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Feds pick a fight on refugees.

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6 hours ago, scribblet said:

Maybe those who believe in open borders should try leaving their front door open, see what happens.

Yes well, see what happened when we opened up everyone's borders to money?

You were warned it would cause massive problems including refugees.  You've been warned about the refugee problem that inaction on climate change would cause. 

Lol...but but but Mao... Castro.. .



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6 hours ago, scribblet said:

'climate change' has nothing to do with the illegal migration  problems at our (Canadian) borders.

Climate change has nothing to do with anything in your universe.  Meanwhile in the real world... 



Study finds that global warming exacerbates refugee crises


The refugee crisis – particularly in the Mediterranean area – has received large amounts of new attention in the past few years, with people fleeing from Syria and entering the European Union emblematic of the problem. There has been some research connecting this refugee problem with changes to the climate. In particular, the years preceding the Syrian refugee crisis were characterized by a severe drought that reduced farm output and led to economic and social strife there.

Separating out the influences of climate change from general social instability may be impossible, because they are intimately linked. But we do know that climate change can cause social and economic instability. We also know that these instabilities can boil over into larger problems that lead to mass exodus. The problem isn’t knowing the connection between climate and refugees exists – rather the problem is quantifying it.

All of this is important because we want to be able to plan for the “now” as well as the “tomorrow.” If we are already seeing climate-related migrations, can you imagine what’s in store in the next few decades as temperatures and extreme weather continue to increase?




Asylum applications respond to temperature fluctuations

International negotiations on climate change, along with recent upsurges in migration across the Mediterranean Sea, have highlighted the need to better understand the possible effects of climate change on human migration—in particular, across national borders. Here we examine how, in the recent past (2000–2014), weather variations in 103 source countries translated into asylum applications to the European Union, which averaged 351,000 per year in our sample. We find that temperatures that deviated from the moderate optimum (~20°C) increased asylum applications in a nonlinear fashion, which implies an accelerated increase under continued future warming. Holding everything else constant, asylum applications by the end of the century are predicted to increase, on average, by 28% (98,000 additional asylum applications per year) under representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenario 4.5 and by 188% (660,000 additional applications per year) under RCP 8.5 for the 21 climate models in the NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP).



Imagine how far down the behavioural sink countries will have to go when it comes to preventing being overwhelmed? 

Yeah I know :lol: and 'but but but what about Pol Pot?'  Ironically the things we'll need to commit to survive will probably make Pol Pot look pretty tame in comparison.

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So apparently the progressives are pulling out their hair and gnashing their teeth again because the Tories tried to run an attack ad against the Liberal government on the theme of migrants crossing the border. Why are they upset? The ad depicted a black man. Gasp! The horror! The horror! 

Apparently the fact almost all the illegal migrants so far have been Black, mostly from Nigeria and Haiti, is no reason at all to show a Black man illegally crossing the border! Why, the conservatives must be RACIST! The ad should have featured blonde Scandinavians! Or at least, a perfectly racially mixed grouping of all races and nationalities!


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21 hours ago, Argus said:

So apparently the progressives are pulling out their hair and gnashing their teeth again because the Tories tried to run an attack ad against the Liberal government on the theme of migrants crossing the border. Why are they upset? The ad depicted a black man. Gasp! The horror! The horror! 

Apparently the fact almost all the illegal migrants so far have been Black, mostly from Nigeria and Haiti, is no reason at all to show a Black man illegally crossing the border! Why, the conservatives must be RACIST! The ad should have featured blonde Scandinavians! Or at least, a perfectly racially mixed grouping of all races and nationalities!


Thanks for the link. Our dictatorship of racial and diversity sensibilities strikes again! (Has Trudeau assigned a new Ministry to this task? LOL) You have to wonder where the progressives think these migrants originate? Reportedly, at first the migrants who were/are entering illegally were largely from Haiti and more recently from Nigeria, which both have mainly black populations as far as I'm aware. The news items I've watched have pretty clearly illustrated that most of these migrants are "diverse" so is news video coverage now going to be banned as well? Are the networks blurring the migrants' faces yet? This country is quickly being transformed into a tragicomical Potemkin village.

