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Trudeau lying about SNC

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43 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Don't get me wrong I am not pushing anyone towards the communist party, or the Rhino party etc etc.....but there is a large number that seem to be filling the middle ground in , more right than left.....who recently plugged into the federal politics....the more I here about all these back room deals and how corrupt our government is, the more I like the fringe parties, although I have not done much research on mad max people are starting to look at these types of parties.

The answer is to get honest people of genuine character to infiltrate top levels of major parties (we have done that before, it was easy).  Once you put a few of them in jail, you'd be surprised how carefully the will listen to what you have to say.

If Sikhs can infiltrate their choice of the left so easily and command the agenda, why would you expect it to be so hard for some traditional Canadians???

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but if it was that easy why has it not happened already, take a look say 20 years ago until today there has been some major scandals go down and no criminal charges have actually made it to court or a conviction, call me skeptical but history shows it is harder than it sounds....trust me I would love to see all those guilty bastards go to jail, or at minimum fire not to hold public office again...

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5 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

but if it was that easy why has it not happened already, take a look say 20 years ago until today there has been some major scandals go down and no criminal charges have actually made it to court or a conviction, call me skeptical but history shows it is harder than it sounds....trust me I would love to see all those guilty bastards go to jail, or at minimum fire not to hold public office again...

I long ago did the partisan thing, and it was a lot easier than you believe.  Leadership is what they generally lack - at all levels.    Show them some, and they will follow.

BTW: I got into it when an MLA tried to buy my loyalty with promises of making work with his agencies "easy".  He did his share of time behind bars when we were finished.

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4 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Which party is that?

There are a few brand new parties , who's platforms say they are going to stop this kind of thing , off the top of my head the Libertarian party of Canada, Peoples party of Canada, like I said I have not done much research on any of them yet, but I do like what I've read so far....

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12 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

I think politicians have to able to speak with complete candour behind closed doors and that won’t happen if their words can be broadcast.

I think constituents have the right to complete candour and that can't happen if politicians are allowed to operate behind closed doors.

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On 3/9/2019 at 7:03 PM, eyeball said:

That's because we've chosen to believe the magic words politicians say over a holy book when they're being sworn in - we quite literally rely on a politician's fear of the consequences of the Almighty monitoring them so why should our having a look-see be of any concern?




Eye I think most people see the attached ceremony as meaningless and assume all politicians lie and influence peddle as a normal course of affairs. I think any naive belief in politicians went the way of JFK. MLK, RFK and then Nixon. I believe these 4 events were pinnacle in sucking out any remaining belief in politics and since then good people have turned their back on politics believing it can not be run honestly, ever.

I would say we lost any collective spiritual connection to things bigger than us as individuals and slipped into a world of me want what is good for me and to hell with anyone else.

For me Trudeau shows he can not understand how to balance the needs of the victims of the corrupt dictators Lavalin enabled dictators to injured and cure  with his need to get re-elected. That is a classic elitist who can not conceive a world of interests outside his own.

It is a shame a leader of a country can't grasp the damage Lavalin has done to innocent third parties and thinks people who profit from crimes are more important than victims of crime.

It's wrong what he did or any other politician does if they do the same thing. I was once a Liberal and renounced it after Chretien's became no different than Mulroney in patronage schemes. I have not in my life seen anyone able to rise above the swamp of political mud. It doesn't mean though we give up.

Look it's true if we monitor politicians there are practical limitations and it could be used for the wrong reasons. Lobbying is not all bad. It can be used to enhance and raise important issues not just corrupt ones so it's a balancing act but we have to find that middle point to encourage honesty and expose dishonesty.

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It seems that JT's media machine is in overdrive now. I find it is funny that it is a PC issue :)

A VERY Canadian crisis: How Justin Trudeau has been left fighting for his political life after a scandal with NO sex and NO money involved blew up in his face



“I just don’t really see it as a scandal,” he said. “There is a political correctness here. Nobody wants to go after an indigenous woman minister. It’s become politically incorrect to question the former minister.”

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8 hours ago, Rue said:

Lobbying is not all bad. It can be used to enhance and raise important issues not just corrupt ones so it's a balancing act but we have to find that middle point to encourage honesty and expose dishonesty.

If it is all that important and issue, I can see no reason it can not be discussed in public.  We pay 100% of the bills, so we deserve 100% accountability

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11 hours ago, cannuck said:

If it is all that important and issue, I can see no reason it can not be discussed in public.  We pay 100% of the bills, so we deserve 100% accountability

If lobbying was done above board it should be public when done. That's why it's done behind closed doors most times making it a form of bribery and questionable influence peddling. Lobbying is essentially today the problem particularly when idiots like Trudeau don't understand it's implications and how it can be a direct threat to rule of law and democratic principles. For Lavalin to have lobbied like it was able to when other lobbyists must be registered Android do not have the same access is another issue these genius liberals can't  grasp.

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On 3/8/2019 at 4:51 PM, SpankyMcFarland said:

Are you advocating for the 24/7 surveillance of politicians? Unlike fishermen, they’re never off work really. I suspect this would make the frank discussions necessary to make political sausage all but impossible. 

A politician work. In what universe is that. They only thing politicins do is suck on their leader's schwanger.

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On 3/8/2019 at 8:08 PM, Author said:

I am a writer and received a warning for referring to my own scholarly work which is a bestseller on Amazon. This site sucks lol. Too much censorship...what is the point then if you make a polite comment????????? Crazy! Especially if you are the author....

Thi site is run by crybaby politicians who hate the truth it burns them like holy water burn's a demon.

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On 3/11/2019 at 1:42 PM, SpankyMcFarland said:

Do you really need to see all the swearing and personal animosities that happen in every PM’s team? 

No just when they tell Trudeau to phack himself. Seriously you made a good point when TV cameras are on people play up to the cameras and it's why some people don't want them turning trials into circuses.  There are cases where security issue topics need privacy and legal issues regarding privacy. It is a complex issue. Transparency to put into practice has its obstacles for sure. Good point taken twice.

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18 hours ago, Hates politicians said:

An armed revolution is necessary. Shithead is bringing back gun control beause he know's there are lot's of people who have had more than enough of politicians raping and pillaging our country.

By who you? You talk tough.  What do you intend to do? Who do you want to kill? Who will you replace them with? What do you stand for?  Please finish your comment. 

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On 3/9/2019 at 11:10 PM, Army Guy said:

but if it was that easy why has it not happened already, take a look say 20 years ago until today there has been some major scandals go down and no criminal charges have actually made it to court or a conviction, call me skeptical but history shows it is harder than it sounds....trust me I would love to see all those guilty bastards go to jail, or at minimum fire not to hold public office again...

How many yrs have the OPP been investigating all the scandals by the ONT liberal government? Makes me wonder why all the flak over fords pick for the head jib. Front line cops wanted that guy but the bigwigs did not, waht were they scared of?

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On 3/11/2019 at 8:35 AM, eyeball said:

I think constituents have the right to complete candour and that can't happen if politicians are allowed to operate behind closed doors.

Considering that the Justice Committee just decided to go 'in camera' next week, you may get your wish but I highly doubt it.  With the libs in complete control they can call whom they please and deny anyone they have no interest in hearing from again.  Not that I care on whit to hear or see anyone talking about this or hearing their version of 'the truth.  If there is factual evidence in the form of documentation to back up any of the alleged misdoings - bring it forward or disband the committee.

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