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The Slow Painful Death of the Trump Administration

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16 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


I don't have to...the Washington Post and others did so years ago...before you used America's Google to find another partisan rant.



I guess that now we can see that Trump was right all along. Washington is and was the home for many republican and democrat swampsters and for several decades now. At least Trump called Washington a swamp where others would dare not. Trump made it clear that many of the past and the present day American politicians did not have America or Americans in mind. All they were there for was for money, power, glory and control over we the people. At least Trump got the we the people to finally see the corruption that Washington still is and was. :)

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17 hours ago, Kerfuffle said:

Need to drain the swamp  starting with corrupt GOP


No doubt thanks to the globalist international banker elites and their control of the leftist lieberal media many democrats were being protected from the crimes that they committed. Hillary being one of them that has been protected by the elite. Did Billy Clinton pay any time in jail for his lying and committing other crimes that he committed even while president? There is no way that the democrats were that squeaky clean and had committed less crimes than republicans. It's just that we will not hear as much about democrats being bad boys and girls by the lying and controlled corporate media.

If Mueller was so interested in justice then it is time for him to go after Hillary and the rest of the democratic mob that are still walking the streets freely to this day. Trump called Hillary a liar and a crook and she did not counter Trump on those no doubt true and real accusations. Why? Because Hillary knows that she is a liar and a crook. The swamp needs to be drained and cleared of all those swampster politicians like Hillary who have screwed with the American people for all these crooked years. At least Trump is trying to do something about the swamp. We have our own swamp in Ottawa just like in Washington and you should show and be more concerned about that house of swampsters in Ottawa rather than Trump.

Just saying. 

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17 hours ago, Iznogoud said:

Here's some advice.  Do not repeat anything that Trump says as evidence of anything.  Almost 7000 lies so far and counting.

How has Trump hurt Americans?  Count the ways.


Russia is not a threat?  FOX News thinks it is.  http://tass.com/world/1022243

The fact that China is also a threat does not detract from Russian meddling in US domestic and international affairs.

I guess you missed the two years when Trump's party controlled both the House and the Senate.  What did he get done?  Remarkably little

Your Canada comment is not relevant.  This is a thread about Trump.

BTW Trump is not worth my hate - in fact I hate very few politicians.  I do feel sorry for the voters Trump has betrayed with his false promises and general incompetence. 



I do not want any of your leftist liberal advice. I will trust Trump more in what he says rather than any of your liberal hero's like Obama and crooked Hillary. I do not want to corrupt my mind with silly ass liberal nonsense. And I suppose that Obama and Hillary never told as many lies or maybe even more as you have posted above that Trump has, eh? C'mon get real. A politician only knows how to lie. It's a part of the job. Are you free to say that you have never told any lies in your life? I will bet that you have told hundreds if not thousands of them in your life. 

Trump has done a lot for Americans. But if you only want to listen to CNN, MSNBC and the CBC you will never hear anything good that Trump has already done for America and Americans. Trump has probably done more for America and Americans than those two misfits I mentioned above have ever done.

I do not bother listening to or reading liberal bull chit anymore because that is all they do is spread bull chit and lies about Trump. 

Russia is not a threat. China is. According to Tucker on FOX News he does not think that Russia is a threat at all to America or the world. But he says that China is a threat to the world. Try listening to Tucker some time. You may really learn something for a change. 

Hello. America meddles in other countries affairs. China is meddling in American and Canadian and other countries affairs. Hello. But with the lying liberal media only big bad Russia does things like that. Get real will you. 

Thanks to the democrats and the RINO republicans in the house it was no wonder that Trump got anything done as much as Trump wanted to get done. Trump got some things done but all that he wanted to get done like the wall could not get done where their votes were needed to get something done. 

I threw Canada in there because I just wanted to point out that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Lol. 

Trump has betrayed no one. It is the democrats who have and still are betraying America and Americans. I feel sorry for the Trump supporters who are being denied their wall and so many other things because of those democrats and RINO republicans that Trump and they have to deal with every day. Many of Trump's promises have been fulfilled. Geez, for a guy like Trump to be called incompetent by you is stretching the bull chit just a bit too much. Trump has done very well in business for someone who is supposed to be incompetent. Trump is a billionaire. Are you a billionaire yet? Just asking. :D



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9 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The cost of the wall is actually an up front cost that doesn’t affect future budgets nearly as much as the lack of the wall. Is wall maintenance going to cost more than extra border guards iznogood? 

