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Time to take on far-right terrorists

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Islam has been on the move for 900 yrs when they announced they will be back. Islam today is not compatible with any other religion. They still preach today about killing non believers. Islam is stuck in the 10th century, and the scariest part is young people especially women that seem to believe they are the peaceful nation. Canada has been called the best country to live for a very long time, thanks to the white christian people that built this country. Islam had nothing to do with the greatness of this country, but they will ruin it.  

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23 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Anyone who immigrates here does so on the basis of pretending to want to fit in. Regardless of how far along their claim has gotten, if they commit a terrorist attack, they obviosly lied to get in. Status revoked, I don't care if you end up stranded in the Pacific, just get out of Canada.

Canadian citizens convicted of terrorist acts are dealt with here - arrest, charge, court, convict, jail - the normal process.  

People in Canada without citizenship committing terrorist acts (or other serious crimes) will go through that process too, and may also be deported.

What part of that are you having a problem with?

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8 minutes ago, jacee said:

Canadian citizens convicted of terrorist acts are dealt with here - arrest, charge, court, convict, jail - the normal process.  

People in Canada without citizenship committing terrorist acts (or other serious crimes) will go through that process too, and may also be deported.

What part of that are you having a problem with?


Letting the terrorists into Canada in the first place...like Omar's daddy....Mr Al-Qaeda.

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1 hour ago, jacee said:

An airhead Trudeau neglected to say "we welcome you" to apply .


He neglected nothing. That was intentional...aimed at the Orange meanie to the South...just to show everyone how compassionate our dear leader is to the world's downtrodden. Come one, come all...WOP is fine...sneak across...we'll take you in. Oh...vote Liberal...of course.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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13 hours ago, marcus said:

You missed the context and decided to reply to something that isn't there.

I recommend understanding what you're replying to before you decide to reply. 

I have never once justified or have said anything nice about the Ayatollah, Erdogan, Assad or MBS. My comment was to Argus where he has once again decided to paint all people from Muslim countries as people who "behave horribly" in order to justify his racist and bigoted stance on shutting the door on immigrants from Muslim countries. 

Are you in favour of shutting the door on people from Muslim countries? More specifically, the women who are trying to stand up to the dictators in Iran? Because Argus is. He believes they all 'behave horribly' and does not want them in Canada. 

It would appear as though Islam and Muslims do not seem to understand nor care that their religion is archaic, backwards and evil. Their so called bible points this out to us all. We see the evil things that Islam does to their own people and others every day who get in their way and our dear leaders seem to want to respect their hatred and violence without questioning or challenging it. Where have we seen one politician in Canada say anything that is really critical about Islam? Where? I can tell you this much and that is that if I were the prime minister of this weak gutless country that we live in today I would demand that those Islamic countries that cut people's heads off, throw gays off roof tops or treat women like shit will be boycotted and sanctioned by me as the leader of this country called Canada. I would let the rest of the world know that we in Canada do not want to still live in a world where those kinds of atrocities are still being allowed and committed. 

If Muslim women in Canada are so free to speak out then why do we not see them demonstrating in the streets against the evil things that Islam does to their own people and others and are still doing for centuries now. Our politicians are not stupid, Let me correct that. They are stupid. They know that Islam is evil in many ways. But yet our dear leaders all remain silent on those evil things that Islam does to it's people. Why no boycotts in the rest of the western world against these Islamic countries that commit terrible atrocities like they once did against apartheid?  Maybe because the race had something to do with it? Maybe? Of course our dear leaders will tell us that we should not interfere in other countries affairs. But they sure got involved in South African apartheid affairs, now didn't they? 

I am in favor of shutting the door to all Muslims period. We do not want their kind here in Canada. Trudeau has denied white South Africans from wanting to immigrate to Canada because of their apartheid past. Not one has been allowed in as far as I know. But yet the kid has no problem with letting in thousands of Muslims and their evil religion every year. I could go as far as to say that this appears to be an act of racism against white people. Just saying.  

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I literally hate immigration, Trudeau-style. He's more interested in grandstanding than looking for the best possible solution for everyone involved.  

Then you must have hated immigration under Harper as well. Because Trudeau did not change any rules in regards to the regular immigration path and the regulations towards asylum seekers. The difference here is that when Trudeau came to power, two things happened:

1) An influx of Syrian refugees were brought in, under the same process and rules as Harper. If you remember, when Harper heard that Trudeau's "Help the Syrian Refugees" platform was doing well in the opinion polls, he also added that he wanted to bring an influx of them in as well. 

2) A surge of cross border asylum seekers from the United States. People running from Trump and thinking they could become refugees in Canada. When in reality, over 90% of them will not receive immigration, because they are already in the refugee system in the United States. It's just extra costs for us, which is unavoidable. Doesn't matter who is in power. Trudeau did not change the rules in this situation. He used the same process as before he came to power. 

Trudeau annoys me. I'm not a fan. He's terrible at repeating the script. But this doesn't mean that I will accept whatever misinformation that is being spread around. Especially when it comes to immigration. I work in immigration (privately), so I know what is going on. Believe me, there is A LOT of misinformation that is being spread.


