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Saudi Arabia expells Canadian ambassador

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27 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


My point is that Canada allows the same hatred that detains activists in KSA to be preached right here in Canada...and I doubt JT plans on removing them. 

Good point!

That's why they don't have any high ground with their finger wagging and preaching.   To say that it took them by surprise the way KSA reacted is an understatement.   Boy, their heads must still be spinning.  I bet Trudeau is in shock - not a peep from him. :lol:

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54 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

Maybe Trump should stop tweeting then. And don't bitch when others do the same as trump and complain it is copycatting. I mean don't you WANT other leaders to act like Trump? Would that not be a good thing in your view?

Eh, what's wrong with you?    Can't you read?



First of all, they are not Trump.  Unless they can deal with retaliations

- they shouldn't be tweeting any issues that should be discussed DIPLOMATICALLY.



There.   I used 72 pt.....and that doesn't mean I'm losing!  I've to do that when I'm dealing with rationales like yours.  Gee, all you God-less anti-Trumps are all peas in the same pod.

  I'll even throw in a smiley!  :lol:

Edited by betsy
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On 8/6/2018 at 4:58 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:

Meh...Freeland and her "feminist agenda" flunkies decided to do what Canada does best...smugly attack the internal policies and actions in another nation using Twitter while being guilty of violations back home.   The KSA doesn't have to take any crap from Canada, which desperately wants to finish a $15 billion dollar arms contract that sends lethal APCs to kill the locals in Yemen.

It seems that more and more immigrant "dissidents" like to get brave and use Canada as a safe base to attack the regimes/nations they ran away from, dragging Canada into the mix, and expecting that Canadians should join them in their self indulgent finger wagging tantrums.



When anyone leaves another country and immigrates to another country because they wanted to get away from the bloody place then why do they have to go to another country and start to stir up shit and start to cause problems for that country? They should be happy as hell to have got away from their past home country and be thankful that they are out of that country. 

It sure would have been nice to have heard Freeland also say that Canada was against the beheading of people and throwing gay people off roof tops and Trudeau and Freeland should have been the ones calling for a world boycott and sanctions against Saudi Arabia for those kinds of crimes against humanity. Canada and the world had no problem calling for sanctions against South Africa many decades ago against apartheid. Why do most politicians like to pick and choose as to who gets sanctioned or boycotted and who does not? Do you? 

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18 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

Could be that the worst part of what the Trudeau gang has brought upon Canada is the eventual departure of 18,000 Saudi university students - they will be transferred to the US, Australia and others. Not only does it take significant funding from universities - but it wastes an opportunity to indoctrinate Saudi youth to Canadian democracy - and take that back home. That should be all part of the longer term plan to help the Kingdom turn the ship around.

The hell with Saudi students. Seats will be opened up for Canadian students whose parents and grandparent built this country and pay taxes to the education system or if not enough Canadian students then students from other countries less stinky than S. Arabia. If they will ever be ready for democracy it has to come from within not imported.

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3 minutes ago, betsy said:

Eh, what's wrong with you?    Can't you read?

There.   I used 72 pt.....and that doesn't mean I'm losing!  I've to do that when I'm dealing with rationales like yours.  Gee, all you God-less anti-Trumps are all peas in the same pod.

  I'll even throw in a smiley!  :lol:

I can read, but what you put out is not comprehensible enough for me to properly reply to. I am god-less, yes not denying that. Hate Trump? No I love watching him. He is my fave train wreck. Every time he opens his mouth is shows how much of an idiot he really is. And this is EXACTLY what I was expecting to see from Trump. Again, it's hard to complain about other people following Trump's lead. Instead of it being welcomed, it's ridiculed and called copy catting. And that's not a new tactic either. 

Trump does A,  and Besty rejoices

Trudeau does A as well , and Betsy cries copy cat via ridicule.

Am I missing something here??

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On 8/6/2018 at 8:40 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


Tell Freeland to spend more time worrying about human rights violations in Canada (e.g. First Nations potable drinking water).

So bad...so sad.

Or maybe Trudeau and Freeland should start to show some concern for the white South African farmers that have and are still being murdered in South Africa and having their land stolen from them by the black South African communist government. What is being done to those farmers is truly a crime against humanity and yet even the we care about everybody United Nations does not utter a word about all the murders going on in South Africa to white people. 

