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The Liberal Spin: Canadians are "mis-informed."

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The new poll says 2/3 of Canadians think we have a border crisis with illegal refugees! 





Most Canadians Say Irregular Border Crossings Are A ’Crisis,’ Poll Suggests


Six-in-ten respondents also told the firm that Canada is "too generous" toward would-be refugees, a spike of five percentage points since the question was asked last year.

Doug Ford's new Progressive Conservative government in Ontario has sparked headlines in recent weeks by blasting federal Liberals over the costs of providing asylum-seekers with housing, health care, and other services. Calling the situation a "mess" that Ottawa needs to clean up, Ford's government wants the feds to pony up $200 million to cover, among other things, shelter costs and social assistance.

The Trudeau government has so far offered $50 million to help provinces dealing with the matter, including $11 million for Ontario, $36 million for Quebec, and $3 million for Manitoba.




Blair and Goodale came out doing their spin, saying that we are "mis-informed!"


Heck, so we don't have a crisis? 

What do you call it when we're up to our eyeballs in deficit - and we are in a trade war - and here we have to put this steady stream of refugees in hotels, providing them with social benefits!  


If the government is prepared, as they claim they are........WHY ARE REFUGEES BEING PUT UP IN STUDENT DORMS AND HOTELS???

Why do you have to send people to the USA to explain that the "open invitation,"  isn't really open - that our Justin was only kidding?  

Why do you have to put Blair in a new portfolio that's already being handled by Goodale?  Heck, how much are those travels and new Blair new position costing us Canadians?

Trudeau is abusing Canadian taxpayers by charging everything to what he treats as an unlimited credit card!


It may not be a crisis for Liberals ( being the spenders) - but it sure as hell feels such a crisis for the ones who are paying for it!   Can we cancel this credit card?  F***!  We can't!  Canadian taxpayers are at the mercy of the Liberals!





Federal Liberals have also taken exception to the Ontario PCs' repeated characterization of the asylum seekers as "illegal border crossers."


Yes, they're illegal border crossers!   They've already entered the USA as refugee claimants! 



It’s not Trump they’re fleeing, it’s the rule of law. Canada doesn’t enforce its own immigration laws.



Of course, issuing an open invitation to come to Canada.........makes it a whole lot worse!  



So, we're "mis-informed?"  Blair and Goodale are rubbing salt by practically saying............Canadians are stupid!






Edited by betsy
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3 hours ago, betsy said:

So, we're "mis-informed?"  Blair and Goodale are rubbing salt by practically saying............Canadians are stupid!

Seems about right, Canadians were warned this would happen after all.  Harper had plenty of time to prepare but like most people he was probably to busy rolling his eyes and lol at the concern.

Cons shouldn't feel so picked on though, Blair and Goodale deserve to have shit rubbed in their noses too.

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Too much time spent arguing about the word "crisis". It can mean a time of extreme difficulty - usually where decisions have to be made, That sounds about right. But whether or not you use that particular word, there is no denying that the past year has seen a huge surge in illegal border crossers. But the "crisis" is not in processing claimants coming in - it's in how long it takes to remove the 80% or thereabouts that are proven NOT to be genuine refugees.  It's already been posted how the endless appeals and delays - and outright "disappearances" result in bogus claimants staying in Canada for years - and mostly on the taxpayers' dime. Canadians are looking for leadership that brings all elements of processing - from entry to exit - into an efficient, understandable and compassionate system. It's not just about the border. And yes - when you look at it that way - the right way - it is a crisis.

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8 minutes ago, Centerpiece said:

It's already been posted how the endless appeals and delays - and outright "disappearances" result in bogus claimants staying in Canada for years - and mostly on the taxpayers' dime.

That's why we don't like strangers in small towns. Them fake refugees who disappear can stay in the big cities, because, sorry we ain't got no jobs here!

12 minutes ago, Centerpiece said:

Canadians are looking for leadership that brings all elements of processing - from entry to exit - into an efficient, understandable and compassionate system.

I don't think that's it. I for one am pissed off that the government is willing to give a free ride to anybody who crosses the border illegally, and has taken so many in that it will take years to sort it all it. Yet the government has no problem ignoring the plight of homeless Canadians, including children and veterans. Their message is and have always been that this was the best they can do. This situation stinks like ideological bullshit, and that is why people are very upset by this.