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10 minutes ago, taxme said:

It would appear as though Islam and Muslims do not seem to understand nor care that their religion is archaic, backwards and evil.

Have you been to Dubai? Qatar? Oman? Indonesia? Iran? Turkey? Kuwait? These are all Muslim countries and they don't really reflect the caricature of a Muslim country or Muslim people that you imagine. I have been to all of those countries. Without lumping all of them together, as they are all different, each of them do have some shitty, discriminatory laws, but they're  definitely not backwards when you go there. Most of the countries I have mentioned above have robust and forward thinking economies. There are many expats who live there, working in multi-national companies. Many people live in a higher standard of living than an average Canadian. One difference is that there is a large economic gap between the rich and the poor. One thing that we have an advantage of, here in the West. Although, that is changing.

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38 minutes ago, marcus said:

Then you must have hated immigration under Harper as well. Because Trudeau did not change any rules in regards to the regular immigration path and the regulations towards asylum seekers. The difference here is that when Trudeau came to power, two things happened:

1) An influx of Syrian refugees were brought in, under the same process and rules as Harper. If you remember, when Harper heard that Trudeau's "Help the Syrian Refugees" platform was doing well in the opinion polls, he also added that he wanted to bring an influx of them in as well. 

2) A surge of cross border asylum seekers from the United States. People running from Trump and thinking they could become refugees in Canada. When in reality, over 90% of them will not receive immigration, because they are already in the refugee system in the United States. It's just extra costs for us, which is unavoidable. Doesn't matter who is in power. Trudeau did not change the rules in this situation. He used the same process as before he came to power. 

Trudeau annoys me. I'm not a fan. He's terrible at repeating the script. But this doesn't mean that I will accept whatever misinformation that is being spread around. Especially when it comes to immigration. I work in immigration (privately), so I know what is going on. Believe me, there is A LOT of misinformation that is being spread.


Harper would not have allowed the 1000's to walk across the border from america.

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2 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


Letting the terrorists into Canada in the first place...like Omar's daddy....Mr Al-Qaeda.

Which chretien went to great lengths to get him here. What is it with liberals and thier love affair with islam? 

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4 hours ago, jacee said:

Canadian citizens convicted of terrorist acts are dealt with here - arrest, charge, court, convict, jail - the normal process.  

People in Canada without citizenship committing terrorist acts (or other serious crimes) will go through that process too, and may also be deported.

What part of that are you having a problem with?




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3 hours ago, marcus said:

Then you must have hated immigration under Harper as well. Because Trudeau did not change any rules in regards to the regular immigration path and the regulations towards asylum seekers. The difference here is that when Trudeau came to power, two things happened:

1) An influx of Syrian refugees were brought in, under the same process and rules as Harper. If you remember, when Harper heard that Trudeau's "Help the Syrian Refugees" platform was doing well in the opinion polls, he also added that he wanted to bring an influx of them in as well. 

2) A surge of cross border asylum seekers from the United States. People running from Trump and thinking they could become refugees in Canada. When in reality, over 90% of them will not receive immigration, because they are already in the refugee system in the United States. It's just extra costs for us, which is unavoidable. Doesn't matter who is in power. Trudeau did not change the rules in this situation. He used the same process as before he came to power. 

Trudeau annoys me. I'm not a fan. He's terrible at repeating the script. But this doesn't mean that I will accept whatever misinformation that is being spread around. Especially when it comes to immigration. I work in immigration (privately), so I know what is going on. Believe me, there is A LOT of misinformation that is being spread.


Your take on this?


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16 hours ago, marcus said:

If interested in learning, here is a non-Muslim / non-Arab, who knows a lot more than Bill Maher about Islam:




In 627, when the Quraysh and their allies besieged the city in the Battle of the Trench, the Qurayza initially tried to remain neutral but eventually entered into negotiations with the besieging army, violating the pact they had agreed to years earlier.[8] Subsequently, the tribe was charged with treason and besieged by the Muslims commanded by Muhammad.[9][10] The Banu Qurayza eventually surrendered and their men were beheaded.[9][10][11][12][13][12] The spoils of battle, including the enslaved women and children of the tribe, were divided up among the Islamic warriors that had participated in the siege and among the emigrees from Mecca 

When you read that, keep in mind that history is written by the winners. You don't get to hear anyone else's side of this story.

The nuts and bolts of this story is that, under Mohammed's command, a whole tribe of Jewish men had their heads chopped off and their wives and children were sold into slavery (and by the definition of slavery the women and children did not have the right to protect their own genitalia from their owners. IE, raping them was legal) because allegedly they had broken a pact by entering into negotiations. Different versions of the story say that at least some of the Banu Qurayza aided in the siege by the Quraysh. Let's give the benefit of the doubt and say that they all did. 



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3 hours ago, PIK said:

Harper would not have allowed the 1000's to walk across the border from america.

It makes no difference how they arrived. The screening process and eligibility rules are still applied. 

Oops! Off topic.

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BIG thread drift going on here, folks! 

This isn't an immigrant/refugee discussion, nor about Muslim countries. There are other threads for that.

Try to reconnect with the thread topic, addressing far-right terrorists in Canada. 

