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Time to take on far-right terrorists

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15 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

That is not what you said you quoted that the government does not track far right extremists....which is not TRUE, period.....

This is a double edge sword , with people being guilty of these acts on both sides, not just extremist right wing nuts....these new laws or policies you want to bring in have to reflect this...But in Canada today we can not debate this openly for fear of being called a racists or Islamophobic….look at this site for instance....

Both have responded to this incident....they were late getting out of the gate, that does not mean in any way they agree with the attack, your pulling straw out of your ass again....

I'm not sure why the same responses are not required when massacres of other people or religion happen.  Does Canada fly the flag at half mast when scores of people are massacred in the U.S. or when Christians are massacred on a regular basis in other countries?

This is not to downplay a terrible tragedy, but people do see a double standard in reactions and press coverage, so it's natural to wonder why one religion in particular seems to be given priority and coverage.    Certainly if we wish to stand up for equality, peace, liberty and freedom  apologizing for Islam is a total contradiction . 


Edited by scribblet
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12 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Find someone who excuses Islamic terrorists and says it's ok for them to kill and ask them.  I do that on Facebook to run-of-the-mill Canadians who think Muslim innocents had it coming.

2. You have an evil detector.

Do you mean like the Muslim women who are now in custody of Syrian free army or Kurds, most of them are saying openly that they agreed with ISIS and the killing, and all that goes with being a member of ISIS and now they want to come home so they can suck of the western tit of free things...so they can start preparing for the next Jihad......and yet many here in the west see those tears and ask why can we not bring them back" 

That is what sets my evil detector off.

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1 hour ago, Argus said:

Oh for Gods sakes, even Hillary Clinton has admitted that it is the migration into Europe which is driving populism, nationalism and the rise of extremist parties.

You are like all the political elites in Europe, who all had the same attitude as people started to complain about the rising number of foreigners, who sneered at them, and imposed laws to prevent them from speaking their minds, who imposed draconion rules on their parties to unconditionally support migration and resettlement. And what did that accomplish? The rise of far right parties, the rise of nationalism, the rise of extremism.

I will quote from David Frum once again. "When liberals say only fascists will guard borders, the voters will hire fascists to guard the borders."

I think it’s natural for people to become concerned about their culture and way of life as religious groups grow, particular those who are more vocal and demanding that we acquiesce to their beliefs which are for the most part a complete contradiction to western culture, particularly those in relation to women.     As they become more politically active we are going to need to stand up to any demands to accommodate such beliefs.    So far we are not, so as the religion grows and with it political activism, so will our freedoms and society.   As a woman it bothers me a lot...    besides, I wouldn`t look good in a Burkha   :)-

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12 minutes ago, Argus said:

None that haven't all been repeatedly proven as far, far worse, which wind up crushing all human rights and freedoms and enslaving their populations in extreme poverty.

:lol: :lol:

Now you are really being ridiculous! 

It's that fear-mongering that Libs and Cons do that has you so scared of change. Of course it suits them to keep you subservient! 

Never give in to fear and hopelessness. :D

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1 minute ago, jacee said:

:lol: :lol:

Now you are really being ridiculous! 

It's that fear-mongering that Libs and Cons do that has you so scared of change. Of course it suits them to keep you subservient! 

Never give in to fear and hopelessness. :D


What do you admire most about Islam to assure the Islamophobes that their fears are unfounded?

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11 minutes ago, jacee said:

:lol: :lol:

Now you are really being ridiculous!

Why? The only system which has repeatedly proven workable is Capitalism. Yes, we mix some Socialism in with it, but the more Socialism you put into things the less well they work, the more poverty and unemployment you get back. There is a direct reciprocal relationship between restrictions and taxation on business and the wealth of a society. There is also a direct reciprocal relationship between the degree of free speech in a society and the health of that society.

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12 minutes ago, jacee said:

Fortunately you have no reason to be bothered, since women are free to wear what they want. 

Because the rest of us heavily outnumber Muslims in this country.

Edited by Argus
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14 minutes ago, scribblet said:

For a woman especially, that would be the same as giving in to Islam.

hijab girl.jpg


Oh, it can't all be like that....DogOnPorch must have made that-up. The Hijab frees women from male domination...don't you know?

