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The Death of the Federal Liberal Party

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Women will decide the next election - and they form 50% of the voting base in every province. They voted in droves for Trudeau last time. They are smart enough to see through this fraudulent "feminist" and what they are seeing is not so pretty, notwithstanding the hair. Many will feel safe with Scheer - a family man with non-threatening cherubic looks. The Indigenous votes will also dry up - perhaps just by staying home. The polls will start to move if they haven't already. When a brand hinges on one person and that person self-destructs - there's no place to go. Here's a great example of Trudeau at his finest - and for the life of me, I can't understand why this stuff doesn't get reported - only a brief sample:


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In a British Westminster Parliament, one does not vote for the Prime Minister, most voters who actually show up, are like me, we pick an MP which we think will answer our calls and otherwise vote our interests through that MP, preferably one who is in government, preferably a cabinet minister,  since the opposition doesn't have any power and cabinet ministers will get things done for you in order to stay in Cabinet.

If you're not in the landed gentry, you're not going to show up to vote en masse, and we in the landed gentry, pick the lesser of evils, since all the parties are the same, and without constitutional change, there is no significant change in Canada, there's only one vote which would count to change things, and those are concentrated in very specific ridings in Quebec.

When it comes time to throw the bums out, we the landowners of Ontario and Quebec will decide, the rest of you are irrelevant, due to the asymmetrical dictatorship.

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August1991 is essentially correct when he says Canada is like the Austro-Hungarian Empire.  Ontario is Austria.  Quebec is Hungary.

The rest live in the Balkans, so unless they are actually siding with the Russian Army, we just ignore them, as we have for the last 150 years.

You think this is unjust?  You think this cannot stand?  You are right.  Look what happened to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.


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1 hour ago, Centerpiece said:

Interesting that there hasn't been any speculation as to why Scott Brison resigned when he did. Why not wait closer to the election? Why then? Could it be that the PMO gang needed that domino to fall at that time? 

I've seen some speculation. It seems to be related to the upcoming trial of Admiral Norman, where his lawyers are clearly going to do their best to portray him as the Irvings' bitch, who went after Norman because he dared to approve and support the purchase of a support ship from another shipyard.

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I don't think the Irving family did anything wrong.   The problem is quite clearly what it has been all along, which is the Harper Governments pork barrelling NSPS.

Irving was not allowed to bid on the AOR.  Only Seaspan was allowed to build the AOR.  Then the Harper Government went outside of the NSPS because Seaspan was failing to getter done.

The Irving's simply cried foul, when they were cut out of the bidding, and all they said to Brison in effect, was "if Davie gets to have an AOR contract, then so should we"

The Liberals however, way overreacted, when Admiral Norman simply tried to get the AOR that was ready to go, into service, where it was desperately needed, which is his lawful mandate.

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On the operational side of things, the problem with the Irving bid is that it is a Point class ferry conversion similar to the one done for US SOCOM.

A Ro-Ro sealifter with marginal replenishment capability.

The RCN needs the opposite, which is the MV Asterix, which is a robust replenisher with marginal sealift.

Davie also has a partnership with Federal Fleet to provide the capability as pay as you go rather than own and maintain.

Which is why the MV Asterix is ready to go now, while Seaspan is indefinitely delayed.

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People have forgot harper won without quebec and it can be done again. And whoever does it needs to come down hard on them in the 1st mandate. Time to take back the country and throw out the leeches.

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23 minutes ago, Argus said:

I've seen some speculation. It seems to be related to the upcoming trial of Admiral Norman, where his lawyers are clearly going to do their best to portray him as the Irvings' bitch, who went after Norman because he dared to approve and support the purchase of a support ship from another shipyard.

It's not that he dared, his oath to the Queen simply came into effect, NATO is in an increasingly destabilized North Atlantic Security Zone in the face of Russian Aggression.

For a government to direct the chain of command to sacrifice capability which is actually at the level of emergency not available,  I would submit is arguably unlawful.

Commander-in-Chief, mission command, commanders intent, overrides political considerations, by solemn oath to the defend the Crown of Canada.

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1 minute ago, PIK said:

People have forgot harper won without quebec and it can be done again. And whoever does it needs to come down hard on them in the 1st mandate. Time to take back the country and throw out the leeches.