A lot of that money for the wall even comes back in the form of taxes. Money spent building helicopters and drones and training mechanics and pilots and k-9 units etc doesn’t come back. It’s a long-term commitment to a big budget. 

I don't know.  What do you think maintenance on a wall 3000 km long, nine meters high, and sunk six meters into the ground wold cost?  I do know that if you built a road that long maintenance would begin on one end of it before it was even finished and no one would be trying to knock it down or tunnel under it. 

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10 hours ago, Iznogoud said:

If you are going to insist on using the liars at FOX as a source then we can have no agreement.  I'm finished with this discussion until you can come up with a source that does not act as Trump's mouthpiece. 

Grow up iznogood. If you can’t point to any specific instances of lying then you can’t make the accusation. You need to be accurate and honest when you make a serious claim like that. I get that it’s normal practice for a lot of people these days but I tune those people out, as should you. 

When I talk about CNN or CBC or CTV lying I at least point out the specific instances instead of making an unsubstantiated generalization. 

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10 hours ago, Iznogoud said:

I don't know.  What do you think maintenance on a wall 3000 km long, nine meters high, and sunk six meters into the ground wold cost?  I do know that if you built a road that long maintenance would begin on one end of it before it was even finished and no one would be trying to knock it down or tunnel under it. 

There are a lot of places where the natural land formations make a wall unnecessary. It’s not every single inch of the border.

Walls just work better. You don’t need to separate families like Trump and Obama did. You don’t run the risk of re-uniting children with human traffickers like Obama did (check Snopes). You don’t have to send thousands of troops to the border to stop large migrant caravans all the time. No large-scale detentions and the subsequent processing of claimants, etc, etc. 

It’s reasonable to begin the discussion at “x number of kilometres of wall” but not at “walls are racist, so we will use drones, helicopters, K-9 units, thousands of border guards, and immigration officials all around the country but then we won’t deport people anyways”. How stupid do you have to be to follow Nancy and Chuck’s line of thinking? It’s just mindless drivel with some baseless accusations. Ie, Dem politics 101. 



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12 hours ago, Iznogoud said:

If you are going to insist on using the liars at FOX as a source then we can have no agreement.  I'm finished with this discussion until you can come up with a source that does not act as Trump's mouthpiece. 

While I am highly suspicious of the highly biased FOX news, and for that matter CNN, I don't think you can nix them as a source.  They do, at least, issue retractions.  

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17 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Grow up iznogood. If you can’t point to any specific instances of lying then you can’t make the accusation. You need to be accurate and honest when you make a serious claim like that. I get that it’s normal practice for a lot of people these days but I tune those people out, as should you. 

When I talk about CNN or CBC or CTV lying I at least point out the specific instances instead of making an unsubstantiated generalization. 

How about just most of the time?  https://www.thenation.com/article/why-do-the-media-keep-parroting-trumps-falsehoods/

And then there are the people who watch FOX.  https://defendingthetruth.com/threads/watching-only-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all.95171/

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On 12/24/2018 at 1:10 PM, taxme said:


Trump has done a lot for Americans. But if you only want to listen to CNN, MSNBC and the CBC you will never hear anything good that Trump has already done for America and Americans. Trump has probably done more for America and Americans than those two misfits I mentioned above have ever done.

Russia is not a threat. China is. According to Tucker on FOX News he does not think that Russia is a threat at all to America or the world. But he says that China is a threat to the world.




Please name one Trump measure that has helped the average American.

They are both threats, but if you think Russian interference in American politics is not a threat; then your idea of a threat and mine are quite different.  Even FOX thinks Russia is a threat. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/heres-how-russia-will-try-to-interfere-in-the-2018-elections


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14 hours ago, Iznogoud said:


Please name one Trump measure that has helped the average American.

They are both threats, but if you think Russian interference in American politics is not a threat; then your idea of a threat and mine are quite different.  Even FOX thinks Russia is a threat. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/heres-how-russia-will-try-to-interfere-in-the-2018-elections


Since Trump came to power markets shot up big time lowest unemployment for blacks and Latinos and women in history.  Go to website Trump News and get the rest of what Trump has done for America and Americans. 

Anytime any country meddles in other countries affairs that is a threat. Indeed, as I have said already I do not see Russia as a threat at all to anyone but I do see China as a real threat. It all depends on who you are listening to on FOX News. Unlike the other channels like CNN, MSNBC, and the good old butt their faces in Americas politics, the CBC,  FOX allows conservatives and liberals to give their opinions and points of view. That is called freedom of speech. Something our politicians do not believe in is freedom. They appear to hate freedom of speech. Free speech interferes with their swampster games. 

