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Trudeau begs president of Nigeria for one million immigrants.

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4 minutes ago, taxme said:

1. Wow? Am I really all that stuff you mentioned? I did not know that not that being described with all of those names above will bother me in the least. When one gets labelled with words like what you posted above then one should take it as a badge of honor because one is really starting to pizz off one of those leftist liberal losers out there. LOL. 

2. So do I also live and let live but that does not mean that I should just shut up and remain silent and watch as my country burns for people like you who do not like to hear or read or listen to the other side of the story of what someone else has to say that bothers people like you. Besides you could careless about anything but yourself, right? It's all about you, eh?  

3. I am pro Trump and pro freedom. Is that not being pro American enough for you?  if not, what else can I say for you to prove to you that I am pro Trump and pro freedom?  :D

1. When you're a racist anti-Semetic pseudo Nazi, you might as well be loud and proud about it, courage of your convictions or bust.

2. I care about what I care about, I don't necessarily care about what you care about, it's certainly not all about you, with me.

3. I am not pro Trump per se, I just see him as a means to an end.   American freedom doesn't actually have anything to do with the West Wing, it's all about the constitution.

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29 minutes ago, taxme said:

So can you honestly say without a doubt that you have done your homework and you know for a fact that the story was all just a lie?

Yes. I happen to work in immigration (privately) and I know pretty much every news and policy on immigration before they are made public.

Whoever posted this fake news obviously has an agenda. This could be to trigger people like you with another SCARY IMMIGRANTS story. Kind of like how companies were hired to plant fake stories through facebook during the U.S. elections. 

They could also be click baiting. Perhaps they want traffic to their site which will increase revenue.

Here are some other articles by them:



Another site called City News — which imitates a local Canadian news site — also published several of these articles. The site seems to be managed by the same person or people who run CBTV; a Radio-Canada analysis determined both sites share the same Google Analytics ID.



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46 minutes ago, marcus said:

Whoever posted this fake news obviously has an agenda. This could be to trigger people like you with another SCARY IMMIGRANTS story. Kind of like how companies were hired to plant fake stories through facebook during the U.S. elections.  

This is exactly it.  But does anybody actually share these stories under their real names ?  The ones I see that do are 80 year old doddering fools.  Taxme (nice name) has an anonymous moniker for his fake outrage.

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On 6/17/2019 at 3:46 PM, Argus said:

This is stupid and brainless, and was long ago dismissed as a hoax. No one with more than half a brain wouldn't realize that immediately.

What makes you think that people should automatically discount something this stupid from Trudeau? 

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19 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

This is exactly it.  But does anybody actually share these stories under their real names ?  The ones I see that do are 80 year old doddering fools.  Taxme (nice name) has an anonymous moniker for his fake outrage.

Hey, it was your prime mistake of Canuckistan that told the rest of the world to come on in and over to Canada. The door is wide open for you to just walk right on in. The Canadian taxpayer's would love to have you all here and they have no problem paying the bill for you while you are here even if it means you have to go on welfare for a few years. What's a few billion tax dollars here, and a few billion tax dollars there, says Trudeau and his Somali immigration minister. Canadians are generous suckers, I mean fools, I mean nice dummies. Geez, what is that nice word that I am looking for? Chuckle-chuckle. Taxme works well for me. I am Canadian taxme some more Trudeau. :D

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20 hours ago, marcus said:

Yes. I happen to work in immigration (privately) and I know pretty much every news and policy on immigration before they are made public.

Whoever posted this fake news obviously has an agenda. This could be to trigger people like you with another SCARY IMMIGRANTS story. Kind of like how companies were hired to plant fake stories through facebook during the U.S. elections. 

They could also be click baiting. Perhaps they want traffic to their site which will increase revenue.

Here are some other articles by them:



Another site called City News — which imitates a local Canadian news site — also published several of these articles. The site seems to be managed by the same person or people who run CBTV; a Radio-Canada analysis determined both sites share the same Google Analytics ID.



1. I worked for a company for decades but I did not have top clearance and have any access nor invited to know what was being said behind closed doors at the top. You said that you have some knowledge about immigration because you worked "privately" Are you trying to tell me that you were invited and sat in on all of the big meetings that went on in the immigration department of Canada? Working for the immigration department on the inside and working outside of the immigration department privately are two different things. Come on, don't try to give me the impression that you know all about what is going on in the immigration department of Canada. Such nonsense. 