The first nations people should all be filthy rich by now with all the taxpayer's tax dollars that they have been receiving from the taxpayer's for numerous decades now. Apparently, they have no idea as to what to do with the tax dollars given to them. They appear to prefer to take and blow those tax dollars on booze and drugs rather than on making water safe for them to drink. The hundreds of billions of our Canadian tax dollars as always seems to end up being wasted by our spend crazy politicians all the time. Politicians just don't seem to give a shit as to how or where they blow and waste our tax dollars. It sure looks like the only reason as to why politicians were created was to see as to how they can compete with one another on how to blow taxpayer's tax dollars the quickest and who then get rewarded with a nice pension later on. Otherwise I do not see what the hell they all are good for. Just saying. 

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23 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

Let's ask Alex Jones.

The globalist elite establishment must be terrified of Alex Jones and what he has to say. All we see these days from these big time social media outfits like Facebook,Twitter, Google and Youtube is more attacks on conservative websites and they are trying to eliminate as many conservative websites as they can from being able to express their conservative opinions and points of view. It seems that conservative thoughts and ideas scares the shit out of them. What we see happening here today is communist censorship in action just like what we saw communist dictators like Stalin and Mao and Castro did and where these social media outfits are now doing today. Trying to shut down free speech.

It also has been pointed out that one of the reasons for this censorship of conservative websites and shutdowns by those mentioned above is because the mid term elections are coming up and the globalist elite establishment do not want people to have access to conservative websites and they are looking for any excuse to shut them down so as to try and get the swampsters back in business again and go back to trying to make America un great again. It's not Trump who is the dangerous one today, it is those social media left wing liberal outfits that are the danger to free speech. Trump believes in free speech. 

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58 minutes ago, betsy said:

Good point!

That's why they don't have any high ground with their finger wagging and preaching.   To say that it took them by surprise the way KSA reacted is an understatement.   Boy, their heads must still be spinning.  I bet Trudeau is in shock - not a peep from him. :lol:

He just peeped. He told the Saudis to get bent.

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53 minutes ago, betsy said:

Good point!

That's why they don't have any high ground with their finger wagging and preaching.   To say that it took them by surprise the way KSA reacted is an understatement.   Boy, their heads must still be spinning.  I bet Trudeau is in shock - not a peep from him. :lol:

I wonder if he will ask Freeland to resign? If a conservative said the same thing it is for sure that we would hear more than just a peep from your prime mistake of Canada. 

Personally though, I could careless if Canada went totally ballistic on Saudi Arabia and stopped doing any kind of business with a country that beheads people and throws gays off roof tops. Why would any country want to do business with a country like Saudi Arabia that commits crimes against humanity and be allowed to carry on with those kinds of atrocities mentioned above. I thought that our fearless dear leaders cared about the rest of the world and the many other countries that commit other kinds of crimes against humanity like what Saudi Arabia does. The world should gather together and start a world boycott against Saudi Arabia just like when they got together to end South African apartheid which had nothing on what Saudi Arabia is not only doing to it's people but too other countries as well like bombing other countries like Yemen and else where. Our politicians sure do like to pick and choose as to who gets boycotted and who does not or maybe it has something to do with the country and the color of the people's skin. Hey, you never know. 

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1 hour ago, betsy said:

Apparently, UK commented on Saudi's human rights issue, too -  like, sort of backing up Canada  - but looks like Saudi ignores UK - and keeps her focus on Canada.  Yep.  They're grandstanding.

I think Freeland and Trudeau had fallen into this by mistake.   Trudeau is under the mistaken notion that "he's popular" among other western leaders (especially in Europe).    It is my impression that the G7 meeting resulted in that failure due to the fact that Trudeau was led on by Macron.  He ended up becoming Trump's whipping boy because of that.  His "pack" mentality - "strength in numbers"  - failed him miserably.    Trudeau is a weakling.

Where are his buddies now?  Who's watching his back?  No one.  He's on his own on this one.  This is not the movies.  This is reality.  All leaders will be putting their country's best interest above all else  -and that's how it ought to be.

They both ended up buying into the Canadian media spin about themselves.  Remember how Freeland was lauded for the NAFTA negotiations?  I thought that she's level-headed, too - but this changed my opinion of her.  She seems so.......amateurish.