The answer is not to give them "due process", as there's no reason to accept refugees from the USA. They should not be accepted at all, but immediately turned over to US authorities.

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It is a crisis.  Trudeau has built his humanitarian image on the backs of taxpayers.  We don’t know how many of the refugees who are illegitimate are a danger to Canadians.  It’s good to air on the side of generosity, but not to make promises we can’t keep or to set federal policies that negatively impact city and provincial budgets without a plan and financial support.  The liberals do overspend and sometimes put time and energy into programs that don’t improve life for Canadians.  

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

That's why we don't like strangers in small towns. Them fake refugees who disappear can stay in the big cities, because, sorry we ain't got no jobs here!

I don't think that's it. I for one am pissed off that the government is willing to give a free ride to anybody who crosses the border illegally, and has taken so many in that it will take years to sort it all it. Yet the government has no problem ignoring the plight of homeless Canadians, including children and veterans. Their message is and have always been that this was the best they can do. This situation stinks like ideological bullshit, and that is why people are very upset by this.

The answer is not to give them "due process", as there's no reason to accept refugees from the USA. They should not be accepted at all, but immediately turned over to US authorities.

I think we're saying the same things - with a bit more frustration in your words - felt by many Canadians. "due Process" is fine - as long as it's defined in a way that makes sense. Did the brainiacs who designed the border/refugee process really intend to intentionally omit illegal crossings? Of course not. Illegal crossings should all be treated as if they had crossed at a legal entry point. This "one foot in Canada" business is ludicrous. The appeal process is an industry - infested with "consultants" and filled with lawyers. Why do some of these illegal border crossers mysteriously have no documents? Not hard to figure out. A claimant - no matter what the circumstances - should be dealt with in 6 months - no more. I say all this because the real refugees - the ones in squalid camps who have already been pre-cleared by the UN - end up waiting even longer and I dare say - probably completely miss out on coming to Canada. It's so totally frustrating that the Trudeau-loving media will not hammer them for such a lack of compassion - letting in illegal hordes who were already safe in the US (regardless of the unfounded rhetoric) while thousands of the truly persecuted languish.  

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8 minutes ago, Centerpiece said:

... It's so totally frustrating that the Trudeau-loving media will not hammer them for such a lack of compassion - letting in illegal hordes who were already safe in the US (regardless of the unfounded rhetoric) while thousands of the truly persecuted languish.  


Indeed...and has been previously pointed out...Justin Trudeau removed temporary protected status for Haitian refugees BEFORE Donald Trump ever became U.S. president.  

HYPOCRITES: Trudeau Government Removed Protections For 3,200 Haitians In 2016, But Now Refuse To Stop Illegal Crossings

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2 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

I think we're saying the same things - with a bit more frustration in your words - felt by many Canadians. "due Process" is fine - as long as it's defined in a way that makes sense. Did the brainiacs who designed the border/refugee process really intend to intentionally omit illegal crossings? Of course not. Illegal crossings should all be treated as if they had crossed at a legal entry point. This "one foot in Canada" business is ludicrous. The appeal process is an industry - infested with "consultants" and filled with lawyers. Why do some of these illegal border crossers mysteriously have no documents? Not hard to figure out. A claimant - no matter what the circumstances - should be dealt with in 6 months - no more. I say all this because the real refugees - the ones in squalid camps who have already been pre-cleared by the UN - end up waiting even longer and I dare say - probably completely miss out on coming to Canada. It's so totally frustrating that the Trudeau-loving media will not hammer them for such a lack of compassion - letting in illegal hordes who were already safe in the US (regardless of the unfounded rhetoric) while thousands of the truly persecuted languish.  

Ignore the 6 months of appeal bull chit. As soon as these criminal illegals cross into Canada they should be taken to the nearest airport right now and be given a free flight home. That would be a lot cheaper for the Canadian taxpayer's than allowing them to stay here for six months or even longer and then maybe removed back from whence they came, maybe. Reports have it that over the past two years there has been over 50,000 of these criminal illegals that have entered Canada illegally. This is an invasion by the hoards and it needs to stop NOW. 

