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The Great Immigration Debate

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45 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Complete hyperbole.  Lower tax rates, better conditions for global capitalism, and ongoing privatization says you're wrong (again).

 Lower taxes as far as I am concerned is a complete myth because you should know well by now that when Canadian politicians give you a so called tax break at one end they will take that tax back at the other end. Global capitalism has been the problem and reason for lower wages and unemployment and that is making people poorer. Global capitalists are nothing more than a greedy bunch of ba-tards. What ongoing privatizations are going on and just where are conditions getting better in Canada that being my main concern? 

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On 7/18/2018 at 6:38 PM, Bonam said:

You can't keep the retirement age the same even as life expectancy continues to increase. People are living on average for decades after retirement, whereas when retirement were first brought in, life expectancy was less than the retirement age! Medical advances will continue to raise life expectancy, likely to 100+ years in the next few decades. Will people soon be spending half their lives retired? It's not sustainable. Retirement age must be indexed to a fixed fraction of life expectancy.

Well, if you guys would hurry up and reach the goddamned technological singularity all this would be moot.

What's really unsustainable is the notion that everyone will still be held morally responsible for carrying their own economic carcass thru the ages despite automation, robots and competing with some 10 billion other human beings looking for a job.  Its ludicrous.

Edited by eyeball
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21 hours ago, paxrom said:

I'm not anti capitalist , I believe in free trade but I'm also a realist, unfortunately nobody really wants to do free trade. They all much prefer to cheat and get ahead at the expense of their neighbor. 

Because Trump told you that? Trump has spent his life cheating and lying. Why would you believe anything a lifelong sales guy had to say?

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21 hours ago, paxrom said:

Ah see that's what the globalist would tell you but trade does not have to be done globally, trade can take place internally. Look at the service sector. Why do you think that's the largest industry.

Because it has a $265 billion surplus in providing services to the world outside the US?

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12 minutes ago, Argus said:

Because Trump told you that? Trump has spent his life cheating and lying. Why would you believe anything a lifelong sales guy had to say?

Because despite his faults, he's trying to do something for the deplorables and its showing real results. We have a shortage of labor, our economy is exceeding growth expectation. 

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12 minutes ago, Argus said:

Because it has a $265 billion surplus in providing services to the world outside the US?

265 billion dollars in what, trade? or trade of just services. Look at the economy as a whole, we're heavily service based 80 percent of our economy, and you're saying 265 billion is a large number? That's roughly 1.65 percent of our GDP in services. That's really large yeah...

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It gets even better than that....wages growth is finally happening as well.   Maybe curtailing illegals and visa workers is helping that...


Pay gains during Trump's first year in office best since the Great Recession



More Canadians seek new STEM work in the U.S. than in Canada, because there is much more opportunity in the USA.


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15 minutes ago, paxrom said:

Because despite his faults, he's trying to do something for the deplorables and its showing real results. We have a shortage of labor, our economy is exceeding growth expectation. 

First of all, this guy is over 70. He's been in the public eye for many decades. Not once during all those decades has Trump ever said, suggested or even hinted he gave a damn about ordinary people. His father built homes for ordinary people. Trump wanted no part of that. He wanted to build palaces for the rich. Everything he's done during his time in business was aimed at the rich, not ordinary people. Suddenly, as he runs for office, he discovers how poor blue collar workers have it so bad. It's a miracle! 

Now, as to the problem of American blue collar workers. Mostly, they've been doing fine. Where they haven't been is in the smaller, regional cities and more rural areas. That's because the shift to a service and high tech manufacturing economy sent manufacturing jobs they used to have to the big cities or eliminated them altogether. Nothing Trump has done is changing that or even addressing it. 

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18 minutes ago, paxrom said:

265 billion dollars in what, trade? or trade of just services. Look at the economy as a whole, we're heavily service based 80 percent of our economy, and you're saying 265 billion is a large number? That's roughly 1.65 percent of our GDP in services. That's really large yeah...

