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Saudi Arabia expells Canadian ambassador

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10 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


No, it is just more political theatre....same as Canada's massive Kyoto FAIL under Liberal and Conservative governments.


Compare Ontario, BC and Quebec to US states of comparable size and you’ll see how well those provinces have done.  Alberta is the big fail on emissions, which a carbon tax would help mitigate.  The Atlantic and prairie provinces barely register for emissions.  Pipelines for Alberta would probably reduce emissions because transport by truck and train is far worse. 

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1 minute ago, Zeitgeist said:

Compare Ontario, BC and Quebec to US states of comparable size and you’ll see how well those provinces have done.  Alberta is the big fail on emissions, which a carbon tax would help mitigate.  The Atlantic and prairie provinces barely register for emissions.  Pipelines for Alberta would probably reduce emissions because transport by truck and train is far worse. 


Getting off topic, but still very consistent with Canadian actions vs. political theatre vis-a-vis Saudi Arabia.

Recent reports (OECD) list Canada as one of the worst performing developed nations for reductions in GHG emissions, regardless of actions in any one province.

This is the Canadian political and economic formula....appearances over substance.

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7 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Getting off topic, but still very consistent with Canadian actions vs. political theatre vis-a-vis Saudi Arabia.

Recent reports (OECD) list Canada as one of the worst performing developed nations for reductions in GHG emissions, regardless of actions in any one province.

This is the Canadian political and economic formula....appearances over substance.

I’ll take the Canadian approach on domestic and foreign policy over the American one about eighty percent of the time. Canada has one of the largest oil reserves and a spread out population in a cold climate.  Transportation, heating, and the oil and gas sector produce high emissions.  Federal climate change policies should help somewhat. Trump is unwinding the responsible US emissions policies of his predecessor.  Thankfully many states have retained the better policies, but not all.  Ontario’s new leader is trying on the deregulation approach, but so far Trudeau is keeping him at bay. 

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1 minute ago, Zeitgeist said:

I’ll take the Canadian approach on domestic and foreign policy over the American one about eighty percent of the time.


That's fine....and probably the only course of action for a faltering "middle power" like Canada.

However, previous governments and their leadership seemingly did a far better job across the board than Justin Trudeau.

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22 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


That's fine....and probably the only course of action for a faltering "middle power" like Canada.

However, previous governments and their leadership seemingly did a far better job across the board than Justin Trudeau.

Trudeau's positioning of Canada as concerns the US is the most appropriate it has ever been, considering that the US has attempted to blackmail Canada many times now on NAFTA interactions. 

Of which, Canada has always come out on the winning side. Withdrawing from all trade relations with the US would be the best thing to do. But doing it at a measured pace as is Trudeau's plan is smart because the US may come to pay attention to the error in their ways. And also, the mad psychopath Trump, can't be their president much longer. Surely the FBI/Mueller will take him down soon, before he completely destroys that country.

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10 hours ago, montgomery said:

Trudeau's positioning of Canada as concerns the US is the most appropriate it has ever been, considering that the US has attempted to blackmail Canada many times now on NAFTA interactions. 

Of which, Canada has always come out on the winning side. Withdrawing from all trade relations with the US would be the best thing to do. But doing it at a measured pace as is Trudeau's plan is smart because the US may come to pay attention to the error in their ways. And also, the mad psychopath Trump, can't be their president much longer. Surely the FBI/Mueller will take him down soon, before he completely destroys that country.

Please, Withdrawing from trade with the United States would result in Canada being a failed state overnight, exporting commodities and low grade manufactured goods to the United States is the only thing propping this "country" up. 


In the end, we are Americans, we're simply the United Empire Loyalists, up until 1812, there wasn't even a border between us, the people here called themselves "Americans", the only "Canadians" at the time were in Quebec, and in actual fact, even during that seminal war, trade between the Canada's and the United States not only continued completely unabated, it actually increased, the Americans in New England were actually supplying the proto-Canadians with goods to keep them in the fight, because they opposed the war and favoured friendly relations and trade  with Britain, James Madison be damned.

Trump is no Madison, he's more Jacksonian,  bombastic perhaps, chauvinistic to be sure,  but no threat to us.   As to the Mueller Witch Hunt,  if the Democucks try to impeach, Trump will simply become more powerful, trying to overthrow the will of the electorate in America is a big mistake, impeaching Nixon simply led to Ronald Reagan,  Newt Gingrich and Clintonian Triangulation.  Trying to bring Trump down by any means other than election, will cripple the Democrats for generations to come.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think the Saudis have any respect for Canada or our laws:






A 28-year-old Saudi man charged with sexually assaulting a Cape Breton woman has gone missing, with a leading immigration lawyer saying it may be a case of the Middle Eastern kingdom helping a citizen flee while awaiting trial.

Nova Scotia’s prosecution service says Mohammed Zuraibi Alzoabi had $37,500 of his bail posted by the Saudi Arabian embassy last year in relation to the alleged sexual assault, assault and forcible confinement of the woman between Aug. 1, 2015, and March 26, 2017.  Alzoabi is also facing separate charges of dangerous driving and assault with a car in a December 2015 incident involving a Cape Breton man.

