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How dangerous is Trump?

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Some of the excerpts from Woodward's new book that are now emerging suggest that a very erratic Trump is running amok in the White House. If even a fraction of the allegations are correct this is scary stuff for both the U.S. and the rest of the world. And more Americans, apparently, understand the problem. According to recent polling his unfavorable rating is now in the 60 percent range and reportedly most independent voters as well as college-educated voters don't approve of his leadership. How long can Trump's presidency last, particularly if the Republicans lose control of congress in the November midterms?

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23 minutes ago, turningrite said:

 How long can Trump's presidency last, particularly if the Republicans lose control of congress in the November midterms?


It can last through a complete first term, including another campaign for a second term, wherein Trump will go to new levels of disruption, insult, conflict, turmoil, and shocking behaviour given his success the first time around.

No American president has ever been removed from office for being erratic and combative.   

Trump's desperate critics will have to pray that he actually does shoot somebody in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue.


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6 hours ago, turningrite said:

Some of the excerpts from Woodward's new book that are now emerging suggest that a very erratic Trump is running amok in the White House. If even a fraction of the allegations are correct this is scary stuff for both the U.S. and the rest of the world. And more Americans, apparently, understand the problem. According to recent polling his unfavorable rating is now in the 60 percent range and reportedly most independent voters as well as college-educated voters don't approve of his leadership. How long can Trump's presidency last, particularly if the Republicans lose control of congress in the November midterms?

How reliable is that author? 

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7 hours ago, turningrite said:

 How long can Trump's presidency last, particularly if the Republicans lose control of congress in the November midterms?

Trump's rock base is tribal, so there isn't much in here to shake his hold on power.  The one possibility I saw was that he called Sessions a 'dumb Southerner'.   That make wake some people up to the fact that the mistakenly elected a "New York elite"....

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3 hours ago, betsy said:

How reliable is that author? 

You have to ask who that author is? REALLY????? 

His name is Bob Woodward. He was played by Robert Redford in All the President's Men. You know the movie about Watergate! His reporting brought down the Nixon administration. 

And if you don't believe me. Listen to Trump be more than complementary too Woodward when "finding out" he's writing a book about him. Also how incompetent he sounds when Woodward points out he was told by several people about the book and he is forced to admit he's a lying kook. 


I think Trump is too incompetent to be dangerous. Though that could change at any moment though.

Even with NAFTA he knows Congress will force him to include Canada in any agreement. He threatens congress to get out of his way. Or what Donald? You'll impeach them?  He could fire Mueller or Sessions or Rosenstein. But he knows that'll be a bridge too far and that all that keeps him in power is that he gives the GOP what they want in the long-term, see Brett Kavanaugh. 

He's really done very little of what he's promised. The Healthcare repeal failed. No wall. Hilary isn't in jail. NAFTA still exists and his deadlines have been ignored. And even his one "achievement" being the tax bill is so unpopular that no Republican can run on it. They are forced to scare people about illegal immigrants. Trump even Tweeted that the bill was nothing about average people, it was a payoff to billionaires. 

He can throw temper tantrums on Twitter, but ultimately those prove to be feckless threats. If you listen to the conversation above, when he's actually talking directly to impressive people, he becomes a feckless coward. 

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2 minutes ago, turningrite said:

Never underestimate the danger of incompetence. In my opinion, the more powerful the incompetent leader the more damage he/she might cause.


...and yet, President Trump's "incompetence" has not resulted in the shooting wars, market crashes, hyperinflation, energy crisis, Cold War, assassinations, invasions, etc. that are associated with more "competent" American presidents and foreign leaders.  Be careful what you wish for.

Donald Trump is just another American president with successes and failures...there will be others.

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5 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


...and yet, President Trump's "incompetence" has not resulted in the shooting wars, market crashes, hyperinflation, energy crisis, Cold War, assassinations, invasions, etc. that are associated with more "competent" American presidents and foreign leaders.  Be careful what you wish for.

Donald Trump is just another American president with successes and failures...there will be others.

Well, according to reports about Woodward's forthcoming book, Trump's advisors have been keeping a lid on his inclination and ability to wreak havoc. Apparently, he's been itching to use military might to throw his country's weight around.

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4 minutes ago, turningrite said:

Well, according to reports about Woodward's forthcoming book, Trump's advisors have been keeping a lid on his inclination and ability to wreak havoc. Apparently, he's been itching to use military might to throw his country's weight around.