No, that's your surplus in services that you trade to the world. And if you think $265 billion is chump change why do you think Trump is screaming and bitching and moaning about tariffs on milk? Just how much profit do you think there is in exporting more milk to us anyway? He just uses stuff like that as a way to incite the people who don't understand trade or economics and don't realize how many tariffs  the US has on agricultural imports and how much it subsidizes its own agricultural industries.


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1 minute ago, Argus said:

No, that's your surplus in services that you trade to the world. And if you think $265 billion is chump change why do you think Trump is screaming and bitching and moaning about tariffs on milk? Just how much profit do you think there is in exporting more milk to us anyway? He just uses stuff like that as a way to incite the people who don't understand trade or economics and don't realize how many tariffs  the US has on agricultural imports and how much it subsidizes its own agricultural industries.


Because Canada along with Europe and china all think that we shouldn't care about the trade barriers.... so here we are...

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1 minute ago, paxrom said:

Because Canada along with Europe and china all think that we shouldn't care about the trade barriers.... so here we are...

Do you even know about US trade barriers? Here, this is from 2012, long before Trump. It just points out a few things that the US taxes heavily, or bans from import, and why. Obviously it's nothing like a full list.


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Just now, Argus said:

Do you even know about US trade barriers? Here, this is from 2012, long before Trump. It just points out a few things that the US taxes heavily, or bans from import, and why. Obviously it's nothing like a full list.


I know we have the lowest trade barrier in the world. 

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7 minutes ago, paxrom said:

I know we have the lowest trade barrier in the world. 

Really? How do you know that?

Here. This is from 2014, so not designed to make Trump look bad or anything.

Countries with the fewest barriers to trade.

1. Singapore
2. Hong Kong
3. Netherlands
4. New Zealand
5. Finland
6. United Kingdom
7. Switzerland
8. Chile
9. Sweden
10. Germany


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On 7/19/2018 at 12:45 PM, taxme said:

In my time several decades ago there was no massive immigration going on like it is today. When Canada's population was running around 20 - 25 million people there was no real problem with unemployment or burdens no our medical and social services.

The unemployment rate has not changed much. There is the up and down, but at around 6%, we're doing pretty well to historical numbers.





With over 400,000 legal and illegal immigrants immigrating to Canada every year this can only create more problems by adding to the high unemployment list and taxing our medical and social services. There are just too many legal and illegal refugees on top of the other 300,000 - 400,000 thousand new immigrants being allowed into the country where tens of thousands of them will never find a job and may end up remaining on welfare for the rest of their life.

No there aren't that many refugees coming in, compared to the population and the rest of the immigrants. It's a drop in the bucket. You're getting hysterical over nothing.

Here is our immigration rate, which has been below 1% of population for a long time. The number of immigrants coming in has been around 250,000 and currently sits at 300,000 (this includes the refugees):





We have an immigration problem sunny boy and why do politicians persist in flooding this country with more and more new immigrants is beyond ridiculous. And with more new immigrants coming in, and after they have gained citizenship,  the first thing on their minds is to try and get their whole family here. It's endless especially with those coming from the third world. They all have huge families. 

You should go look at jobbank.gc.ca. Companies, specifically in the tech, engineering and health industries cannot find workers. Just because your cousin Joe is unemployed, it doesn't mean that he can get a job in the oil fields in Alberta. 

You need to stop being so emotional and start looking at the information that is right in front of you before you begin to have strong opinions. 

Bringing families into through immigration is NOT easy. If you care to know more, go look at the immigration page and see the process that it involves. For example, Canada does not allow more than 10,000 parents/grandparents through the family sponsorship into the country per year. You also cannot sponsor your cousin, uncle, aunt, etc. 



If more immigrants are suppose to be so great for Canada why then are there close to two million Canadians unemployed? Answer that one for me if you can?

The percentage of unemployed has not changed much when you look at the percentage. 


By the looks of things there are no jobs out there for all these new immigrants. Just more unemployment and more welfare and not to forget the damage that all these new immigrants will be doing to the environment. One would think that this would be the main issue with the environmentalists movement but it appears not.  