Exactly, but the only way to ever actually get rid of them, is to kick them out of Confederation.  

This will however bring it all down in the wake, when Ontario sues for a new deal right after.

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The Admiral Norman case is a classic case of Disarmament by Stealth running up against the lawful mandate of the military, and the politicians fearing it.

The first time this happened was in the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the government ordered the navy to stand down in the face of the Soviets, and the navy declined the order as unlawful.

This war between the politicians and the Soldiers of the Crown has gone on ever since, to include of course this latest episode.

None the less, by solemn oath to the Commander-in-Chief, no law in Canada entitles the electorate to vote the navy into ceasing to defend the Crown, where the Scott Brison's of the world would try to do that, regardless if it is what the public ostensibly wants, Elizabeth Windsor stands between them and their own officers, because of course, Canada is not a republic.  

Ready, Aye Ready, is not spoken to the Canadian public, Ready, Aye Ready, is to the Boss at Buckingham Palace, who knew?

Civil military relations in the British monarchy, are between the military and their Royal Family. 

The public are subjects to it, until such time as said Crown is unhorsed and unheaded by revolution, which cannot be lawfully done from Parliament Hill.

To mutiny in defence of Elizabeth Windsor is no mutiny at all.   That is simply God, Queen, Country, in that order.

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The success or failure of any party, I think, will be the ability to reconcile the Yellow Vest anti-carbon tax, anti-environmental regulation, and anti-special interest movement with the Green New Deal emanating from US Democrats.  There will likely be widespread agreement on taxing the super rich and even the moderately rich more heavily.  There may even be agreement on a guaranteed universal income.  I think the new polarization will be between those who oppose added environmental regulations and taxes to pay for social and environmental programs and those who believe in going further with wraparound programs encompassing green incentives, universal health care, free college tuition, and employment guarantees.  

I don’t think a wraparound form of socialism would be accepted by mainstream America or even Canada.  However, the next political wave will have to reconcile these forces.  Trudeau has tried to navigate both, supporting carbon taxes and pipelines, but he may not be able to contain the Yellow Vests on the right.  He hasn’t contained the green left in BC and Quebec.  He also appears weak against special interest groups, who continue to slam the government for being politically incorrect or not handing out enough money.  The Trumpian right might seek and find some advantage, but Ford in Ontario seems too unsophisticated to manage new economic realities.  Tariffs aren’t preventing auto plant closures.  Trudeau is trying to stick to the script on human rights and rule of law, but the Americans and Chinese are playing a different game of realpolitik that illustrates Trudeau’s naïveté.

I think Trudeau’s fortunes, and probably the Liberal Party’s success, rest on getting the pipelines built and preventing job losses in manufacturing and its related engineering/technical fields without alienating the left, because the right in Canada are beginning to feel as alienated as the left feel in the US. 

I also think that the successful rules of the game for the new economy have to be backstopped by minimum international rules that are properly enforced.  The WTO hasn’t gone far enough in leveling the playing field.  The same goes for environmental standards.  

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No party will be able to reconcile.   The American Information Age Revolution and Global Climate Change are upon them, simultaneously.

The electorate will just keep going round and round trying to vote the problem away, but since neither is subject to voting, it will simply incite more frustration, until there is revolution, starting with the weak centralized powers, such as Canadian Confederation, which will crack at Quebec.

France will simply continue to crack down ever more mercilessly, with ever more military might, until the Yellow Vests of Paris are exhausted.

The Yellow Vests in Canada will be much more easily subdued, however then they will resort to the Clarity Act and overthrow Canada itself.

If you invoke a Clarity Act in France, 1er RPIMa will shoot you, but in Canada, you are backed to the hilt, all the way to the SCC and beyond.

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47 minutes ago, Charles Anthony said:


Stay on topic. 

I took down a lot of derailment from this thread.  If you are missing something that you posted here, too bad. 

I was on topic, and yet all my posts in this thread got deleted, oh well, typical of the over-moderation that I've come to expect from this place, too bad indeed.

Question... Why are other posters allowed to post videos, but I am not, even when I only post a link? Why is it only image trolling, when Yzermandias posts a video? I would like an explanation.