As have many U.S. presidents....Trump is now part of a very exclusive club.


"What's the point of having this superb military you're always talking about if we can't use it?" - Madeleine Albright (President Clinton's Sec'y of State to General Colin Powell)


Several authors have tried to cash in on Trump...add Woodward to the list.

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6 hours ago, Boges said:

You have to ask who that author is? REALLY????? 

His name is Bob Woodward. He was played by Robert Redford in All the President's Men. You know the movie about Watergate! His reporting brought down the Nixon administration.

So what?  That was then.  This is now.


If media can blatantly manipulate the messaging to suit their narrative - anyone can. 


Furthermore, it's so lucrative to write anything against Trump.  What Dawkins' writings is for the anti-Gods, is what writings against Trump is to anti-Trumps!   One can't help being skeptical about these dime-a-dozen anti-Trump books.


Let's talk about him when impeachment proceedings are under way. That is, if anything comes to that.


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6 minutes ago, betsy said:

So?  That was then.  This is now.

If media can blatantly manipulate the messaging to suit their narrative - anyone can.


Many of those quoted in Woodward's book are reportedly insiders who either have worked or still do work inside the White House. If they believe the place is "Crazytown" maybe we should take notice. Sure, a lot of them are backing off now and refusing to acknowledge their statements, but Woodward, reputedly a stellar journalist, recorded his conversations with sources. I wouldn't dismiss the account as casually as Trumpistas seem intent on doing.

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16 hours ago, turningrite said:

Some of the excerpts from Woodward's new book that are now emerging suggest that a very erratic Trump is running amok in the White House. If even a fraction of the allegations are correct this is scary stuff for both the U.S. and the rest of the world. And more Americans, apparently, understand the problem. According to recent polling his unfavorable rating is now in the 60 percent range and reportedly most independent voters as well as college-educated voters don't approve of his leadership. How long can Trump's presidency last, particularly if the Republicans lose control of congress in the November midterms?

Most of what is in that book is false as usual. Just more liberal/democratic swampster bull shit to try and stir up more hatred towards Trump and they all keep hoping that something will stick with the voter and get them all mad at Trump so they can get voted in and take control in November. The leftist lying liberal media is behind those swampsters. If anything it is fun to watch the letist libera/democrats and their actors and activists in the liberal media going bonkers and all for not. What Trump is doing is upsetting the swampsters apple cart of programs and agendas of the globalist billionaire bankster elites that have had their way for far too long now and who have tried to turn America into a third world hell hole. Trump will still be president when the next election roles around in 2020 because the people who support Trump will support no other and who they know already that the others pretty much cannot be trusted. Sessinos being one of them. Why Trump keeps that little weasel around is beyond me. If trump goes then the republican party is gone. My opinion.

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7 minutes ago, taxme said:

Most of what is in that book is false as usual.

How, exactly, do you know this? If Woodward has his sources on record, as reportedly he does and is his customary professional approach, then even if, say, half of the information contained in his book is factually correct Trump is a dangerously uninformed and erratic president.

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23 minutes ago, turningrite said:

How, exactly, do you know this? If Woodward has his sources on record, as reportedly he does and is his customary professional approach, then even if, say, half of the information contained in his book is factually correct Trump is a dangerously uninformed and erratic president.


Again...so what ?   

Trump was elected president after displaying and even celebrating such attributes in American media, far wider in scope that another author pushing his latest "insider" book.

Month after month, the Trump haters pin their hopes on the latest "revelations", only to cry in their beer again.

Impeachment will happen any day now, right ?




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18 hours ago, turningrite said:

Some of the excerpts from Woodward's new book that are now emerging suggest that a very erratic Trump is running amok in the White House. (1) If even a fraction of the allegations are correct this is scary stuff for both the U.S. and the rest of the world. And more Americans, apparently, understand the problem.(2) According to recent polling his unfavorable rating is now in the 60 percent range and reportedly most independent voters as well as college-educated voters don't approve of his leadership. How long can Trump's presidency last, particularly if the Republicans lose control of congress in the November midterms?

1) It's being hyped by CNN so a fraction of it being true is probably accurate.

2) IMO Trump was rolling until he started this trade war China, at the same time as he is negotiating with NoKo. He went from a 9/10 in my opinion to an iffy 5.