Freeland, like Trudeau and many of the rest in the federal cabinet, is a naive ideologue who appears to believe that moralizing is a political parlor game of sorts. I tend to agree with the article in Macleans, 'It's time for Canada to take the next step against Saudi Arabia', which holds that if this government wants to be taken seriously on human rights it should stop nattering about abuses and take concrete action, including ceasing military sales to the Saudi regime. The article makes a good point about the extent to which other Western countries, including Trump's U.S., are compromised by having put profit ahead of principles for so long where the Saudi regime is concerned.

I suspect Freeland believed her antics would have little negative impact while her her party could burnish its own windbag moralist credentials in the lead up to the next election. She's probably somewhat dumbfounded by the harsh response. The whole international human rights regime is really a big crock as the countries that generally conform with UN principles often take the brunt of international criticism while the abusers concoct their own alternative world views and usually avoid serious scrutiny. Maybe it's time to ditch the whole morass. In the meantime, if Trudeau's government really means what it says it does, it should demonstrate some courage and give a large middle finger to the Saudi regime and its enablers among both Arab and Western countries. I suspect it doesn't have the guts to do so. There's money on the line after all and we're not morally superior to anybody else, as it turns out.


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2 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Did Trudeau and Freeland actually seek U.S. backup for their mistake ?     Seriously ?


Of course the U.S. won't take a principled stand on this when a reported $300 billion in military sales is on the line. Money Trumps principles all the time. And principles are really for the little people. Canada is no better, though. Will Canada take economic action against the Saudis or fail to fulfill the contract for armored vehicles? Don't bet on it unless the Saudis pull the plug.

Edited by turningrite
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11 minutes ago, Wilber said:

He just peeped. He told the Saudis to get bent.

As if the Saudis will really give a crap about what this prime mistake of yours says or does. The Saudis have America and Israel on their side and that is what counts for them big time. In reality no country in the world really cares what Canada has to say or not. We are just poof and a sucker to all of them. My opinion of course. 

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1 hour ago, betsy said:

Good point!

That's why they don't have any high ground with their finger wagging and preaching.   To say that it took them by surprise the way KSA reacted is an understatement.   Boy, their heads must still be spinning.  I bet Trudeau is in shock - not a peep from him. :lol:

A normal civilized country would have called in the Canadian ambassador and asked them to explain Freeland's comments. Instead they went straight into attack mode without talking to anyone. Screw em.

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6 minutes ago, turningrite said:

Freeland, like Trudeau and many of the rest in the federal cabinet, is a naive ideologue who appears to believe that moralizing is a political parlor game of sorts. I tend to agree with the article in Macleans, 'It's time for Canada to take the next step against Saudi Arabia', which holds that if this government wants to be taken seriously on human rights it should stop nattering about abuses and take concrete action, including ceasing military sales to the Saudi regime. The article makes a good point about the extent to which other Western countries, including Trump's U.S., are compromised by having put profit ahead of principles for so long where the Saudi regime is concerned.

I suspect Freeland believed her antics would have little negative impact while her her party could burnish its own windbag moralist credentials in the lead up to the next election. She's probably somewhat dumbfounded by the harsh response. The whole international human rights regime is really a big crock as the countries that generally conform with UN principles often take the brunt of international criticism while the abusers concoct their own alternative world views and usually avoid serious scrutiny. Maybe it's time to ditch the whole morass. In the meantime, if Trudeau's government really means what it says it does, it should demonstrate some courage and give a large middle finger to the Saudi regime and its enablers among both Arab and Western countries. I suspect it doesn't have the guts to do so. There's money on the line after all and we're not morally superior to anybody else, as it turns out.


Canada just needs to learn to keep it's mouth shut because no matter what our dumb ass politicians have to say no one will pay attention to them because Canada is just a country of infidels and has no sway in the world. Canada is just a  little fart in a tornado and has no real influence in the world. Iceland minds it own business and so should Canada and accept that we are butt a dot on the world map as far as the bigger more influential countries are. Even Israel has more clout than Canada. Just saying. 

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9 minutes ago, Wilber said:

A normal civilized country would have called in the Canadian ambassador and asked them to explain Freeland's comments. Instead they went straight into attack mode without talking to anyone. Screw em.

This just shows as to what and how the Saudis think about Canada. The Saudis really do not need Canada to stay alive but it would appear as though Canada needs the Saudis for their business and to stay alive. Aw well. 

