing to take a stand because they know that their employment status may be in jeopardy if they express their true feeling. I want to fight. Did you see the motorcycle group that rode with no helmuts to protest the exception made for Sikh's? Some Canadians are trying but we need more before it's too late. Is our best course of action to hope for the best while preparing for the worst? 

20 hours ago, Teena said:

Well we can fight still?

Not worth the time wasted, Canada is a lost cause, rally around the Declaration of Independence, Canadians stand for nothing and fight for nothing; Post National State.

20 hours ago, Teena said:

Did you see the motorcycle group that rode with no helmuts to protest the exception made for Sikh's?

Oh, this one passed under my radar. I knew that some Sikh are asking for that priviledge but, I did not know it was granted. What province and when?

20 hours ago, taxme said:

I agree. Bill 21 should be applied all over Canada. But good luck on that one. At least the french speaking people in Quebec are willing to try and... 

hehe! It must have been a real pain for you to admit the french in Quebec are doing better. ;):D 

On ‎9‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 4:53 PM, QuebecOverCanada said:

 Jews asked for too many concessions

They did not ask. They took. They give a little bit of money to YMCA to block their own windows. They forbid people to bring non kocher food into the jewish hospital (although it is a public hospital also funded by public money). They did not pay their municipal taxes in few cities. Like in Boisbriand if my memory does not fail me. And so on...

58 minutes ago, Benz said:

Oh, this one passed under my radar. I knew that some Sikh are asking for that priviledge but, I did not know it was granted. What province and when?

Turbaned Sikhs are already exempt from wearing motorcycle helmets in Alberta, Manitoba and British Columbia. The United Kingdom implemented a motorcycle helmet exemption for Sikhs in 1976, the Ontario government noted. Ford said the move to allow the helmet exemption came after listening to the Sikh community.Oct 11, 2018

1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

Not worth the time wasted, Canada is a lost cause, rally around the Declaration of Independence, Canadians stand for nothing and fight for nothing; Post National State.

Hi Dougie93 - Your right. Canadians don't want to fight :( Seems our elections are more about recent strains of immigrants than real Canadians,  you know the people that built this dying country.

  • Thanks 1

Not all Canadians are willing to sit and watch, just the liberals  

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

21 hours ago, Teena said:

Well we can fight still? Most people I know feel helpless and they have tuned out. They are not willing to take a stand because they know that their employment status may be in jeopardy if they express their true feeling. I want to fight. Did you see the motorcycle group that rode with no helmuts to protest the exception made for Sikh's? Some Canadians are trying but we need more before it's too late. Is our best course of action to hope for the best while preparing for the worst? 

About time other motorcyclists took some action against this racist law. I am curious. Where did this helmet protest happen? I never saw this on the Canadian news at all. I wonder why? Afraid that they might get called "racists"? :o

2 minutes ago, taxme said:

About time other motorcyclists took some action against this racist law. I am curious. Where did this helmet protest happen? I never saw this on the Canadian news at all. I wonder why? Afraid that they might get called "racists"? :o

The protest was in Alberta. I have family there. The Canadian news only shows what they want.

34 minutes ago, Teena said:

Hi Dougie93 - Your right. Canadians don't want to fight :( Seems our elections are more about recent strains of immigrants than real Canadians,  you know the people that built this dying country.

Because Canada is not a republic, it's not even a unified state.   "Canada" is simply Confederation.  Confederation is not a nation, it is simply an agreement.

Nobody fights for Confederation, because nobody feels responsible for it, except in Upper Canada, where the Guardians of Confederation live.

The other issue is the Post National State.   In the 1960's, in order to try to get the Anglos and Quebec to get along, the Liberals erased British Canadian history.

Quebec wasn't appeased, so it didn't acheive it's stated purpose.  But it did create a void in English Canada, which has been filled by America by default.

1 hour ago, Benz said:

hehe! It must have been a real pain for you to admit the french in Quebec are doing better. ;):D 

The french are only doing better because of the rest of Canada being forced to help them out with their hard earned tax dollars. Especially Alberta. All the french want to talk about is to keep Quebec all french. The English language not wanted or needed in Quebec. I say keep french out of the rest of Canada. 

So, maybe you can tell me why does Quebec put up their dollar signs on food or material products like this. Canada: $2.99. In Quebec: 2,99$ Why? If a new visitor came to Quebec for a holiday from somewhere they would probably think that they are in some french speaking European or other french speaking country. Quebec looks more like a french speaking country on it's own rather than looking like or being a part of the rest of Canada. You do know that English is one of the official languages in Canada, right? You know that New Brunswick is officially bilingua, right?l And Ontario will soon be declared an official bilingual province. Billions more tax dollars will be wasted on promoting a slang french language that the rest of Canada does not need to pay to help keep alive anymore. All Ontario highway signs are bilingual. Quebec's highway signs are all in french only. Even in France, the word "STOP" is used and not "Arret". 

Just thought I would let you know about these things about Quebec that the rest of Canada out west does not know or is aware of. ;)

12 minutes ago, Teena said:

The protest was in Alberta. I have family there. The Canadian news only shows what they want.