I mean, if videos aren't allowed because they are considered trolling, then why even give users the option to post them?

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On 2/16/2019 at 4:34 PM, Zeitgeist said:

The success or failure of any party, I think, will be the ability to reconcile the Yellow Vest anti-carbon tax, anti-environmental regulation, and anti-special interest movement with the Green New Deal emanating from US Democrats.

The Liberal party have already embraced the 'new green deal' and environmental overreach. They are not going to try to reconcile it with those yellow vest types. The most they'll try to do is try to not make it too too obvious to most of the herd that they have no intention of approving any further resource industry development for as long as possible.

On 2/16/2019 at 4:34 PM, Zeitgeist said:

I don’t think a wraparound form of socialism would be accepted by mainstream America or even Canada.  However, the next political wave will have to reconcile these forces.  Trudeau has tried to navigate both, supporting carbon taxes and pipelines,

Trudeau has actually just pretended to support both carbon taxes and the pipelines. He is putting in place minimal carbon taxes which will make no real difference, and doing essentially nothing to get a pipeline put in.

On 2/16/2019 at 4:34 PM, Zeitgeist said:

but he may not be able to contain the Yellow Vests on the right.

None of these people would ever vote for him anyway, so he doesn't really care about them.

On 2/16/2019 at 4:34 PM, Zeitgeist said:

I think Trudeau’s fortunes, and probably the Liberal Party’s success, rest on getting the pipelines built and preventing job losses in manufacturing and its related engineering/technical fields without alienating the left, because the right in Canada are beginning to feel as alienated as the left feel in the US. 

He will bluff his way into the next election offering goodies like free pharmacare. That is all he's focused on at the moment. In the next year or two it will become increasingly obvious that we're facing growing economic problems as the deficit grows and the economy stalls. What he does then is anyone's guess, but it might be he'll stick around until another election is imminent then take a walk in the snow and leave the problem to someone else.


On 2/16/2019 at 4:34 PM, Zeitgeist said:

I also think that the successful rules of the game for the new economy have to be backstopped by minimum international rules that are properly enforced.  The WTO hasn’t gone far enough in leveling the playing field.  The same goes for environmental standards.  


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On 2/16/2019 at 1:36 PM, Dougie93 said:

August1991 is essentially correct when he says Canada is like the Austro-Hungarian Empire.  Ontario is Austria.  Quebec is Hungary.


Canada is a bilingual federal State. We Canadians have created a civilized society.

Can people who understand only one language live aside people who speak another language, their entire life, in a single city? 

I do, every day.


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La Nouvelle-France était un prix de guerre de la couronne britannique. Les Britanniques ont laissé l’Église catholique romaine la gouverner. Le Québec a d'abord connu une révolution tranquille contre l'Église, mais ils ne seront libérés qu'une fois libérés de la couronne britannique. L'Ontario ne sera pas libre de défendre la Couronne britannique tant que nous ne serons pas libérés du Québec.

Long life to Upper Canada, long life to Upper Canada free! God save the Queen and her Mohawk Warriors, sayonara Quebec, f**k Alberta, buh bye BC!

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Canada is officially billingual.  French language is taught in English schools.  All government services are provided in French.  French is used in parliament.  Mandatory French labeling throughout Canada.  The US federal government isn’t officially bilingual for Spanish or any other language, nor to my knowledge is any state.  .  

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10 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Canada is officially billingual.  French language is taught in English schools.  All government services are provided in French.  French is used in parliament.  Mandatory French labeling throughout Canada.  The US federal government isn’t officially bilingual for Spanish or any other language, nor to my knowledge is any state.  .  

America is more de facto bilingual, and Canada is more de jure bilingual. You seem to think that because Canada is more de jure bilingual, that it must also be more de facto bilingual as well, but that is not the case.

Dougie Knows.

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3 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Not even de jure, Doug Ford can rid Ontario of French at his leisure, he simply chooses not to, as to not incite a hysterical nonsense festival from the CBC.

Yeah but, until they change the law, it's still more de jure, at least temporarily, which is the cause of Zeitgeist's confusion. Well that and the hysterical nonsense festival that is the CBC has mislead him to the de facto reality.

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