2. How would you know if there were an "agenda" happening here or not? The only way you would know as to whether there was an evil agenda going on here is if you were a part and in on what is going on in the CBTV outfit. I do not need to be triggered by anyone on what is going on with our present day immigration policy here in Canada. I know that we are being overrun by immigrants who should not be here. Something that you appear to think that all is cool and that there is no secret immigration program and agenda to flood Canada going on by all of this massive flooding of new legal and illegal immigrants into Canada. Fake news is everywhere. Our own leftist liberal Canadian news media likes to spread fake news. Hello.

3. The same thing can be said about any website left or right that may want to get more viewers. It is up to the viewer to try and do his/her own research and look for and check out the facts. I have no proof and neither do you that CBTV is lying or not. With Trudeau at the helm, I can only believe for now what CBTV has pointed out as true. So there. :D

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On 6/21/2019 at 1:18 PM, taxme said:

1. I worked for a company for decades but I did not have top clearance and have any access nor invited to know what was being said behind closed doors at the top. You said that you have some knowledge about immigration because you worked "privately" Are you trying to tell me that you were invited and sat in on all of the big meetings that went on in the immigration department of Canada? Working for the immigration department on the inside and working outside of the immigration department privately are two different things. Come on, don't try to give me the impression that you know all about what is going on in the immigration department of Canada. Such nonsense. 

2. How would you know if there were an "agenda" happening here or not? The only way you would know as to whether there was an evil agenda going on here is if you were a part and in on what is going on in the CBTV outfit. I do not need to be triggered by anyone on what is going on with our present day immigration policy here in Canada. I know that we are being overrun by immigrants who should not be here. Something that you appear to think that all is cool and that there is no secret immigration program and agenda to flood Canada going on by all of this massive flooding of new legal and illegal immigrants into Canada. Fake news is everywhere. Our own leftist liberal Canadian news media likes to spread fake news. Hello.

3. The same thing can be said about any website left or right that may want to get more viewers. It is up to the viewer to try and do his/her own research and look for and check out the facts. I have no proof and neither do you that CBTV is lying or not. With Trudeau at the helm, I can only believe for now what CBTV has pointed out as true. So there. :D

Just don't. Don't do this anymore. It's a b.s. article.

The same headline has been used in a few other articles on their site, with only the name of the country changed. 

I work in the immigration sector and I know the rules and regulations. Rules and regulations that our immigrant loving prime minister can't just side step. The number of immigrants allowed this year is 320,000. This will increase by 10,000 by next year. Unless we get a new government and they change the course, which I don't see happening. The Conservatives have accepted around 300k total immigrants a year in the past, when they were in power.

You lose credibility by posting these fake articles. If you continue to deny that the article in your OP is b.s.,  you would be no better than Flat Earthers.


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1 hour ago, marcus said:

You lose credibility by posting these fake articles. If you continue to deny that the article in your OP is b.s.,  you would be no better than Flat Earthers.

I love your enthusiasm.  The fallacy here is that you can't lose anything if you have none of it - get it ?

There are wealthy liars out there paying people to spread lies about immigrants on social media. 

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3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

What about this here then? Not sure if it was mentioned before, but it seems relevant.

Canada resettled more refugees than any other country in 2018

Not sure how closely you scanned your supporting source for relevance but since you insist.



Is Canada asking countries for a million immigrants?

By Reality Check teamBBC News
A story saying Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has invited a million immigrants from individual countries to come to his country is spreading.

Nigeria, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana and the Philippines have all been targeted.

The articles have been circulating online and on social media.

But the stories aren't true.

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

So you were saying the story in the op was in fact fake news after all?

Oh, you have a question now, little mouse? Allow me to answer. Here's a nice piece of cheese. (OW head-fakes him, and the sucker goes for it...)

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On 6/22/2019 at 7:31 PM, OftenWrong said:

What about this here then? Not sure if it was mentioned before, but it seems relevant.

Canada resettled more refugees than any other country in 2018

Very relevant. The liberals in Canada are doing the same thing that the democrats are doing in the USA about illegal immigration. NOTHING. Our politically correct G. Soros sucks that we call our Canadian political buffoons know that thousands of criminal illegals have been pouring into Canada for years now, and they do not care. Canada is open season for all of the 70 million refugees in the world looking for a place to run too.  There will be millions of criminal illegals coming to Canada. Whether it be a million from one country or a million from several other third world countries is what it is all about. Trudeau and his Somali immigration minister have big dreams of flooding Canada with a million in the next two to three years if they get their way. The question here is who is going to pay for all of these criminal illegals entering Canada illegally? 