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14 hours ago, Iznogoud said:

You truly are starting to become an exercise in futility. :D

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On 12/24/2018 at 8:07 PM, Iznogoud said:

I don't know.  What do you think maintenance on a wall 3000 km long, nine meters high, and sunk six meters into the ground wold cost?  I do know that if you built a road that long maintenance would begin on one end of it before it was even finished and no one would be trying to knock it down or tunnel under it. 

Trump has mentioned many times that thanks to illegal immigration and not having a wall it has cost the Americans taxpayers over 25 billion tax dollars in the past few years alone and not to forget to mention as to what a wall will mean to stopping illegal drugs and guns from getting into America that have taken the lives of millions of Americans over those years. In the end it is cheaper to build that wall. The maintenance would be inexpensive to maintain once erected. Illegals cost endless tax dollars to be wasted on them every year. "Build That Wall".  :D

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

Trump has mentioned many times that thanks to illegal immigration and not having a wall it has cost the Americans taxpayers over 25 billion tax dollars in the past few years alone and not to forget to mention as to what a wall will mean to stopping illegal drugs and guns from getting into America that have taken the lives of millions of Americans over those years. In the end it is cheaper to build that wall. The maintenance would be inexpensive to maintain once erected. Illegals cost endless tax dollars to be wasted on them every year. "Build That Wall".  :D

There is probably a fairer and more permanent solution than building a wall and that is to do something about the situation that sends hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants toward the US border and that would be to help with the situation that is making them so desperate in the first place.  The US could easily put pressure on the brutal dictatorships in Central American nations that sends people fleeing for their lives - why doesn't it do it?  And then there is the fact that the US owes these nations something in the way of reparations for the past exploitation of these countries.  Give the potential migrants a reason to stay home and then the problem is solved.  Certainly, it will cost a bundle, but in the long run it would pay off with increased trade to Central America and as I mentioned, the US is at least partially responsible for the mess that exists there now so it should probably be prepared to do something about it. 

Also the wall idea is useless without maintaining a border patrol at least as large as it already it, so where is the savings?  An unpatrolled wall would easily be bypassed without constant patrols and then there are the maintenance costs to add to the bill.   

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3 hours ago, taxme said:

Since Trump came to power markets shot up big time lowest unemployment for blacks and Latinos and women in history.  Go to website Trump News and get the rest of what Trump has done for America and Americans. 

Anytime any country meddles in other countries affairs that is a threat. Indeed, as I have said already I do not see Russia as a threat at all to anyone but I do see China as a real threat. It all depends on who you are listening to on FOX News. Unlike the other channels like CNN, MSNBC, and the good old butt their faces in Americas politics, the CBC,  FOX allows conservatives and liberals to give their opinions and points of view. That is called freedom of speech. Something our politicians do not believe in is freedom. They appear to hate freedom of speech. Free speech interferes with their swampster games. 

Go to a Trump website?  You're joking, of course.  That would be like interviewing Hitler in 1944 and asking how much he had helped Germany. 

BTW it appears that Trump's recent comment have sent the market into free fall.  And there is no evidence that the higher employment levels of any Americans are due to Trump since the current boom began before Trump was president. 

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On 12/26/2018 at 12:25 AM, Iznogoud said:

Again, no specific instances of lying. I could say Morning Joe and his wife lied 6,257 times this year and it means nothing without specifics. 

Again we have Dem apologists referring to anonymous sources, unproven allegations with no evidence, and repeating other unverified stories. 

The only thing that they specifically mentioned was Trump saying something about Hillary colluding with Russians. They were really only implying that it was a lie but it wasn’t a lie at all. If Trump was found to have given a law firm money for them to secretly pass along to Russians and Brits for stories to influence the outcome of the election you’d all be screaming “Mueller hit the jackpot! That’s collusion!” We all know Hillary did that. Why is it “a lie” to call that collusion?

Those idiots even tried to say it was illegal for Trump’s son to agree to just meet with and listen to a Russian who claimed to have proof of Hillary’s crimes. How is it illegal to agree to hear evidence of a crime? If so, isn’t it worse to offer to pay the same people to go looking for a crime that no one even knows about? 

