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Toronto Al Quds Rally


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On 11/19/2018 at 10:26 AM, DogOnPorch said:


Muslims follow the Quran...not take suggestions from the Quran. Making these folks actually apostates.

Much like so-called Christians who ignore Jesus's message. Christian, eh?

NOT ALL Muslims take suggestions fro  the Koran let alone ones we would both define as extremist. I am well aware that many Muslims do not yet read or have sufficient training to read the Koran and rely on Mullahs or Imams to tell them what to think. Yes I am aware of radical Islam, terrorism, the relation to anti-semitism, violence, etc. Yes. However why would I lump all Muslims in one negative generalization?

That is illogical. It alienates progressive and humanist Muslims who are just as targeted for hatred by Muslim fundamentalists as non Muslims and does what the terrorists want, have Muslims believe we hate them all.

Stereotyping all Muslims as thinking the same way is the very dialogue I challenge and whether it's done to them, or anyone else that is as wrong as the thought patterns we challenge at Al Quds rallies. Its simplistic, bigotry. Leave it for neo Nazis.




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12 minutes ago, Rue said:

NOT ALL Muslims take suggestions fro  the Koran let alone ones we would both define as extremist. I am well aware that many Muslims do not yet read or have sufficient training to read the Koran and rely on Mullahs or Imams to tell them what to think. Yes I am aware of radical Islam, terrorism, the relation to anti-semitism, violence, etc. Yes. However why would I lump all Muslims in one negative generalization?

That is illogical. It alienates progressive and humanist Muslims who are just as targeted for hatred by Muslim fundamentalists as non Muslims and does what the terrorists want, have Muslims believe we hate them all.

Stereotyping all Muslims as thinking the same way is the very dialogue I challenge and whether it's done to them, or anyone else that is as wrong as the thought patterns we challenge at Al Quds rallies. Its simplistic, bigotry. Leave it for neo Nazis.



I don't stereotype Muslims. As Churchill famously said..."Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die….”

But it is Islam itself that is the issue.

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.


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Here is part of an open letter that was addressed to the Atty General, and several officials regarding the Al Quds rally.

May 17, 2018
Open Letter

Hon. Yasir Naqvi
Attorney General of Ontario
McMurtry-Scott Building
720 Bay Street, 11th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2S9

CC: Kathleen Wynne (Premier of Ontario), John Tory (Mayor of Toronto), Jody Wilson-Raybould (Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada), Jackie Gordon (The Sergeant at Arms of the Ontario Legislature), Chrystia Freeland (Minister of Foreign Affairs, MP for Toronto Centre), Dave Levac (Speaker of the House of the Ontario Legislature),
Mark Saunders (Chief of the Toronto Police Services), Paul Boniferro (Deputy Attorney General of Ontario), James Pasternak (Toronto City Councillor for Ward 10), Kristyn Wong-Tam (Toronto City Councillor for Ward 27)

Thursday May 17, 2018

Dear Mr. Naqvi,

The rally on June 24th of last year was the most extreme of any Toronto Al Quds Rally the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) has witnessed. Our organization, which monitors each year’s rally on behalf of the community we represent and on behalf of basic human decency and respect, noted numerous instances of hatred - many of which we believe clearly violate sections 319.1 and 319.2 of the Criminal Code - including a speech given by notorious Holocaust denier Kevin Barrett who vehemently denied the right of Israel’s existence, and including a song played on repeat by rally organizers – named ‘Declare it a Popular Revolution’ – which includes the lyrics (about the Jewish community) “stab whoever you see, five, six, ten, twelve… Declare a Popular Revolution… Make us happy with bombing a bus… cut off (their heads), stab (them), run over (them), launch an attack on them.”[ii]

It was also reported that ‘Nazi Salutes’ by Al Quds Rally attendees were directed at Jewish counter-demonstrators,[iii] in addition to a speech delivered by radical Mississauga Imam Maulana Syed Mohammad Zaki Baqri who declared that “the systemic elimination of Jews… Israelis, Zionists should know, that it is the (religious) law that whoever oppresses, he has to be eliminated.”[iv] These acts of pure hatred toward an identifiable group can simply not be permitted.

The above examples are only a portion of the disgraceful, dangerous, and hate-filled occurrences which were recorded by FSWC, and only a small portion of the publicly recorded instances of hatred at the annual Toronto Al Quds Rally readily available online for the world to see.

The Jewish community feels extremely vulnerable both here at home and abroad. The Canadian Jewish community – continually the most targeted group for hate-motivated crime in Canada - remains on high alert over a spate of antisemitic attacks in our own country and province, as well as throughout America and much of Europe. In fact, per Statistics Canada, the Jewish community has been the most targeted for hate-crimes since at least 2013 – with 2016 being the worst year on record.[v] According to the same report, hate-crimes targeting the Jewish community accounted for 48% of all hate-crimes motivated by religion, despite the Jewish community comprising less than 2% of the Canadian population.[vi] In recent reports from police services in Toronto[vii] and Hamilton[viii], the Jewish population remains the top target of hate motivated crimes, and incidents have increased year over year.