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The attached  link has a very clear explanation for how our refugee system works - and the process that each and every "asylum seeker" is entitled to pursue. Should these people have this many avenues of appeal?

Link: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/what-happens-when-asylum-seekers-cross-the-border-into-canada?video_autoplay=true

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50 minutes ago, Centerpiece said:

Should these people have this many avenues of appeal?

It's ridiculous.

There is very little difference between this appeals system and just throwing open the borders to anyone who wants to waltz through.

The "anchor babies" need to be dealt with.  Partly because many of these "refugees" and "asylum seekers" know they can never be turned away after birthing a child in Canada and partly because when we take in a family with 6 kids already and all they do is continue to reproduce, the chances of anyone in that family ever becoming a contributing member of society gets slimmer and slimmer.  And now they're in a rut and a tax-payer burden for generations.

I'm thinking of the family in BC who came with 6 kids, had one on the way over and another immediately on arriving, with no signs of stopping.  The father is, of course,  too busy to work or take language classes - and why should he have to?  They're raking in almost $6000/month in child benefits alone - the mother will never work and the kids learn to play the system the same way as the parents.  And complaining the whole way that they need more money because they're not living in a nice, new, fancy building.

We are suckers.

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50 minutes ago, Goddess said:

There is very little difference between this appeals system and just throwing open the borders to anyone who wants to waltz through.

We are suckers.

It's my perception that there's a large immigration and refugee industry in this country that's essentially reliant on a constant flow of new arrivals. Whether or not this has beneficial impacts for the broader host population seems utterly irrelevant to policy makers. Increasingly, objective academic analyses conclude that the economic and demographic arguments trotted out to support large scale immigration are largely overstated. And a recent piece in the National Post (link below) notes that our current policies and practices exceed our obligations under international law (i.e. Trudeau's excuse for the current mess). Unless some party is willing to wholeheartedly and completely advocate that immigration and refugee programs be openly and rationally debated, how can things change? I believe we should be informed of the "all-in" costs to taxpayers entailed in the current programs. But politicians prefer to dodge such accountability, mainly I suspect because it's expedient for them to do so.


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The refugee system in Canada is overwhelmed right now by the number of people it needs to process

How is it that the refugee system didn't know a long time ago such numbers were coming and prepare for them?  People have been warning about this for years and even decades now and we know its only going to get worse. Conflict and the adverse effects of globalization are bad enough but just wait until climate change heats up.


1 hour ago, Goddess said:

I'm thinking of the family in BC who came with 6 kids, had one on the way over and another immediately on arriving, with no signs of stopping.

There's the real problem right there but...I can't help but recall how so so many of the same people now whining about too many people used to lol and make references to Castro and Suzuki when people warned about too many people.



We are suckers.


Who's this we exactly that you're talking about?


It's ridiculous.

That's funny given its what people often said when they were being warned about all this.

So, I suspect the refugee system isn't prepared because of the sheer amount of pigheaded conservatism in Canada. It really is ridiculous.

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On 7/14/2018 at 12:06 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:

Yes, it would seem that Ahmed Hussen's big mouth could be a big political liability for election season.

It's good to see the thin veneer of Trudeau's all welcoming policies get shredded by domestic realpolitik.

Doug Ford...Making Ontario Great Again.

The question then to be asked is if the Conservative Party of Canada wins the next election will they try and do something about all this criminal illegal activity going on at our borders? Right now they don't appear to have much to say about it. Canada could be in big time real trouble if the conservative party plays the same game and allows it to go on. Other than Kellie Leitch everyone appears to be wanting to touch this subject. Are there no patriotic politicians left in and to fight for Canada? Canada can never be made great again if this illegal criminal activity is allowed to continue. I hope that Canada can be made to be great again. Hopefully it starts with Dog Ford. Hopefully.  :)

I saw the other night on the internet where some guy was wearing a Make Canada Great Again hat. Now I have to find out where to get me one of them thar hats, pardner. LOL. 