I recommend that you go with more than just feelings. 



What a silly stupid thing to say that Canada should cut down on OAS and CPP payments. Hey, fyi, I have been paying into those two for all the decades that I have worked and now you want me to have a cut back on what I get just so the rotten government can give more money too new immigrants? Get real will you. This is one of the big problems with many Canadian. They always want to hurt their own people so that they can give more of their tax dollars to a bunch of foreigners instead. Canadians need to start thinking about Canada and Canadians first and too hell with the rest of the world. My opinion and I am sticking with it. No more Mr. Nice Guy for me anymore. Enough already. 

We should cut down on military spending and put that money towards Canadians. Contrary to what you have in your head, immigrants are not a contributor to our debt and spending. In fact, research after research has shown that after the first year in Canada, immigrants become an asset after they get going. 


Edited by Hudson Jones
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2 hours ago, paxrom said:

LOLS is that .8 for your milk farmer?

Canada has high tariffs on milk, yes. The US has high tariffs on a variety of agricultural imports, as well. It outright bans import of peanuts, for example.

However, US steel did not have any tariffs on it, and you exported more of it to us than we exported to you. Negotiations for trade agreements are always give and take. You take this, we take that. 

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On 7/20/2018 at 3:12 PM, Hudson Jones said:

The unemployment rate has not changed much. There is the up and down, but at around 6%, we're doing pretty well to historical numbers.



No there aren't that many refugees coming in, compared to the population and the rest of the immigrants. It's a drop in the bucket. You're getting hysterical over nothing.

Here is our immigration rate, which has been below 1% of population for a long time. The number of immigrants coming in has been around 250,000 and currently sits at 300,000 (this includes the refugees):




You should go look at jobbank.gc.ca. Companies, specifically in the tech, engineering and health industries cannot find workers. Just because your cousin Joe is unemployed, it doesn't mean that he can get a job in the oil fields in Alberta. 

You need to stop being so emotional and start looking at the information that is right in front of you before you begin to have strong opinions. 

Bringing families into through immigration is NOT easy. If you care to know more, go look at the immigration page and see the process that it involves. For example, Canada does not allow more than 10,000 parents/grandparents through the family sponsorship into the country per year. You also cannot sponsor your cousin, uncle, aunt, etc. 


The percentage of unemployed has not changed much when you look at the percentage. 

I recommend that you go with more than just feelings. 


We should cut down on military spending and put that money towards Canadians. Contrary to what you have in your head, immigrants are not a contributor to our debt and spending. In fact, research after research has shown that after the first year in Canada, immigrants become an asset after they get going. 



On 7/20/2018 at 3:12 PM, Hudson Jones said:

The unemployment rate has not changed much. There is the up and down, but at around 6%, we're doing pretty well to historical numbers.



No there aren't that many refugees coming in, compared to the population and the rest of the immigrants. It's a drop in the bucket. You're getting hysterical over nothing.

Here is our immigration rate, which has been below 1% of population for a long time. The number of immigrants coming in has been around 250,000 and currently sits at 300,000 (this includes the refugees):




You should go look at jobbank.gc.ca. Companies, specifically in the tech, engineering and health industries cannot find workers. Just because your cousin Joe is unemployed, it doesn't mean that he can get a job in the oil fields in Alberta. 

You need to stop being so emotional and start looking at the information that is right in front of you before you begin to have strong opinions. 

Bringing families into through immigration is NOT easy. If you care to know more, go look at the immigration page and see the process that it involves. For example, Canada does not allow more than 10,000 parents/grandparents through the family sponsorship into the country per year. You also cannot sponsor your cousin, uncle, aunt, etc. 


The percentage of unemployed has not changed much when you look at the percentage. 

I recommend that you go with more than just feelings. 


We should cut down on military spending and put that money towards Canadians. Contrary to what you have in your head, immigrants are not a contributor to our debt and spending. In fact, research after research has shown that after the first year in Canada, immigrants become an asset after they get going. 



