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Time to take on far-right terrorists

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4 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I think that if we really want to end the kinds of fear and resentment that fertilize right wing terrorism, we need to take an honest look at root causes.  Many poorly educated and low skilled white people, particularly men, feel that there is little opportunity for them. The men in many cases don’t feel wanted or needed by women, who Now represent more than half of the university population.  While these men don’t deserve a privileged place in society on the mere basis of the colour of their skin, their sense of displacement is heightened by the loss of middle class manufacturing jobs for low skilled workers.  

This was the demographic who ran to Trump who promised to restore old economy jobs. 

Sorry but that's crap. In fact, studies have shown Trump's supporters tend to be economically better off than the average. They went to him for a variety of reasons, and the poor economic outlook of certain semi-rural or smaller industrial cities was just one of them.

Economics is not the primary motivation behind the rising anti-immigrant sentiment in the West. The primary motivation is cultural, an instinctive sense of discomfort that rises the higher the number of 'other' are within the tribe's territory.  It is this which drove Brexit voters, and this which is lifting up the extremist anti-immigrant groups in Europe.

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5 minutes ago, Argus said:

Sorry but that's crap. In fact, studies have shown Trump's supporters tend to be economically better off than the average. They went to him for a variety of reasons, and the poor economic outlook of certain semi-rural or smaller industrial cities was just one of them.

Economics is not the primary motivation behind the rising anti-immigrant sentiment in the West. The primary motivation is cultural, an instinctive sense of discomfort that rises the higher the number of 'other' are within the tribe's territory.  It is this which drove Brexit voters, and this which is lifting up the extremist anti-immigrant groups in Europe.

The two are inextricably linked with the same negative stereotypes is what the evidence shows. 

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Just now, Argus said:

Sorry but that's crap. In fact, studies have shown Trump's supporters tend to be economically better off than the average. They went to him for a variety of reasons, and the poor economic outlook of certain semi-rural or smaller industrial cities was just one of them.

Economics is not the primary motivation behind the rising anti-immigrant sentiment in the West. The primary motivation is cultural, an instinctive sense of discomfort that rises the higher the number of 'other' are within the tribe's territory.  It is this which drove Brexit voters, and this which is lifting up the extremist anti-immigrant groups in Europe.

The sense of too much “other” is a factor for sure, but economics is the more important factor because low skilled and uneducated people simply aren’t participating in the new economy.  This is the opioid demographic.  Low skilled white men who have watched the manufacturing plants close and have seen immigrants buy the vacated homes on the block, and have heard affirmative action rhetoric favouring minorities and women, feel like their place in the world has declined.  Seeing a group of Arabic speaking people huddle together at the soccer field where their kids play is just a reminder of how much times have changed.  

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5 minutes ago, Rue said:

Do you? You reject Muslim extremism? Right.


He said it has nothing to do with Islam. Of course.

It's just part and parcel of living in a big city. Oh wait, no terrorist attacks happen in Tokyo, 30 something million inhabitants? Oh true, there are no Muslims there.

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33 minutes ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

Where were you when 120 Christians were killed by Muslims and Nigeria in the last 3 weeks?

Where were you when a Filipino Church was bombed last week and killed 20 people by a Muslim?

Where were you when the almost daily stabbings that occurred in London by Muslims, who also threw acid in the face of unbelievers of Islam?

Where were you when we found out collectively about the paedophilia rings organized by Muslims?

Where were you when a Muslim man decided to shoot 50 gay men and women at a club in Orlando?


No where. You probably were one of those saying those were not real Muslims.

But those two isolated incidents; it's clear, there's a rise in right-wing terrorism according to you.

Disgusting and despicable.

Most of those non-reported incidents are the result of our leftist liberal politicians and the leftist liberal media that refuse to report on these incidents. They have no problem going after some white guy when he says something that appears to be words of hatred. They will then go after them and try to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Muslims are committing plenty of crimes but for some reason we are not supposed to hear about them. All hush-hush. We all know that they treat their women like chit. We all know that they hang gay people. We all know that the infidel is not their friend but their enemy. But yet we are always treated to the spectacle that all Muslims are wonderful loving and caring people. They refuse to assimilate into their host countries culture and traditions. They instead try and change it. It certainly looks to me like there is a big cover up going on here to try and protect Muslims from being criticized for the many wrong doings that they have been committing. Bad news. 


