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ZavHoz last won the day on July 22 2018

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  1. This's the right decision! I can see your sufferings and they make me feel sad and sorry for you.
  2. Ghettos? Like it has been since the arrival of the first immigrants here? What a nightmare? Canadians live in this nightmare for centuries? You need to stop this!!! Stop Canada to exist!!! Btw, there is no other culture than law-abiding citizens. Sorry... If you wear burka, who fuckin cares? If you pay taxes and abide the law...
  3. Who will pay for your healthcare when you become old? Martians? Hint: immigrants. Why? Because you don't have enough children. Sorry.
  4. Who were those immigrants? If you compare the income of a first year immigrant to a first year employed Canadian, I bet you won't see the difference. Why? Because Canadian employers don't give a fuck about your foreign experience. So, you have to start your career over again.
  5. Who uses the health system more? Young immigrants or old Canadians?
  6. What's that? Have you yourself created this term? Like trump? I guess you suffer from the same dimentia, no? What benefits? Two sheets ago in this very topic I already caught one idiot who tried to claim that he could calculate the pros and cons of a particular immigrant. And you're a supermind. You've calculated the whole generation. I hope psycatrists will honor your contribution to "science".
  7. I haven't been banned in Google unlike you https://www.google.ca/search?q=ircc+funding+2018&oq=ircc+funding&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.7108j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  8. I'm definately a troll. The problem is ... can you think or not...
  9. First, don't tell me how to conduct my conversation and I won't tell you where you should go... ok? It's internet, baby! Second, let's calculate the expenses on police. I bet they are also very hard to calculate. And... And what? Let's get rid of police? Let's get rid of IRCC? Let's get rid of court system? Why not? Every country has immigrants and HAS to have an entity to deal with immigrants. This entity is from the same range as police and courts. It's essential for any country. So, what? You want to throw some number into my face and what? Does this number mean something? Are you brothers with that one here who also likes absolute numbers which mean NOTHING without comparison? You're claiming to be some sort of intellectual while saying bs. It looks ridiculous.
  10. lol. So, you claim that you've calculated the impact of the immigrants' children on the Canadian economy, right? You say that the last cohort that arrived 25-30 years ago, right? So, how old are those children? Have they retired already? No? Then ///// your smart mouth. They are still paying taxes, dear. So, your calculation is not finished yet. And I used 1940, because I have brains. Or at least I try to think. Children of that generation most likely have already retired and don't pay taxes any more. P.S. I don't give a fuck about Trudo. Moreover, my favourite Canadian prime minister is Harper.
  11. I guess that you can see this figure in such a top secret document like budget. Stop funding that fuckin IRCC!!!!!!!!!!! No money on immigration. Let them walk here with no papers!!!!
  12. I'm very sorry that your father chose Canada as his and yours new home. He should have stayed where he came from, so that he wouldn't have caused "cultural enrichment" here.
  13. 99% of Japan population are Japanese. That's all you need to know... And it's aging. Wait a decade and see yourself where they will be... Would you like to immigrate to Japan? I bet no. And this is their problem (economical, demographical), but in your case they may be lucky. Did you say sorry for Perl Harbor? I'm sure they understood that you're an extremely bright person! Next time you visit Germany, say sorry for hitler... cool guy he was... artist...lol
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