On 7/20/2018 at 3:12 PM, Hudson Jones said:

The unemployment rate has not changed much. There is the up and down, but at around 6%, we're doing pretty well to historical numbers.



No there aren't that many refugees coming in, compared to the population and the rest of the immigrants. It's a drop in the bucket. You're getting hysterical over nothing.

Here is our immigration rate, which has been below 1% of population for a long time. The number of immigrants coming in has been around 250,000 and currently sits at 300,000 (this includes the refugees):




You should go look at jobbank.gc.ca. Companies, specifically in the tech, engineering and health industries cannot find workers. Just because your cousin Joe is unemployed, it doesn't mean that he can get a job in the oil fields in Alberta. 

You need to stop being so emotional and start looking at the information that is right in front of you before you begin to have strong opinions. 

Bringing families into through immigration is NOT easy. If you care to know more, go look at the immigration page and see the process that it involves. For example, Canada does not allow more than 10,000 parents/grandparents through the family sponsorship into the country per year. You also cannot sponsor your cousin, uncle, aunt, etc. 


The percentage of unemployed has not changed much when you look at the percentage. 

I recommend that you go with more than just feelings. 


We should cut down on military spending and put that money towards Canadians. Contrary to what you have in your head, immigrants are not a contributor to our debt and spending. In fact, research after research has shown that after the first year in Canada, immigrants become an asset after they get going. 



On 7/20/2018 at 3:12 PM, Hudson Jones said:

The unemployment rate has not changed much. There is the up and down, but at around 6%, we're doing pretty well to historical numbers.



No there aren't that many refugees coming in, compared to the population and the rest of the immigrants. It's a drop in the bucket. You're getting hysterical over nothing.

Here is our immigration rate, which has been below 1% of population for a long time. The number of immigrants coming in has been around 250,000 and currently sits at 300,000 (this includes the refugees):




You should go look at jobbank.gc.ca. Companies, specifically in the tech, engineering and health industries cannot find workers. Just because your cousin Joe is unemployed, it doesn't mean that he can get a job in the oil fields in Alberta. 

You need to stop being so emotional and start looking at the information that is right in front of you before you begin to have strong opinions. 

Bringing families into through immigration is NOT easy. If you care to know more, go look at the immigration page and see the process that it involves. For example, Canada does not allow more than 10,000 parents/grandparents through the family sponsorship into the country per year. You also cannot sponsor your cousin, uncle, aunt, etc. 


The percentage of unemployed has not changed much when you look at the percentage. 

I recommend that you go with more than just feelings. 


We should cut down on military spending and put that money towards Canadians. Contrary to what you have in your head, immigrants are not a contributor to our debt and spending. In fact, research after research has shown that after the first year in Canada, immigrants become an asset after they get going. 


6% or 2,100,000 million Canadians unemployed is a shame or a sham when we are told by "experts" that Canada is just looking great and is in a great economic shape. Try telling the unemployed that. More new immigration legal or illegal does not help unemployment one bit. If it did there should by now be very little unemployment in Canada with all the hundreds of thousands of new immigrants that have been pouring into Canada legally and illegally over the past several decades that should have helped solve our unemployment problem and debt. At least this is what we are told by the so called "experts" that more immigration is great and is needed and that it will help and produce more employment and will be good for Canada and the host Canadians.

Is more traffic good for the host Canadians? Is more lineups and longer waits to see a doctor good for the host Canadians? Is more welfare/unemployment good for the host Canadians?  And is the amount of damage that is being done to the environment great for Canada and the host Canadians? I don't think so. Quite the contrary, I would say. 

Anyway, believe what you want to believe and I will do the same. 

Canada does not need a military. Billions upon billions of tax dollars wasted every year on something that does not serve Canada or Canadians interests well at all. The only people that make a profit from Canada having a military are corporations and banksters and the Canadians who are employed in the military. 

So, you are an "expert" on and have the figures to show us all right to say that immigrants do not contribute to our debt and spending, eh? Who are these researchers that tell us all is alright? One of those paid off so called "experts researchers" who are paid big bucks to come up with a good chart that shows all is hunky dory by the government?  