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45 minutes ago, Rue said:

Why does someone have to "admire" Islam to disagree with hatred of Muslims? There is much about all organized religions a lot of us do not admire..does that mean we have to hate people who follow these religions? 

It was disgraceful what happened. Why respond changing the subject to rationalize hating Muslims...that is dumb. We can still be respectful of one another in spite of religious belief differences. The fact Muslim terrorists are killing people does no make the killer of these innocent Muslims any less of an ahole. I disagree with certain ideological beliefs of Muslims but it doesn't mean I hate all Muslims.

Anyone being murdered in cold blood should be condemned. We all need to avoid the pies g contest of whose blood is more red.

Oh phack the soft pedal..what happened was disgraceful and evil and an attack on all of humanity and this Jew speaks out to Muslims and says damn what happened ...your blood is my blood when this happens and I bow my head in respect.



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2 hours ago, scribblet said:

I think it’s natural for people to become concerned about their culture and way of life as religious groups grow, particular those who are more vocal and demanding that we acquiesce to their beliefs which are for the most part a complete contradiction to western culture, particularly those in relation to women.     As they become more politically active we are going to need to stand up to any demands to accommodate such beliefs.    So far we are not, so as the religion grows and with it political activism, so will our freedoms and society.   As a woman it bothers me a lot...    besides, I wouldn`t look good in a Burkha   :)-

Excellent point. If we can not resolve such differences resentment of each group towards the other grows until it reaches the point of combustion and the fact is there is a limit to what can be accommodated in our society if we want the freedoms we have. Anyone not just Muslims who want to opt out of our existing value system in the name of multi-culturalism need to know that can only go so far and right now some Canadians have this naive belief we should accommodate intolerance in the name of tolerance. No we should not tolerate intolerance which means opting out of common Canadian values we don't like such as treating women equally or segregating who we swim with. These issues are not going away.

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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

Most of those non-reported incidents are the result of our leftist liberal politicians and the leftist liberal media that refuse to report on these incidents. They have no problem going after some white guy when he says something that appears to be words of hatred. They will then go after them and try to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Muslims are committing plenty of crimes but for some reason we are not supposed to hear about them. All hush-hush. We all know that they treat their women like chit. We all know that they hang gay people. We all know that the infidel is not their friend but their enemy. But yet we are always treated to the spectacle that all Muslims are wonderful loving and caring people. They refuse to assimilate into their host countries culture and traditions. They instead try and change it. It certainly looks to me like there is a big cover up going on here to try and protect Muslims from being criticized for the many wrong doings that they have been committing. Bad news. 


Remember when the -obviously- Muslim mayor of London, Sadiq Khan declared after another killing made by Muslims in his own city that this was just part and parcel of living in a big city?

Where did this rhetoric go when a white guy did the same thing?

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25 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I think that if we really want to end the kinds of fear and resentment that fertilize right wing terrorism, we need to take an honest look at root causes.  Many poorly educated and low skilled white people, particularly men, feel that there is little opportunity for them. The men in many cases don’t feel wanted or needed by women, who now represent more than half of the university population.  While these men don’t deserve a privileged place in society on the mere basis of the colour of their skin, their sense of displacement is heightened by the loss of middle class manufacturing jobs for low skilled workers.  

This was the demographic who ran to Trump who promised to restore old economy jobs.  His policies support the one percenters more than anyone else.  His tariffs have added costs to domestic manufacturers.  In fairness, however, his protectionism was a response to unbalanced trade flows and weak international rules that mostly allowed the offshoring of middle class manufacturing jobs overseas.  I disagree with his solution.  We need better, fairer international rules that are enforced, not Mercantile protectionism, an approach that is related to another bad policy approach of the populist right: anti-immigration and xenophobia.  

Correct, most far-right are deracinated trailer trash losers who can't get laid so they troll on the internet and engage in demographics conspiracies and blame Muslims for "overbreeding" and whites for "underbreeding". They just simply can't get laid because theyre ugly and uneducated. It's so easy to see why women reject them and go feminist.

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Just now, QuebecOverCanada said:

Remember when the -obviously- Muslim mayor of London, Sadiq Khan declared after another killing made by Muslims in his own city that this was just part and parcel of living in a big city?

Where did this rhetoric go when a white guy did the same thing?