The Saudi Arabian embassy has not responded to emails or telephone calls requesting comment.

“In order for this guy to leave Canada without a passport, it had to be facilitated by the Saudi government, or some government, and there’s no reason to believe that any other government would put themselves in this position,” said Cohen, who has practised immigration law for decades in Nova Scotia.

“It’s intriguing to me as to why the Saudi government would put up bail and then facilitate his departure from Canada before he had an opportunity to complete the criminal process. This is a foreign government interfering with the criminal process.”



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On 1/5/2019 at 12:41 AM, Dougie93 said:

Trump is no Madison, he's more Jacksonian,  bombastic perhaps, chauvinistic to be sure,  but no threat to us.   As to the Mueller Witch Hunt,  if the Democucks try to impeach, Trump will simply become more powerful, trying to overthrow the will of the electorate in America is a big mistake, impeaching Nixon simply led to Ronald Reagan,  Newt Gingrich and Clintonian Triangulation.  Trying to bring Trump down by any means other than election, will cripple the Democrats for generations to come.

I think you are overlooking the fact that leaving Trump in office is crippling the GOP.  It is now clearly the party of Trump and the midterms showed that Trump and his policies were clearly rejected.  The best thing for the GOP would be to get rid of Trump before he drags the rest of the party down with him.

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I don't see it as crippling, that is simply the wishful thinking of the sad and failing Democrat Party and associated Inside the Beltway Cucks.

The GOP is simply responding to its Red base which has control by way of the Electoral College because the Coastal Elites and their useful idiots are concentrated in the urbane city centers and so aren't getting any where by doubling down on derp.

MAGA persists and will persist long after the Donald is dead and gone, because this is not about the Donald but rather the buffeting effects of the Information Age Revolution onset which is not only going to continue but is really only just getting started right now.

Trump is already mission accomplished right now with a Scalia to replace Scalia and a Neocon to replace Kennedy, and now it's just a question of whether he is going to take RBG down too in a clean sweep at which point the Red States rule the roost for generations to come by way of winning the SCOTUS War.

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On 1/3/2019 at 5:18 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


Getting off topic, but still very consistent with Canadian actions vs. political theatre vis-a-vis Saudi Arabia.

Recent reports (OECD) list Canada as one of the worst performing developed nations for reductions in GHG emissions, regardless of actions in any one province.

This is the Canadian political and economic formula....appearances over substance.

Let's have a chat with your 'climate denier in chief'. 

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21 hours ago, Argus said:

To be fair, the Saudis have no respect for anyone. Least of all unbelievers.

Quite right., they have no respect for the USA either.  The candy-looking statue they had at Ground Zero was taken down recently.


But the USA loves sucking up to terrorists that brought down several buildings in NYC.  People talk about collusion with Russia, when the collusion with Saudi Arabia is the real concern.

The Russia collusion for Trump is nothing more than A DISTRACTION.

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4 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Quite right., they have no respect for the USA either.  The candy-looking statue they had at Ground Zero was taken down recently.


But the USA loves sucking up to terrorists that brought down several buildings in NYC.  People talk about collusion with Russia, when the collusion with Saudi Arabia is the real concern.

The Russia collusion for Trump is nothing more than A DISTRACTION.

A distraction? Which is why Trump has secret meetings with Putin, the only American leader to ever do so, without aides or transcripts. Right. Sure. You keep saying that even when Trump gets his orange jumpsuit.

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1 hour ago, Argus said:

A distraction? Which is why Trump has secret meetings with Putin, the only American leader to ever do so, without aides or transcripts. Right. Sure. You keep saying that even when Trump gets his orange jumpsuit.

The USA's continued relations with Saudi Arabia is way more of an important issue than Trumps alleged collusion with Russia.  When Trump leaves office, the Saudi Arabia issue will remain.  So which is the more pressing issue?

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18 hours ago, GostHacked said:

The USA's continued relations with Saudi Arabia is way more of an important issue than Trumps alleged collusion with Russia.  When Trump leaves office, the Saudi Arabia issue will remain.  So which is the more pressing issue?

Saudi Arabia is in no way important to the US. The US doesn't need their oil, and whatever alleged help they are offering up in combating terrorism is more than offset by them creating the terrorism in the first place.

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On 1/17/2019 at 9:20 AM, Argus said:

Saudi Arabia is in no way important to the US. The US doesn't need their oil, and whatever alleged help they are offering up in combating terrorism is more than offset by them creating the terrorism in the first place.

He just doesn't get it.  The need to pretend that decades of US and Saudi collusion never occurred will ensure their relationship remains deep and abiding for decades, perhaps generations. 

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The American relationship with the KSA was simply a Zombie Cold War Legacy Project left over from the Carter Doctrine, but since cutting them off would achieve nothing other than flipping the Saudis to the Sino-Russo camp who they are always flirting with, it's not so much America's interest to prop the Saudis up, it's just not in America's interest to flip them to the Chinese.

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First and foremost, greetings to everyone, new member here.