So why is Canada in hundreds of billions in debt? It can dam well for sure tell you that it is not because of me that Canada is in debt. Maybe if they would listen to people like me and others we would not be in the debt that we are in today, nor have 2 million unemployed Canadians sitting around.  Just saying. 

Edited by taxme
I messed up.
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On 7/19/2018 at 1:45 PM, taxme said:

In my time several decades ago there was no massive immigration going on like it is today. When Canada's population was running around 20 - 25 million people there was no real problem with unemployment or burdens no our medical and social services. With over 400,000 legal and illegal immigrants immigrating to Canada every year this can only create more problems by adding to the high unemployment list and taxing our medical and social services. There are just too many legal and illegal refugees on top of the other 300,000 - 400,000 thousand new immigrants being allowed into the country where tens of thousands of them will never find a job and may end up remaining on welfare for the rest of their life.

We have an immigration problem sunny boy and why do politicians persist in flooding this country with more and more new immigrants is beyond ridiculous. And with more new immigrants coming in, and after they have gained citizenship,  the first thing on their minds is to try and get their whole family here. It's endless especially with those coming from the third world. They all have huge families. 

If more immigrants are suppose to be so great for Canada why then are there close to two million Canadians unemployed? Answer that one for me if you can?

By the looks of things there are no jobs out there for all these new immigrants. Just more unemployment and more welfare and not to forget the damage that all these new immigrants will be doing to the environment. One would think that this would be the main issue with the environmentalists movement but it appears not.  

What a silly stupid thing to say that Canada should cut down on OAS and CPP payments. Hey, fyi, I have been paying into those two for all the decades that I have worked and now you want me to have a cut back on what I get just so the rotten government can give more money too new immigrants? Get real will you. This is one of the big problems with many Canadian. They always want to hurt their own people so that they can give more of their tax dollars to a bunch of foreigners instead. Canadians need to start thinking about Canada and Canadians first and too hell with the rest of the world. My opinion and I am sticking with it. No more Mr. Nice Guy for me anymore. Enough already. 

Cool text, man.

It is PUUUUURE... (puuuuure shit) lol

I think with your level of education and knowledge, you would rather live somewhere in rural Africa.

Just so much shit in one place. Is a quotation of trump, no? Then you have real perspectives as his new speechwriter.

1) Allmost all immigrants have jobs, unlike you I guess. Why? Because they need money to live, unlike you!

2) Politicans import labor that Canada lacks, if you f///n think that conservatives don't like immigrants ask them, ok? 

3) Where can I f//n get wellfare? Tell me that secret place. I'm an immigrant. TEEEEELL MEEEE!!!! (there is no wellfare for immigrants, but you don't give a f//k, right?)

4) You have been paying your contributions to CPP that went directly to the pockets of those pensioners who died long time ago. Now there are no young mem to feed you through CPP, so relax and enjoy, ok?

5) "Canadians need to start thinking about Canadians" - it's somethink that makes no sense like the phrase "let's all live like in heaven starting tomorrow" What does it mean? You call it "easy language" that trump speaks. I call it demagogy. It's when you talk some absolutely pointless bullshit, that means nothing, but evokes some good feelings from stupid people. Who are "Canadians"? Have you seen them? Are you f///n nazi? There are a diversity of Canadians (suddenly). And what does "think of Canadians" means? I think about Canadians and what?

Ok. I guess that I found the winner of special Olympics here. I would like to present you with a special concrete medal lol for your stifffffff beliefs ))))))))))))))))

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On 7/19/2018 at 2:00 PM, taxme said:

Family reunification is a big farce because those elderly parents or grandparents that get here eventually will be able to suck off our medical services plan pretty much for free. If they get sick or need an operation you know dam well the government(taxpayer)will be paying for them to get better at the working taxpayer's expense. They may eventually be entitled to a pension of some kind even though they never paid a nickel in taxes. The time for feeling sorry for refugees needs to come to an end. If countries are having problems with their people because there are just to many of them well I do not want to be forking out any of my taxes to bring them over here and feed, clothe and house them all for free. It may sound mean but I do not care anymore. If those third world countries have a problem with their population well start to do something about it. Feed their people with birth control pills in their food. There, problem solved. There are millions upon millions of refugees out there. There is not enough countries in the world that can absorb that many refugees and survive. Bankruptcy is inevitable for all. Enough already. Tough love is required now. My opinion and I approve of this reply. :D


First of all, my very intelligent friend, how about the medical exam?