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On 3/16/2019 at 12:10 AM, egghead said:

Yes, just last week, muslims killed over 30 christians in Nigeria. Did we hear it? No, It is bec'os the news don't fix the lefties agenda


The media definitely is inconsistent in how it reports such things. That said all these deaths are equally as dispicable. I also think suggesting there is some right wing ideology to scapegoat for this attack is counter productive to rational discourse as to what creates such behaviour.

The elements that cause this behaviour are complex and often immitate previous similar behaviour.

Also the livestream of this attack looked like a video game.

I appreciate a killer kills for many reasons not just playing videos but the live cast could easily have been mistaken for one so I wonder if these killing games incite unstable people and if so to what extent.



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Neo-Fascist Islamophobes: " MuH mUsliMs arE sAvAgeS aNd TerRorist,"

Police declare terrorism incident after teenager stabbed in Surrey



 17 March 2019 UK: Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu, head of counter-terrorism policing, said: "Whilst this investigation is still in its infancy, it has hallmarks of a terror event, inspired by the far right, and therefore it has been declared a terrorism incident.


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2 minutes ago, Saudi Monitor said:

Neo-Fascist Islamophobes: " MuH mUsliMs arE sAvAgeS aNd TerRorist,"

Police declare terrorism incident after teenager stabbed in Surrey



Where were you when 120 Christians were killed by Muslims and Nigeria in the last 3 weeks?

Where were you when a Filipino Church was bombed last week and killed 20 people by a Muslim?

Where were you when the almost daily stabbings that occurred in London by Muslims, who also threw acid in the face of unbelievers of Islam?

Where were you when we found out collectively about the paedophilia rings organized by Muslims?

Where were you when a Muslim man decided to shoot 50 gay men and women at a club in Orlando?


No where. You probably were one of those saying those were not real Muslims.

But those two isolated incidents; it's clear, there's a rise in right-wing terrorism according to you.

Disgusting and despicable.

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2 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


What do you admire most about Islam to assure the Islamophobes that their fears are unfounded?

Why does someone have to "admire" Islam to disagree with hatred of Muslims? There is much about all organized religions a lot of us do not admire..does that mean we have to hate people who follow these religions? 

It was disgraceful what happened. Why respond changing the subject to rationalize hating Muslims...that is dumb. We can still be respectful of one another in spite of religious belief differences. The fact Muslim terrorists are killing people does no make the killer of these innocent Muslims any less of an ahole. I disagree with certain ideological beliefs of Muslims but it doesn't mean I hate all Muslims.

Anyone being murdered in cold blood should be condemned. We all need to avoid the pies g contest of whose blood is more red.

Oh phack the soft pedal..what happened was disgraceful and evil and an attack on all of humanity and this Jew speaks out to Muslims and says damn what happened ...your blood is my blood when this happens and I bow my head in respect.

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12 minutes ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

Where were you when 120 Christians were killed by Muslims and Nigeria in the last 3 weeks?

Where were you when a Filipino Church was bombed last week and killed 20 people by a Muslim?

Where were you when the almost daily stabbings that occurred in London by Muslims, who also threw acid in the face of unbelievers of Islam?

Where were you when we found out collectively about the paedophilia rings organized by Muslims?

Where were you when a Muslim man decided to shoot 50 gay men and women at a club in Orlando?


No where. You probably were one of those saying those were not real Muslims.

But those two isolated incidents; it's clear, there's a rise in right-wing terrorism according to you.

Disgusting and despicable.


Classic whataboutism at play, I condemn all of these things you have mentioned, and indeed, it has nothing to do with Islam.

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12 minutes ago, Saudi Monitor said:


Classic whataboutism at play, I condemn all of these things you have mentioned, and indeed, it has nothing to do with Islam.

Your past remarks show you are as hateful and extremist as the people you claim to condemn as haters.

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7 hours ago, Saudi Monitor said:

A quote from the terrorist manifest

A quote from Sam Harris in 2006

No offense to you, but i see no difference between all 3 of you Islamophobes. The only difference is, one is responsible for making this shit mainstream, one takes it to practices through mass murder, and you are just gullible person who are just inflaming the paranoia.