Mueller hasn’t got anything like Hillary’s actions on Trump, Dem morons are saying Trump is guilty all the time. Where’s the lie clicker? Is it at ten billion yet? Nope, because just like the Nazis, the Dems believe that if you tell the same lie enough times it becomes the truth. 

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17 hours ago, Iznogoud said:

Go to a Trump website?  You're joking, of course.  That would be like interviewing Hitler in 1944 and asking how much he had helped Germany. 

BTW it appears that Trump's recent comment have sent the market into free fall.  And there is no evidence that the higher employment levels of any Americans are due to Trump since the current boom began before Trump was president. 

You are joking, eh? I will bet that the websites that you no doubt like to visit tell the truth all the time eh and of course who attack Trump all the time, right? The boom started after Trump became president. The economy was going nowhere under Obama. It took Trump to get it all started by cutting taxes, cutting regulations and bringing home jobs lost to other countries that created plenty of new employment.  High taxes and regulations and loss jobs was all due to having presidents like Obama around. Obama had dyk all to do with the economy improving. More blacks, Hispanics and women are working more than ever in America now. Trump news. 

The markets went into free fall because of the federal reserve raising the interest rates lately that affected the economy. Trump had nothing to do with the recent slump in the markets. After Trump became president the markets shot way up and higher than they have ever been. So you can attack Trump all you want but your hard work of trying to blame everything on Trump is totally futile. It is not working with me. Try going to Trump News and get the other side of the story for a change that you appear to want to ignore. If you refuse to do so than you should stop attacking and mocking Trump. Go attack and mock Trudeau instead. Gawd only knows that fool needs more knocking and mocking. I would sure love to have a leader like Trump running Canada. We would be booming now. 

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17 hours ago, Iznogoud said:

There is probably a fairer and more permanent solution than building a wall and that is to do something about the situation that sends hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants toward the US border and that would be to help with the situation that is making them so desperate in the first place.  The US could easily put pressure on the brutal dictatorships in Central American nations that sends people fleeing for their lives - why doesn't it do it?  And then there is the fact that the US owes these nations something in the way of reparations for the past exploitation of these countries.  Give the potential migrants a reason to stay home and then the problem is solved.  Certainly, it will cost a bundle, but in the long run it would pay off with increased trade to Central America and as I mentioned, the US is at least partially responsible for the mess that exists there now so it should probably be prepared to do something about it. 

Also the wall idea is useless without maintaining a border patrol at least as large as it already it, so where is the savings?  An unpatrolled wall would easily be bypassed without constant patrols and then there are the maintenance costs to add to the bill.   

It's not up to America to try and solve all the problems for those migrants that are having big time problems in their own countries. It is the problem of the people that are living in those hell hole countries who have allowed to happen as to what is going on in their own countries in the first place. They did nothing to try and stop what is going on now in their countries. In America dictators will never be given the opportunity to take over America and then allow them to turn America into a shit hole although I do believe that was the aim of the democratic party to try and turn America into one big shit hole. Lucky for America Trump came along.  Four years of Hillary and America was finished. 

How would you know if a wall would be all that useless if one were built? The only way that we would find out is after the wall was built. Then we would find out very quickly. Maybe they would not need to have so many border guards around or maybe just keep what they have already. No need to an increase of more border guards. The wall once built will not need much maintenance. What kind of maintenance would a wall need? Just curious. Besides the wall is supposed to be built with steel and not concrete. 

Whether America or be it another country they all go into a country to make money for you and me to live well in some cases and also to help develop those countries and to not really "exploit" them. When Canada does it, it is called progress. When America does it, it is called exploitation. The word progress sounds good. The word exploitation sounds bad. Sure some damage is done but that is the price of progress. Trees need to be cut down so we can make cities or mine areas. Canada does it all the time and "exploits" the surrounding country side for development which in some cases affects some people or animal habitat. But that is how it is. 

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This is tiresome misinformation.  Read The Economist or something with decent metrics.  The US markets are down about 5 percent in 2018.  US debt and interest rates are projected to rise over the next two years to dangerous levels.  Highly indebted countries are being hit first. Expect interesting times by the end of this year.  The wall is another ridiculous expenditure that won’t make much difference to border security.  The tariffs on allies have backfired and the trade war ahead with China will take another toll.  Trump needs to get on the job of mending fences with allies, returning to responsible policy on the environment, and reaching out to political opponents.  It won’t happen. The US represents little more to the world right now than selfishness and amoral consumption.  It doesn’t have to be this way because it wasn’t always this way. 