Well, anyone with half a brain knows who will be paying for it all? You and me and thee Canadians out there. Billions of our Canadian tax dollars will be blown and wasted on these illegals that could be better spent in Canada and Canadians to try and help make Canada great again. What is with some members here who thinks that this is just oh so wonderful a thing we are doing here are truly people who do not give a dam about Canada one bit. These leftist liberals/socialists/communists cannot be allowed to rule and run and ruin this country any longer. 

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On 6/22/2019 at 8:57 PM, Michael Hardner said:

I love your enthusiasm.  The fallacy here is that you can't lose anything if you have none of it - get it ?

There are wealthy liars out there paying people to spread lies about immigrants on social media. 

You are probably supporting some of those wealthy liars out there in the leftist liberal lying and fake social media commie world who are behind trying to flood Canada with as many illegal criminal refugees as they possibly can, eh? You appear to be quite in favor of what Trudeau and his Somali immigration minister are trying to do to Canada. If you cared about Canada you would not be attacking patriotic people like me. But I do not see any patriotism coming from you. All I see is just more leftist liberal communist bs who cannot wait to see Canada become another third world country. Some of those G.Soros types must have lots of their money invested in more immigration into Canada. But hey. :unsure:

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On 6/22/2019 at 10:45 PM, eyeball said:

Not sure how closely you scanned your supporting source for relevance but since you insist.


Image result for exploding cigar

So says the lying and fake Canadian leftist libmedia that will protect Trudeau no matter what he says or does. When the alt left mainstream Canadian media says that it is all just a lie that is when I now believe that it was not a lie. The libmedia can never be trusted with anything they say anymore because they have been bought up by commie Trudeau. Trudeau owns the Canadian media now. Our Canadian media should now be called Pravada communist media. Just saying. :D

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22 hours ago, taxme said:

So says the lying and fake Canadian leftist libmedia that will protect Trudeau no matter what he says or does. When the alt left mainstream Canadian media says that it is all just a lie that is when I now believe that it was not a lie. The libmedia can never be trusted with anything they say anymore because they have been bought up by commie Trudeau. Trudeau owns the Canadian media now. Our Canadian media should now be called Pravada communist media. Just saying. :D

You've gone over the edge with your paranoia. You are regurgitating the typical talking points you see in youtube videos and memes where the world is black and white: 

Left vs Right

Capitalist vs Communist

Christian vs Muslim

White vs Immigrant

Libmedia vs Altright media

The world is not so black and white. I say this, knowing that my comments will not undo the many hours of consumption you've done, looking, with desperation, trying to find videos, articles, comments that backs the simple world you've created in your head.

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50 minutes ago, Hudson Jones said:

You've gone over the edge with your paranoia. You are regurgitating the typical talking points you see in youtube videos and memes where the world is black and white: 

Left vs Right

Capitalist vs Communist

Christian vs Muslim

White vs Immigrant

Libmedia vs Altright media

The world is not so black and white. I say this, knowing that my comments will not undo the many hours of consumption you've done, looking, with desperation, trying to find videos, articles, comments that backs the simple world you've created in your head.

So, I should just be like your typical sleepy head, apathetic Canadian, maybe like yourself, with the attitude of who cares as to what is going on in Canada today, right? This is one reason why people like me are here? To point out the many politically correct programs and agendas that are wrecking and ruining this country today. Being a politically incorrect person like myself is no doubt a threat to you and Canada, eh? Youtube has plenty of stuff on it. Some good, some bad. It is up to you and me then to get both sides of the story and go from there. Obviously you only enjoy getting one side of the story from the mainstream leftist libmedia side of the story. And that is why Canada is in a mess today. If the media says that we are going to die in the next twelve years from climate change then it must be true even though it could be all just a libmedia lie. You need to stop and realize that there are other people out there who have a different opinion and point of view to yours. You appear to have a problem with other people's opinion, right? Well? 

I did not dream up or created anything up in my head. It appears to me as though you have some created up dreams in your head. I take the time to listen and read both sides of any story and then work on trying to get the other side of the story to find out as to who may be spreading the manure and who is not. Why that is a problem with people like you is beyond me. But I guess that is just you. You don't like what I have to say so stop with my created up lies in my head, eh? :wacko:

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