The liberals have always been a danger to Canada and allowing this criminality to go on is a crime against Canada and Canadians and this fool of a PM trudeau should be arrested and charged for being an accomplice to an offence against the Canadian Immigration Act of people smuggling that goes on every day in Canada. What this feminist idiot is allowing is an invasion of Canada to continue on and not do anything about it. These criminal illegals are now flying from third world countries to America and then they head straight for Canada. What this PM of ours has and is still doing to Canada and Canadians is a bloody shameful thing to be doing and to the wasteful spending of hundreds of millions of taxpayer's tax dollars on people who should not be here. Personally, if I had my way, I would have the police shoot a bullet over their heads before they tried to enter into Canada. I would say that if you try to enter Canada illegally you may get hurt. You have been warned. It may sound harsh but so be it we need some kind of action now. Enough already of this illegal criminality going on and I have had enough of trudeau. Get lost. Go join your buddy George Soros wherever that moron lives. My opinion and I approve of this post. :D

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8 hours ago, betsy said:

The new poll says 2/3 of Canadians think we have a border crisis with illegal refugees! 





Blair and Goodale came out doing their spin, saying that we are "mis-informed!"


Heck, so we don't have a crisis? 

What do you call it when we're up to our eyeballs in deficit - and we are in a trade war - and here we have to put this steady stream of refugees in hotels, providing them with social benefits!  


If the government is prepared, as they claim they are........WHY ARE REFUGEES BEING PUT UP IN STUDENT DORMS AND HOTELS???

Why do you have to send people to the USA to explain that the "open invitation,"  isn't really open - that our Justin was only kidding?  

Why do you have to put Blair in a new portfolio that's already being handled by Goodale?  Heck, how much are those travels and new Blair new position costing us Canadians?

Trudeau is abusing Canadian taxpayers by charging everything to what he treats as an unlimited credit card!


It may not be a crisis for Liberals ( being the spenders) - but it sure as hell feels such a crisis for the ones who are paying for it!   Can we cancel this credit card?  F***!  We can't!  Canadian taxpayers are at the mercy of the Liberals!





Yes, they're illegal border crossers!   They've already entered the USA as refugee claimants! 




Of course, issuing an open invitation to come to Canada.........makes it a whole lot worse!  



So, we're "mis-informed?"  Blair and Goodale are rubbing salt by practically saying............Canadians are stupid!






Betsy, it could be 3/3 and trudeau and his immigration minister could careless. There appears to be a plan in place by trudeau and his buddy George Soros to try and flood Canada with as many third world people as they can. This would appear to be a planned invasion by the zionists like Soros who appear to have a hatred for all things Western. Soros seems to have this hatred for the people of the West.

As far as I am concerned I think that Blair and Goodale have no love for Canada at all. They are both for a open borders for Canada and are into people smuggling. After all it was the kid that invited this invasion of the third world to happen because of the kids invitation to the rest of the world to come on down you are the next illegal to get to enter Canada for free. 

We do have a serious crisis going on here with all this criminal illegal nonsense going on and being allowed to continue. How can a federal government of a country like Canada be ready and willing to put up criminal illegals into hotels while other Canadians can just continue to sleep on the streets? That is not being pro Canada or pro Canadian. That is being anti-Canada and anti- Canadian. Our leaders are telling Canadians that foreigners come first, and Canadians last if they are lucky to get to finish in last place. 

Apparently, the last figure I heard was that in the past two years nearly 50,000 criminal illegals have entered Canada illegally. It is really starting to look like an invasion alright with that many illegals being allowed to cross our border with America without being stopped. Unfortunately for Canadians trudeau the dictator has been given a Canadian unlimited withdrawal credit card and has been allowed to withdraw and spend hundreds of millions if not billions off that credit card every year since he came to power and there appears to be no end in sight as to how much more this fool is going to blow. 

We are and always be mis-informed by our dear leaders until Canadians start to ask more questions and for more transparency and a more open government where nothing gets done behind closed doors anymore. There is no reason why Canadians are not allowed to attend any kind of meetings that the government has set up in our name and who use our tax dollars to do so. Just who the hell is the boss here? Is it we the people or our elected politicians? Right now it appears to be the latter that is running and ruining our Canadian country. :huh:

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12 hours ago, betsy said:

Yes, they're illegal border crossers!   They've already entered the USA as refugee claimants! 