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7 hours ago, taxme said:

It's not up to America to try and solve all the problems for those migrants that are having big time problems in their own countries. It is the problem of the people that are living in those hell hole countries who have allowed to happen as to what is going on in their own countries in the first place. They did nothing to try and stop what is going on now in their countries. In America dictators will never be given the opportunity to take over America and then allow them to turn America into a shit hole although I do believe that was the aim of the democratic party to try and turn America into one big shit hole. Lucky for America Trump came along.  Four years of Hillary and America was finished. 

How would you know if a wall would be all that useless if one were built? The only way that we would find out is after the wall was built. Then we would find out very quickly. Maybe they would not need to have so many border guards around or maybe just keep what they have already. No need to an increase of more border guards. The wall once built will not need much maintenance. What kind of maintenance would a wall need? Just curious. Besides the wall is supposed to be built with steel and not concrete.

I think you might want to read up a bit on the history of US interference in Latin America, and especially Central America.  It is not a pretty picture.  The US bears enormous responsibility for the existence of many of the disfunctional regimes that exist there.  Start with El Salvador - it might be a real eye opener. 

The only wall I know of that was moderately successful was the barrier built along the borders of East Gemany and other Iron Curtain nations during the Cold War, and it was not actually a wall.  And the only reason it worked was that the border guards had orders to shoot to kill. 

Maintenance?  Well, think of the wall as a bridge or road.  What happens when those are neglected.  It doesn't take long for even well-designed structure to start deteriorating.  I suspect you are familiar with the fact that large bridges are continually undergoing maintenance and none of them are 3000 km long.  Also consider the fact that anyone who really wants to get past the wall might make efforts to vandalize it.  It only takes one hole to make it useless. 

And you might want to tell the idiot you worship that a president is not a dictator.  He doesn't seem to understand that. 

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7 hours ago, taxme said:

You are joking, eh? I will bet that the websites that you no doubt like to visit tell the truth all the time eh and of course who attack Trump all the time, right? The boom started after Trump became president. The economy was going nowhere under Obama. It took Trump to get it all started by cutting taxes, cutting regulations and bringing home jobs lost to other countries that created plenty of new employment.  High taxes and regulations and loss jobs was all due to having presidents like Obama around. Obama had dyk all to do with the economy improving. More blacks, Hispanics and women are working more than ever in America now. Trump news. 

The markets went into free fall because of the federal reserve raising the interest rates lately that affected the economy. Trump had nothing to do with the recent slump in the markets. After Trump became president the markets shot way up and higher than they have ever been. So you can attack Trump all you want but your hard work of trying to blame everything on Trump is totally futile. It is not working with me. Try going to Trump News and get the other side of the story for a change that you appear to want to ignore. If you refuse to do so than you should stop attacking and mocking Trump. Go attack and mock Trudeau instead. Gawd only knows that fool needs more knocking and mocking. I would sure love to have a leader like Trump running Canada. We would be booming now. 

Looks like you have completely swallowed all of the Trump Kool-Aid.  And why would I bother with Trudeau?  You seem to think I am one of his supporters.  I'm not. 

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12 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Again, no specific instances of lying. I could say Morning Joe and his wife lied 6,257 times this year and it means nothing without specifics. 

Again we have Dem apologists referring to anonymous sources, unproven allegations with no evidence, and repeating other unverified stories. 

The only thing that they specifically mentioned was Trump saying something about Hillary colluding with Russians. They were really only implying that it was a lie but it wasn’t a lie at all. If Trump was found to have given a law firm money for them to secretly pass along to Russians and Brits for stories to influence the outcome of the election you’d all be screaming “Mueller hit the jackpot! That’s collusion!” We all know Hillary did that. Why is it “a lie” to call that collusion?

Those idiots even tried to say it was illegal for Trump’s son to agree to just meet with and listen to a Russian who claimed to have proof of Hillary’s crimes. How is it illegal to agree to hear evidence of a crime? If so, isn’t it worse to offer to pay the same people to go looking for a crime that no one even knows about? 

Mueller hasn’t got anything like Hillary’s actions on Trump, Dem morons are saying Trump is guilty all the time. Where’s the lie clicker? Is it at ten billion yet? Nope, because just like the Nazis, the Dems believe that if you tell the same lie enough times it becomes the truth. 

I suspect you are in for a few ugly surprises in the next few months.  The truth is going to come out and it wan't be good for Trump.  That is why he is running scared. 

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