What the guy said was stupid and us just as stupid as pretending this shooting is not a hate crime against Muslims. Two wrongs don't t Mae either any less stupid.

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1 minute ago, Saudi Monitor said:

Correct, most far-right are deracinated trailer trash losers who can't get laid so they troll on the internet and engage in demographics conspiracies and blame Muslims for "overbreeding" and whites for "underbreeding". They just simply can't get laid because theyre ugly and uneducated. It's so easy to see why women reject them and go feminist.


How are the sheeps? Tight enough?

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8 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


That's nice. Islam is still the problem.

Islam isn't  the problem any more than Christianity is the problem because the KKK exists or Judaism is the problem because certain Jews applauded killing Yitzhak Rabin and hate Muslims and this is why I continue to make that point. People who used their religion to justify certain beliefs may be a problem. Islam is not a problem for me until someone uses it in a specific way that promotes violence for example.

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3 hours ago, jacee said:

Silly nonsense.

Who hasn't figured out that Republicans&Democrats, Conservatives&Liberals are all part of the predatory profit-making cabals that destroy countries, societies and environments?!

There are other choices. 

You clearly haven't spent any time inside any Communist or other dictatorships (about the only "other" choice).  In case you haven't noticed, people are lined up to legally or illegally enter predominantly white, western democracies.  Last time I checked, none were trying to get into Venezuela, Cuba, Mao's China, Russia pretty much anywhere in Africa and on goes the list.

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18 minutes ago, Saudi Monitor said:

Correct, most far-right are deracinated trailer trash losers who can't get laid so they troll on the internet and engage in demographics conspiracies and blame Muslims for "overbreeding" and whites for "underbreeding". They just simply can't get laid because theyre ugly and uneducated. It's so easy to see why women reject them and go feminist.

You would know of course.

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24 minutes ago, Saudi Monitor said:

Correct, most far-right are deracinated trailer trash losers who can't get laid so they troll on the internet and engage in demographics conspiracies and blame Muslims for "overbreeding" and whites for "underbreeding". They just simply can't get laid because theyre ugly and uneducated. It's so easy to see why women reject them and go feminist.

What you’re saying only adds to this group’s anger and frustration.  The solution isn’t to knock them further into the ground but to lift them up.  Trump understands what rhetoric appeals to the “deplorables”.  He did the wrestling bit and embraces bikers.  His policies have made the one percenters richer and his deregulation of environmental policy will hurt the deplorables first.  The only response is a fair-minded, inclusive, big tent approach that brings diverse groups together without letting the fringe interests dominate the political discourse.  The Dems and Republicans are too far apart right now to achieve this.  In Canada we’re also at an impasse.  We seem unable to develop our resources while also meeting environmental goals.  Our immigration is adding pressure to public services and home prices, even though some of our northern communities don’t have enough people to sustain themselves and need immigrants.  It’s a fight for resources and development, but Quebec and BC don’t want it in their backyards.  These seem to be the fault lines of the new economy.  Yellow Vests versus eco warriors; old economy versus Information Age; old Canada cultural purists versus multiculturalists; protectionists versus Globalists.  We need middle ground.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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3 hours ago, scribblet said:

I'm not sure why the same responses are not required when massacres of other people or religion happen.  Does Canada fly the flag at half mast when scores of people are massacred in the U.S. or when Christians are massacred on a regular basis in other countries?

This is not to downplay a terrible tragedy, but people do see a double standard in reactions and press coverage, so it's natural to wonder why one religion in particular seems to be given priority and coverage.    Certainly if we wish to stand up for equality, peace, liberty and freedom  apologizing for Islam is a total contradiction . 


Scrib no one needs to agree with any or all of Islam to know shooting unarmed people in a mosque is wrong.

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1 hour ago, Rue said:

The two are inextricably linked with the same negative stereotypes is what the evidence shows. 

That may well be but I rarely hear anyone saying "Them furiners is gonna take our jobs!" I think people tend to understand that a mass of new people create jobs as well as taking them. All the concerns I hear are about suspicion this particular group, especially Muslims, are not going to assimilate, and that the great mass of people born elsewhere, which is much higher than in most any western country, is going to push aside our culture and values and substitute some amorphous set of values and beliefs which have their origin elsewhere - outside the sphere of liberal western culture. And the suspicion is this new set of values will be hostile to much of what we now believe in.

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