To start, i think Justin and Freeland are behaving in a silly fashion again, seems like they are eager to settle scores with Saudi Arabia and taking advantage of a teenager with family issues.

This girl is being put on a podium as some sort of liberated Muslim woman as soon as she abandons Islam. Indeed, linked to the savage colonial narratives of "saving the poor Muslim women".  The fact that this one girl have been meet with so much attention by mainstream media, human rights organizations, United Nations etc is truly staggering. More so, over other more acute cases of abuse, torture etc as we speak, of people escaping war, poverty, conflicts and terror and seeking asylum from all over the globe and still waiting years , when this girl is not suffering from any of these problems - is rather telling.  Promoting the  narrative  of "Others" ( ie Islam, the Saudi society and the government) as pure evil and the girl loss of faith and her love for alcohol and bacon as far more important.

It seems having the quality to be used as a political tool against KSA is the shortest route to Canadian citizenship.

However, the bottom line is, the same world media and the rights groups did not bother to pay any attention to the battered girls who escape from their families all over the world on a daily basis. Girls or boys escaping from their homes is not a strange phenomenon at a global level, and happens for many reasons. The global spotlight on a Saudi girl is plainly because she bears the Saudi Arabian nationality and is targeted by hate-mongers trying to use her story for their despicable agendas.

Moreover, Freeland resorting to boasting in hosting her will not have any effect on KSA. It is clear that there is an agenda, one of the reason for resorting to such strategy, is to increase their political foothold in the public opinions.

However, Saudi Arabia is wiser then going low to childish acts. It is a big country that bears great importance. The Rahaf case is purely a family matter and there are regulations guaranteeing her protection. She only had to report that she had been subjected to family violence. The Kingdom will receive her at any time she thinks of returning to her family and country.

Just to remind, i love Canadian as a people and as a country,  despite being people of different cultures, i belive we can chart the path to finding universally appealing answers to the problems in our world. There are over tens of thousands of Canadian citizens living in the Kingdom. They are enjoying security and safety. As a Nation and as a people, we will not deviate from deep-rooted heritage in order to engage in a war of words to reply to malicious absurdity. 

Sorry for rambling!

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12 minutes ago, Saudi Monitor said:

This girl is being put on a podium as some sort of liberated Muslim woman as soon as she abandons Islam. Indeed, linked to the savage colonial narratives of "saving the poor Muslim women". 

At one point in time was there ever a colonial narrative of 'saving the poor Muslim woman"?

12 minutes ago, Saudi Monitor said:

However, Saudi Arabia is wiser then going low to childish acts.

Demonstrably untrue, given the temper tantrum your government and its hot tempered and murderous  princeling displayed when Freeland tweeted about them freeing a Canadian citizen being held prisoner.

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I have no particular quarrel with the House of Saud

As a soldier of the Crown of the House of Windsor, my only interest is that the promise of Colonel Lawrence be upheld, in that the Arabs would rule in their own lands free of the Ottoman Turk and free of the House of Windsor as well.

Mission accomplished.

The Liberal Party of Canada can otherwise fight their own battles, not being my sovereign, I do not defend nor uphold them,  nor I am I bound to by any oath nor allegiance.

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2 hours ago, Saudi Monitor said:

This girl is being put on a podium as some sort of liberated Muslim woman as soon as she abandons Islam.

AFAIC she's on a more fundamental podium that rejects the idea of women being under the control of men.  This has far more of a Me Too powerfullness vs powerlessness feel to it than anything.


However, Saudi Arabia is wiser then going low to childish acts.

Saudi Arabia is a piece of shit, but I suspect that's due to the Saud's not Arabians.

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 Liberating Muslim females from the evil Muslim men, has been a usefull tool for colonialism in the Muslim world in the past and continues to this day. Under its guise, western Ideas and values under the guise of rights for women has been instituted. It has never been about a genuine concern for Muslim females, but rather just using another angle to breakdown the hindrance against the Muslim resistance to western secular and liberal values and morality. 

To be sure, the real issue, really, isn't that I find everything about KSA and what it does to my liking. But that I find the propaganda against KSA to be driven by ulterior motives. Otherwise, for all its faults, I do find it rather interesting that in KSA there has been an undeniable improvement in women's actual status (based on every index and statistic, whether relating to education, work force participation, achievements, income disparity, life expectancy or whatever). And even if KSA didn't live up to the standards in the west as it relates to these issues, its citizens above all want you to mind your own business, regardless of whether they like or don't like something about their government. 

Within KSA, as we speak right now, there is much ongoing changes, reforms and debates taking place. To me, KSA future (including on women's rights) looks very bright, as long as the path that we follow is one were changes comes from internal dynamics as opposed to external.

Today majority of university students and graduates in KSA are women.  Even once a male dominated majors such as engineering or medicine are increasingly being dominated by females. In the work force too, you will find women well represented in most professions: among doctors, lawyers, dentists, entrepreneurs, and elsewhere. 

Saudi woman scientist at the forefront of polymer chemistry research



Despite the stereotypes surrounding the country, Saudi Arabia is home to some highly influential women in the world. Stories of successful female scientists, scholars and businesswomen surface in the desert Kingdom all the time.


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