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

Canada just needs to learn to keep it's mouth shut because no matter what our dumb ass politicians have to say no one will pay attention to them because Canada is just a country of infidels and has no sway in the world.


Be that as it may, it is delightful to see Trudeau and Freeland have their smug and sanctimonious brand of "virtue signaling" blow up in their faces.  

Economics trumps Virtue.

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3 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

I hope there’s no compromise. The British have humiliated themselves on numerous occasions by dealing with KSA so let’s not be cowards like they are. The family in question in here have substantial Canadian links and are thus different from many other similar situations around the world. It’s always an eye-opener to see how lightly many people hold principles when money is at stake. 

It's one thing to want to do something for this family - or even if it's all about human rights, whther by LGBT or females -  but the government handled it improperly.  By making demands such as the way it was worded, would a country like Saudi Arabia cower in fear, and promptly comply?

I blame our government for this.   

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So, the Saudis are pulling patients from private health care...isn't that against Canada health act.  From Ontario doctors on Facebook



Even Canadian doctors were not aware of this. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Health Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor, please explain to us and Canadian taxpayers how your government granted itself the authority to selectively violate the Canada Health Act and give Saudia Arabia citizens priority to our hospitals and public Canadian healthcare system? Who else is jumping the queue ahead of Canadian patients forced to wait months to years for essential medical care as you continue to ration the healthcare of Canadians? And yet Trudeau’s government continues to deny the simple use of closed operating rooms overnight by Canadian provinces for elective surgeries via medical tourism for all foreign patients to help directly fund our public healthcare system - something which would dramatically shorten wait times for Canadian patients without queue jumping.




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1 minute ago, scribblet said:

So, the Saudis are pulling patients from private health care...isn't that against Canada health act.  From Ontario doctors on Facebook



Even Canadian doctors were not aware of this. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Health Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor, please explain to us and Canadian taxpayers how your government granted itself the authority to selectively violate the Canada Health Act and give Saudia Arabia citizens priority to our hospitals and public Canadian healthcare system? Who else is jumping the queue ahead of Canadian patients forced to wait months to years for essential medical care as you continue to ration the healthcare of Canadians? And yet Trudeau’s government continues to deny the simple use of closed operating rooms overnight by Canadian provinces for elective surgeries via medical tourism for all foreign patients to help directly fund our public healthcare system - something which would dramatically shorten wait times for Canadian patients without queue jumping.


And you bet, it isn't just Saudi Arabia.

Money talks. 

Edited by betsy
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11 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Be that as it may, it is delightful to see Trudeau and Freeland have their smug and sanctimonious brand of "virtue signaling" blow up in their faces.  

Economics trumps Virtue.

Like I have said numerous times? What Canada needs for a leader is a guy like Trump. At least Trump shows that he cares about America where our prime mistake of ours does the opposite and appears to care more about rest of the world. Canada needs a capitalist leader and not a socialist one. At the rate that this fool keeps spending tax dollars and then having to raise more taxes I will soon have to go on government assistance myself just to try and stay alive.  But no doubt that aid will only happen after the rest of the world has been taken care of and fed first.  What a country Canada has become. :(

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17 minutes ago, taxme said:

This just shows as to what and how the Saudis think about Canada. The Saudis really do not need Canada to stay alive but it would appear as though Canada needs the Saudis for their business and to stay alive. Aw well. 

No, it's just one more incident that shows you Saudis don't give a shit about civilized behaviour.

We don't have much business with the Saudis other than buying their oil and selling them arms. Our grain sales to them are a tiny part of our total grain exports.

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1 minute ago, Wilber said:

No, it's just one more incident that shows you Saudis don't give a shit about civilized behaviour.

We don't have much business with the Saudis other than buying their oil and selling them arms. Our grain sales to them are a tiny part of our total grain exports.

Apparently we sell them private Healthcare while we wait for beds 

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38 minutes ago, Wilber said:

A normal civilized country would have called in the Canadian ambassador and asked them to explain Freeland's comments. Instead they went straight into attack mode without talking to anyone. Screw em.

A normal civilized country wouldn't  make demands on a country via tweeter.  Instead, they'd use their ambassador in Saudi Arabia to do the diplomatic thing.  


What is the recourse for Saudi Arabia when they make that very public rebuke and demand?   Capitulate? 

Edited by betsy
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