We at FSWC believe, given the political climate in Canada, as well as the fragile climate in the Middle East, that allowing this event to move forward on Saturday June 9th is both reckless and dangerous. Ignorance in the face of hatred must no longer be tolerated or accepted.


The rally was allowed to go on.

I highlighted those high-ranking officials who could've acted on it, had they wished to.
All of them had opted to look the other way, and in doing so - had clearly given approval for this kind of hatred to be directed towards the Jews. They have all become enablers!

Edited by betsy
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23 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


I don't stereotype Muslims. As Churchill famously said..."Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die….”

But it is Islam itself that is the issue.

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.


I debate with you on this. I know you give individuals your time of day. I just have to be very consistent on this because if nothing else I need to practice what I preach and I do and have had life events where I have seen as many Muslim victims of Muslim terrorism as I have non Muslims. I will stop preaching but I think all religions are in various stages of reform and hopefully will continue to do so. As for Winny the poo he couldn't understand why we would nor move to Uganda so excuse me while I admire him I also take him with a grain of imperialist salt.

Uh yah don't get me going on that payment to Hamas.

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15 minutes ago, Rue said:

I debate with you on this. I know you give individuals your time of day. I just have to be very consistent on this because if nothing else I need to practice what I preach and I do and have had life events where I have seen as many Muslim victims of Muslim terrorism as I have non Muslims. I will stop preaching but I think all religions are in various stages of reform and hopefully will continue to do so. As for Winny the poo he couldn't understand why we would nor move to Uganda so excuse me while I admire him I also take him with a grain of imperialist salt.

Uh yah don't get me going on that payment to Hamas.


Churchill fought in the Mahdist War* of the late 19th century. He knew the region...knew the lingo...and witnessed Islam first hand.

Discount him as you will. I'll take Churchill.

As for Uganda...or Kansas...or Madagascar. That isn't the traditional Jewish homeland. And Churchill had nothing to do with the Uganda Plan. That was Joseph Chamberlain.


* The Mahdists were the ISIS of the time.

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On 11/15/2018 at 2:18 PM, DogOnPorch said:


Nazis were National Socialists. They didn't believe in Democracy.

Does any politician today anywhere in the world really believe at all in democracy? We the people have always been led to believe that we all live in a democracy. That is one big joke on all of we the people. The only democracy that our dear puppet on a string leaders will give us is what their globalist masters want to give to us. They dictate to us all as to where and when democracy will prevail. We the people are not totally free to be able to speak our minds. There are limits on free speech and how far our political dictators will let us express our opinions. Our dear leaders appear to like and follow the likes of Stalin, Mao, Islam and others who suppress their own people from being able to speak freely. It happens in Canada all the time. The word democracy is just that in most cases? Just another word that is not backed up by our dear leaders. My opinion. :(

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On 11/15/2018 at 11:31 AM, eyeball said:

No, it's what brain-dead right-wing hyperbole always leads to -  criticism of Israel = anti-Semitism.

Just for your information. Thanks to the many Zionist organizations in Canada and around the world are the ones responsible for decades now for more non-western immigration and multiculturalism into all of the western countries of the world, and who are the ones responsible for all of this hatred going on against Jews around the world by Islamists and others. Those outfits have been responsible for the millions of Muslim immigrants that have been brought to western countries. They are now reaping what they have sown. Too late to start crying over spilled milk. What goes around eventually comes around.  

Criticism of Israel is not "anti-Semitism". This notion that anyone who dares to question or challenge anything Israel or Judaism has to be somehow someone who hates Jews is bloody ridiculous. If they cannot take criticism or questioning then what the hell are they hiding? Yes/no? :rolleyes:

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On 11/15/2018 at 12:34 PM, eyeball said:

Yes but the hyperventilating in this thread is opposed to hostility and prejudice against Israel. See the difference?

I know you don't but it still needs to be asked.

If there was an Israeli version of Al Quds day calling for the eradication of Palestinians that would be just fine too, right eyeball? What about eradicating the muslim population in Canada? Would filling up some body bags with those guys be ok? No, I bet that it suddenly doesn't sound alright to you anymore. That's not because you are "biased", that's because your viewpoint fits way deep into the "bigotry" category. 

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On 11/15/2018 at 12:42 PM, eyeball said:

These days conservatives have co-opted the term concern to add the same stench of respectability to their racism. Same old same old.

How can a person who supports bigotry/genocide rallies possibly believe they have the moral standing to accuse other people of racism? 

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On 11/16/2018 at 4:06 AM, betsy said:

UK had denied asylum to Asia Bibi.  The reason?   They're afraid of the reaction from the Muslim community!


If that's true it's utterly pathetic.

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32 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

If there was an Israeli version of Al Quds day calling for the eradication of Palestinians that would be just fine too, right eyeball?