Good on the motorcyclists in Alberta. But I wonder as to how far they will get with their political leaders with this protest. It needs to go to the Supreme court and be challenged as an act of racism. I am surprised that the Alberta media did not try to make this out to be a racist issue. It's all about everybody but the British/European people in Canada today. The Muslims are getting their way also in Canada. I am pretty sure that May is all in favor of foreigners being able to break our rules and  laws. May is only worried about trees and forests and not much else of any importance. Welcome to the new Canada, Teena. As things go now, Canada will even be looking a lot more different than it is today if these clowns that are running for the PM job of Canada get elected. Bernier is the only politician in Canada that wants to get back and make Canada great again. And no, Bernier is not a racist or the fake bought off Canadian media would have found something on him already. Bernier is not a globalist like the others. Bernier is a Canadian nationalist, just like me , and proud of it.  :D

2 hours ago, Benz said:

They did not ask. They took. They give a little bit of money to YMCA to block their own windows. They forbid people to bring non kocher food into the jewish hospital (although it is a public hospital also funded by public money). They did not pay their municipal taxes in few cities. Like in Boisbriand if my memory does not fail me. And so on...

Non-Jewish hospitals would be attacked by the media in Canada over Jews not being allowed to bring kosher foods into non-Jewish hospitals. In Canada, double standards do exist. Not all the people in Canada are treated equal. Some get treated differently. The word "equality" in the COR means nothing at all. It is just there and really taking up paper space for nothing. The COR can be cut in half because it can be picked and chewed at and taken apart whenever our politicians or appointed SJW judges want to make changes to the COR that suits their own political beliefs. May would pick the COR apart if she ever became the PM of Canada. As Dougie93 says? Is Canada really worth fighting for anymore. Canada is not looking very good these days. The next election will tell it all. -_-



4 minutes ago, taxme said:

Good on the motorcyclists in Alberta. But I wonder as to how far they will get with their political leaders with this protest. It needs to go to the Supreme court and be challenged as an act of racism. I am surprised that the Alberta media did not try to make this out to be a racist issue. It's all about everybody but the British/European people in Canada today. The Muslims are getting their way also in Canada. I am pretty sure that May is all in favor of foreigners being able to break our rules and  laws. May is only worried about trees and forests and not much else of any importance. Welcome to the new Canada, Teena. As things go now, Canada will even be looking a lot more different than it is today if these clowns that are running for the PM job of Canada get elected. Bernier is the only politician in Canada that wants to get back and make Canada great again. And no, Bernier is not a racist or the fake bought off Canadian media would have found something on him already. Bernier is not a globalist like the others. Bernier is a Canadian nationalist, just like me , and proud of it.  :D

I started talking about this 15 years ago. I even made a "Muslim" scrapbook back then. I was so hurt from some of my own personal experiences that I wanted to share my findings. People care and agree but again, no one does nothing. So I shut down. I am very worried about what is to come. I want to see someone in office like Trump. I don't even like him but I admire some of the things he is doing. Not sure if you are familiar with Toronto, Ontario but it has changed so much. It is a sanctuary city. Check out Toronto's Most Wanted. 

1 minute ago, Teena said:

I started talking about this 15 years ago. I even made a "Muslim" scrapbook back then. I was so hurt from some of my own personal experiences that I wanted to share my findings. People care and agree but again, no one does nothing. So I shut down. I am very worried about what is to come. I want to see someone in office like Trump. I don't even like him but I admire some of the things he is doing. Not sure if you are familiar with Toronto, Ontario but it has changed so much. It is a sanctuary city. Check out Toronto's Most Wanted. 

Thanks to politically correct politicians like May, cities like Toronto are starting to look more like the rest of the world. When I was young, Toronto was called "Toronto the good". Now it can be called Toronto the bad with so much crime and poverty and being full of many incompatible cultures that makes Toronto look like a non-British/European city anymore. And the way things are going these days it will be Toronto no more. The warning signs are there, but is anybody reading that sign? Obviously not, or they just can't read English anymore. Just saying. 

8 minutes ago, Teena said:

. I want to see someone in office like Trump.

Presidents come and go, all that matters is the Declaration of Independence preamble and associated Constitution.

Trump is simply a messenger.   He doesn't define the republic.


On 9/6/2019 at 10:01 AM, Argus said:

only idiot progressives would vote for her party in the first place, and they probably agree with her.

In your opinion, who will the smart progressives vote for? Or are there any smart progressives? 

"What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.

4 hours ago, taxme said:

The french are only doing better because of the rest of Canada being forced to help them out with their hard earned tax dollars. Especially Alberta. All the french want to talk about is to keep Quebec all french. The English language not wanted or needed in Quebec. I say keep french out of the rest of Canada.

Stop all Transfer Payments to Quebec . . . .  if, for example, Alberta refused to submit monies/taxes that would be going to Quebec, what can Ottawa do?  Stop money to Ottawa and they are powerless. Ottawa kick Alberta out of Confederation . . .so what, who cares!  No matter how many times you scrape your shoe, the stench of Quebec lingers . . . . 

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, marcus said:

In your opinion, who will the smart progressives vote for? Or are there any smart progressives? 

They shouldn't vote for progressives, because progressives will just sabotage their cause due to naive wishful thinking and intentions taking precedence over results and facts. The very groups they care so much about helping are helped the least when progressives get elected, if they actually care about results for the cause they claim to champion, then it's time for progressives to stop voting for progressives, because they don't get the job done.

Edited by Yzermandius19

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