Even I have to pass it. And I'm not an elderly one.

Do you know that Canadians can't adopt children from abroad with hard deseases (disabled)? Why? Guess, my smart one.

About millions of refugees is a good fairytale in best trump traditions with million crowd on inaguration day and on election day. 

Number of refugees is less than number of those who comes here legally.

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On 7/19/2018 at 2:53 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


Are Mexicans being bombed by Russia and the USA ?  

You never tried to understand their logic, did you?

I will describe MY logic when I chose Canada.

There are ONLY THREE immigrant countries on this planet. USA, Canada and Australia. In any other country sooner or later you will be told to get f///n out of here, because it is MY homeland.

No one can tell you this in Canada, for example. Why? Try to guess...

So, if, for example, trump told me to go back to my f//n Europe, I would answer "go to your f///n Austria then".

Good rules, eh?

Try to explain this to that "canadian" above.

I bet you are from the First Nations if you speak so boldly. Right? No? Then shot up your f///n tr//. I have the same question to you. What the f///k you are doing HERE? Your ancesters ran from someone, right?

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On 7/19/2018 at 3:26 PM, Argus said:

They ARE eligible for OAS, not to mention health care, which gets tremendously expensive as you get older.

In return they pay no taxes because t hey don't work.

Never going to happen. And most of our immigrants aren't qualified for anything more than Tim Hortons or Wal-mart.

Are you stupid? I told you who qualifies and I mentioned that I'm a f///n guy who passed provincial test on the subject.

Here is the direct quot from CRA wensite. I hope that you can read.https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/publicpensions/cpp/old-age-security/eligibility.html


They pay no taxes, but they spend money. Why do you think all countries like students? Because they don't work, but spend a lot.

Tell it to my friends: accountants, financial advisors, bank employees etc. I guess you still work in timmies.

And even if they work in timmies, so what? Someone has to clean up your shit.

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On 7/19/2018 at 3:29 PM, Argus said:

It's called 'logic'. Look it up in that English dictionary you need to buy. You are saying that immigrants don't cost us anything and I am pointing out that they do indeed cost us a lot of money.

There is a cost to every citizen in terms of government services. Here is more of that 'logic' stuff, you seem confounded with. If we bring in people who don't pay much in the way of taxes, but consume all the government services of everyone else, that costs those who DO pay taxes.


So, are you able to calculate how much, for example, you cost to the Canadian government? (I'm kidding)

Come on. One guy before already got in this trap of mine.

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2 minutes ago, ZavHoz said:

So, are you able to calculate how much, for example, you cost to the Canadian government? (I'm kidding)

Come on. One guy before already got in this trap of mine.

Argus has no use for immigrants, unless they are of a certain heritage, and no amount of factual information will change his mind.  You notice how quickly he resorts to insults?  That means you are making sense and he can't handle that.

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On 7/19/2018 at 3:30 PM, Argus said:

The Syrians we took in were safe in Turkey. They weren't being bombed by anyone. And we will be paying for them for most of the rest of their lives.

Do you think that Turkey is a good place for refuge? lol 

I don't know what is better, to be killed in Syria or in Turkey.

Btw, those f//n refugees who came here on the board of Mayflower, what about them? Do you still pay for them? Or you are their f//n descendant?

Reminded me that joke.

- I f///ed your mother.

- Are you idiot? I'm your sister!

So, who are refugees and since what exact time we should treat them like scum? 1800? 1900? 2000? Let's send Steve Job's father back to Syria, ok?

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