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On 7/18/2018 at 12:00 PM, turningrite said:

Thanks for the link. Our dictatorship of racial and diversity sensibilities strikes again! (Has Trudeau assigned a new Ministry to this task? LOL) You have to wonder where the progressives think these migrants originate? Reportedly, at first the migrants who were/are entering illegally were largely from Haiti and more recently from Nigeria, which both have mainly black populations as far as I'm aware. The news items I've watched have pretty clearly illustrated that most of these migrants are "diverse" so is news video coverage now going to be banned as well? Are the networks blurring the migrants' faces yet? This country is quickly being transformed into a tragicomical Potemkin village.

We all should know by now that this present or past Somali immigration minister of ours could careless about our immigration laws when it comes to him in trying to get as many of his Somali relatives and friends into Canada. I can say pretty much for sure that if this were thousands of white people trying to cross into Canada illegally he would have the military sent to the border to stop them from coming in. He would have sent them back running into America.

This country has become a joke and the rest of the third world world knows it too and they are taking advantage of it. Why they are even flying to America from wherever and from there they start running to the Canadian border. The word is out thanks to this prime mistake of ours. But ask all of our politicians if they really care? I am pretty sure that the answer they would give is no, who cares about Canada. Bloody sad indeed as to what is going on with illegal immigration being allowed to continue on with no will in sight to try and stop it but it is more like they are encouraging it to go on. Over 50,000 illegal criminal so called refugees have entered Canada in the past two years illegally and at a huge expensive cost, maybe in the billions, for the taxpayer's of Canada to have to fund. A gag order has been placed and has been put out by Trudeau to the RCMP or the Canada Border Services to not report on the numbers entering Canada. WHY? Even the left wing liberal Canadian media are pretty quite on this illegality going on. WHY?   C'mon Canadians wake the hell up will you. Our country is dying. 

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16 minutes ago, taxme said:

The question then to be asked is if the Conservative Party of Canada wins the next election will they try and do something about all this criminal illegal activity going on at our borders?

Of course they will. They'll lol and refer to Pol Pot and Stalin.

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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

This country has become a joke and the rest of the third world world knows it too and they are taking advantage of it.

I think our policies and practices are ridiculous. But the current immigration minister is simply a reflection of the Trudeau government's general perspective. I think Trudeau is trying to change the channel by assigning border security to ex-cop Bill Blair, whom Trudeau hopes will be perceived as "getting tough" on a situation the government let get out of hand. Hassan is a poor communicator, but that seems a common trait among Trudeau's ministers. I don't think that shuffling the deck chairs will change much.

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On 7/20/2018 at 12:48 PM, eyeball said:

Of course they will. They'll lol and refer to Pol Pot and Stalin.

Just about all Canadian politicians appear to be fans and followers of Soros, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Saul Alinsky too name but a few of the communist scumbags mentioned. Are you one of them by chance? Just asking. :D

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On 7/20/2018 at 12:56 PM, turningrite said:

I think our policies and practices are ridiculous. But the current immigration minister is simply a reflection of the Trudeau government's general perspective. I think Trudeau is trying to change the channel by assigning border security to ex-cop Bill Blair, whom Trudeau hopes will be perceived as "getting tough" on a situation the government let get out of hand. Hassan is a poor communicator, but that seems a common trait among Trudeau's ministers. I don't think that shuffling the deck chairs will change much.

All Trudeau will be doing is putting on a show and make it appear as though he and his Somali immigration minister gives a chit about this criminal illegal activity going on at our Canadian borders. The kid started it and he is not finished yet. Actually, there are many liberal and even some conservative politicians that would like to flood Canada with millions more of legal and illegal immigrants if they can get away with it. Ex-cop liberal Bill Blair will not do a dam thing to try and stop this illegal activity. Maybe he will just slow down the activity by denying three illegals of their chance to get to stay in Canada. We cannot find out as too how many of these illegals have been denied entrance into Canada because the RCMP, Border Services and the left wing liberal media will not tell us. This is illegal activity going on here and our dear leaders will not keep us informed of this illegality. It is quite obvious here that there is plenty of illegal activity going on against we the taxpayer's of Canada by our so called elected officials. Shuffling the deck chairs will not change very much is right. The same programs and agendas will still stay alive and well against we the people. Deplorable. 