Of course, issuing an open invitation to come to Canada.........makes it a whole lot worse!  

So, we're "mis-informed?"  Blair and Goodale are rubbing salt by practically saying............Canadians are stupid!


That is pretty much rhetorical.   Obviously, Canadians ARE stupid - we elected Trudeau and his band of politically correct morons.

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19 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

But the "crisis" is not in processing claimants coming in - it's in how long it takes to remove the 80% or thereabouts that are proven NOT to be genuine refugees.  It's already been posted how the endless appeals and delays - and outright "disappearances" result in bogus claimants staying in Canada for years - and mostly on the taxpayers' dime. It's not just about the border. And yes - when you look at it that way - the right way - it is a crisis.

And to add to that, it's not like as if spending stops when they have been given housing. 

We have to financially support EACH CLAIMANT until the time he's removed (if he gets removed)!  Like as if they don't have to eat daily, and they don't need care.  In the meantime, there is a steady traffic of more claimants pouring in - being added to those that are still here and waiting - that has to be looked after, too!

  $270 million is not a one-shot spending!  It will increase steadily, too!





Irregular border crossers cost at least $270M, according to new PBO figures

The federal government has spent over $270 million on irregular border crossers over the last year and a half, according to government figures submitted to the parliamentary budget office.

The figures were requested by parliamentary budget officer Jean-Denis Frechette in early July and were recently released to members of the immigration committee.

All four agencies involved in dealing with irregular migration submitted amounts they have spent every month since early 2017 when the influx of asylum seekers began to ramp up. The total adds up to more than $270 million up to the end of June.


Rempel was also critical of the fact that most agencies did not provide future projected costs for the asylum issue.



The documents also reveal that CBSA officials have noticed a new tactic being employed by border crossers. The officials note that some refugee claimants who have crossed into Canada irregularly are now acting as "anchor relatives" for family members.

This allows their spouses, children, siblings, legal guardians, grandparents, aunts and uncles and nieces and nephews to cross at an official border entry and not be considered irregular migrants.

Rempel notes government did not provide any costing information or further data on the number of people who have taken advantage of this loophole.







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How on earth can the Liberal government even think to discourage border-crossers when all they have to do is set foot in Canada, and they could stay on for years  - with  financial assistance and social services!



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5 hours ago, betsy said:

  $270 million is not a one-shot spending!  It will increase steadily, too!


Just to put that figure in perspective.......$270 million could provide a $5000 housing subsidy for over 50,000 Canadians who might be living on the edge. The Left constantly whines about poverty - yet thinks nothing of wasting huge amounts of money on Illegal border-crossers - economic migrants who jump the queue ahead of those who are genuinely fleeing terror and persecution.

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On 8/4/2018 at 1:10 PM, OftenWrong said:

Please... the politically correct term is "irregular migrants".

Or they could be named non-Canadian future citizen's for now. LOL. 

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11 hours ago, betsy said:

And to add to that, it's not like as if spending stops when they have been given housing. 

We have to financially support EACH CLAIMANT until the time he's removed (if he gets removed)!  Like as if they don't have to eat daily, and they don't need care.  In the meantime, there is a steady traffic of more claimants pouring in - being added to those that are still here and waiting - that has to be looked after, too!

  $270 million is not a one-shot spending!  It will increase steadily, too!









11 hours ago, betsy said:

How on earth can the Liberal government even think to discourage border-crossers when all they have to do is set foot in Canada, and they could stay on for years  - with  financial assistance and social services!




11 hours ago, betsy said:

How on earth can the Liberal government even think to discourage border-crossers when all they have to do is set foot in Canada, and they could stay on for years  - with  financial assistance and social services!



Ask Trudeau and his Somali immigration minister or Blair or Goodale if they really care. :unsure:

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6 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

Just to put that figure in perspective.......$270 million could provide a $5000 housing subsidy for over 50,000 Canadians who might be living on the edge. The Left constantly whines about poverty - yet thinks nothing of wasting huge amounts of money on Illegal border-crossers - economic migrants who jump the queue ahead of those who are genuinely fleeing terror and persecution.

The figure is far too low anyway. We had almost 50,000 asylum claimants last year. What does it cost to support 50,000 people for a year, including health care?

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