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3 hours ago, turningrite said:

Many of those quoted in Woodward's book are reportedly insiders who either have worked or still do work inside the White House. If they believe the place is "Crazytown" maybe we should take notice. Sure, a lot of them are backing off now and refusing to acknowledge their statements, but Woodward, reputedly a stellar journalist, recorded his conversations with sources. I wouldn't dismiss the account as casually as Trumpistas seem intent on doing.

"Reportedly insiders", "anonymous sources", blah blah blah. 

CNN's anonymous sources have all proven to be complete garbage over and over again for the last two years and this Woodward guy is of their ilk. The whitehouse is sure accomplishing a lot if it's a zoo. Maybe they need more of it.

CNN et al: "Oooh look at all the shiny new gossip about Trump. You can tell it's true because it's so shiny, and so anonymous."

Fast fwd to two weeks later, when it is all proven wrong, there will be no admission of guilt, just another episode of: "Oooh we have more, newer gossip, way shinier than all the other stuff combined. Just look at how irate our usual talking heads at CNN are. IMPEACHEMENT. impeachment. Impeachment. IMPEACHMENT! impeachment. We now stand on the threshold of impeachment."

"Oops, false alarm. No worries though, our useful idiots will fall for the next one."

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17 hours ago, turningrite said:

Many of those quoted in Woodward's book are reportedly insiders who either have worked or still do work inside the White House. If they believe the place is "Crazytown" maybe we should take notice. Sure, a lot of them are backing off now and refusing to acknowledge their statements, but Woodward, reputedly a stellar journalist, recorded his conversations with sources. I wouldn't dismiss the account as casually as Trumpistas seem intent on doing.

Until we hear those recordings......it's all he said/he/she said.

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10 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:


One of the defining and possibly best-known journalists of the 20th century... guy....

Well, he's no Hannity... :D:D:D

Best-known means squat. The whole news media from NY Times to CNN & MSNBC is pure garbage and anyone who can't catch them lying is a complete moron or they're in denial.

"Did Trump commit treason when he asked if Russia could find the 33,000 emails?" LMAO. Obviously it was a joke but they didn't like it so they literally tried to start up the conversation about whether or not it constituted "treason". That's not an adult level of conversation, let alone professional, or having a shred of integrity. 

"Jeff Sessions may have committed perjury when he said "I didn't have any conversations with Russian officials or agents about election meddling" because's there's new evidence that he talked to a Russian"....   Ooooh so he talked to a Russian and that's means that he lied? No, we're supposed to assume that he talked about election meddling and that he committed perjury, because that's the level of integrity they in the "news" these days. 

They use the phrase "Trump's policy of separating children from their families" on CBC, CNN, CTV MSNBC like it's the truth or something. It's no more accurate than saying "Trump's policy of holding an election every 4 years" is it? Can Hannity now give credit to Trump for the fact that the US is holding democratic elections? That's accurate by CNN standards.

 It literally drives me insane when I turn on the news and I see that crap. CBC and CTV made "Maybe the PM personally paid back Canadians for Duffy's $90K worth of questionable expenses" seem like the crime of the century for THREE FULL YEARS. The current PM has been caught accepting foreign gifts, some of the Liberal MP's claimed over $100K per person for moving expenses, and Trudeau has misspent billions of dollars & he'll end up $10's of billions over budget but Liberal corruption is treated like a frivolous topic. It's not actually even a topic. 

It makes me think back to when I was a kid and I was just casual about watching the news, how stupid I was to just allow that BS straight into my head without the internal rejection filter set to "most likely bullshit".  

Russian collusion, lmao. Hillary actually used a law firm to knowingly/intentionally funnel money to foreigners for the purpose of election interference. Obama was caught on a hot mic telling Dmitri Medvedev to "Tell Vladimir (presumably Putin) that I'll have more flexibility after the election". And they think it's a crime if Trump's son allowed a Russian to give him dirt on Hillary? Since when was it a crime to allow someone to tell you that they have evidence of a crime? It's not. At all. If someone offers to give you information about a crime it's never illegal to listen.

Hannity's topics have all proven true so far, and at the start they seemed a bit far-fetched. Bias and corruption at the highest levels of the FBI...? Crazy right? Time for the tinfoil hats everybody! Guess what? Several top members of the FBI have been fired and there's more to come. Hannity is reporting actual, pertinent news about serious corruption at the highest levels of the FBI and "that woodward guy" and CNN think it's a complete non-story. Yeah," that Woodward guy" is a useless tool.

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