Why would any country in their right mind want to bring in massive amounts of non-western immigrants into their own country? Why would any western country want to commit racial genocide as they are all doing today?  Why is France trying to allow itself to become an all non-white nation in 25 years. Should that not be a wake up call for them?  

In Hungary the PM there is trying to encourage his people to have more white children, not less. He has made offers to any woman who has more than four children to be exempt from paying personal income taxes. There is no need to flood any western country with more non-western people. It just takes the will of the people and their leaders to do something about their low birth rates. Where there is a will there is a way. Offer incentives and western men and women will have more children. This bull chit that we need more immigrants is just that, bull chit. There can be no doubt about it that western man and woman are going to be become a minority in their own countries if they just sit back and let the communist globalists and their puppet on a string treasonous politicians run the show. 

It is not me who is inflaming anything. It is our political leaders who are behind and are doing that. You need to stop being so gullible instead. I have seen the light. It's your turn now to see the light. Just saying. 

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I think that if we really want to end the kinds of fear and resentment that fertilize right wing terrorism, we need to take an honest look at root causes.  Many poorly educated and low skilled white people, particularly men, feel that there is little opportunity for them. The men in many cases don’t feel wanted or needed by women, who now represent more than half of the university population.  While these men don’t deserve a privileged place in society on the mere basis of the colour of their skin, their sense of displacement is heightened by the loss of middle class manufacturing jobs for low skilled workers.  

This was the demographic who ran to Trump who promised to restore old economy jobs.  His policies support the one percenters more than anyone else.  His tariffs have added costs to domestic manufacturers.  In fairness, however, his protectionism was a response to unbalanced trade flows and weak international rules that mostly allowed the offshoring of middle class manufacturing jobs overseas.  I disagree with his solution.  We need better, fairer international rules that are enforced, not Mercantile protectionism, an approach that is related to another bad policy approach of the populist right: anti-immigration and xenophobia.  

Immigration and the free exchange of goods, services and ideas are what created our thriving capitalist liberal democracies.  The Great Wall was the cause of centuries of economic stagnation in China.  Jihadi militants want to see us stagnate.  They feed Islamophobia because as we lose our freedoms in the name of security, we also stagnate intellectually and economically, and feed the rage of the underclass.  

The left has been very focused on feminism and the environment, but it has failed to appreciate the impact of lack of economic opportunity.  Shutting down the resource sector in the name of climate change has brought us the Yellow Vests and more alt right extremism.  In terms of women’s rights and pay equity in the West, there are sometimes legitimate reasons why women earn less than men, such as the conscious choice to leave the workforce for multiple years.  

I think the only legitimate reason why people fear immigration is because too much immigration too fast adds to the sense of displacement some people already feel in the new economy of automation and lost manufacturing.  Some people feel that they don’t recognize the society they grew up with.  As Robert Putnam said, there’s no bowling team or local pub where people can connect   People feel isolated as well as displaced.  You can see how a vulnerable person, perhaps with a mental health issue, might be impressed by extremism, especially if it provides a sense of belonging and identity  

Seeking easy answers instead of looking at root causes will only lead to more disagreement and political polarization — and more extremism.  


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7 minutes ago, Saudi Monitor said:


Classic whataboutism at play, I condemn all of these things you have mentioned, and indeed, it has nothing to do with Islam.

It has nothing to do with Islam, of course.

You're really a Saudi paid agent. CSIS and RCMP should investigate you.

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9 minutes ago, Saudi Monitor said:

Classic whataboutism at play, I condemn all of these things you have mentioned,

Do you really? And yet, YOU didn't mention them. You have never mentioned a single thing Muslims do that is wrong.

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3 minutes ago, Saudi Monitor said:

Says the one who supports mass genocide of Palestinians. 

Why would you say that when Rue has repeatedly shown that he makes a clear separation between Islamists like you and other Muslims? Is it a need to lash out at him in particular because he's a Jew? I know Islamists hate Jews, after all.

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