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I have heard that Canada is an extremely hard country to get into if you are an actual immigrant. The points system; You must show that you have enough money on you, you must show that you have skills which there is a lack of in Canada or you at least must have already close relatives living in Canada already.

However, none of the above has any significance if you are a refugee who just happens to float across a wide ocean into Canada.

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13 hours ago, -TSS- said:

I have heard that Canada is an extremely hard country to get into if you are an actual immigrant. The points system; You must show that you have enough money on you, you must show that you have skills which there is a lack of in Canada or you at least must have already close relatives living in Canada already.

However, none of the above has any significance if you are a refugee who just happens to float across a wide ocean into Canada.

Canada doesn't appear to be all that difficult to get into when you consider that we along with Australia have among the Western world's largest immigration intake levels when measured on a per capita basis. And the ballyhooed benefits of the points system are overstated. The number of actual qualified immigrants who enter under the qualified skilled worker and business classes represent about half the country's annual intake. More problematic, perhaps, is that Statistics Canada estimates that about one-third of immigrants leave Canada after immigrating here, presumably including a significant percentage of those being immigrants who arrived under the points system who leave to pursue better opportunities elsewhere. This may be the key to why the economic performance of the most recent generation of immigrants has been relatively poor.

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On 7/20/2018 at 3:56 PM, turningrite said:

Hassan is a poor communicator, but that seems a common trait among Trudeau's ministers. I don't think that shuffling the deck chairs will change much.

I believe the correct spelling of the immigration minister's name is Hussen.

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15 hours ago, -TSS- said:

I have heard that Canada is an extremely hard country to get into if you are an actual immigrant. The points system; You must show that you have enough money on you, you must show that you have skills which there is a lack of in Canada or you at least must have already close relatives living in Canada already.

However, none of the above has any significance if you are a refugee who just happens to float across a wide ocean into Canada.

The problem with our refugee system is really the problem with our legal system. What OUGHT to happen, is some Haitian shows up at the border, is shown to an office, makes his formal claim, and is denied almost immediately based upon the fairly obvious fact that he or she does not qualify under the UN definition of refugees (those fleeing persecution due to race, ethnicity, religion, political opinions, etc. Unfortunately, what happens is that we must take many years of legal hearings and appeals before a decision is rendered, by which time the individual is quite at home here and simply does not leave.

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15 hours ago, -TSS- said:

I have heard that Canada is an extremely hard country to get into if you are an actual immigrant.

Anyone who queue's up in the immigration line has it all wrong. The trick is to cross into Canada illegally and your odds of being accepted are just as good as trying to come in through regular means.

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7 minutes ago, Argus said:

Unfortunately, what happens is that we must take many years of legal hearings and appeals before a decision is rendered, by which time the individual is quite at home here and simply does not leave.

The odds of being accepted as a refugee increase significantly if you bear a child on Canadian soil. I mean, as you know all you have to do is give birth in a plane over Canadian airspace and the kid is automatically a citizen.

Edited by capricorn
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21 hours ago, capricorn said:

The odds of being accepted as a refugee increase significantly if you bear a child on Canadian soil. I mean, as you know all you have to do is give birth in a plane over Canadian airspace and the kid is automatically a citizen.

Maybe not.  This woman was deported, despite having a 4-month old.

Here is some info on women who are deported despite having a Canadian kid.

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2 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Maybe not.  This woman was deported, despite having a 4-month old.

Here is some info on women who are deported despite having a Canadian kid.

I think the point is that migrants believe it can serve their interests to develop forms of attachment to Canada, including having children here, in order to be allowed to stay. The fact that it doesn't always work out that way doesn't mean it's not happening.

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1 minute ago, turningrite said:

I think the point is that migrants believe it can serve their interests to develop forms of attachment to Canada, including having children here, in order to be allowed to stay. The fact that it doesn't always work out that way doesn't mean it's not happening.

Then it is good to point out some facts in case any migrants stumble across this thread, read Capricorn's post and think .. "I just hafta have a baby to stay!"  Seems the deportation of mama-with-or-without-baby isn't all that uncommon.  

On the other hand, I suppose a fact or two does tend throw a spanner into the unending bitchfest about migrants, refugees and how stupid/easy Canada is.

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