No, of course not.  In the meantime notice how Israel is in fact eradicating Palestine.  Are you actually suggesting you have a problem with that because your stock would definitely go up if you did.


What about eradicating the muslim population in Canada? Would filling up some body bags with those guys be ok? No, I bet that it suddenly doesn't sound alright to you anymore. That's not because you are "biased", that's because your viewpoint fits way deep into the "bigotry" category.

You said you were Trudeau's age?  It shows.

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48 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

How can a person who supports bigotry/genocide rallies possibly believe they have the moral standing to accuse other people of racism? 

You'd have to ask someone who's actually done that.

I notice Betsy never managed to point out where in the sources she provided where it said the rallies called for the death of all Jews, can you?

If not then wtf are you trying to stand on?  A moral perhaps, high ground? :lol:

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1 hour ago, betsy said:

Lol!  Al Quds didn't even have a permit to hold a rally - and yet they're getting off scott free!





To make a fuss is to admit that they let into Canada a whole pile of Jew hating Islamo-Nazis...on their watch...under their noses...can't admit THAT.

No way on Allah's green Earth.

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On 11/23/2018 at 1:29 PM, eyeball said:

No, of course not.  In the meantime notice how Israel is in fact eradicating Palestine.  Are you actually suggesting you have a problem with that because your stock would definitely go up if you did.

You said you were Trudeau's age?  It shows.

Israel isn't eradicating Palestinians at all. Pakistan "eradicated" people. By the hundreds of thousands. Millions. There's a big difference. You must be really mad about that because you're a humantarian, right? Or would it suit you better if the Israelis just killed all the Palestinians and then it could all be forgotten in a few years?

Palestine will be just fine when they stop firing rockets and mortars, blowing up cars, being losers, etc.

When I was younger I actually was pro-palestinian. Then the reality set in that refugee camps are actually just fiction. Those people aren't there because they need to be in refugee camps, they're just there to foment hatred against Israel. It's been 70 years now. Germany alone took in almost as many refugees in 1 years as the total number of refugees in Palestine right now. All of the Palestinians could have found homes long ago. 

The people who are using the Palestinians as pawns don't want a decent solution. They want to keep the hatred alive until they finally get the chance to commit genocide just like their prophet did back in the day. You're a tool for the people who want to commit genocide eyeball. A pawn.

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On 11/23/2018 at 1:38 PM, eyeball said:

You'd have to ask someone who's actually done that.

I notice Betsy never managed to point out where in the sources she provided where it said the rallies called for the death of all Jews, can you?

If not then wtf are you trying to stand on?  A moral perhaps, high ground? :lol:


Here's one. This part of the koran refers to a final battle when the Jews are finally wiped out. 

You can find all kinds of people who quote that verse, and they aren't just lowly imams either.


Mohammed Morsi.

There are others. Basically everyone in Iran says things like that at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

These are the people you're supporting. Your homies. The anti-Israel crowd. You're such a great person eyeball. Please frown on us some more. We're not worthy.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

Image result for Map showing Israeli expansion

Map 1 - There was no Israel in 1946.

Map 2 - The partition which created Israel didn’t result in genocide or mass systemic rape, unlike the formation of Pakistan at roughly the same time. But you don’t care about that, you keep failing to chime in on the topic.

Map 3 & 4 - would still be exactly the same as Map 2 if Israel wasn’t getting attacked all the time.

Map 5 - below. Do you see how much room there is in the Middle East for the Palestinians to re-settle to? All of Israel and Palestine make up about 1% of the Middle East. Millions of Syrians already found homes since 2016, when they were fleeing more Islamic genocides. Yet the Palestinians are still in “refugee camps” 70 years later...? They obviously don’t fear genocide. They’re just there to foment hatred. To suck in some haters.


You have 4 maps that you actually understand now. Glad to be of service.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

These aren't Betsy's articles however, where in them does it say; death to all Jews?  It should be easy to find the point of the OP in the sources used as evidenced for it don't you think?

Referencing the phrase from the hadith about the last Jews hiding behind rocks and trees, and the trees and rocks saying “Oh muslim there is a Jew hiding behind me, come kill him” is a way of saying that everything created by god will turn against the Jews, and there will be nowhere to hide from the final genocide.

You could call it “dog whistling”, ie speaking in code that will go largely unnoticed by people who aren’t familiar with the phrase in question. But it’s considered to be “an explicit message from god that all Jews need to be killed”. 

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48 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You could call it “dog whistling”, ie speaking in code that will go largely unnoticed by people who aren’t familiar with the phrase in question. 

Yes it seems like a pretty weasely thing to do alright.   


But it’s considered to be “an explicit message from god that all Jews need to be killed”.

Only to people who pay attention to weasels blowing whistles.

And you people actually expect politicians to sort this nonsense out.  That's what's really funny.

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11 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Note the name on Map 1.



Eyeball not even Hamas or the PA use the shrinking map when they troll on political forums now due to their being completely exposed as false. Come on make an effort to read what you disseminate.

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