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4 minutes ago, egghead said:

Don't know, why Muslims cannot be the far-right terrorists? Are you discriminating them? :P

Yes, it is more accurate and clearer to say white supremacist terrorists (not far-right). I guess I was trying to be more politically correct, but you're right - it's just more confusing. Lol 

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3 minutes ago, jacee said:

Yes, it is more accurate and clearer to say white supremacist terrorists (not far-right). I guess I was trying to be more politically correct, but you're right - it's just more confusing. Lol 


So does that mean that plain ole "white nationalists" are in the clear ?     Other whities OK too ?

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6 hours ago, marcus said:

Then you must have hated immigration under Harper as well. Because Trudeau did not change any rules in regards to the regular immigration path and the regulations towards asylum seekers. The difference here is that when Trudeau came to power, two things happened:

1) An influx of Syrian refugees were brought in, under the same process and rules as Harper. If you remember, when Harper heard that Trudeau's "Help the Syrian Refugees" platform was doing well in the opinion polls, he also added that he wanted to bring an influx of them in as well. 

2) A surge of cross border asylum seekers from the United States. People running from Trump and thinking they could become refugees in Canada. When in reality, over 90% of them will not receive immigration, because they are already in the refugee system in the United States. It's just extra costs for us, which is unavoidable. Doesn't matter who is in power. Trudeau did not change the rules in this situation. He used the same process as before he came to power. 

Trudeau annoys me. I'm not a fan. He's terrible at repeating the script. But this doesn't mean that I will accept whatever misinformation that is being spread around. Especially when it comes to immigration. I work in immigration (privately), so I know what is going on. Believe me, there is A LOT of misinformation that is being spread.


Personally, Harper did not try to do anything to try and change this present day immigration policy that Canadians are stuck with today. All it takes is for some politician/s to get together and to say enough already and let's fix this immigration fiasco and problem once and for all. I am pretty sure that it will upset some minority pro immigration groups and lobbyists and immigration lawyers but who the hell cares. The majority will be with them and that is all that matters. It is time to end minority rule and terror in Canada. It has and still is costing the Canadian taxpayer hundreds of billions of tax dollars every year. That is tax dollars not well spent. But when did any politician/s ever care about how our tax dollars are being blown. Shocking. 

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1 hour ago, jacee said:

Yes, it is more accurate and clearer to say white supremacist terrorists (not far-right). I guess I was trying to be more politically correct, but you're right - it's just more confusing. Lol 

Don't know you are color discrimination? 

So, terrorists are fine as long as you are not white :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Personally, Harper did not try to do anything to try and change this present day immigration policy that Canadians are stuck with today. All it takes is for some politician/s to get together and to say enough already and let's fix this immigration fiasco and problem once and for all. I am pretty sure that it will upset some minority pro immigration groups and lobbyists and immigration lawyers but who the hell cares. The majority will be with them and that is all that matters. It is time to end minority rule and terror in Canada. It has and still is costing the Canadian taxpayer hundreds of billions of tax dollars every year. That is tax dollars not well spent. But when did any politician/s ever care about how our tax dollars are being blown. Shocking. 

I do disagree with you in regards to Canadian immigration for several reasons, including that Canada needs immigration in order to be able to compete around the world when it comes to skilled workers. I also believe that we should do our part, as human beings, to give the platform to the less fortunate, like the asylum seekers. Not to open the floodgates, but to continue to bring some in, as we have been under various governments.

What I find interesting is the commotion and the emotion some people use when the topic of immigration comes up. The money we spend towards the asylum seekers coming up to Canada from the U.S. is peanuts compared to the millions tax payer money we lose, that is given to the energy companies. This has been happening under both liberals and conservatives. Why do we need to give these incentives to private companies, when they are making millions each year? I know why it's happening. It's the heavy lobbying. But why are people so silent about this? What about the millions spent on the military to go to foreign countries to fight in neverending wars that have nothing to do with us? 

It's interesting watching the right use immigration to trigger some of the population. Why aren't people triggered by the millions going to the private energy sector and the useless and endless wars around the world? 

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2 minutes ago, marcus said:

It's interesting watching the right use immigration to trigger some of the population. Why aren't people triggered by the millions going to the private energy sector and the useless and endless wars around the world? 


Because...jobs, and tax base.    

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I think he put his foot in his mouth. People don't realize that Canada has one of the toughest immigration system compared to the rest of Western world. In fact, many countries are trying to model theirs to be like Canada's. Of all of the permanent residents who come to Canada each year, a whopping 65% of them are economic migrants, like skilled workers. This is a huge percentage compared to all other Western countries. We only average around 25,000 refugees a year. This is peanuts compared to the 300,000 permanent residents we allow in. Most of the refugees are handpicked and many of them are sponsored privately. I just find the emotion and energy invested in the immigration talk to be kind of sad.

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Just now, marcus said:

Small businesses bring in more tax money and jobs. Why shouldn't they get the type of tax breaks the oil companies receive?


Because they don't provide as much domestically or for export trade balances.

If they want more tax breaks, then they should lobby for them and grease the political skids.

Good luck with that....

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